How the Democrats rigged the 2020 election

Simple and sweet.

Democrats won, because they voted. They voted like their lives and survival of their democratic Nation, depended on it!

No rigging required.
I agree. Democrats won because they voted.

Some democrats voted and voted and voted.

The dead rose up from the grave and voted.

In some states the ballots themselves voted as they were preprinted.

Republicans lost because they voted legally.
So, you are just an adolescent....? Come back and debate me when you've reached adulthood....!!!!!
You didn’t debate.

I’ve recently noticed liberals don’t like to debate. They dislike free speech that doesn’t agree with their opinions and favor censoring others.
Simple and sweet.

Democrats won, because they voted. They voted like their lives and survival of their democratic Nation, depended on it!

No rigging required.
I agree. Democrats won because they voted.

Some democrats voted and voted and voted.

The dead rose up from the grave and voted.

In some states the ballots themselves voted as they were preprinted.

Republicans lost because they voted legally.
So, you are just an adolescent....? Come back and debate me when you've reached adulthood....!!!!!
You didn’t debate.

I’ve recently noticed liberals don’t like to debate. They dislike free speech that doesn’t agree with their opinions and favor censoring others.
I disagree. I’d love to debate you. Pick the topic and state your case. Let’s go
Simple and sweet.

Democrats won, because they voted. They voted like their lives and survival of their democratic Nation, depended on it!

No rigging required.
I agree. Democrats won because they voted.

Some democrats voted and voted and voted.

The dead rose up from the grave and voted.

In some states the ballots themselves voted as they were preprinted.

Republicans lost because they voted legally.
So, you are just an adolescent....? Come back and debate me when you've reached adulthood....!!!!!
You didn’t debate.

I’ve recently noticed liberals don’t like to debate. They dislike free speech that doesn’t agree with their opinions and favor censoring others.
I disagree. I’d love to debate you. Pick the topic and state your case. Let’s go
Draconian Gun control.

AR-15 style rifles should not be banned or confiscated. They are useful and highly adaptable semi-automatic rifles used for hunting, competitive target shooting and home defense.
Simple and sweet.

Democrats won, because they voted. They voted like their lives and survival of their democratic Nation, depended on it!

No rigging required.
I agree. Democrats won because they voted.

Some democrats voted and voted and voted.

The dead rose up from the grave and voted.

In some states the ballots themselves voted as they were preprinted.

Republicans lost because they voted legally.
So, you are just an adolescent....? Come back and debate me when you've reached adulthood....!!!!!
You didn’t debate.

I’ve recently noticed liberals don’t like to debate. They dislike free speech that doesn’t agree with their opinions and favor censoring others.
I disagree. I’d love to debate you. Pick the topic and state your case. Let’s go
Draconian Gun control.

AR-15 style rifles should not be banned or confiscated. They are useful and highly adaptable semi-automatic rifles used for hunting, competitive target shooting and home defense.
I personally wouldn’t ban AR-15s but I’ll take the other side of the argument….

Gun violence in this country is out of control, we don’t live in the Wild West anymore and something should be done to limit the acquisition and destructive capabilities of weapons that we legally sell to out public. We also need to take measures to make sure responsible people of sound mind own weapons. The proposition to address these measure is to ban weapons with extreme killing power, including automatic weapons and high powered combat style rifles like the AR15. Additionally attachments like bump stocks and large capacity magazines. Also developing a universal background check system and gun registration system would limit access of weapons to the mentally ill and assist in tracing for law enforcement and criminal investigations
It all comes down to Republicans refuse to admit they are responsible for their losses. Rather than look at their policies and decisions and asking...what can we do better?
They look at outward causes for their loss.....The media, Fake News, the Dems cheated, illegal voters
That isn't Party specific, MOD EDIT - NO FLAMING IN CDZ- it is the policy of the Duopoly Party acolytes to pretend their guy is the savior of all things that need saving-

There are ample evidence, not your opinion, but evidence, it wasn't. You are a liar.
Here's one of them.

