How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People

Thanks for that. What you said is true and profound.

Right-wing historical revisionism is so rampant that one, essentially, must go in for blatant revisionism in order to be a right-winger.

I find that the left is continually re-writing history. For instance, the Civil Rights Law of 1964 was filibustered by Democrats. A larger percentage of republicans voted for it in both houses than Democrats did.

Northern Democrats and Republicans voted for the Civil Rights Bill...Southern Democrats and Republicans voted against the Civil Rights Bill. The Southern Democrats were so angry at LBJ, they left the Democratic Party and became Republicans. They counted their bigotry as more important than their political party and left the Democrats in droves at that point.

Unless you want to argue that the Democrats of the early 1960s are the same as the Democrats today.

So you admit the Democrat Party was full of racists in the 60s. I agee. I've heard the same spin over and over. I was there. George Wallace and Robert Byrd obviously didn't get the memo. The truth is conservative Democrats left when the Democrat party nominated McGovern for President.
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we are developing sharia compliant financing laws and sharia courts.

We are developing Sharia courts?

I know that right-wingers have been huge supporters of Sharia Law with respect to Iraq.

Right-wingers believed in sending troops over to Iraq to support their government which was/is based on Sharia law.

Liberals tended to think supporting Sharia law in Iraq was a really bad idea.

We have had shariah courts in this country for many MANY years. Where have you been? The islamic supreme court is in Texas, with branch courts in every major city. The controversy today is imposing an obligation on state courts to follow islamic law. A controvery being battled in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma to Pass Laws Prohibiting Islamic Sharia Laws to Apply - ABC News

The liberal view is that prohibiting imposition of islamic law might itself be unconstitutional. Read the article.

"Our federal system and our state system is in part governed by the concept of separation of powers. It's far from clear that the Oklahoma legislature can restrict what a separate branch of government can consider in terms of doing its job – in this case, deciding cases," he said.

"I think this is a political statement against Muslims and, inferentially, in support of United States values," Cohen said.

What's done in Iraq, or Afghanistan, is up to them. Only a complete fool would imagine that the people of these areas would not demand shariah law, just like they demand it here.

You might not want shariah law, none of your liberal friends might want shariah law, but you are STILL being led to shariah law by your leaders.
Do you favor muslims being allowed to live under Sharia Law in the USA?

To the extent that we have a large amount of religious freedom in this country.

If they aren't violating the laws of the land they are free to do so.

I hate Sharia law but I'm against repressive anti religious laws too.
we are developing sharia compliant financing laws and sharia courts.

We are developing Sharia courts?

I know that right-wingers have been huge supporters of Sharia Law with respect to Iraq.

Right-wingers believed in sending troops over to Iraq to support their government which was/is based on Sharia law.

Liberals tended to think supporting Sharia law in Iraq was a really bad idea.

We have had shariah courts in this country for many MANY years. Where have you been? The islamic supreme court is in Texas, with branch courts in every major city. The controversy today is imposing an obligation on state courts to follow islamic law. A controvery being battled in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma to Pass Laws Prohibiting Islamic Sharia Laws to Apply - ABC News

The liberal view is that prohibiting imposition of islamic law might itself be unconstitutional. Read the article.

"Our federal system and our state system is in part governed by the concept of separation of powers. It's far from clear that the Oklahoma legislature can restrict what a separate branch of government can consider in terms of doing its job – in this case, deciding cases," he said.

"I think this is a political statement against Muslims and, inferentially, in support of United States values," Cohen said.

What's done in Iraq, or Afghanistan, is up to them. Only a complete fool would imagine that the people of these areas would not demand shariah law, just like they demand it here.

You might not want shariah law, none of your liberal friends might want shariah law, but you are STILL being led to shariah law by your leaders.

Get rid of Sharia law. When both laws conflict, they contradict eachother. And theres Federal law and then State law, and then county law. Theres no religious law.
Do you favor muslims being allowed to live under Sharia Law in the USA?
To the extent that we have a large amount of religious freedom in this country.

If they aren't violating the laws of the land they are free to do so.

I hate Sharia law but I'm against repressive anti religious laws too.

If they're living under Sharia law, they are violating the laws of the land.

And it is a repressive, abusive, and anti-religious (anti-every religion except Islam) ideology.

But you're okay with that because it only targets Christians, Jews, and women. Cuz you're a progressive.
We have had shariah courts in this country for many MANY years.

Please explain. Are they Federal, State, County, City courts? What official powers do they have?
Do you favor muslims being allowed to live under Sharia Law in the USA?

To the extent that we have a large amount of religious freedom in this country.

If they aren't violating the laws of the land they are free to do so.

I hate Sharia law but I'm against repressive anti religious laws too.

You obviously do not have any idea of what you're speaking on. You obviously do not understand Sharia Law. Back to the minor leagues.
But you're okay with that because it only targets Christians, Jews, and women.

I'm not. You're lying as usual.

Why do you lie all the time? Were you raised to be vile lying scum?
About 2% is gay as well, you might want to rethink your premise. ;)

I'm not sure how that's relevant to this discussion, or any discussion frankly.

They have a huge impact on society and culture and moving to change laws and the very definition of a cornerstone of society, and will most likely be successful. I think you're underestimating what '2%' are capable of.

Well the problem is the liberties of the 2% should've always been there, the problem is they haven't had them.

Gay marriage will have zero impact on society, none. Whether John and Barry have a marriage license and ring to along with their relationship will change nothing about society. Just like the 2% of muslims should have their liberties protected. Gay marriage is about having equal liberties already on the books enforced, Sunni is talking about basically undoing everything about our gov't and replacing it. The 2 situations have literally nothing in common.

And giving gays the liberties the should already have is a sign of progression, Sunni is advocating regression, again the complete opposite.
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You obviously do not understand Sharia Law.

I understand it quite well.

Instead of lying why don't you attempt discussion?

You don't realize you are endorsing muslim laws. Explain how you can allow muslims to live under Sharia Law and the rest of us under Constitutional law. How does that work since we are not supposed to allow religion and state to mix?
Until the average American understands that islam is not merely a religion or only a religion, but a complete political, judicial and religious system, as well, there is no alternative but to end up like islamofacist Europe.
You don't realize you are endorsing muslim laws.

I am doing no such thing. Please don't lie about me like that....What the fuck is wrong with you that you need to lie that way?

Explain how you can allow muslims to live under Sharia Law and the rest of us under Constitutional law.

If Muslims aren't violating existing laws then they shouldn't be arrested. I said that earlier.

How does that work since we are not supposed to allow religion and state to mix?

How is the state involved in Muslim law courts?

Are you saying that the state runs Muslim law courts?
I knew you were stupid, but I underestimated the breadth and depth of it...
Meanwhile, we are developing sharia compliant financing laws and sharia courts. Soon, like France before us, we will have halal restaurants.
Many of the large finical institutions in the U.S. already offer Sharia home loans and financing. This has been going on for several years and growing at a rapid pace.

There are already Sharia civil courts operating in several major cities here in America. And someday will be in every town and city.

Also, in the city where I live there are Halal restaurants all over the place. :cool:
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Explain how you can allow muslims to live under Sharia Law and the rest of us under Constitutional law.

We have people in this country who live, or at least attempt to live, under Old Testament laws which are just as repressive as Sharia law.

Are you saying that people shouldn't be allowed to live (or attempt to) under O.T. laws?
Explain how you can allow muslims to live under Sharia Law and the rest of us under Constitutional law.
We have people in this country who live, or at least attempt to live, under Old Testament laws which are just as repressive as Sharia law.

Are you saying that people shouldn't be allowed to live (or attempt to) under O.T. laws? you support child abuse, too?

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