How soon will Biden start another war?

We were warned about this from the Atlanta Jewish Times a decade ago, that Prez Biden would "forcefully dictate US foreign policy to help Israel obliterate its enemies."

BIden is Jewish and we are going to war with Iran. The only questions are when and why, likely more total fraud like 911, which Biden massively profited from according to Hunter's laptop.

If we do get another massive fraud like 911, Chris Wray at FBI will be part of it, as he was the Steal. Many of us believe the Steal was 100 percent about preventing Trump from getting the FBI 911 file to the public. Chris Wray and Biden are not going to allow the American people to see the truth in that file.

He is? I'll bet that is a surprise to him.
Biden is JEWISH!!!!! Don't tell the Pope.
I disagree with you on this one as well.
Saudi is Sunni and strongly supports Sunni over Shiites.
Assad is Shiite.
So the Saudis strongly want Assad out of power in Syria.
But since the Shiites are the minority, the only way to prevent massacres is by keeping the minority Shiites in power.

People talk about Iran being such a source of problems in the Mideast, but in my opinion the major source of problems is the Saudis, not the Iranians.
I just long for the day when we no longer depend on the petrodollar. It's the only real reason we get involved in the Middle East usually.

If we didn't have any need to maintain it, we could let the Saudis and Iranians fight each other without any care here.

lol, petrodolar is the only thing which keeps the US alive, without it Dollar Debt Pyramid would have collapsed long ago burying US economy and the country... :)
I used to think that, but now that China is burying itself in debt and the EU can't get its shit together, I think the dollar would be fine without the oil trade. We'd still need to make certain adjustments, however.

Chinese debt is domestic and is a subject of government's administration. Also Yan is not a freely convertable currency.

While US debt is to big extent is foreign and US does not control many of its holders.

Dollar cannot be fine if Dollar zone shrinks, multiplying debt/currency zone ratio, while Yuan zone cannot shrink.


Who Owns the US National Debt?
The Biggest Owner Is Not Foreign Entities, but U.S. Taxpayers

Wrong answer, penis breath!

the biggest owner of US national debt soon will be the Fed, if it is not already :)
like in the biggest World debtor (among big economies) and a walking corpse Japan

US is turning into Zimbabwe and Venezuela with Central bank monetizing the debt fast...

but concwrning the subject - if we talk about devaluation of dollar - even present share of foreigners in US, debt can devaluate Dollar if they flee.

plus, add to this all investors in US shares..
I used to think that, but now that China is burying itself in debt and the EU can't get its shit together, I think the dollar would be fine without the oil trade. We'd still need to make certain adjustments, however.

Chinese debt is domestic and is a subject of government's administration. Also Yan is not a freely convertable currency.

While US debt is to big extent is foreign and US does not control many of its holders.

Dollar cannot be fine if Dollar zone shrinks, multiplying debt/currency zone ratio, while Yuan zone cannot shrink.

State control over currency "range", so to speak, does not equal stability. If it was that simple, Zimbabwe would be just fine right now.

I did not say state control over currency is equial to stability, I said :

1) Yuan flows in and out of the country are controlled, unlike Dollar, so sudden disbalance in flows aka sudden and big currency rate fluctuation is unlikely with Yian.

2) and what is more important - Yuan circulates only in China and its zone cannot shrink at all.

while Dollar circulates mostly abroad and when now Fed pritns money - you don't have hyperinflation only becouse trillions of fresh dollars pour outside.

If Dollar zones shrinks, these dolars will create giant oversupply of money in the US, over demand on material goods, which is exactly Zimbabwe and Venezuela situation.

Actually, the YS us already Venezueka with postponed implementation. And every decrease of dollar usage in the World is very dangerouse. We can discuss only the limin of this decrease when it starts being lethal.

Cool story bro. How about you make an actual testable prediction? When is this hyper-inflation taking place?

