How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People

The Communist Party is backing Obama in this election.

Nazis have supported Republican candidates (David Duke is one).

Based on your "reasoning" (blatant idiocy disguised as thought) Republicans are Nazis.
But they are extremely lacking in basic common sense.

This is coming from someone who is actually stupid enough to assert that the Constitution is compatible with Sharia law.

I don't know if you're educated but you clearly are an idiot.

No. Just a muslim. This is exactly what they believe. What's more it is a concept that liberals are taught and believe too. It doesn't matter that you believe, or I believe that our founding documents are the foundations of a free country. Islam with help from the liberal useless is coopting all of our founding documents. Muslims have been successful in convincing liberal allies that the Declaratioh of Independence is an expression of islamic faith.

Media matters is an uber liberal organization with backing from George Soros, they are overjoyed to "educate" us.

Hannity falsely claims Imam Rauf wants to "shred our Constitution" | Media Matters for America

In fact, Rauf does not call for replacing the Constitution with Sharia law in What's Right With Islam. Instead, he argued that the "American political structure is Shariah compliant" just like any other political structure that "upholds, protects, and furthers" the "God-given rights" of "life, mind (that is, mental well-being or sanity), religion, property (or wealth), and family (or lineage and progeny)."

Rauf: Declaration of Independence expresses an "Islamic ... ethic." In his book, Rauf writes that the Declaration of Independence "opens with the words 'When ... it becomes necessary for one People ... to assume ... the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them' (italics added)." Rauf comments that "To Muslims, the law decreed by God is called the Shariah, and therefore the "Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" are by definition Sharia law. From What's Right With Islam:

This does not mean that the Constitution actually is shariah law, or that the Declaration of Indpendence is an expression of islamic faith, it DOES mean that muslims believe they are. It DOES mean that liberals support this, even if it looks like idiocy to the rest of us.
For instance, the Civil Rights Law of 1964 was filibustered by Democrats.

Do you have any examples of liberals going in for historical revisionism? There are examples of course but that isn't one.
For instance, the Civil Rights Law of 1964 was filibustered by Democrats.

Do you have any examples of liberals going in for historical revisionism? There are examples of course but that isn't one.

The Dems are always claiming to be responsible for the Civil Rights law of 1964. A larger percentage of republicans voted for it than Democrats in the House and the Senate. Democrats filibustered it. Do you deny that?
What's more it is a concept that liberals are taught and believe too.

No.....Liberals aren't taught that the Constitution is compatible with Sharia law.

You're too deluded to be in a rational discussion.

Fact denial doesn't get you anywhere in a discussion.

It's a fact that Nazis have voted Republican. You have demonstrated that you're too dumb to know what a fact is.
The Dems are always claiming to be responsible for the Civil Rights law of 1964.

Northern Democrats do deserve some of the credit. Southern Democrats were, as a group, extremely racist back then.
Do you deny that?

You're the one who uses fact denial in place of reasoning.

Fact denial doesn't get you anywhere in a discussion.

It's a fact that Nazis have voted Republican. You have demonstrated that you're too dumb to know what a fact is.

You didn't quote me correctly. You deliberately left out the part about Nazi standing for National Socialist. That shows you to be dishonest. Game over.
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Those who are well-educated who misdefine and misinterpert politcal and historical tems and narratives do it deliberately. They are enemies of the American dream and should be treated as such.

Thanks for that. What you said is true and profound.

Right-wing historical revisionism is so rampant that one, essentially, must go in for blatant revisionism in order to be a right-winger.

Certain left wingers do it as well. Revisionism can be done by either extreme.
You deliberately left out the part about Nazi standing for National Socialist.

Republicans have voted for Nazis. You're too stupid to know what a fact is.

Based on your "reasoning" Republicans are Nazis. You're too stupid to attempt reasoned discourse.
The number of actual Nazi's and Communists in the US is ridiculously small. They provide some entertainment value and the occasional outrage, nothing more.

How did we get from the OP to this?
Republicans did not support David Duke.

You're too stupid to know what a fact is.

David Ernest Duke (born July 1, 1950) is a former Grand Wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan an American activist and writer, and former Republican Louisiana State Representative. David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wikipedia is not accepted by college professors. Even the founder of wikipedia said his site is not to be used for a primary source since it can be edited by anyone. You're in the big leagues now and you're about to be sent back down to the minors for more experience.
Go back and look at the majority of your posts on any thread

I have done so.

Are you capable of discussion or are you limited to the sort of dishonest bullshit you constantly post?
You deliberately left out the part about Nazi standing for National Socialist.

Republicans have voted for Nazis. You're too stupid to know what a fact is.

Based on your "reasoning" Republicans are Nazis. You're too stupid to attempt reasoned discourse.

And Black Panthers and communists have voted for Obama. Next.
Wikipedia is not accepted by college professors.

You're still denying facts?

You're actually denying the fact that David Duke got Republican votes?

You really think that denying well documented facts makes for reasoned debate?

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