How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People

You don't realize you are endorsing muslim laws.

I am doing no such thing. Please don't lie about me like that....What the fuck is wrong with you that you need to lie that way?

Explain how you can allow muslims to live under Sharia Law and the rest of us under Constitutional law.

If Muslims aren't violating existing laws then they shouldn't be arrested. I said that earlier.

How does that work since we are not supposed to allow religion and state to mix?

How is the state involved in Muslim law courts?

Are you saying that the state runs Muslim law courts?

You have stated you're okay with Sharia Law. That means two seperate laws, one for muslims and one for the rest of us. The American justice system is one law for EVERYONE. Do you want to start having seperate laws for every religion in the USA? One law for Christians, one law for Muslims, one law for Hindus, one law for Buddhists, one law for Jews, etc, etc.
Sharia Law allows for husbands to hit their wives.

I'm not. It's illegal.

I've said twice that I'm only talking about what is legal as far as Sharia law goes in this country.

Do you understand that?...


Can you grasp that incredibly simple concept that I've repeated more than once?
Sharia Law allows for husbands to hit their wives.

I'm not. It's illegal.

I've said twice that I'm only talking about what is legal as far as Sharia law goes in this country.

Do you understand that?...


Can you grasp that incredibly simple concept that I've repeated more than once?

If you are only going to allow Sharia Laws that are the same as the laws for everyone else, then why not just leave things as they are?
If you are only going to allow Sharia Laws that are the same as the laws for everyone else,

Do you think people should have a right to follow the OT laws if they aren't violating the laws of the land?

If so then even you should be able to understand what I'm talking about here.
If you are only going to allow Sharia Laws that are the same as the laws for everyone else,

Do you think people should have a right to follow the OT laws if they aren't violating the laws of the land?

If so then even you should be able to understand what I'm talking about here.

No one can understand what you're talking about because even you don't.
you want to see black babies killed and Sharia Law established in the US.

Once you start lying you don't seem to be able to stop.

Are you writing from jail? It's not common to find someone as dishonest as you outside of the criminal classes.
No one can understand what you're talking about because even you don't.

Answer the question!

Do you think people should have a right to follow the OT laws if they aren't violating the laws of the land?

Do you understand the question?

Do you understand the implications of the question?

If there is something you don't understand about the question I might be able to explain it.

It's not a complicated question......It's no more complicated than the one you asked me about Sharia law.

Are you really so stupid that you can't comprehend the similarity between following Sharia law and O.T. law in this country?........Are you really that dumb?
We have had shariah courts in this country for many MANY years.

Please explain. Are they Federal, State, County, City courts? What official powers do they have?

Since you asked, I will take your question seriously.

Today, and since their inception, shariah courts have been courts of arbitration. There are orthodox Jewish courts that do the same thing. Courts of arbitration hear only civil cases and family law cases in which the parties have agreed, in advance, should be adjudicatated under the designated jurisdiction. There are many courts of arbitration. Half the contracts you sign, if not all of them, have an arbitration clause. The decisions of religious courts like the Shariah Courts are binding. They may not be appealed to a higher court and you give up the right to file your lawsuit in civil court when you enter into the contract. Some arbitration courts are non-binding, meaning that if either party doesn't like the decision of the arbitrator, they can file in civil court. Once the decision of the arbitrator, such as a shariah judge, is accepted, it is enforced by our laws just like any other decision coming out of any other court. The binding decision is only applicable to contractual disputes. It is not applicable to divorces where the parties remain free to seek redress in state court.

Are you with me so far. This is reasonable right?

If it ended there, no problem.

This is not where it ends. Muslims are demanding that our state courts apply shariah law independently of shariah courts. That's the basis of the lawsuit in Oklahoma giving rise to the citizens wanting a ban on state courts from using shariah law to decide cases but rely only on the laws of the land.

Let me give you an example. The Catholic Church prohibits divorce. A party wishing to get a divorce has no religious choice but to go to the Church and get an annullment in accordance with religious law. However, a Catholic remains free to forget the Church, go to any state court and get a divorce under the laws of that state. The spouse opposing the divorce cannot go in front of a state Judge and demand that the Judge follow Catholic law.

Are you still with me? You do understand that Catholics can get divorces (and many do) completely independent of religious belief. No court in America is going to apply Church law.

Because muslims believe that the koran is the supreme law of the world, they have demanded that all state and federal courts apply shariah law. Failing to apply shariah law is a violation of their religious rights. Theoretically, a woman who goes to state court for a divorce could be denied a divorce by application of shariah law and have the police drag her home for suitable islamic punishment from her husand.

This is what they are demanding. That our courts follow their religious law in accordance with their religious belief.

If you continue to follow the line of reasoning, we cannot have a dual system of laws with one one applied to muslims and another law applied to non muslims. Fairness and equality demands that shariah law be applied to everyone.

I think I lost you.

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