How the hell does Hillary plan to pay for FREE College, FREE Childcare & FREE universal healthcare?

I have not heard Clinton is calling for free child care. Can someone provide a link?

I know she wants universal pre-school, which is different. Unless you count high school as "free child care", too.
I was wrong. It was an old discussion I heard and I was wrong. It would only be free if you're below a certain income level. She wants to cap childcare expenses at 10% of your income.

My bad but the question then changes to how can she tell a business what they can charges someone for services or does she intend to make up the difference?
Okay. That helped me to find it.

Clinton Lays Out Agenda For Making Child Care Better -- And More Affordable

But the most intriguing part of Tuesday’s proposal was Clinton’s call to make sure that no family ever pays more than 10 percent of its income on child-care expenses. To accomplish this, campaign aides said, Clinton would use a combination of subsidized child care and tax credits. The campaign did not provide more information on how these subsidies and credits would work, or how big they would be, saying only that such details would come later this year.

A subsidy and a tax credit are both paid for by higher tax rates and deficit spending. Makes no difference.

But here's the funny thing. Pseudo-con retards claim tax credits mean "I get to keep more of my own money!" So they should support Clinton's tax credits for daycare, right? :lol:
You loserterians do realize that Britain, canada and most of europe uses "single payer" or some modified form of it. None of them put out even half as much as we do.

That is how we pay for it...It is simply cheaper.
Here is another part of Clinton's daycare plan in that same article:

The other initiative would seek to boost pay for child-care workers, as a way to improve retention and attract educators with stronger qualifications. Clinton will call this the RAISE initiative, for “Respect And Increased Salaries for Early Childhood Educators,” and it will be based on successful pilot programs now operating in several states.

So she would increase the overhead for daycare, and then subsidize it with taxpayer dollars.
What a crock of shit.

What you cannot grasp is that it isn't your money.

You firmly believe that all assets, including people, are the rightful propert of the crown. Hence, any tax cut or deduction is at best a gift from our rulers, if not theft of the rightful assets.

I have posted time and time again evidence of how the MID increases the cost of housing and that your MID is completely zeroed out by higher tax rates and higher home prices.

You've posted bullshit that ignores financial reality and is based on leftist chicanery.

Your underlying premise is wrong, assets are not the property of the crown - despite how badly you want them to be.

The MID allows homeowners to reduce reportable income by the amount of interest they pay. With current rates of 3% or so, this is a pittance. However your lust for other peoples money makes you angry that the middle should be allowed even one dime.

The MID is money taken from your pocket and transferred up the food chain to lenders and realtors. That's why they spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year on lobbying and campaign donations, in which they get a return on their investment of close to $100 billion a year.

You are such a rube.

And look at you, actually DEMANDING government intervention in the free market! YOU are the liberal, dumbass.

Utter bullshit.

You are a leftist drone attacking the middle class based on fantastical tales.

I oppose direct taxation - ALL direct taxation. Income nor property can be subject to tax in a free and fair society, As long as we are going to take the bread from the mouths of workers to feed the greedy maw of you socialists, I support any and every deduction provided to working families.
Eliminating tax expenditures is a long and central principle of conservatism. It was a core battle Ronald Reagan fought during his Presidency.

These modern day retarded pseudo-conservatives are so far off the reservation, they don't know a right wing principle when it kicks them in the balls.

Tax cuts are not "expenditures" Comrade.

Tell the truth for a change.
You loserterians do realize that Britain, canada and most of europe uses "single payer" or some modified form of it. None of them put out even half as much as we do.

That is how we pay for it...It is simply cheaper.
And Yurp and Canada are buckling under the costs. And I would LOVE to see them support their social safety net without the US subsidizing their defense.

The single biggest lie told during the Brexit debate was that £350M a week was being bled from the UK by the European Union, and that a Brexit would allow that money to be channeled to the NIH.

This was the most advertised promise of that campaign, and it was a massive lie, which Brits are now discovering.

Single payer, eh? That's the thing about liberals. When government fucks things up (ObamaCare), their answer is, "We need MOAR government!"

I have no doubt we are headed for single payer, though. I have been saying for years it is inevitable. The GOP sold us down that river to the Democrats ages ago.

The BEST course of action would be to make the health insurance market identical to the home, auto, and life insurance markets. You pick up the phone and call whatever insurance company in the country you desire, then you pick whatever plan you like. No more being hostage to your employer. No more will employers be hostage to insurance companies. And you will have maximum bargaining leverage because you will have a CHOICE.
Eliminating tax expenditures is a long and central principle of conservatism. It was a core battle Ronald Reagan fought during his Presidency.

These modern day retarded pseudo-conservatives are so far off the reservation, they don't know a right wing principle when it kicks them in the balls.

Tax cuts are not "expenditures" Comrade.

Tell the truth for a change.
If we eliminated tax expenditures, we could give EVERYONE a tax cut. Lower tax rates across the board.

