How Ted Cruz Can Still Beat Trump

Cruz has to do well on March 1, or he has little chance.

His only chance after that will be to beat Rubio in the delegate count and hope to over-take Trump at the convention.

Yes racist far left drone Trolls are pulling for Rubio!

Tell us, who's winning the parrot vote?

Silly racist far left drone Troll!

Clinton is winning your vote!

Not like you drones actually get a choice in your nominations!
Parrot No.gif
Cruz has to do well on March 1, or he has little chance.

His only chance after that will be to beat Rubio in the delegate count and hope to over-take Trump at the convention.

Yes racist far left drone Trolls are pulling for Rubio!

Tell us, who's winning the parrot vote?
This from a far left drone claiming to be republican, now that is comedy!

Seriously you can not make this stuff up!
So since you can't show my politics on this are wrong, you attack me :lol:, meaning you have lost the discussion. Get back to the OP. Cruz can still beat Trump.

Once again you can not make this stuff up!

Silly far left drone!
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Cruz has to do well on March 1, or he has little chance.

His only chance after that will be to beat Rubio in the delegate count and hope to over-take Trump at the convention.

Yes racist far left drone Trolls are pulling for Rubio!

Tell us, who's winning the parrot vote?

And this is how far left drones act when faced with facts!

Rubio is a warmonger that is why the far left is really behind him!
Cruz has to do well on March 1, or he has little chance.

His only chance after that will be to beat Rubio in the delegate count and hope to over-take Trump at the convention.

Yes racist far left drone Trolls are pulling for Rubio!

Tell us, who's winning the parrot vote?

Silly racist far left drone Troll!

Clinton is winning your vote!

Not like you drones actually get a choice in your nominations!
Kosh has the parrot vote.

View attachment 64430

More proof that the far left hates dealing with facts!

You have to come to the (R)'s to pick as you know that you do not have a choice in your nominations!
Cruz won't take Texas and there's no way he splits the South. He lost the Evangelical vote in SC and thats very telling/troubling for him. I think we're going to see Rubio as the new number 2 guy and Cruz will continue to cruise to 3rd place finishes.
Sil has pointed out how to get the evangelical vote back. If Cruz does that, yes, he takes Texas and splits the South.
Once you lose the evangelical never go back :)
What a silly comment. Cruz hits Trump on abortion and gay marriage, he gets the evangelicals back in a heart beat.
Evangelicals don't trust Cruz dude. His lies are catching up to him. If he wouldn't all out lie he could possibly win back that vote but there is a huge trust issue with him.
There sure seemed to be an issue in SC with that. Let's see what Cruz does between now and then. He has to come out hammering on gay marriage and abortion, seeing if he can bend Trump back to positions that may harm him in a national election. Cruz now has to worry only about winning the nomination before he can worry about winning the national.

Cruz came in third in a southern state. He will finish no better than third the rest of the way. With Bush out Rubio will pick up the majority of his votes. If Kasich drops out, they will mostly go to Rubio. If Carson drops, his votes will go to Trump and Cruz. When Cruz drops out most of his support will go to Rubio.

Rubio will become the big winner as people drop out Trump will not garner more than 35%-40% of the GOP he has crested.
Kosh has been given the facts and the numbers and analysis and all he can do is

Parrot No.gif
Sil has pointed out how to get the evangelical vote back. If Cruz does that, yes, he takes Texas and splits the South.
Once you lose the evangelical never go back :)
What a silly comment. Cruz hits Trump on abortion and gay marriage, he gets the evangelicals back in a heart beat.
Evangelicals don't trust Cruz dude. His lies are catching up to him. If he wouldn't all out lie he could possibly win back that vote but there is a huge trust issue with him.
There sure seemed to be an issue in SC with that. Let's see what Cruz does between now and then. He has to come out hammering on gay marriage and abortion, seeing if he can bend Trump back to positions that may harm him in a national election. Cruz now has to worry only about winning the nomination before he can worry about winning the national.

Cruz came in third in a southern state. He will finish no better than third the rest of the way. With Bush out Rubio will pick up the majority of his votes. If Kasich drops out, they will mostly go to Rubio. If Carson drops, his votes will go to Trump and Cruz. When Cruz drops out most of his support will go to Rubio.

Rubio will become the big winner as people drop out Trump will not garner more than 35%-40% of the GOP he has crested.
That is one scenario. The other is that Cruz can take it if he rebuilds his evangelical base, which he can do. The most likely scenario is a brokered convention, and Trump will get sold down the river.
Once you lose the evangelical never go back :)
What a silly comment. Cruz hits Trump on abortion and gay marriage, he gets the evangelicals back in a heart beat.
Evangelicals don't trust Cruz dude. His lies are catching up to him. If he wouldn't all out lie he could possibly win back that vote but there is a huge trust issue with him.
There sure seemed to be an issue in SC with that. Let's see what Cruz does between now and then. He has to come out hammering on gay marriage and abortion, seeing if he can bend Trump back to positions that may harm him in a national election. Cruz now has to worry only about winning the nomination before he can worry about winning the national.