If only I had a dollar for everytime someone on the internets was mouthing off about "inflation will go through the roof any second now!".

in the West demand on basic goods has reached its natural limit long ago, you will not be able to eat 30 hamburgers a day even if given a billion $, you will spend in on housing, health care and education, and will invest it in stocks as next step - and these are the sphetes where inflation is accumulated.

look at S&P and tell me that stocks growth really reflects growith of revenues, right in the moment when economy slumps...

all stocks growth is nothing at all but accelerating inflation.
plus even CPI growth starts accelerating..

Wtf? Inflation is defined by the cost of goods, not the cost of stocks.

Do you know anything about economics?

unless you are a cavemen you may have met goods not in form of physical stuff, like goods in form of services - healthcare, education, cleaning etc., or in form of virtual stuff, like trademarks, good will etc, or stocks.

all these are goods and whenever you talk about prices - inflation is a legitimate subject of study :)

seems you have a lousy American education.. :)

Goods and services are two completely different items. Trademarks have no value. It looks like someone had a lousy education, and it was not American.

cars and tomatoes are two comlerely different items too, but both can be subject of inflation :)

it is really srunning that such once an economically successful coubtry as the US can have such an economically ignorant and dumb population :)
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama had nothing to do with the Arab Spring or the al Houthis overthrowing the government in Yemen.
lol, the Big Middle East and export of "democracy" into the reguin was exactly Obama's idea

You don't know anything about the ME.. The US would have been happy with the status quo.. We have no magic influence over the Arab Spring. NONE.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama had nothing to do with the Arab Spring or the al Houthis overthrowing the government in Yemen.
lol, the Big Middle East and export of "democracy" into the reguin was exactly Obama's idea

You don't know anything about the ME.. The US would have been happy with the status quo.. We have no magic influence over the Arab Spring. NONE.

We know than nobody here know anything about the ME except you :) If you were a guard in US embassy in Libya it still doesn't make you an expert.. :)

I already asked you, do you speak Arabic? I bet you don't. And how can you know the ME and its policy if you don't understand what politicions say and what is going on, except a small fraction of news which is translated into English and usually distorted by Western media?
Don't you know that Western press is full of propagandist stamps, misinformation and intentional manipulation? :)

The Democrats didn't cause the housing bubble.

Bush Pushes Minority Homeownership - Los Angeles Times
Jun 18, 2002 · President Bush on Monday promoted his campaign to boost homeownership among minorities, saying he wanted the number of black and Latino homeowners to increase by at least 5.5 million by the end of...

Bush pushes home ownership opportunities for minorities ...
Mar 27, 2004 · PHOENIX -- President Bush traveled to two swing states with sizable Hispanic populations yesterday and talked up his proposals to increase home ownership opportunities for minorities.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama had nothing to do with the Arab Spring or the al Houthis overthrowing the government in Yemen.
lol, the Big Middle East and export of "democracy" into the reguin was exactly Obama's idea

You don't know anything about the ME.. The US would have been happy with the status quo.. We have no magic influence over the Arab Spring. NONE.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama had nothing to do with the Arab Spring or the al Houthis overthrowing the government in Yemen.
lol, the Big Middle East and export of "democracy" into the reguin was exactly Obama's idea

You don't know anything about the ME.. The US would have been happy with the status quo.. We have no magic influence over the Arab Spring. NONE.

lol, status quo - like in Syria?
this might be the reason the US flooded islamist groups with weapons and was directly trying to create own islamist pocket army, but failed... :)
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama had nothing to do with the Arab Spring or the al Houthis overthrowing the government in Yemen.
lol, the Big Middle East and export of "democracy" into the reguin was exactly Obama's idea

You don't know anything about the ME.. The US would have been happy with the status quo.. We have no magic influence over the Arab Spring. NONE.

