How the hell does Hillary plan to pay for FREE College, FREE Childcare & FREE universal healthcare?

Where is the money for this vote purchase going to come from?

She will use those to raise taxes...and then put the increased money toward everything but those things.....a lot of it will end up in the Clinton foundation.......
Every government gift is paid for by higher tax rates and borrowing.

Whether it is your mortgage interest deduction, your employer sponsored health insurance exemption, your child tax credit, free health care, food stamps. Whatever.

Everyone pays higher tax rates to pay for all that, along with heavy deficits.

It amuses me to see people whine about someone else's government gifts but never complain about their own.

You want to see who is responsible for our federal debt? Stop pointing your finger and look in the mirror.
Except the people paying for that shit are the people who gave up their own money to make it possible.
No, they aren't. They steadfastly refuse to pay the tax rates necessary to balance the budget. They DEMAND deficit spending while taking their $1.2 trillion in government gifts every year.

Show me ANY welfare program that steals that much from taxpayers.

If you add up all the welfare programs, they only come out to $600 billion. Literally HALF what the REAL takers are taking every year.
Where is the money for this vote purchase going to come from?
The same place where your mortgage interest deduction vote purchase comes from: higher tax rates.

So, I take it you declined to take the mortgage deduction?
I fully support it going away. How about you?
So you don't have integrity?
Isnt that the same standard you apply to trump?
I have complete integrity. I support eliminating most tax expenditures. How about you?

In the meantime, why should I put myself at a financial disadvantage to everyone else when there are free government gifts on the table?

This is exactly how the government has created an unhealthy dependency on government in all of us, not just in blacks. You people whine just like welfare queens when the subject of taking away YOUR government gifts comes up.
I am the same way man. Like taxes. You are damn strait I will take that tax credit. But do I want them to stop?
My point that you didn't get was, do you apply that to trump too? Like, say, his hats?
That's why Republicans heavily favor tax expenditures. They are a hidden way to increase the debt load on every American with very few people catching on. Then they get to stand in front of a microphone and whine about negroes on food stamps and actually get the rubes they showered all those tax expenditures on to bleev its the darkies' fault we're so deep in debt.
The same place where your mortgage interest deduction vote purchase comes from: higher tax rates.

So, I take it you declined to take the mortgage deduction?
I fully support it going away. How about you?
So you don't have integrity?
Isnt that the same standard you apply to trump?
I have complete integrity. I support eliminating most tax expenditures. How about you?

In the meantime, why should I put myself at a financial disadvantage to everyone else when there are free government gifts on the table?

This is exactly how the government has created an unhealthy dependency on government in all of us, not just in blacks. You people whine just like welfare queens when the subject of taking away YOUR government gifts comes up.
I am the same way man. Like taxes. You are damn strait I will take that tax credit. But do I want them to stop?
My point that you didn't get was, do you apply that to trump too? Like, say, his hats?
Trump has used our corrupt system to his advantage. There are mountains and mountains of free money on the table for rich people. The rich people have paid our politicians a lot of money to give them all that free stuff. They get maximum returns on their investments in campaign funds and lobbying.

How many times have I said the playing field is legislatively tilted? How many times have I said the "tax the rich more" bullshit won't solve a fucking thing? It's a simplistic answer to a very complex problem very deliberately built to be too complex for the average rube to even know it exists.
Let's see. We are 20 trillion in debt. Of that 20 trillion, 1.25 trillion is owed to China.
So here's her plan:
1. Introduce the Chinese alphabet and language into our schools and universities. These will be mandatory courses. China forgives the debt.
2. China promises to extend monetary grants to our educational system with one condition - we rename our country:
The United States Of China.
Problem solved.
I have not heard Clinton is calling for free child care. Can someone provide a link?

I know she wants universal pre-school, which is different. Unless you count high school as "free child care", too.
I was wrong. It was an old discussion I heard and I was wrong. It would only be free if you're below a certain income level. She wants to cap childcare expenses at 10% of your income.

My bad but the question then changes to how can she tell a business what they can charges someone for services or does she intend to make up the difference?
That's why Republicans heavily favor tax expenditures. They are a hidden way to increase the debt load on every American with very few people catching on. Then they get to stand in front of a microphone and whine about negroes on food stamps and actually get the rubes they showered all those tax expenditures on to bleev its the darkies' fault we're so deep in debt.

Good points. Corporatism is a huge problem. The very wealthy are getting too many tax breaks. Especially large corporations.
If thieves were coming into your house every day and taking your stuff, and they had police protection, what kind of sense would it make to solve this problem by saying, "We should tax the guy in a bigger house than me more"?

It would make ZERO sense. But that is the "solution" the Left offers. The Right offers NO solution because they are the police who are taking the bribes from the thieves.

It's time to wake up. It's time to stop falling for the "divide and conquer" strategy of your masters. It's time to stop seeing everything as all the Republicans fault or all the Democrats' fault.

Stop being such fucking rubes.
That's why Republicans heavily favor tax expenditures. They are a hidden way to increase the debt load on every American with very few people catching on. Then they get to stand in front of a microphone and whine about negroes on food stamps and actually get the rubes they showered all those tax expenditures on to bleev its the darkies' fault we're so deep in debt.

Nice dodge... the question is till pending though G.. did you or did you not take the mortgage deduction?

I'll go first. I did.

(clutches tax expenditures)
Where is the money for this vote purchase going to come from?

There is enough wealth in this country to pay for all that 10 times over.

Supply side economics has moved that wealth into a few hands and kept it frozen there for decades.

If you had any clue how much income is generated by people who don't work, who live off investments only, you'd rethink your politics...

When you have a million + in the market, you have so many advantages over the average citizen. You can generate 2-3 times the average working persons income without lifting a finger.

That's exactly what they said in Greece and Venezuela!

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