How The NRA Enables Massacres

It has - the court flatly and completely rejected your line of reasoning, with citations.
Why do you refuse to accept this?

You missed my point entirely. The Court has made some recent rulings which support a public policy which many citizens are beginning to understand is foolish. As times moves forward and more innocent lives are destroyed by mass murderers using guns I'm not alone in hoping sanity will prevail. As to your assertion, " the court flatly and completely rejected your line of reasoning, with citations", 5-4 decisions do not seem to support your hope that gun control is dead.

You think its foolish, stay unarmed

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

What makes you believe I'm unarmed?
The NRA can't "enable" anyone. It doesn't have the power except in the fantasy world of border line crazy left wingers. The problem with the left is that they don't trust the courts or government or even the 1st Amendment. They are at war with reality and their only source of information is based on rants from stand up comedians on the comedy network and hate filled blogs aimed their sub-standard education.
What you wrote, and I quote, " "since it didn't exist at the time" fallacy, eh? Cool, now let's apply that reasoning to the Amendments in total........

Let's look at the 16th Amendment. No income tax existed in the 18th Century in the US, correct?

We agree no semi automatic guns with 30-round mags existed in the 18th century. Correct?

Since no authority was granted to collect an income tax in the enumerated powers, the
16th Amendment cannot be valid, according to those who support the theory of O. I.; thus, those who support O.I. cannot pretend any gun produced today which did not exist in the 18th Century should be protected by the 2nd.

Or if they do they must be hypocrites.

Well, the original intent was that the People be as well armed as the regulars, so O.I. would allow everything the military have be available to the People.

Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger should have had every weapon available to the military? Are you insane?

He didn't say that, you fucking lying ass hole.

Cant you win an argument without making up what your opponent says?

Obviously not.
Shouldn't everyone who obeys the law be opposed to the infringement on any rights guaranteed in the Constitution?

Mass shootings account for less than 1% of all gun murders or in other words if you could end mass shootings tomorrow the murder rate wouldn't even budge.

The COTUS speaks to "arms" within the meaning of what that meant in the 18th Century, guns available today are much different.

I'll take your word for the 1% figure, but to those parents who lost their child to mass murder - and Americans who have empathy - by the gun it matters not; only callous conservatives believe as do you.

Everything the Cotus speaks of meant something different in the 18th century but reasonable people have interpreted the document to take into account advances of society and technology.

Mass Shootings Fuel Fear, Account for Fraction of Murders - Bloomberg

Criminologist Says Mass Murder In U.S. Is Declining | Here & Now

We don't make laws that affect everyone on emotion. Empathy aside the facts are the facts. No one sane wants to see a young person killed but rational people know that it is going to happen no matter what.

Well, the libtards do unless people remain vigilant.
No it has not been "shown meaningless"...
It has - the court flatly and completely rejected your line of reasoning, with citations.
Why do you refuse to accept this?

You missed my point entirely. The Court has made some recent rulings which support a public policy which many citizens are beginning to understand is foolish. As times moves forward and more innocent lives are destroyed by mass murderers using guns I'm not alone in hoping sanity will prevail. .

Lol, yeah, like sanity prevailed with Stalin in the Soviet Union, Maoist Chicoms, the Khmer Rouge, the Nazis, etc.

Your idea of sanity has killed hundreds of millions of people from the French Revolution to the Death Camps, to the Gulag and the Killing Fields.

Fuck you, NO we will not give up our guns, you god damned Nazi.
Gun control does not mean a total prohibition of guns.

No, it never does. It only prohibits guns among those the state opposes, a state Nazis like you target for control so you can slaughter your enemies then each other as has every such leftist state since the French Revolution.
You pretzel logic knows no bounds. The 1st Amendment covers free speech, following your logic the internet, telephone, texting, etc did not exist in the 18th century..........
I am not the one who adheres to that "interpretation".

