How the GOP is driving Americans to the Democrtic Party

Demographics, their passion for the NRA, their continued flirting to the 1%, and their ever obvious disdain for women is quickly turning the GOP into party whose time has come and gone. They could repair the damage from their self inflicted wounds, but it would take generations. And frankly, they don't seem to be the least bit interested.

"Mitt lost because he was not conservative enough." Good Grief!
I doubt very much if republicans are leaving the party they are joining the Democrat party.
That makes absolutely no sense to me.
I doubt very much if republicans are leaving the party they are joining the Democrat party.
That makes absolutely no sense to me.

Me neither. You belong to a party that's 90% white and based in the deep south for a reason. Going from that to the Democratic Party doesn't sound realistic.
Some Republicans say it's not happening.

They haven't been conservative enough.

Some like to point to cultural issues. Gay, women's or minority rights.

Some think it's because of GOP planned attacks on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security considering the majority of Republicans are probably north of 60.

But I tend to think it's about business. The last election, business supported Mitt Romney because of his well documented history of "corporations over people because it's corporations who are the people". But even that's changing.

Corporations understand that if they have no one to sell to, they have no "profits". They understand that you need modernization to compete. That includes abundant energy, which we are discovering we have and it also includes education, which we don't. Not with 3.7 million unfilled jobs.

This morning on Morning Joe, they discussed a modern high tech battery factory built with stimulus money that now employs 300 people. They said no one working there has less than two year in a technical school and 57% have at least a Bachelor's Degree in a technical field. I thought the name they mentioned was SAFT America, Inc.

Stimulus-Funded Battery Plant Opens | News - Home

PolitiFact Georgia | Is education level tied to voting tendencies?

"The higher the education level, the more likely they are to vote Democratic."

The Pew Research Center released data in August 2012 about GOP gains among working-class white voters that found: "Lower-income and less educated whites also have shifted substantially toward the Republican Party since 2008."

Among whites without a college degree, the GOP now holds a 54 percent to 37 percent advantage among non-college whites, who were split about evenly four years ago. The partisanship of white college graduates, by contrast, has not changed, the analysis found.


So why does that matter?

During the last election, the Democrats received most of their money from contributions of around 100 dollars average from millions of people. Some giving multiple times. Republicans received enormous amounts of money from just a few corporations and billionaires. It's the educated and people with jobs that win elections. Not unemployed, uneducated mostly white. Even corporations will see this. Not every Democratic nominee will be black. Republicans won't be able to rally an increasingly uneducated and nearly all white base against educated people with money. As the last election proves, money alone isn't enough. And not every corporation is willing to see America turned into a cesspool just to scrounge out a few more bucks.

Educated people tend not to believe in magic based theories like "twinkle down" "bogus science". They know better. As the country moves forward, race just isn't enough. Republicans will need to appeal to those with education or become marginalized.

And what is it the educated want? A robust and modern infrastructure. Available and affordable education. Laws not skewed only favorably towards the wealthy and corporations and skewed against everyone else. Health care. Sane spending on the military. And so on.

If they are so educated how come the majority of companies are run by cons? If yey are so educated how come they love the obama phone so much when in fact that program was started by Regean? I always enjoy this topic for a good laugh when the am dial is dominated by cons, while the left gets their news from a rap song or Bryan Adams. lol

Are you sure?



Car manufacturers

and so on.

I think it just seems that way because their toxic behaviour makes "news".

He just means IMPORTANT oil companies, and big banks,, yeah those.
The greatest danger for the GOP is the far right. If a House member moderates, he may lose in the primary to a far right loon or a bagger. Then the Dem will win in the General election. The GOP is being devoured from within.

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