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How the left-wingers in russia failed to stamp out religion

The communist had two reason for what they did.
1. The church of state always sided with every despot and profited by that association.
2. Marx said religion is the opium of the masses and Lenin wanted total control over humans.
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How did this thread wind up in the Asia forum....me thinks somebody did not want it discussed.

If I knew who was responsible I would ax them why?
We observe now how the lefties in America are attacking Christianity and would love to get rid of it.

Leftists today don't have a problem with religion so long as religion conforms to their political party. For example, the US now has a Catholic President and Catholics dominate the Supreme Court. However, will Roe vs. Wade be overturned? No, it won't be because those Catholics in power submit more to their political leanings than God.

I mean, just look at the Pope. Here is a man that mostly ignores the ongoing mass genocide of abortion, at least it is mass genocide according to official Catholic teachings, but he gives sermons on the evils of building walls instead.

Essentially so long as people bow to the doctrines on the Left, such as abortion on demand, they will be allowed to believe and do pretty much anything they want. After all, I often hear those on the Left say that Jesus would want all the illegals coming to the US to feed them, etc. So you see, religion can also be used to their advantage while ignoring the inconvenient tenants, such as abortion being murder and gay marriage being an abomination. Along the way, people I think become indifferent to a religion that seems no different than the political leanings of society, thus making it irrelevant. In fact, that I think is the best way to try and destroy religion. Typically if you directly assault people to prevent them from doing something, they fight back, but if you subvert it rather than directly prohibit it, the psychology is preferable to its eradication..

The Left I think has learned this over the years and doing very well with it as churches all over Western Civilization are shriveling up and dying..

But if God is real, the only eradication will ultimately be those Leftists.

As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.
Bringing the world into the church will corrupt Religion. But as we see in history the word of God survives and thrives .And all those empires that tried to destroy it are all ruins and dust covered artifacts.

As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.

Well, in some ways it began with Nietzsche, who proclaimed God was dead—which a certain strain of leftist ideologues misunderstood as the atheist statement of the millennia, when if fact Nietzsche's infamous words were a warning directed at future civilization, not an assault on the Church or God.

French and German Enlightenment philosophers took their potshots at the Church, which culminated in the atrocities of the French Revolution. Then came Marx and Engel and Hegel, whose political atheist ideologies were enacted in real-time by Lenin, Stalin and Mao. At the Frankfurt School the seeds of postmodernism as a means for hostile replacement of Christianity in Western Civilization were deeply sown.

Derrida followed, teaching the likes of Pol Pot how to murder the fuck out of would be Christians, or devout members of any religion, really. In America, Derrida's postmodernism sprang from the minds of countless university professors into generations of young, impressionable Americans who would go on to rule our nation.

And now, after eight decades of assault by the forces of atheist evil, enough brains have been washed and enough scandal sewn into our religious organizations so that it is no longer cool to be Christian or to stand for any moral grounding at all. A majority of Americans fear identifying as Christians or faithful. The countdown has begun to the end of faith in Christ.
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As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.
Drugs and sex...worked in the 1960s.

As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.

What you are seeing is what Paul prophesied in his letter to Timothy, as recorded in 2 Timothy 4:3-4:

3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

There will always be those who will seek preachers and churches that will tell them what they want to hear, rather than telling them the hard truths that they need to hear, and there will be preachers who will pander to them.

As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.

What you are seeing is what Paul prophesied in his letter to Timothy, as recorded in 2 Timothy 4:3-4:
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

There will always be those who will seek preachers and churches that will tell them what they want to hear, rather than telling them the hard truths that they need to hear, and there will be preachers who will pander to them.
It already happened in Genesis prior to the flood.
When humans flood the world with human juices, the get flooded in return.
It might be that when everything turns to shit, and I mean bad shit, then people may return to some form of religion. Possibly Christianity, or neo-Christianity whatever that may mean down the road. Life without a belief in God(s) and an afterlife might be a harder burden than many can bear. And so they won't, gov't can oppress the crap out of religion, but I don't think it's going to die.

As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.

What you are seeing is what Paul prophesied in his letter to Timothy, as recorded in 2 Timothy 4:3-4:
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

There will always be those who will seek preachers and churches that will tell them what they want to hear, rather than telling them the hard truths that they need to hear, and there will be preachers who will pander to them.

Excellent. Telling the truth takes great courage. Courage is a word few people understand. It is very easy to see one's self as courageous while being a coward in reality. Telling the truth always results in consequences of some kind. People don't want to rock the boat so they lie or halve the truth.
Keep complaining about everything except the example religious people have set. The religious right has done more to destroy religion than any militant atheist could dream of by consistently using the bible as a bludgeon on the very people Jesus commanded them to minister to. Who the hell wants to join a club that seems to be full of judgmental assholes?
Keep complaining about everything except the example religious people have set. The religious right has done more to destroy religion than any militant atheist could dream of by consistently using the bible as a bludgeon on the very people Jesus commanded them to minister to. Who the hell wants to join a club that seems to be full of judgmental assholes?
There will always be assholes, and always be those who call themselves Christian who are not, like Hitler did.

