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How Textbooks Push Children to the Left

Just the fact they are "textbooks" will push them to the left.


True...Teaching science, tech and infrastructure will do that. The right made a big mistake going against modern civilization like this.

Common sense welfare reform and cutting of the waste is acceptable. What they're doing now is idiocy.
umm...Yeah...ok.. the more communism the better?:cuckoo:

Conservatives don't want children taught that it is okay to be gay. That is bigotry. That is teaching children, by the sin of omission, that bigotry is okay.

Then of course there's the conservative demands that religious mythology be taught as science. That is ignorance. That is attempting to fool children into believing that ignorance is wisdom.

By all means, protect children from conservatism.

A persons sexual preferances should not be a subject in school..

When it's the reason that bigots victimize, ostracize, discriminate against, and otherwise abuse, it is a social issue,

and social issues have every right to a place in education. Not to mention homosexuality as a government issue...

...is government an out of bounds topic in education?
Conservatives don't want children taught that it is okay to be gay. That is bigotry. That is teaching children, by the sin of omission, that bigotry is okay.

Then of course there's the conservative demands that religious mythology be taught as science. That is ignorance. That is attempting to fool children into believing that ignorance is wisdom.

By all means, protect children from conservatism.

A persons sexual preferances should not be a subject in school..

When it's the reason that bigots victimize, ostracize, discriminate against, and otherwise abuse, it is a social issue,

and social issues have every right to a place in education. Not to mention homosexuality as a government issue...

...is government an out of bounds topic in education?

Not if you talk about wanting to tear it down.

Some policies and subjects that Republicans feel are out of bounds:


rebuilding America

Bush disasters

minority rights

In other words, BRAINWASH them. :rolleyes:

Conservatism is the barrier to progress. Children need to learn that. If the child, once armed with the knowledge of that absolute truth, decides that it is best that the human race not progress,

then that's his business and he is free to act accordingly, for instance, free to turn into someone like you.
Doesn't it make you proud to know that since you can't get people to agree with you using facts and logic, you have to resort to government indoctrination of children too unsophisticated to question you?

Pathetically enough, yes, I do believe you ARE proud of that.

Texas Conservatives Win Curriculum Change
Published: March 12, 2010

AUSTIN, Tex. — After three days of turbulent meetings, the Texas Board of Education on Friday approved a social studies curriculum that will put a conservative stamp on history and economics textbooks, stressing the superiority of American capitalism, questioning the Founding Fathers’ commitment to a purely secular government and presenting Republican political philosophies in a more positive light.

The vote was 10 to 5 along party lines, with all the Republicans on the board voting for it.

The board, whose members are elected, has influence beyond Texas because the state is one of the largest buyers of textbooks. In the digital age, however, that influence has diminished as technological advances have made it possible for publishers to tailor books to individual states.

In recent years, board members have been locked in an ideological battle between a bloc of conservatives who question Darwin’s theory of evolution and believe the Founding Fathers were guided by Christian principles, and a handful of Democrats and moderate Republicans who have fought to preserve the teaching of Darwinism and the separation of church and state.

Since January, Republicans on the board have passed more than 100 amendments to the 120-page curriculum standards affecting history, sociology and economics courses from elementary to high school. The standards were proposed by a panel of teachers.

“We are adding balance,” said Dr. Don McLeroy, the leader of the conservative faction on the board, after the vote. “History has already been skewed. Academia is skewed too far to the left.”

Battles over what to put in science and history books have taken place for years in the 20 states where state boards must adopt textbooks, most notably in California and Texas. But rarely in recent history has a group of conservative board members left such a mark on a social studies curriculum.

Efforts by Hispanic board members to include more Latino figures as role models for the state’s large Hispanic population were consistently defeated, prompting one member, Mary Helen Berlanga, to storm out of a meeting late Thursday night, saying, “They can just pretend this is a white America and Hispanics don’t exist.”

“They are going overboard, they are not experts, they are not historians,” she said. “They are rewriting history, not only of Texas but of the United States and the world.”

The curriculum standards will now be published in a state register, opening them up for 30 days of public comment. A final vote will be taken in May, but given the Republican dominance of the board, it is unlikely that many changes will be made.

The standards, reviewed every decade, serve as a template for textbook publishers, who must come before the board next year with drafts of their books. The board’s makeup will have changed by then because Dr. McLeroy lost in a primary this month to a more moderate Republican, and two others — one Democrat and one conservative Republican — announced they were not seeking re-election.

