How the hell does Hillary plan to pay for FREE College, FREE Childcare & FREE universal healthcare?

That's why Republicans heavily favor tax expenditures. They are a hidden way to increase the debt load on every American with very few people catching on. Then they get to stand in front of a microphone and whine about negroes on food stamps and actually get the rubes they showered all those tax expenditures on to bleev its the darkies' fault we're so deep in debt.

Good points. Corporatism is a huge pro
That's why Republicans heavily favor tax expenditures. They are a hidden way to increase the debt load on every American with very few people catching on. Then they get to stand in front of a microphone and whine about negroes on food stamps and actually get the rubes they showered all those tax expenditures on to bleev its the darkies' fault we're so deep in debt.

Good points. Corporatism is a huge problem. The very wealthy are getting too many tax breaks. Especially large corporations.

blem. The very wealthy are getting too many tax breaks. Especially large corporations.
Here's a thought:
Stop taxing corporations. Period. Zero. Nada.
They come back, and hire thousands upon thousands of taxpayers, increasing the net revenue that our huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government can waste. Win win.
Where is the money for this vote purchase going to come from?

Not from you.

You don't earn enough.

That's the point, cons and GOPs and trumps, we don't want YOUR money or your GUNS.

We want the wealth that has been systematically moved to the top over 3 decades of closing factories and lowering taxes on the wealthily.

"The middle class has been buried these past 4 years" -- Biden Oct 2012
That's why Republicans heavily favor tax expenditures. They are a hidden way to increase the debt load on every American with very few people catching on. Then they get to stand in front of a microphone and whine about negroes on food stamps and actually get the rubes they showered all those tax expenditures on to bleev its the darkies' fault we're so deep in debt.

Nice dodge... the question is till pending though G.. did you or did you not take the mortgage deduction?

I'll go first. I did.
I already answered that. See post 37.

Now answer my question. Do you support the MID going away?
I already answered that. See post 37.

Now answer my question. Do you support the MID going away?

So, like ALL democrats, you demand a sharp tax increase on the middle with the goal of making home ownership more difficult or impossible for struggling families.

Yep, you're a Hillary voter alright.

As I said before Comrade, it isn't your money. NOT taking it isn't an expenditure.
That's why Republicans heavily favor tax expenditures. They are a hidden way to increase the debt load on every American with very few people catching on. Then they get to stand in front of a microphone and whine about negroes on food stamps and actually get the rubes they showered all those tax expenditures on to bleev its the darkies' fault we're so deep in debt.

Good points. Corporatism is a huge pro
That's why Republicans heavily favor tax expenditures. They are a hidden way to increase the debt load on every American with very few people catching on. Then they get to stand in front of a microphone and whine about negroes on food stamps and actually get the rubes they showered all those tax expenditures on to bleev its the darkies' fault we're so deep in debt.

Good points. Corporatism is a huge problem. The very wealthy are getting too many tax breaks. Especially large corporations.

blem. The very wealthy are getting too many tax breaks. Especially large corporations.
Here's a thought:
Stop taxing corporations. Period. Zero. Nada.
They come back, and hire thousands upon thousands of taxpayers, increasing the net revenue that our huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government can waste. Win win.

Sadly, that won't happen. It'll still be cheaper for them to outsource jobs to poor nations. They seem to receive enough help in the form big tax breaks. They can't complain. They're being helped. Personally, i feel they're being helped way too much.
When Ted Cruz talks about a postcard tax return, do you rubes know there is only one way that can be accomplished?

It can only be accomplished by eliminating almost all tax expenditures. He doesn't tell you that, but I have been pointing it out since the get-go, and it is the one thing I like about Ted Cruz, except for the fact he covers up this truth with a mountain of bullshit. Such as ending the IRS.

If you are filling out a tax return, then there is an IRS. You can change the name, but it is still the IRS.

Now, do you think Ted Cruz doesn't claim his tax credits, exemptions, and deductions in the meantime?
I already answered that. See post 37.

Now answer my question. Do you support the MID going away?

So, like ALL democrats, you demand a sharp tax increase on the middle with the goal of making home ownership more difficult or impossible for struggling families.

What a crock of shit. I have posted time and time again evidence of how the MID increases the cost of housing and that your MID is completely zeroed out by higher tax rates and higher home prices. The MID is money taken from your pocket and transferred up the food chain to lenders and realtors. That's why they spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year on lobbying and campaign donations, in which they get a return on their investment of close to $100 billion a year.

You are such a rube.

And look at you, actually DEMANDING government intervention in the free market! YOU are the liberal, dumbass.
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Wouldn't it be great to cheer and celebrate achieving these incredible worthy moral goals? Rather than only cheering and celebrating having more wars and how much more money the Wall Street elites are making?
Eliminating tax expenditures is a long and central principle of conservatism. It was a core battle Ronald Reagan fought during his Presidency.

These modern day retarded pseudo-conservatives are so far off the reservation, they don't know a right wing principle when it kicks them in the balls.
Look who called for eliminating tax expenditures during this campaign cycle. Was it Clinton or Sanders? Oh hell no!

Ted Cruz.

Rand Paul.

Marco Rubio.

It's a right wing thing, retards. Get with the program.
Eliminating tax expenditures is a long and central principle of conservatism. These modern day retarded pseudo-conservatives are so far off the reservation, they don't know a right wing principle when it kicks them in the balls.

Yeah, i wouldn't mind spending more money on these kinds of worthy endeavors. I mean why not? We spend so much money on wars and helping Wall Street out. If we can do that, we can do this too.
Without tax expenditures, you wouldn't need Turbo Tax or H&R Block. You could fill out your taxes in five minutes.

But the accountancy lobby spends tens of millions of dollars a year on donations and lobbying to keep your taxes as complicated as possible.

Wake up, rubes.
Look who called for eliminating tax expenditures during this campaign cycle. Was it Clinton or Sanders? Oh hell no!

Ted Cruz.

Rand Paul.

Marco Rubio.

It's a right wing thing, retards.
No dumfuck. They called for restructuring the tax code, or eliminating the IRS completely, collecting taxes on what we spend - not what we make. Don't pick your nose libtard - your head will cave in.
1. Liberals NEVER EVER consider how to fund anything when making election year promises.

2. Liberals NEVER EVER mention the fact that 'nothing is free'. Hell, Obama had the 'testicular fortitude' to flat out lie his ass off to Americans Gruber referred to as 'stupid' by declaring the ACA 'would not cost a dime' and 'would pay for itself', which would have made the ACA the 1st program in human civilization government history to such a thing.

3. Liberals are always supposed to be / demand to be judged on their INTENT, not on their results or the 'fall-out' of their ideas.
Look who called for eliminating tax expenditures during this campaign cycle. Was it Clinton or Sanders? Oh hell no!

Ted Cruz.

Rand Paul.

Marco Rubio.

It's a right wing thing, retards.
No dumfuck. They called for restructuring the tax code, or eliminating the IRS completely, collecting taxes on what we spend - not what we make. Don't pick your nose libtard - your head will cave in.
Hey dumbshit. How are you going to fill out your taxes on a postcard and still claim all those exemptions, credits, and deductions?

You can't, idiot. Did you even LOOK at their tax plans? They ELIMINATED ALL TAX EXPENDITURES, and then created block deductions to make you rubes think you were still getting a government gift.

And who is going to receive your postcard tax return, you unbelievably stupid moron? The Forestry Service?

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