How the hell does Hillary plan to pay for FREE College, FREE Childcare & FREE universal healthcare?

Moronic bullshit.

The MID does not increase home prices


One widely cited 1996 study by Dennis Capozza, Richard Green, and Patric Hendershott estimated that eliminating the mortgage interest and property tax deductions would reduce housing prices in the short term by an average of 13 percent nationwide, with regional changes ranging from 8 to 27 percent.

How Would Reforming the Mortgage Interest Deduction Affect the Housing Market?

The FAR left Brookings, huh? :thup:

ZERO surprise there, you are about as far left as they come.

As I pointed out last time I slaughtered you on your regressive tax increase scheme, the burden of $75 million in new taxes placed on the backs of middle class homeowners.

Mortgage Interest Deduction: Ending The MID Will ... | Zillow

Now there should be no deductions, because there should be no income tax. But a far left progressive like you bristles, how can favors be granted sans direct taxes?

But until such time as direct taxes are eliminated, per the US Constitution, (prior to amendment) the scheme of you on the left to shift yet more of the tax burden to the middle is an atrocious one.

G-Tard is a Marxist who seeks to crush the middle under a mountain of obscene taxtion, but for lurkers:

Consumption and Use taxes are blind. When a person makes a purchase or makes use of an asset, the taxes are paid. No deductions, no exemptions; really no way to buy the legislators to create such exemptions. A grocer has no idea that you donated to Hillary, so you should pay no tax.

This principle goes beyond income tax. If you own something, you don't pay rent on it. If you pay rent on something, you don't own it. If you pay government for the privilege of living on property you supposedly own, then you are simply renting said property from the government,
We are seeing classic government dependency in this topic. And just like any addict, the people who have become dependent on these government gifts are in denial. They think what they have stolen from others is "mine".

Of course, if you don't give every dime to your rightful owners in government, then you are a dependent.

After all, according to Marxists like G-Tard, any money you earn is the rightful property of the state. Every dime not taxed away from you is a "gift" according to G-Tard.

You see, to a Marxist like G-Tard, we are all property of the state, ergo anything earned rightfully belongs to our masters.
It's very simple, but somehow beyond the mental capacity of a pseudo-con to grasp.

If a tax bill for two people adds up to $100, they should each pay $50. But then if you let Bob "keep" $10 and pay only $40, then Bill has to pay $60 to make up the difference.

Bob has been told he is getting to "keep more of my own money", when in fact his ten dollar gift was stolen from Bill.

Tax deductions, credits, and exemptions mean higher tax rates and deficits. Fact.

More "static pie" fallacy from the Marxist.

But whatchaagunnado? :dunno:

If Bob and Bill have a tax rate of 10% and each earn $100 - but Bob has $10 in interest he deducts, then he will pay $9 in taxes and Bill will pay $10 - not $11 per you lie, but $10.

If our rulers decide that $19 isn't enough and rais the rate to 15%, then Bob will pay $14 and Bill will pay $15.

At no time does Bill "make up" the lower income (not expenditure, you drooling retard) from the deduction.

So let's recap;

  • You're lying
  • Your premise is false
  • Your logic is faulty
  • Your conclusion is absurd.
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Deductions are theft because they are paid for by taking more money from someone else to make up the difference.


Taxation is conducted by bracket and percentage. This fantasy you Marxists spin of a static pie that must be met is a complete fabrication that ignorant rubes like you spew on behalf of your rulers.

Other taxpayers, and yourself, through higher tax rates.

If you are too stupid to grasp this, I really can't help you any further.

Again you offer complete falsehood based a combination of ignorance and your dedication to socialism.

You are a moron.

Run along now, Krugman is bound to be posting more pablum for you to mindlessly lap up.
We are seeing classic government dependency in this topic. And just like any addict, the people who have become dependent on these government gifts are in denial. They think what they have stolen from others is "mine".
You are straight up delusional. 100%
Nice dodge... the question is till pending though G.. did you or did you not take the mortgage deduction?

I'll go first. I did.
I already answered that. See post 37.

Now answer my question. Do you support the MID going away?

I don't care... my house is paid for. And here's a thought, you can live by your principles and refuse to take the MID.
I am paying for the MID by being forced to pay higher home prices and higher tax rates. It would be stupid for me not to take it. I have no choice.

I live by my principles by supporting fiscally conservative candidates who want to eliminate tax expenditures.

You have a choice....
I do not have a choice in having to pay higher tax rates and higher home prices because of the MID.

Deductions, credits, and exemptions are theft. $1.2 trillion of theft every year.

How on Earth is it theft?
Then do the same for college it's only 4 more years but also spend more time helping high school students figure out if college is right for them or is community college or tech school or the military

Most of the nation already does. They are called "community colleges."

Most of the nation provides 'free' community college education paid for through property taxes?
The only people who think there's going to be free college are high school and college kids, who don't yet have any kind of grasp of macroeconomics and have been sold a bill of goods.

"We'll make the evil rich people and the eviler corporations pay for it".

Good enough for them.
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