How The Democrats Can Eject Trump From The White House

Simply not possible. To be a Democrat is to be Left Wing Radical Crazy, aka anti-American. Even if a real Democrat did still exist, those who have taken over the Party would eliminate him instantly.

The DNC is Officially Dead.
I don't believe that for a second.

Even after the soviet union fell, all the commies in the world didn't just shrug their shoulders, admit regressive collectivist government was a fool's errand, then embrace capitalism and individual liberty.

These parasites are consumed with the pursuit of power, a global government and managing humanity like a resource. By which I mean cattle. This country has been the #1 enemy of marxist zealots ever since that piece of shit had a book written for him. Read, and understand. Those sociopaths are committed to their dystopian agenda. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They do not feel pity, shame, compassion, remorse, or fear. They absolutely will not stop, ever, until they are dead.



I just had a strange thought, but I think this just might work.

Call me cray-cray, but I think the way for Democrats to get rid of Trump is to put up a superior candidate with superior ideas who doesn't pass out on hot days.

I'm talking the voting booth in November of next year.


That's too hard!

Agreed, let things be until the election if they run someone decent.

Everyone decent they ever had is long dead.
I just had a strange thought, but I think this just might work.

Call me cray-cray, but I think the way for Democrats to get rid of Trump is to put up a superior candidate with superior ideas who doesn't pass out on hot days.

I'm talking the voting booth in November of next year.


That's too hard!

I'm not seeing that from the current crop. Actually, I do think a moderate candidate like Delaney or Ryan or a businessman like Yang could wipe the floor with Trump in a general election, but those guys won't get anywhere near the nomination.
Agree, but out of the current front runners at least it’s looking like Biden instead of Harris Sanders or Warren. I think Biden will beat trump as long as he keeps his mouth shut.
I just had a strange thought, but I think this just might work.

Call me cray-cray, but I think the way for Democrats to get rid of Trump is to put up a superior candidate with superior ideas who doesn't pass out on hot days.

I'm talking the voting booth in November of next year.


That's too hard!

I'm not seeing that from the current crop. Actually, I do think a moderate candidate like Delaney or Ryan or a businessman like Yang could wipe the floor with Trump in a general election, but those guys won't get anywhere near the nomination.
Agree, but out of the current front runners at least it’s looking like Biden instead of Harris Sanders or Warren. I think Biden will beat trump as long as he keeps his mouth shut.

I don't know. Biden has plenty of quirks about him as well and ultimately, I don't think he will be the nominee. I'm not going to make any predictions. I never thought Trump would get elected in the first place, so I'm certainly not going to underestimate his ability to get reelected.
It is so easy to identify the answer: Superior Candidate.
The President of the U.S. ought to be a person with qualifications unlike other positions. Trump was not qualified. Clinton was disqualified (illegal invasion and all that).
One must have at least a mastery of strategic thinking, in all meanings of the term, including military. We find that rarely. Business acumen is desirable, but is at most secondary. In fact, nothing in the first contradicts principles of the second.
Mostly, a modern President should have a reverence for certain aspects of American culture. Reaching out to all while demonstrating stability and self determination may seem in conflict, but the right person will have this skill.
This person is not evident on the current horizon.
Simply not possible. To be a Democrat is to be Left Wing Radical Crazy, aka anti-American. Even if a real Democrat did still exist, those who have taken over the Party would eliminate him instantly.

The DNC is Officially Dead.

So I guess we can say that left wing radical crazy equates to right wing radical crazy?
Oh yeah, vote!

I was thinking one of those cannons they use at the Circus.........
I just had a strange thought, but I think this just might work.

Call me cray-cray, but I think the way for Democrats to get rid of Trump is to put up a superior candidate with superior ideas who doesn't pass out on hot days.

I'm talking the voting booth in November of next year.


That's too hard!
Just wait until 2024 and he will be gone. Then you cockroaches can scream at the sky for another 8 years.
I just had a strange thought, but I think this just might work.

Call me cray-cray, but I think the way for Democrats to get rid of Trump is to put up a superior candidate with superior ideas who doesn't pass out on hot days.

I'm talking the voting booth in November of next year.


That's too hard!

I semi-agree with you, which is astonishing, and would perhaps agree fully, if you'd kindly define "superior ideas". As polarized as both sides of the aisle have become in opposition, no American wants to see the end of America or widespread political violence. What that means is, the right candidate from either side could pull America back from the brink. Personally, I'd favor a Tulsi Gabbard or a Bobby Jindal for that purpose.
Trump could lose the black magic wand he waves over his base, and a democrat could stumble over it and use it in 2020.
I corrected your quote above with a tiny descriptive....put in bold
I just had a strange thought, but I think this just might work.