So cut your propaganda crap. Trump will not be coming back so get over it.
It all comes down to Republicans refuse to admit they are responsible for their losses. Rather than look at their policies and decisions and asking...what can we do better?
They look at outward causes for their loss.....The media, Fake News, the Dems cheated, illegal voters
That isn't Party specific, MOD EDIT - NO FLAMING IN CDZ- it is the policy of the Duopoly Party acolytes to pretend their guy is the savior of all things that need saving-

There are ample evidence, not your opinion, but evidence, it wasn't. You are a liar.
Here's one of them.

So cut your propaganda crap. Trump will not be coming back so get over it.

2020 was the most secure election in history

25 million more people voted
Most recounts
Most independent audits
Most legal challenges filed

All without finding any flaws in the process
So cut your propaganda crap. Trump will not be coming back so get over it.
LOL- IDC whether Trump comes back or doesn't- that Republicans are 1/2 of the Duopoly Party doesn't impress me- that, my man, ain't propaganda- the results speak for themselves-
has nothing to do with our conversation about discrimination
On the contrary

Biden’s failure to ensure that government remain colorblind at all times is at the core of this discussion
It is but we had decided that if there was a justified need then it wouldn’t be considered discrimination. Correct?
Discrimination is discrimination. Whether it's "needed" or not is another matter.
has nothing to do with our conversation about discrimination
On the contrary

Biden’s failure to ensure that government remain colorblind at all times is at the core of this discussion
It is but we had decided that if there was a justified need then it wouldn’t be considered discrimination. Correct?
Discrimination is discrimination. Whether it's "needed" or not is another matter.
So when a state gets federal aid after a natural disaster… is that discrimination?
has nothing to do with our conversation about discrimination
On the contrary

Biden’s failure to ensure that government remain colorblind at all times is at the core of this discussion
It is but we had decided that if there was a justified need then it wouldn’t be considered discrimination. Correct?
Discrimination is discrimination. Whether it's "needed" or not is another matter.
So when a state gets federal aid after a natural disaster… is that discrimination?
I don't see how. Why do you ask?
has nothing to do with our conversation about discrimination
On the contrary

Biden’s failure to ensure that government remain colorblind at all times is at the core of this discussion
It is but we had decided that if there was a justified need then it wouldn’t be considered discrimination. Correct?
Discrimination is discrimination. Whether it's "needed" or not is another matter.
So when a state gets federal aid after a natural disaster… is that discrimination?
I don't see how. Why do you ask?
Because one state is getting more federal dollars than others. Why wouldn’t it be discrimination?
The establishment of both parties couldn't let Trump stay in power because he was preventing them from their robbery as usual method of governance. They couldn't stand the fact that an unlimited amount of money was there for the taking and Trump was forcing them to be honest. Stealing the election was their only salvation. In addition to the easy money, there were also large numbers of DOJ people who stood a good chance of ending up in jail if Trump was reelected. The stolen election was a big part of the DOJ criminal coverup.
So both major parties had motivation to take him out.

Would you say my characterization above is fair?
After all of this, I don't think we had an honest election since Ike. Kennedy's father stole 60, but stealing led to cleaning brain and blood matter off Daly Plaza.

Any Democrat ever winning was by fraud since 60. Any Repub winning means the Dems did not cheat enough

I see poll workers moving suitcases as Dem party operatives. Poll workers must be thoroughly vetted, like picking a Grand Jury

Now some will say it will cost more. When did a Dem ever worry about cost unless they paid for it????????