We know than nobody here know anything about the ME except you :) If you were a guard in US embassy in Libya it still doesn't make you an expert.. :)

I already asked you, do you speak Arabic? I bet you don't. And how can you know the ME and its policy if you don't understand what politicions say and what is going on, except a small fraction of news which is translated into English and usually distorted by Western media?
Don't you know that Western press is full of propagandist stamps, misinformation and intentional manipulation? :)

I lived across the street from the US Embassy and down the block from the palace.. My father monitored communication and the political winds.

The Democrats didn't cause the housing bubble.

Bush Pushes Minority Homeownership - Los Angeles Times
Jun 18, 2002 · President Bush on Monday promoted his campaign to boost homeownership among minorities, saying he wanted the number of black and Latino homeowners to increase by at least 5.5 million by the end of...

Bush pushes home ownership opportunities for minorities ...
Mar 27, 2004 · PHOENIX -- President Bush traveled to two swing states with sizable Hispanic populations yesterday and talked up his proposals to increase home ownership opportunities for minorities.

lol, you are right, but in other way than you think.

Obama created a super bubble,nit just housing bubble, when in his term the Fed printed several times more money than all US presidents conbined before him.

though, to be fair, Trump in carantine printed even more, equial to all US presidents + Obama :)

But Biden has a good chance to excede them all combined, since Ponzi scheme wants more money to live!!!
Last edited:
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama had nothing to do with the Arab Spring or the al Houthis overthrowing the government in Yemen.
lol, the Big Middle East and export of "democracy" into the reguin was exactly Obama's idea

You don't know anything about the ME.. The US would have been happy with the status quo.. We have no magic influence over the Arab Spring. NONE.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama had nothing to do with the Arab Spring or the al Houthis overthrowing the government in Yemen.
lol, the Big Middle East and export of "democracy" into the reguin was exactly Obama's idea

You don't know anything about the ME.. The US would have been happy with the status quo.. We have no magic influence over the Arab Spring. NONE.

lol, status quo - like in Syria?
this might be the reason the US flooded islamist groups with weapons and was directly trying to create own islamist pocket army, but failed... :)

You don't know anything about Syria either. ISIS filled any void. ISIS was one outcome of the invasion of Iraq.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama had nothing to do with the Arab Spring or the al Houthis overthrowing the government in Yemen.
lol, the Big Middle East and export of "democracy" into the reguin was exactly Obama's idea

You don't know anything about the ME.. The US would have been happy with the status quo.. We have no magic influence over the Arab Spring. NONE.

We know than nobody here know anything about the ME except you :) If you were a guard in US embassy in Libya it still doesn't make you an expert.. :)

I already asked you, do you speak Arabic? I bet you don't. And how can you know the ME and its policy if you don't understand what politicions say and what is going on, except a small fraction of news which is translated into English and usually distorted by Western media?
Don't you know that Western press is full of propagandist stamps, misinformation and intentional manipulation? :)

I lived across the street from the US Embassy and down the block from the palace.. My father monitored communication and the political winds.

which street? was it Fashloom area?

so, you don't speak Arabic, but are still a unique specialist on the ME... :)
Why would the Atlanta Jewish Times write that if Biden was not Jewish?


A Jew is someone who claims to be a Jew. Nobody Jewish has ever lied.

Heiden Wyden Biden - all three
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama had nothing to do with the Arab Spring or the al Houthis overthrowing the government in Yemen.
lol, the Big Middle East and export of "democracy" into the reguin was exactly Obama's idea

You don't know anything about the ME.. The US would have been happy with the status quo.. We have no magic influence over the Arab Spring. NONE.

