How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People

There are orthodox Jewish courts that do the same thing

Thanks for that information. You're saying that the Muslim courts, as bad as they are, have been, to a great extent, operating within the bounds of the law?

Muslims are demanding that our state courts apply shariah law independently of shariah courts.

That's not a reasonable demand.

Liberals don't favor theocracy which means they don't favor Sharia law.
Fairness and equality demands that shariah law be applied to everyone.


Nothing demands that Sharia law be applied to everybody except for Muslim fanatics.
Do you represent many Muslims?

Are Muslims, in general, lying sacks of shit or is it just you?
There are orthodox Jewish courts that do the same thing

Thanks for that information. You're saying that the Muslim courts, as bad as they are, have been, to a great extent, operating within the bounds of the law?

Muslims are demanding that our state courts apply shariah law independently of shariah courts.

That's not a reasonable demand.

Liberals don't favor theocracy which means they don't favor Sharia law.

Liberals don't believe that shariah law is a risk! They believe that muslims are allies in getting rid of Christians and Jews and obliterating the Judeo-Christian influence in Americana. Once Christian and Jewish influence is gone, muslims won't want shairah. They will embrace secularism. That's where they are wrong.
They believe that muslims are allies in getting rid of Christians and Jews and obliterating the Judeo-Christian influence in Americana.

Why are you posting that idiotic bullshit?

How can you be stupid enough to "think" that crap is true?

Did you have to pass a stupid test to be a right-winger?

Jesus Christ that is some stupid shit you just posted!
Explain how you can allow muslims to live under Sharia Law and the rest of us under Constitutional law.
We have people in this country who live, or at least attempt to live, under Old Testament laws which are just as repressive as Sharia law.

Are you saying that people shouldn't be allowed to live (or attempt to) under O.T. laws? you support child abuse, too?

Neither sharia, old testament, or new testament laws govern this country, period.
Liberals don't believe that shariah law is a risk! They believe that muslims are allies in getting rid of Christians and Jews and obliterating the Judeo-Christian influence in Americana. Once Christian and Jewish influence is gone, muslims won't want shairah. They will embrace secularism. That's where they are wrong.
You are 100% correct. :cool:
Sharia Law allows for husbands to hit their wives.

I'm not. It's illegal.

I've said twice that I'm only talking about what is legal as far as Sharia law goes in this country.

Do you understand that?...


Can you grasp that incredibly simple concept that I've repeated more than once?

If we already have a law to stipulate what is legal and wasn't legal, why would we need Sharia Law to double down our laws already in existance?
If we already have a law to stipulate what is legal and wasn't legal, why would we need Sharia Law to double down our laws already in existance?
Muslims currently have Sharia civil law for dealing with family matters and contracts based on the Quran and Hadith.

Eventually, we hope to influence, add to, or replace some aspects of U.S. criminal law with Sharia law.
The criminal law is off limits in both state and federal constitutions: separation of church and state.

No overwhelmingly Christian or unreligious majority will permit such amendments.
Likewise, Parsifal keeps carping about Proverbs because he of course is concerned for his own salvation....

Proverbs 6:16-19

New International Version (NIV)

16 There are six things the Lord hates,
seven that are detestable to him:
17 haughty eyes,
a lying tongue,
hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,
feet that are quick to rush into evil,
19 a false witness who pours out lies
and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. "

Hmmm..supports genocide, supports Sharia law, thinks abortion is the bee's knees....yup, I think that about covers it, Parsnip.
No. Proverbs 6:16-17 and Psalm 5 make it obvious that God hates you for being a lying sack of shit.

Pssst. Give 'em Matthew 23.

Psst...Matthew 23 is your theme song, honey.

Feel like calling out any more child abuse victims for yucks and giggles?

It fits you to a T, and I'm only surprised you can't see it, since you claim to be SO very honest.

He's not a victim, by his own definition.

Or he's lying.

Like I said - if he were a gay man, you'd be there with bells on, waving Kinsey reports all about.

Hypocrite much?
If we already have a law to stipulate what is legal and wasn't legal, why would we need Sharia Law to double down our laws already in existance?
Muslims currently have Sharia civil law for dealing with family matters and contracts based on the Quran and Hadith.

Eventually, we hope to influence, add to, or replace some aspects of U.S. criminal law with Sharia law.

Go ahead and say it, you want to replace not only the laws but the entire religions of the world with Muslim faith who worship any means to attain your goal.

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