However, the teachings of Christ are timeless and cannot be erased no matter how many try to subvert them by attacking those who profess to follow but do not.

The most damage done I think was the Catholic church during the reign of terror from such things as the Inquisitions and Jewish ghettos, but that was all due to the fact that Constantine, who was not even a Christian himself, made the religion into a theocracy. But as Christ taught, you cannot mix God's kingdom with the kingdom of the world that does not know God nor can know him. Political worldly power naturally corrupts is the reason.

But the Founding Fathers had it right. They observed how the British Crown subverted the church by taking it over with the state preaching from the pulpit, and decided that this should not go on in the US.

It's been a nice run, but as we see now the Left is slowly taking over those pulpits.

As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.

Well, in some ways it began with Nietzsche, who proclaimed God was dead—which a certain strain of leftist ideologues misunderstood as the atheist statement of the millennia, when if fact Nietzsche's infamous words were a warning directed at future civilization, not an assault on the Church or God.

French and German Enlightenment philosophers took their potshots at the Church, which culminated in the atrocities of the French Revolution. Then came Marx and Engel and Hegel, whose political atheist ideologies were enacted in real-time by Lenin, Stalin and Mao. At the Frankfurt School the seeds of postmodernism as a means for hostile replacement of Christianity in Western Civilization were deeply sown.

Derrida followed, teaching the likes of Pol Pot how to murder the fuck out of would be Christians, or devout members of any religion, really. In America, Derrida's postmodernism sprang from the minds of countless university professors into generations of young, impressionable Americans who would go on to rule our nation.

And now, after eight decades of assault by the forces of atheist evil, enough brains have been washed and enough scandal sewn into our religious organizations so that it is no longer cool to be Christian or to stand for any moral grounding at all. A majority of Americans fear identifying as Christians or faithful. The countdown has begun to the end of faith in Christ.
I think that Nietzsche tried to deviate from the morals of the Christian religion because he rejected it, like trying to help the poor and helpless, etc. To his credit, he saw the hypocrisy of Marx who tried to embrace the morals of Christ by wanting to help the poor, but rejecting the source of those morals. This hypocrisy led to a horrific result of the Marxist onslaught that murdered hundreds of millions of people and still continues to devastate lives today.

But the philosophy of Nietzsche likewise led to a horrific result, as Hitler embraced it.
Keep complaining about everything except the example religious people have set. The religious right has done more to destroy religion than any militant atheist could dream of by consistently using the bible as a bludgeon on the very people Jesus commanded them to minister to. Who the hell wants to join a club that seems to be full of judgmental assholes?
There will always be assholes, and always be those who call themselves Christian who are not, like Hitler did.

However, the teachings of Christ are timeless and cannot be erased no matter how many try to subvert them by attacking those who profess to follow but do not.

The most damage done I think was the Catholic church during the reign of terror from such things as the Inquisitions and Jewish ghettos, but that was all due to the fact that Constantine, who was not even a Christian himself, made the religion into a theocracy. But as Christ taught, you cannot mix God's kingdom with the kingdom of the world that does not know God nor can know him. Political worldly power naturally corrupts is the reason.

But the Founding Fathers had it right. They observed how the British Crown subverted the church by taking it over with the state preaching from the pulpit, and decided that this should not go on in the US.

It's been a nice run, but as we see now the Left is slowly taking over those pulpits.
Seriously? The Falwell moral majority crowd ruined everything by being a terrible example. It's one of the reasons I walked away. Somehow they could always find some scriptural basis to ignore how Jesus told them to live and still do.

As we have seen in the former USSR, the use of direct force to stamp out religion failed no matter how severe the persecution.

Likewise the early church was routinely oppressed and thrown to the lions, etc.

So as we see, direct opposition fails miserably.

But today, as the church progressively moves to the Left, we see the church embrace much of the Left wing ideology of our day. We have a Pope who rails about the evils of building walls, but seemingly ignores the mass genocide of abortion, at least, abortion is labeled mass genocide officially by the church to this day. And we see many on the Left say that Jesus would want immigrants into countries to feed them, seemingly taking up the Christian religion briefly to achieve political support, but then rejecting it once someone may say that gay marriage is an abomination before God.

So as the church move towards Marx, the man who said religion is the opiate for the masses, it seemingly is dying off in the Western world. I think the Left has finally understood how to destroy religion, just subvert the religious leaders towards the pervasive political ideology of the world so that you can't really tell the difference. Then the church loses all appeal, being indistinguishable from the rest of the world like the Catholics who are a majority on the Supreme Court but refuse to overturn Roe vs. Wade.

Once the salt has lost all its flavor, it goes bye, bye.
Not to worry.
Religion destroys itself.
Give it time and the truth about religion becomes clear to the people and
The people come to understand that religion only serves the religious leaders.
And then, truth wins.

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