We know than nobody here know anything about the ME except you :) If you were a guard in US embassy in Libya it still doesn't make you an expert.. :)

I already asked you, do you speak Arabic? I bet you don't. And how can you know the ME and its policy if you don't understand what politicions say and what is going on, except a small fraction of news which is translated into English and usually distorted by Western media?
Don't you know that Western press is full of propagandist stamps, misinformation and intentional manipulation? :)

I lived across the street from the US Embassy and down the block from the palace.. My father monitored communication and the political winds.

which street? was it Fashloom area?

so, you don't speak Arabic, but are still a unique specialist on the ME... :)

Idris built the palace.. If my memory is accurate it was on Bab al-Azizia. I think its a complete ruin now.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama had nothing to do with the Arab Spring or the al Houthis overthrowing the government in Yemen.
lol, the Big Middle East and export of "democracy" into the reguin was exactly Obama's idea

You don't know anything about the ME.. The US would have been happy with the status quo.. We have no magic influence over the Arab Spring. NONE.

We know than nobody here know anything about the ME except you :) If you were a guard in US embassy in Libya it still doesn't make you an expert.. :)

I already asked you, do you speak Arabic? I bet you don't. And how can you know the ME and its policy if you don't understand what politicions say and what is going on, except a small fraction of news which is translated into English and usually distorted by Western media?
Don't you know that Western press is full of propagandist stamps, misinformation and intentional manipulation? :)

I lived across the street from the US Embassy and down the block from the palace.. My father monitored communication and the political winds.

which street? was it Fashloom area?

so, you don't speak Arabic, but are still a unique specialist on the ME... :)

Idris built the palace.. If my memory is accurate it was on Bab al-Azizia. I think its a complete ruin now.

oh, you seem to have been in Libya, but did not frequent the capital itself.. :)

no, Bab al Azizia is much further to the south from the palace, the palace was in the City of gardens...
Last edited:
I used to think that, but now that China is burying itself in debt and the EU can't get its shit together, I think the dollar would be fine without the oil trade. We'd still need to make certain adjustments, however.

Chinese debt is domestic and is a subject of government's administration. Also Yan is not a freely convertable currency.

While US debt is to big extent is foreign and US does not control many of its holders.

Dollar cannot be fine if Dollar zone shrinks, multiplying debt/currency zone ratio, while Yuan zone cannot shrink.

State control over currency "range", so to speak, does not equal stability. If it was that simple, Zimbabwe would be just fine right now.

I did not say state control over currency is equial to stability, I said :

1) Yuan flows in and out of the country are controlled, unlike Dollar, so sudden disbalance in flows aka sudden and big currency rate fluctuation is unlikely with Yian.

2) and what is more important - Yuan circulates only in China and its zone cannot shrink at all.

while Dollar circulates mostly abroad and when now Fed pritns money - you don't have hyperinflation only becouse trillions of fresh dollars pour outside.

If Dollar zones shrinks, these dolars will create giant oversupply of money in the US, over demand on material goods, which is exactly Zimbabwe and Venezuela situation.

Actually, the YS us already Venezueka with postponed implementation. And every decrease of dollar usage in the World is very dangerouse. We can discuss only the limin of this decrease when it starts being lethal.
I can agree that all of the Fed printing puts us at risk, but until another currency becomes the world's favored one, we have a lot of flexibility in terms of printing. It is precisely because of the Yuan's controls that it won't become that currency. The only real competitor to the dollar's dominance is the Euro, but the EU has been very dysfunctional as of late.

not really
yes, you have big flexibility and geberally ability at all to print huge volumes of dollars - but not jnlimitedas the Fed seems to think, since as I said inflation already starts accelerating and the end is coming closer even while Dollar is still the World trade and reserve curency (while its share in trade gradually decreases)..

but digital Yuan which is to be introduced soon will make much broader trade ooerations in Yuan possible even with all Chinese controls kept in place.

you can mark all digital Yuans so no need to limit all capital flows to avoid some specific leaks

Can you tell me where the Federal Reserve's printing presses are located?
Why would the Atlanta Jewish Times write that if Biden was not Jewish?


A Jew is someone who claims to be a Jew. Nobody Jewish has ever lied.

Heiden Wyden Biden - all three

Why would the media call Obama the first Black president, when he obviously had a white mother? They lied. He was mixed race.