Call me cray-cray, but I think the way for Democrats to get rid of Trump is to put up a superior candidate with superior ideas who doesn't pass out on hot days.

I'm talking the voting booth in November of next year.


That's too hard!

The joy of Mueller driving the final nail into the Collusion Delusion is that the America Jihadist Communist Party now has to look forward to FisaGate and PedoGate.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch either!
I just had a strange thought, but I think this just might work.

Call me cray-cray, but I think the way for Democrats to get rid of Trump is to put up a superior candidate with superior ideas who doesn't pass out on hot days.

I'm talking the voting booth in November of next year.

You've clearly taken leave of your senses. Sit down. Maybe have a drink. Have several.
I just had a strange thought, but I think this just might work.

Call me cray-cray, but I think the way for Democrats to get rid of Trump is to put up a superior candidate with superior ideas who doesn't pass out on hot days.

I'm talking the voting booth in November of next year.


That's too hard!
That's their whole problem in a nutshell. They don't have anyone like that to run. Anybody with any brains at all has already jumped that ship of fools leaving only dregs behind. The democratic party is dead for all practical purposes. Now it's just a matter of time before they're all gone for good.
I just had a strange thought, but I think this just might work.

Call me cray-cray, but I think the way for Democrats to get rid of Trump is to put up a superior candidate with superior ideas who doesn't pass out on hot days.

I'm talking the voting booth in November of next year.


That's too hard!
That's their whole problem in a nutshell. They don't have anyone like that to run. Anybody with any brains at all has already jumped that ship of fools leaving only dregs behind. The democratic party is dead for all practical purposes. Now it's just a matter of time before they're all gone for good.
Remember 30 years from now that you said today the Democratic Party is dead.
I just had a strange thought, but I think this just might work.

Call me cray-cray, but I think the way for Democrats to get rid of Trump is to put up a superior candidate with superior ideas who doesn't pass out on hot days.

I'm talking the voting booth in November of next year.


That's too hard!

I semi-agree with you, which is astonishing, and would perhaps agree fully, if you'd kindly define "superior ideas". As polarized as both sides of the aisle have become in opposition, no American wants to see the end of America or widespread political violence. What that means is, the right candidate from either side could pull America back from the brink. Personally, I'd favor a Tulsi Gabbard or a Bobby Jindal for that purpose.
I'm afraid both parties are too far gone, and will be for some time.
I just had a strange thought, but I think this just might work.

Call me cray-cray, but I think the way for Democrats to get rid of Trump is to put up a superior candidate with superior ideas who doesn't pass out on hot days.

I'm talking the voting booth in November of next year.

Superior to Trump, with ideas superior to Trump's? That would be 20, last I counted.

Whatever it is you are snorting, it has most unfortunate effects.

Just... If "superior" means someone who specializes in self-obsessed spectacles, and thus can command the attention, and fan the flames of resentment, of an otherwise apathetic, infantile, celebrity-obsessed population with the attention span and the analytic capacity of a fruit fly, I concede. Democrats have no one of that... "stature".
I just had a strange thought, but I think this just might work.

Call me cray-cray, but I think the way for Democrats to get rid of Trump is to put up a superior candidate with superior ideas who doesn't pass out on hot days.

I'm talking the voting booth in November of next year.


That's too hard!
That's their whole problem in a nutshell. They don't have anyone like that to run. Anybody with any brains at all has already jumped that ship of fools leaving only dregs behind. The democratic party is dead for all practical purposes. Now it's just a matter of time before they're all gone for good.
Remember 30 years from now that you said today the Democratic Party is dead.

30 years from now? That would be at the very least optimistic since I'm 72 now. I doubt like hell ill be around for another 30 years and the way it's looking, I'm not so sure I'd wanna be with shitforbrains being the contagion it is now.
I just had a strange thought, but I think this just might work.

Call me cray-cray, but I think the way for Democrats to get rid of Trump is to put up a superior candidate with superior ideas who doesn't pass out on hot days.

I'm talking the voting booth in November of next year.


That's too hard!


Superior ideas???

I'll give you an example of where the Democrats are one up on the Republicans: Health care.

Here is the Republican plan for solving the more than half a century of skyrocketing health care costs: NOTHING.

Here is the Democratic plan for solving the more than half a century of skyrocketing health care costs: UHC.

Over time, the American people have been choosing the road to UHC over NOTHING.

It does not much matter if the idea is superior. What matters is the appearance of trying to do something about a very pressing problem while the other team is busy sticking their fingers in their asses and sniffing them.

Whining about the other team's plan while doing NOTHING works for only so long. That's why we have Obamacare, and that's why we will eventually have UHC.

No, it was better before ocare.

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