Nor am I, but the pretzel logic is that of Scalia and his band of activists.
Good luck with that one as all one needs do is peruse the writings of the founding fathers to discover their Original Intent. They are plain that it does not apply solely to "militia" showing that the previous Justices through out the previous decades who began their assault on the 2nd Amendment were the real activists. Scalia, et al, has started to return the interpretation back to the original intent of the founding fathers.
Your bubble is busted again.

absolutely right. Madison was explicit in his intent. in regards to the militia he was explicit in saying this militia should be by leaders of their own chosing AND separate from the regular army. he even went on to say they shouldbe of equal or greater strength than the regular army should the government ever attempt to use the regular army against the people.
The NRA can't "enable" anyone. It doesn't have the power except in the fantasy world of border line crazy left wingers. The problem with the left is that they don't trust the courts or government or even the 1st Amendment. They are at war with reality and their only source of information is based on rants from stand up comedians on the comedy network and hate filled blogs aimed their sub-standard education.


1. to make able; give power, means, competence, or ability to; authorize: This document will enable him to pass through the enemy lines unmolested.

2. to make possible or easy: Aeronautics enables us to overcome great distances.

3. to make ready; equip (often used in combination): Web-enabled cell phones.
Well, the original intent was that the People be as well armed as the regulars, so O.I. would allow everything the military have be available to the People.

Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger should have had every weapon available to the military? Are you insane?

"Well, the original intent was that the People be as well armed as the regulars, so O.I. would allow everything the military have be available to the People."

He didn't say that, you fucking lying ass hole.

Cant you win an argument without making up what your opponent says?

Obviously not.

If he didn't, why did he write, ""Well, the original intent was that the People be as well armed as the regulars, so O.I. would allow everything the military have be available to the People."

BTW, you're the fucking asshole as well one dumb piece of shit.

Do you sleep with your gun, stroke it as you dream of killing someone and being the hero? I bet you do, and away from your keyboard you're a punk ass sissy.
Still arguing about completely IRRELEVANT shit I see... *sigh* ... libroids ... my God you people are fucking stupid.

The puffy lipped little whack job was the product of an elitist, leftard, progressive, hollyweird, left coast entitlement class, better than everyone else, narcissistic, egotistical, megalomaniac, psychotic, kullyfornia democrat agenda.

SO BLAME THEM, end of story.
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Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger should have had every weapon available to the military? Are you insane?

"Well, the original intent was that the People be as well armed as the regulars, so O.I. would allow everything the military have be available to the People."

He didn't say that, you fucking lying ass hole.

Cant you win an argument without making up what your opponent says?

Obviously not.

If he didn't, why did he write, ""Well, the original intent was that the People be as well armed as the regulars, so O.I. would allow everything the military have be available to the People."

BTW, you're the fucking asshole as well one dumb piece of shit.

Do you sleep with your gun, stroke it as you dream of killing someone and being the hero? I bet you do, and away from your keyboard you're a punk ass sissy.

actually he did write that. and in his arguments he gave examples and situations of how the armed citizens would stand up against the regular army.

But I guess facts, not fitting into you personal agenda, go largely ignored
"Well, the original intent was that the People be as well armed as the regulars, so O.I. would allow everything the military have be available to the People."

He didn't say that, you fucking lying ass hole.

Cant you win an argument without making up what your opponent says?

Obviously not.

If he didn't, why did he write, ""Well, the original intent was that the People be as well armed as the regulars, so O.I. would allow everything the military have be available to the People."

BTW, you're the fucking asshole as well one dumb piece of shit.

Do you sleep with your gun, stroke it as you dream of killing someone and being the hero? I bet you do, and away from your keyboard you're a punk ass sissy.

actually he did write that. and in his arguments he gave examples and situations of how the armed citizens would stand up against the regular army.

But I guess facts, not fitting into you personal agenda, go largely ignored

LOL, good luck with standing up against the regular army.
Well, the original intent was that the People be as well armed as the regulars, so O.I. would allow everything the military have be available to the People.

Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger should have had every weapon available to the military? