How stupid are people on the left?

I wasn't referring to Judge Judy the show but Judge Judy the person. That is her title.
Thats impossible. You specifically used the possessive form "Judge Judy's". If you were talking about the person you would have left off the "s". Now your compounding your lie with another lie.

That was a misspelled word. It should be easy to point out since there is no object for the possessive word to posses after that. I don't know what else to tell you on that.
This your third lie on the subject. Your claim is that you appended an apostrophe and the letter "s" to the word "Judy" and expect people to believe it was a typo? How does one accidentally do that? What you must be saying is that either you are illiterate or you are lying. Which one is it?

It is the same answer to the question what state Obama was born in which is, of course, NONE OF THE ABOVE.
Now you think your deflection is going to cover your lie? How did you accidentally append an apostrophe and the letter "s" on Judy?

How does anyone mistype something. I wll doe ih rigt now. It happens.
Thats impossible. You specifically used the possessive form "Judge Judy's". If you were talking about the person you would have left off the "s". Now your compounding your lie with another lie.

That was a misspelled word. It should be easy to point out since there is no object for the possessive word to posses after that. I don't know what else to tell you on that.
This your third lie on the subject. Your claim is that you appended an apostrophe and the letter "s" to the word "Judy" and expect people to believe it was a typo? How does one accidentally do that? What you must be saying is that either you are illiterate or you are lying. Which one is it?

It is the same answer to the question what state Obama was born in which is, of course, NONE OF THE ABOVE.
Now you think your deflection is going to cover your lie? How did you accidentally append an apostrophe and the letter "s" on Judy?

How does anyone mistype something. I wll doe ih rigt now. It happens.
No one accidentally mistypes an apostrophe and the letter s perfectly appending it to a persons name. The keys are on two separate sides of the keyboard. You'd have to be having a seizure at the time. You did it because you were watching the show.
Even more disturbing is the OP said he was watching Judge Judy then he lied and denied it. All this in an OP about truth.

Completely irrational. I said I saw Judge Judy on a show. I didn't say it was her show. I said it was A show with her on it. She does do other appearances on other shows from time to time.
Nope thats not what you said. You need to read your own OP. Please quote where you say you were watching anything other than Judge Judy. its OK you were caught lying but I did tell you that you had a hard time telling the truth.

"I was just watching Judge Judy's telling everyone she thinks that Bernie Sanders believes he is telling the truth. THat is an accurate statement but believing you are telling the truth and actually telling the truth are two different things. Despite this the audience cheered as if she was saying Bernie is telling the truth. Don't people know the fucking difference?"

I wasn't referring to Judge Judy the show but Judge Judy the person. That is her title.
Thats impossible. You specifically used the possessive form "Judge Judy's". If you were talking about the person you would have left off the "s". Now your compounding your lie with another lie.

That was a misspelled word. It should be easy to point out since there is no object for the possessive word to posses after that. I don't know what else to tell you on that.

OK the dig on Judge Judy wasn't supposed to generate this much conversation....
Completely irrational. I said I saw Judge Judy on a show. I didn't say it was her show. I said it was A show with her on it. She does do other appearances on other shows from time to time.
Nope thats not what you said. You need to read your own OP. Please quote where you say you were watching anything other than Judge Judy. its OK you were caught lying but I did tell you that you had a hard time telling the truth.

"I was just watching Judge Judy's telling everyone she thinks that Bernie Sanders believes he is telling the truth. THat is an accurate statement but believing you are telling the truth and actually telling the truth are two different things. Despite this the audience cheered as if she was saying Bernie is telling the truth. Don't people know the fucking difference?"

I wasn't referring to Judge Judy the show but Judge Judy the person. That is her title.
Thats impossible. You specifically used the possessive form "Judge Judy's". If you were talking about the person you would have left off the "s". Now your compounding your lie with another lie.

That was a misspelled word. It should be easy to point out since there is no object for the possessive word to posses after that. I don't know what else to tell you on that.

OK the dig on Judge Judy wasn't supposed to generate this much conversation....
Due to his yearning to appear as a serious interlocutor, instead of telling the truth he lied then lied to cover that lie. It would have been faster and taken up less bandwidth if he simply admitted the truth.
Nope thats not what you said. You need to read your own OP. Please quote where you say you were watching anything other than Judge Judy. its OK you were caught lying but I did tell you that you had a hard time telling the truth.

"I was just watching Judge Judy's telling everyone she thinks that Bernie Sanders believes he is telling the truth. THat is an accurate statement but believing you are telling the truth and actually telling the truth are two different things. Despite this the audience cheered as if she was saying Bernie is telling the truth. Don't people know the fucking difference?"