Why would the media call Kamal Harris the first Black vice-president when her father is mixed race and her mother was Eastern Indian. They lied. She is mixed race also.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama had nothing to do with the Arab Spring or the al Houthis overthrowing the government in Yemen.
lol, the Big Middle East and export of "democracy" into the reguin was exactly Obama's idea

WTF is a "reguin"?
I disagree with you on this one as well.
Saudi is Sunni and strongly supports Sunni over Shiites.
Assad is Shiite.
So the Saudis strongly want Assad out of power in Syria.
But since the Shiites are the minority, the only way to prevent massacres is by keeping the minority Shiites in power.

People talk about Iran being such a source of problems in the Mideast, but in my opinion the major source of problems is the Saudis, not the Iranians.
I just long for the day when we no longer depend on the petrodollar. It's the only real reason we get involved in the Middle East usually.

If we didn't have any need to maintain it, we could let the Saudis and Iranians fight each other without any care here.

lol, petrodolar is the only thing which keeps the US alive, without it Dollar Debt Pyramid would have collapsed long ago burying US economy and the country... :)
I used to think that, but now that China is burying itself in debt and the EU can't get its shit together, I think the dollar would be fine without the oil trade. We'd still need to make certain adjustments, however.

Chinese debt is domestic and is a subject of government's administration. Also Yan is not a freely convertable currency.

While US debt is to big extent is foreign and US does not control many of its holders.

Dollar cannot be fine if Dollar zone shrinks, multiplying debt/currency zone ratio, while Yuan zone cannot shrink.


Who Owns the US National Debt?
The Biggest Owner Is Not Foreign Entities, but U.S. Taxpayers

Wrong answer, penis breath!

the biggest owner of US national debt soon will be the Fed, if it is not already :)
like in the biggest World debtor (among big economies) and a walking corpse Japan

US is turning into Zimbabwe and Venezuela with Central bank monetizing the debt fast...

but concwrning the subject - if we talk about devaluation of dollar - even present share of foreigners in US, debt can devaluate Dollar if they flee.

plus, add to this all investors in US shares..

You realize that English is beyond your abilities. Right?
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama didn't start any wars.. Syria was spiraling out of control from 2005 thru 2011.
Obama used our military to oust the lawful leader of Libya. See how that turned out? Clinton invaded Haiti, a sovereign nation. You folks seem to ignore reality when it suits you.

Clinton did the UN's bidding in Haiti.

No, he did it because he wanted to, we have veto power in the UN.
Trump was the only US, president for decades which did not start a war.
Clinton, Obama, Carter, Ford...none of 'em started wars.
Clinton , obama started wars trump and Carter did not

Obama had nothing to do with the Arab Spring or the al Houthis overthrowing the government in Yemen.
lol, the Big Middle East and export of "democracy" into the reguin was exactly Obama's idea

You don't know anything about the ME.. The US would have been happy with the status quo.. We have no magic influence over the Arab Spring. NONE.

We know than nobody here know anything about the ME except you :) If you were a guard in US embassy in Libya it still doesn't make you an expert.. :)

I already asked you, do you speak Arabic? I bet you don't. And how can you know the ME and its policy if you don't understand what politicions say and what is going on, except a small fraction of news which is translated into English and usually distorted by Western media?
Don't you know that Western press is full of propagandist stamps, misinformation and intentional manipulation? :)

I lived across the street from the US Embassy and down the block from the palace.. My father monitored communication and the political winds.

which street? was it Fashloom area?

so, you don't speak Arabic, but are still a unique specialist on the ME... :)

Idris built the palace.. If my memory is accurate it was on Bab al-Azizia. I think its a complete ruin now.

oh, you seem to have been in Libya, but did not frequent the capital itself.. :)

no, Bab al Azizia is much further to the south from the palace, the palace was in the City of gardens...

I know its in the south center of Tripoli.. A lot has happened since 1970 when Gaddafi took over the Idris Palace.

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