Cruz came in third in a southern state. He will finish no better than third the rest of the way. With Bush out Rubio will pick up the majority of his votes. If Kasich drops out, they will mostly go to Rubio. If Carson drops, his votes will go to Trump and Cruz. When Cruz drops out most of his support will go to Rubio.

Rubio will become the big winner as people drop out Trump will not garner more than 35%-40% of the GOP he has crested.
That is one scenario. The other is that Cruz can take it if he rebuilds his evangelical base, which he can do. The most likely scenario is a brokered convention, and Trump will get sold down the river.

If Kasich bows out quickly, Rubio will surge to the top. If not, Cruz will do well. I don't think the evangelical base is committed enough to Cruz. I could be wrong but his reputation in the last couple weeks has taken a hit. You may be right but I think Rubio winning out is the most likely scenario as the Republicans needs to rally around a real Republican, that leaves Trump out. Sad but Trump is a better alternative than Clinton. Also if Trump and Sanders win out, I am undecided on what is best for the country. Between Trump and Clinton, I'll take Trump. If Trumps is not the nominee, I'd take the Republican.
What a silly comment. Cruz hits Trump on abortion and gay marriage, he gets the evangelicals back in a heart beat.
Evangelicals don't trust Cruz dude. His lies are catching up to him. If he wouldn't all out lie he could possibly win back that vote but there is a huge trust issue with him.
There sure seemed to be an issue in SC with that. Let's see what Cruz does between now and then. He has to come out hammering on gay marriage and abortion, seeing if he can bend Trump back to positions that may harm him in a national election. Cruz now has to worry only about winning the nomination before he can worry about winning the national.

Cruz came in third in a southern state. He will finish no better than third the rest of the way. With Bush out Rubio will pick up the majority of his votes. If Kasich drops out, they will mostly go to Rubio. If Carson drops, his votes will go to Trump and Cruz. When Cruz drops out most of his support will go to Rubio.

Rubio will become the big winner as people drop out Trump will not garner more than 35%-40% of the GOP he has crested.
That is one scenario. The other is that Cruz can take it if he rebuilds his evangelical base, which he can do. The most likely scenario is a brokered convention, and Trump will get sold down the river.

If Kasich bows out quickly, Rubio will surge to the top. If not, Cruz will do well. I don't think the evangelical base is committed enough to Cruz. I could be wrong but his reputation in the last couple weeks has taken a hit. You may be right but I think Rubio winning out is the most likely scenario as the Republicans needs to rally around a real Republican, that leaves Trump out. Sad but Trump is a better alternative than Clinton. Also if Trump and Sanders win out, I am undecided on what is best for the country. Between Trump and Clinton, I'll take Trump. If Trumps is not the nominee, I'd take the Republican.
The bolded above is the point. Can Cruz get the evangelicals as a major base once again? If so, he has a chance. If not, he is finished, yes. If it is DT and HRC, I am trying to see if I can vote for him or leave that part of the ballot blank. I know many GOP who will vote HRC before they will Trump.
Well, that's wrong. Ben's people will go to Cruz. Kasich's will go to Rubio. None is going to Trump.

After what Cruz did to Carson in Iowa?


Well Carson could very well throw his support to Trump!
Most likely not. He does not like Cruz, yes, but he despises Trump.

Silly far left drone!

You never know what deals are made at the time to get one's endorsements!

Just look at your picks in 2004 with Kerry/Edwards.
Ask yourselves who Ronald Reagan would endorse. Trump's language and insults wouldn't endear him to Dutch. Cruz he'd see through in a heartbeat given the sleazy tactics of his campaign. Kasich knew Reagan and would probably get the nod until he drops out and then it would be Rubio. :wink_2:
Ask yourselves who Ronald Reagan would endorse. Trump's language and insults wouldn't endear him to Dutch. Cruz he'd see through in a heartbeat given the sleazy tactics of his campaign. Kasich knew Reagan and would probably get the nod until he drops out and then it would be Rubio. :wink_2:

Bush would have got the Reagan endorsement!

Simply because of Jeb's Dad!
Well, that's wrong. Ben's people will go to Cruz. Kasich's will go to Rubio. None is going to Trump.

After what Cruz did to Carson in Iowa?


Well Carson could very well throw his support to Trump!
Most likely not. He does not like Cruz, yes, but he despises Trump.
Silly far left drone! You never know what deals are made at the time to get one's endorsements! Just look at your picks in 2004 with Kerry/Edwards.
You continue to fabricate.

I said Bush would win, and I was right.

I said Obama would win in 2008 and 2012.

I was way off in 2010 and right in 2014.

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