I wasn't referring to Judge Judy the show but Judge Judy the person. That is her title.
Thats impossible. You specifically used the possessive form "Judge Judy's". If you were talking about the person you would have left off the "s". Now your compounding your lie with another lie.

That was a misspelled word. It should be easy to point out since there is no object for the possessive word to posses after that. I don't know what else to tell you on that.

OK the dig on Judge Judy wasn't supposed to generate this much conversation....
Due to his yearning to appear as a serious interlocutor, instead of telling the truth he lied then lied to cover that lie. It would have been faster and taken up less bandwidth if he simply admitted the truth.

I mistyped this

fugk yoi.
Slightly less stupid than people on the right?

Nope, you got it wrong.

Cognitive ability and party identity in the United States

But thanks for proving beyond reasonable doubt, that you are not the exceedingly rare regressive, who is smart.

Speak for yourself.

Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals?

Comparing strong Republicans with strong Democrats, Carl finds that Republicans have a 5.48 IQ point advantage over Democrats. Broadening party affiliation to include moderate to merely leaning respondents still results in a Republican advantage of 3.47 IQ points and 2.47 IQ points respectively. Carl reconciles his findings with the social science literature that reports that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives by proposing that Americans with classically liberal beliefs are even smarter. Carl further reports that those who endorse both social conservatism and economic statism also have lower verbal IQ scores.

"Overall, my findings suggest that higher intelligence among classically liberal Republicans compensates for lower intelligence among socially conservative Republicans," concludes Carl. If the dumb, I mean socially conservative, Republicans keep disrespecting us classical liberals, we'll take our IQ points and go home.

As gratifying as Carl's research findings are, it is still a deep puzzle to me why it apparently takes high intelligence to understand that the government should stay out of both the bedroom and the boardroom.
Slightly less stupid than people on the right?

Nope, you got it wrong.

Cognitive ability and party identity in the United States

But thanks for proving beyond reasonable doubt, that you are not the exceedingly rare regressive, who is smart.

Speak for yourself.

Are Conservatives Dumber Than Liberals?

Comparing strong Republicans with strong Democrats, Carl finds that Republicans have a 5.48 IQ point advantage over Democrats. Broadening party affiliation to include moderate to merely leaning respondents still results in a Republican advantage of 3.47 IQ points and 2.47 IQ points respectively. Carl reconciles his findings with the social science literature that reports that liberals are more intelligent than conservatives by proposing that Americans with classically liberal beliefs are even smarter. Carl further reports that those who endorse both social conservatism and economic statism also have lower verbal IQ scores.

"Overall, my findings suggest that higher intelligence among classically liberal Republicans compensates for lower intelligence among socially conservative Republicans," concludes Carl. If the dumb, I mean socially conservative, Republicans keep disrespecting us classical liberals, we'll take our IQ points and go home.

As gratifying as Carl's research findings are, it is still a deep puzzle to me why it apparently takes high intelligence to understand that the government should stay out of both the bedroom and the boardroom.

I think most studies show that people are liberally minded are smarter than those who are not. I'm not comparing 'liberals' to 'conservatives' in the political sense but this applies to people who have a liberal mindset to those who don't. People who can adjust to changing work enviroments. I'm talking about those kind of people.

I know I am going to get heat for this....
A SNL skit where Tina Fey was playing Sarah Palin and one line was of Tina Fey saying "I can see Russia from my house"...people actually believed Sarah Palin said that exact same thing because it was repeated over and over again.

The old Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that Mitt Romney paid no taxes and the media repeated it over and over again...people believed it.

If you repeat a lie enough, it will become truth even if the truth is known. This is because of how separated we are as a nation.

As long as the lie discredits or embarrasses the other side, the truth is not cared about.
I was just watching Judge Judy's telling everyone she thinks that Bernie Sanders believes he is telling the truth. THat is an accurate statement but believing you are telling the truth and actually telling the truth are two different things. Despite this the audience cheered as if she was saying Bernie is telling the truth. Don't people know the fucking difference?
How stupid are people on the Left? Probably more stupid than Trump supporters. But not by much.
I was just watching Judge Judy's telling everyone she thinks that Bernie Sanders believes he is telling the truth. THat is an accurate statement but believing you are telling the truth and actually telling the truth are two different things. Despite this the audience cheered as if she was saying Bernie is telling the truth. Don't people know the fucking difference?
How stupid are people on the Left? Probably more stupid than Trump supporters. But not by much.
Pretty sure there is nothing on the planet more stupid than a Trump supporter with normal GOP voters running a close second.

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