There are seven members of the conservative bloc on the board, but they are often joined by one of the other three Republicans on crucial votes. There were no historians, sociologists or economists consulted at the meetings, though some members of the conservative bloc held themselves out as experts on certain topics.

The conservative members maintain that they are trying to correct what they see as a liberal bias among the teachers who proposed the curriculum. To that end, they made dozens of minor changes aimed at calling into question, among other things, concepts like the separation of church and state and the secular nature of the American Revolution.
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How about sticking to Math, science, reading, writing, history, economics, etc. Real topics that teach a real person to be intelligent.


How about widening the math so it is not algebra OR geometry but algebra, geometry AND Trigonometry ( and all others)?
and making science not biology OR chemistry, but biology, chemistry, anatomy AND physics?
how about history being a history not only of the US but European and World as well? with Ancient and Mideval history included?

How about geography studied in all dimensions, including economical as well?

There is plenty of subjects never even touched in American schools which are being studied everywhere else.
Doesn't it make you proud to know that since you can't get people to agree with you using facts and logic, you have to resort to government indoctrination of children too unsophisticated to question you?

Pathetically enough, yes, I do believe you ARE proud of that.

What are the facts and logic behind insisting that children be taught creationism as competing 'theory' to evolution?

Depends...The science class=evolution as that's science and the church(house of worphip) Creationism.

Conservatives want the made-up 'science' of Intelligent Design, which is nothing more than rebranded creationism,

taught in science class. Save our children from such abuse!!!!!!!!
from PoliticalJunky:
AUSTIN, Tex. &#8212; After three days of turbulent meetings, the Texas Board of Education on Friday approved a social studies curriculum that will put a conservative stamp on history and economics textbooks, stressing the superiority of American capitalism, questioning the Founding Fathers&#8217; commitment to a purely secular government and presenting Republican political philosophies in a more positive light.

And what is wrong with that? or it is libtard leftist agenda to be studied in a positive light only?

and since neither you, nor the author of the article knows ( being libtard brainwashed) - our Father's commitment was mostly in keeping our Government out from any public life, Churches included, not the other way around ( mandating what faith-based organizations should provide as a medical coverage) - which is a modern day doctrine of the left :lol:
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Conservatism is the barrier to progress. Children need to learn that. If the child, once armed with the knowledge of that absolute truth, decides that it is best that the human race not progress,

then that's his business and he is free to act accordingly, for instance, free to turn into someone like you.
Doesn't it make you proud to know that since you can't get people to agree with you using facts and logic, you have to resort to government indoctrination of children too unsophisticated to question you?

Pathetically enough, yes, I do believe you ARE proud of that.

What are the facts and logic behind insisting that children be taught creationism as competing 'theory' to evolution?
I feel no obligation to defend a position I haven't taken.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, do you acknowledge progressivism's failure to convince adults and that it must brainwash children to perpetuate itself?
A persons sexual preferances should not be a subject in school..

When it's the reason that bigots victimize, ostracize, discriminate against, and otherwise abuse, it is a social issue,

and social issues have every right to a place in education. Not to mention homosexuality as a government issue...

...is government an out of bounds topic in education?

Not if you talk about wanting to tear it down.

Some policies and subjects that Republicans feel are out of bounds:


rebuilding America

Bush disasters

minority rights


we get it

only minorities and liberals have civil rights
Conservatives don't want children taught that it is okay to be gay. That is bigotry. That is teaching children, by the sin of omission, that bigotry is okay.

Then of course there's the conservative demands that religious mythology be taught as science. That is ignorance. That is attempting to fool children into believing that ignorance is wisdom.

By all means, protect children from conservatism.
Say, I've got an idea! Let's teach kids reading, writing, math, science, and history (the REAL kind, not the Howard Zinn horseshit) and leave teaching values to the parents.

You will be utterly horrified at this idea.

That would be abusive to all the children of conservatives. I stand strong against child abuse.
You don't give a single shit about children. You want your bigotry forced into children's heads.

Teaching bigotry is child abuse. You said it yourself.
Spoken like a true statist drone...... BTW if you're quite finished sloganeering the next drone in line would like to use the brain now. :lol:

Would you like to point by point in history and determine whether every significant incidence of progress made by this country was or was not opposed by the conservatism of the times,

which opposed the change that the progress represented?

What kind of progress do you want? Not all progress is good. Going from the best educated country to the 17th isn't good. :eek: The break down of the family within the black community from 90% in 1960 staying together to 28% isn't good.

I will agree that a lot the liberal movement has done is good...But some not so.
Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the Soviet Union circa 1964.