If Obama can give Africa millions to teach men to properly wash their Johnsons, then we have the money for election security.
Would you say the characterization in the OP is fair and relatively complete from a big picture perspective?
I'd say you're a fucking joke!
Now run along and put on your 'fuck-me' pumps. Your daddy will be home soon!
has nothing to do with our conversation about discrimination
On the contrary

Biden’s failure to ensure that government remain colorblind at all times is at the core of this discussion
It is but we had decided that if there was a justified need then it wouldn’t be considered discrimination. Correct?
Discrimination is discrimination. Whether it's "needed" or not is another matter.
So when a state gets federal aid after a natural disaster… is that discrimination?
I don't see how. Why do you ask?
Because one state is getting more federal dollars than others. Why wouldn’t it be discrimination?
LOL - how is that discrimination? "Unequal" isn't the same as "discrimination". Is that really your understanding of the word?

Discrimination is bias. If federal aid went exclusively to Democrat states, for example, or was withheld from them for similar reasons, that would be discrimination.
but we had decided that if there was a justified need then it wouldn’t be considered discrimination. Correct?

If 3 states qualify for assistance but only two get help thats discrimination

Now you are just arguing out of stubbornness because you could figure this out for yourself if you wanted to
has nothing to do with our conversation about discrimination
On the contrary

Biden’s failure to ensure that government remain colorblind at all times is at the core of this discussion
It is but we had decided that if there was a justified need then it wouldn’t be considered discrimination. Correct?
Discrimination is discrimination. Whether it's "needed" or not is another matter.
So when a state gets federal aid after a natural disaster… is that discrimination?
I don't see how. Why do you ask?
Because one state is getting more federal dollars than others. Why wouldn’t it be discrimination?
LOL - how is that discrimination? "Unequal" isn't the same as "discrimination". Is that really your understanding of the word?

Discrimination is bias. If federal aid went exclusively to Democrat states, for example, or was withheld from them for similar reasons, that would be discrimination.
I don’t really think it is discrimination because it is justified treatment even though it is preferential and unequal amongst all states
but we had decided that if there was a justified need then it wouldn’t be considered discrimination. Correct?

If 3 states qualify for assistance but only two get help thats discrimination

Now you are just arguing out of stubbornness because you could figure this out for yourself if you wanted to
The difference being the fact that in one situation the assistance is justified and the other it isn’t. Correct?
Simple and sweet.

Democrats won, because they voted. They voted like their lives and survival of their democratic Nation, depended on it!

No rigging required.
I agree. Democrats won because they voted.

Some democrats voted and voted and voted.

The dead rose up from the grave and voted.

In some states the ballots themselves voted as they were preprinted.

Republicans lost because they voted legally.
So, you are just an adolescent....? Come back and debate me when you've reached adulthood....!!!!!
You didn’t debate.

I’ve recently noticed liberals don’t like to debate. They dislike free speech that doesn’t agree with their opinions and favor censoring others.
I disagree. I’d love to debate you. Pick the topic and state your case. Let’s go
Draconian Gun control.

AR-15 style rifles should not be banned or confiscated. They are useful and highly adaptable semi-automatic rifles used for hunting, competitive target shooting and home defense.
I personally wouldn’t ban AR-15s but I’ll take the other side of the argument….

Gun violence in this country is out of control, we don’t live in the Wild West anymore and something should be done to limit the acquisition and destructive capabilities of weapons that we legally sell to out public. We also need to take measures to make sure responsible people of sound mind own weapons. The proposition to address these measure is to ban weapons with extreme killing power, including automatic weapons and high powered combat style rifles like the AR15. Additionally attachments like bump stocks and large capacity magazines. Also developing a universal background check system and gun registration system would limit access of weapons to the mentally ill and assist in tracing for law enforcement and criminal investigations
Simple and sweet.

Democrats won, because they voted. They voted like their lives and survival of their democratic Nation, depended on it!

No rigging required.
I agree. Democrats won because they voted.

Some democrats voted and voted and voted.

The dead rose up from the grave and voted.

In some states the ballots themselves voted as they were preprinted.

Republicans lost because they voted legally.
So, you are just an adolescent....? Come back and debate me when you've reached adulthood....!!!!!
You didn’t debate.

I’ve recently noticed liberals don’t like to debate. They dislike free speech that doesn’t agree with their opinions and favor censoring others.
I disagree. I’d love to debate you. Pick the topic and state your case. Let’s go
Draconian Gun control.

AR-15 style rifles should not be banned or confiscated. They are useful and highly adaptable semi-automatic rifles used for hunting, competitive target shooting and home defense.
I personally wouldn’t ban AR-15s but I’ll take the other side of the argument….

Gun violence in this country is out of control, we don’t live in the Wild West anymore and something should be done to limit the acquisition and destructive capabilities of weapons that we legally sell to out public. We also need to take measures to make sure responsible people of sound mind own weapons. The proposition to address these measure is to ban weapons with extreme killing power, including automatic weapons and high powered combat style rifles like the AR15. Additionally attachments like bump stocks and large capacity magazines. Also developing a universal background check system and gun registration system would limit access of weapons to the mentally ill and assist in tracing for law enforcement and criminal investigations
We have formed a false opinion of the Wild West based on novels, movies and TV programs. It was a far more peaceful place than most people would belIeve, Firearms were common but most people owned rifles rather than handguns. Perhaps the fact that firearms were ubiquitous helped contribute to the low level of crime in that “lawless” area. As Robert Heinlein pointed out, “

“An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.”​

We are currently seeing an increase in gun violence today but much of that can be explained by the fact that in many states and cities violent criminals are being released early. Plus the police are turning reactive rather than proactive because of the publicity the death of individuals like George Floyd has caused. The death of many black males by the police is seen as racism on the part of the police. Cops are leaving the force in many cities and criminals will take advantage of this.

Many civilians realizing they may have to take responsibility for themselves and their family if their home is invaded are first time gun buyers. Many are buying AR-15 style semi-automatic rifles as they are an excellent choice for home defense. A shotgun can be very effective but most are difficult and awkward to handle in a small room with furniture. A revolver or pistol is a good choice but becoming proficient with a handgun takes a lot of practice.

However whlie murder and suicide rates are increasing as are crime rates I feel your assertation that gun violence is out of control is hyperbole. If it was the murder rate in this chart would be much higher. The amazing thing is that millions and millions of firearms have been sold since 1968 so logically the crime rate should have skyrocketed. It didn’t. Also the first AR-15s were sold to civilians in 1989 so all 18,000,000 of these firearms sold so far didn’t cause a spike in the murder rate. In fact the First Federal Assault Weapons Ban was in effect from 1994 to 2004 but this legislation resulting in no decrease in gun violence.


You claim the AR-15 is a high powered rifle but most hunters feel it is underpowered for deer hunting using the 5.56 NATO or .223 Remington Ammo and upgrade their rifle to a far more powerful round. One of the real drawbacks of a high powered rife is the recoil. When I was in the Air Force during the Vietnam Era I watched a range instructor place an M16 against his jaw and fire several rounds. Don’t try that with a .308.rifle.

Banning and even confiscating the AR-15 style rifles would not significantly reduce gun violence as rifles are not often used by criminals. Pistols are. You might argue that confiscation of AR-15s wold reduce mass murders but the people who are responsible for these tragic events would just chose a different weapon. For example in the Virginia Tech Shooting the shooter killed 32 people and wounded 17 using two semi-automatic pistols, a .22-caliber Walther P22semi-automatic handgun and a 9 mm semi-automatic Glock 19 handgun.

Banning high capacity magazines sounds like a great idea but often these high capacity magazines jam and render the weapon temporally useless. Standard magazines function much better and can be swapped in under a second with a little practice.

I personally have no problem with requiring background checks to buy firearms as long as the cost is not unrealistically high. I had a background check when I got my concealed weapons permit.

Registration of firearms serves no real purpose except to provide a list for law enforcement to use if they decide to confiscate firearms. It was tried in Canada and it failed. If it couldn’t be implemented in Canada it will fail here too.


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