Learn something about fiscal conservatism and economics, retard. Stop clutching your expensive government gifts and screaming like a welfare queen.
A great many of the 47% who don't pay taxes end up in that group due to tax expenditures. Their deductions, credits, and exemptions add up to an amount which puts them into the non-paying category.

By eliminating most tax expenditures, we "widen the tax base". This means more people end up being paying taxpayers. It means more people have "skin in the game".

It also means everyone who pays taxes will be paying much lower tax rates than we currently pay. Tax expenditures are causing us to pay higher tax rates.

This is such old school fiscal conservatism, I can't believe I am actually having to explain this.

Widening the base to include more of the 47% does little to increase total revenue...not much money there

You want more revenue, you have to hit the top 5% of tax payers. Even a one percent increase will raise more than a ten percent increase on the 47%
I am paying for the MID by being forced to pay higher home prices and higher tax rates. So it would be stupid for me not to take it. I have no choice.

I live by my principles by supporting fiscally conservative candidates who want to eliminate tax expenditures.

Moronic bullshit.

The MID does not increase home prices - what a steaming pile you Soros drones shit out.

Further Comrade, you suffer from the "static pie" fallacy, where you think that there is a static pie of taxes, for each dollar that a middle class peasant is allowed to keep, that is one less dollar that you'll get in your welfare check.

It doesn't work that way.
A great many of the 47% who don't pay taxes end up in that group due to tax expenditures. Their deductions, credits, and exemptions add up to an amount which puts them into the non-paying category.

By eliminating most tax expenditures, we "widen the tax base". This means more people end up being paying taxpayers. It means more people have "skin in the game".

It also means everyone who pays taxes will be paying much lower tax rates than we currently pay. Tax expenditures are causing us to pay higher tax rates.

This is such old school fiscal conservatism, I can't believe I am actually having to explain this.

Widening the base to include more of the 47% does little to increase total revenue...not much money there

You want more revenue, you have to hit the top 5% of tax payers. Even a one percent increase will raise more than a ten percent increase on the 47%
When you widen the base, and eliminate tax expenditures, you massively increase revenues. This is simple economics.

If we left tax rates where they are, and just eliminated tax expenditures, we would have nearly $800 billion a year in surplus revenues without cutting a dime in spending. And a lot more people would be paying taxes.

This means we could significantly lower tax rates for everyone and balance the budget. That's why Cruz and Paul and Rubio were able to put low tax rates in their tax plans which drastically cut tax expenditures. The two things go hand in hand.

We already have a progressive tax structure, so we are already "hitting" the top 5 percent.
I do not have a choice in having to pay higher tax rates and higher home prices because of the MID.

Deductions, credits, and exemptions are theft. $1.2 trillion of theft every year.

You DO have a choice is spewing moronic lies, Comrade.

Deductions are ONLY "theft" if all assets belong to the crown. This is where you stumble, as a mindless Marxist, you hold that each dollar earned belongs to our rulers, and that and kept by the peasants is "theft.'
Moronic bullshit.

The MID does not increase home prices


One widely cited 1996 study by Dennis Capozza, Richard Green, and Patric Hendershott estimated that eliminating the mortgage interest and property tax deductions would reduce housing prices in the short term by an average of 13 percent nationwide, with regional changes ranging from 8 to 27 percent.

How Would Reforming the Mortgage Interest Deduction Affect the Housing Market?
If we eliminated tax expenditures, we could give EVERYONE a tax cut. Lower tax rates across the board.

Given that you don't grasp the terms "income, expenditure, credit, debit" your moronic claims are usesless.

Learn something about fiscal conservatism and economics, retard. Stop clutching your expensive government gifts and screaming like a welfare queen.

Karl Marx is not the basis of "fiscal conservatism" sparky.

Once again, money I earn that is not taken in taxes is not a "gift," Comrade.
It's very simple, but somehow beyond the mental capacity of a pseudo-con to grasp.

If a tax bill for two people adds up to $100, they should each pay $50. But then if you let Bob "keep" $10 and pay only $40, then Bill has to pay $60 to make up the difference.

Bob has been told he is getting to "keep more of my own money", when in fact his ten dollar gift was stolen from Bill.

Tax deductions, credits, and exemptions mean higher tax rates and deficits. Fact.
I do not have a choice in having to pay higher tax rates and higher home prices because of the MID.

Deductions, credits, and exemptions are theft. $1.2 trillion of theft every year.

You DO have a choice is spewing moronic lies, Comrade.

Deductions are ONLY "theft" if all assets belong to the crown. This is where you stumble, as a mindless Marxist, you hold that each dollar earned belongs to our rulers, and that and kept by the peasants is "theft.'
Deductions are theft because they are paid for by taking more money from someone else to make up the difference. Other taxpayers, and yourself, through higher tax rates.

If you are too stupid to grasp this, I really can't help you any further.
We are seeing classic government dependency in this topic. And just like any addict, the people who have become dependent on these government gifts are in denial. They think what they have stolen from others is "mine".

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