That's progress. Right, Comrade Carby?
Conservatives don't want children taught that it is okay to be gay. That is bigotry. That is teaching children, by the sin of omission, that bigotry is okay.

Then of course there's the conservative demands that religious mythology be taught as science. That is ignorance. That is attempting to fool children into believing that ignorance is wisdom.

By all means, protect children from conservatism.

A persons sexual preferances should not be a subject in school..

When it's the reason that bigots victimize, ostracize, discriminate against, and otherwise abuse, it is a social issue,

and social issues have every right to a place in education. Not to mention homosexuality as a government issue...

...is government an out of bounds topic in education?
So why do you want your bigotry taught in school?

And yes, there can be no possible argument -- you ARE a bigot.
Conservatism is the barrier to progress. Children need to learn that. If the child, once armed with the knowledge of that absolute truth, decides that it is best that the human race not progress,

then that's his business and he is free to act accordingly, for instance, free to turn into someone like you.
Doesn't it make you proud to know that since you can't get people to agree with you using facts and logic, you have to resort to government indoctrination of children too unsophisticated to question you?

Pathetically enough, yes, I do believe you ARE proud of that.

Texas Conservatives Win Curriculum Change
Published: March 12, 2010

AUSTIN, Tex. — After three days of turbulent meetings, the Texas Board of Education on Friday approved a social studies curriculum that will put a conservative stamp on history and economics textbooks, stressing the superiority of American capitalism, questioning the Founding Fathers’ commitment to a purely secular government and presenting Republican political philosophies in a more positive light.

The vote was 10 to 5 along party lines, with all the Republicans on the board voting for it.

The board, whose members are elected, has influence beyond Texas because the state is one of the largest buyers of textbooks. In the digital age, however, that influence has diminished as technological advances have made it possible for publishers to tailor books to individual states.

In recent years, board members have been locked in an ideological battle between a bloc of conservatives who question Darwin’s theory of evolution and believe the Founding Fathers were guided by Christian principles, and a handful of Democrats and moderate Republicans who have fought to preserve the teaching of Darwinism and the separation of church and state.

Since January, Republicans on the board have passed more than 100 amendments to the 120-page curriculum standards affecting history, sociology and economics courses from elementary to high school. The standards were proposed by a panel of teachers.

“We are adding balance,” said Dr. Don McLeroy, the leader of the conservative faction on the board, after the vote. “History has already been skewed. Academia is skewed too far to the left.”

Battles over what to put in science and history books have taken place for years in the 20 states where state boards must adopt textbooks, most notably in California and Texas. But rarely in recent history has a group of conservative board members left such a mark on a social studies curriculum.

Efforts by Hispanic board members to include more Latino figures as role models for the state’s large Hispanic population were consistently defeated, prompting one member, Mary Helen Berlanga, to storm out of a meeting late Thursday night, saying, “They can just pretend this is a white America and Hispanics don’t exist.”

“They are going overboard, they are not experts, they are not historians,” she said. “They are rewriting history, not only of Texas but of the United States and the world.”

The curriculum standards will now be published in a state register, opening them up for 30 days of public comment. A final vote will be taken in May, but given the Republican dominance of the board, it is unlikely that many changes will be made.

The standards, reviewed every decade, serve as a template for textbook publishers, who must come before the board next year with drafts of their books. The board’s makeup will have changed by then because Dr. McLeroy lost in a primary this month to a more moderate Republican, and two others — one Democrat and one conservative Republican — announced they were not seeking re-election.

There are seven members of the conservative bloc on the board, but they are often joined by one of the other three Republicans on crucial votes. There were no historians, sociologists or economists consulted at the meetings, though some members of the conservative bloc held themselves out as experts on certain topics.

The conservative members maintain that they are trying to correct what they see as a liberal bias among the teachers who proposed the curriculum. To that end, they made dozens of minor changes aimed at calling into question, among other things, concepts like the separation of church and state and the secular nature of the American Revolution.
Good. They're teaching REAL history, not leftist revision. :thup:
Would you like to point by point in history and determine whether every significant incidence of progress made by this country was or was not opposed by the conservatism of the times,

which opposed the change that the progress represented?

What kind of progress do you want? Not all progress is good. Going from the best educated country to the 17th isn't good. :eek: The break down of the family within the black community from 90% in 1960 staying together to 28% isn't good.

I will agree that a lot the liberal movement has done is good...But some not so.
Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the Soviet Union circa 1964.

That's progress. Right, Comrade Carby?

You just hit the proverbial nail squarely on the head.

Progressives = Communists
How about sticking to Math, science, reading, writing, history, economics, etc. Real topics that teach a real person to be intelligent.


How about widening the math so it is not algebra OR geometry but algebra, geometry AND Trigonometry ( and all others)?
and making science not biology OR chemistry, but biology, chemistry, anatomy AND physics?
how about history being a history not only of the US but European and World as well? with Ancient and Mideval history included?

How about geography studied in all dimensions, including economical as well?

There is plenty of subjects never even touched in American schools which are being studied everywhere else.
No time. Too busy teaching Johnny that there are no wrong answers and handing out medals for participation.
What are the facts and logic behind insisting that children be taught creationism as competing 'theory' to evolution?

Depends...The science class=evolution as that's science and the church(house of worphip) Creationism.

Conservatives want the made-up 'science' of Intelligent Design, which is nothing more than rebranded creationism,

taught in science class. Save our children from such abuse!!!!!!!!
Not all conservatives -- but your bigotry won't let you acknowledge that.
What kind of progress do you want? Not all progress is good. Going from the best educated country to the 17th isn't good. :eek: The break down of the family within the black community from 90% in 1960 staying together to 28% isn't good.

I will agree that a lot the liberal movement has done is good...But some not so.
Progressives want the US to "progress" to the condition of the Soviet Union circa 1964.

That's progress. Right, Comrade Carby?

You just hit the proverbial nail squarely on the head.

Progressives = Communists
Same as it ever was. There is no doubt.
It is the moral responsibility of the educational system of any civilized society to protect that society's most vulnerable,

its children,

from the threat of the bigotry, inhumanity, and general ignorance of conservatism.

That's why they call it 'education'.
No. That's why they call it 'liberalism'. Liberals seem to think we should all think alike.

It is the moral responsibility of the educational system of any civilized society to protect that society's most vulnerable,

its children,

from the threat of the bigotry, inhumanity, and general ignorance of conservatism.

That's why they call it 'education'.

umm...Yeah...ok.. the more communism the better?:cuckoo:

Conservatives don't want children taught that it is okay to be gay. That is bigotry. That is teaching children, by the sin of omission, that bigotry is okay.

Then of course there's the conservative demands that religious mythology be taught as science. That is ignorance. That is attempting to fool children into believing that ignorance is wisdom.

By all means, protect children from conservatism.
Again, no. Conservatives promote morality and family values...father, mother, children. Knowledge of perversion and decadence does not dictate acceptance of it as is promoted by liberals.

Conservatives don't want children taught that it is okay to be gay. That is bigotry. That is teaching children, by the sin of omission, that bigotry is okay.

Then of course there's the conservative demands that religious mythology be taught as science. That is ignorance. That is attempting to fool children into believing that ignorance is wisdom.

By all means, protect children from conservatism.

A persons sexual preferances should not be a subject in school..

When it's the reason that bigots victimize, ostracize, discriminate against, and otherwise abuse, it is a social issue,

and social issues have every right to a place in education. Not to mention homosexuality as a government issue...

...is government an out of bounds topic in education?
Bigotry is not always a bad thing. In its purest form, bigotry is: stubborn and complete intolerance of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.

Had there been no bigotry regarding Hitler's ideals, we'd all be speaking German and there would be no Jews.

Long live bigotry!

Liberals promote acceptance and appeasement of radical Islamists to the point that they are enabling the destruction of those that do not agree with the maniacal premise that all should believe in or permit the death of 'infidels'. THAT is something we should ALL be bigoted against.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
When it's the reason that bigots victimize, ostracize, discriminate against, and otherwise abuse, it is a social issue,

and social issues have every right to a place in education. Not to mention homosexuality as a government issue...

...is government an out of bounds topic in education?

Not if you talk about wanting to tear it down.

Some policies and subjects that Republicans feel are out of bounds:


rebuilding America

Bush disasters

minority rights

That's called hackery.
NB the FEMA response to sandy under your messiah was far less effective than the bush response to Katrina.
But Obama made more speeches and empty promises!

You can't be serious. It's laughable.

And the worse part of the Katrina debacle were the no bid carcinogenic trailers Bush and the Republicans put the survivors in. What a bunch of fucking creeps to do that to people who lost everything. That's what Bush and the Republicans do to Americans. If they can't rip off disaster victims, they poison them.


FEMA trailer settlement approved | New Orleans , Baton Rouge, LA

Formaldehyde, a chemical commonly found in building materials, can cause breathing problems and is classified as a carcinogen. Government tests on hundreds of trailers in Louisiana and Mississippi found formaldehyde levels that were, on average, about five times what people are exposed to in most modern homes.

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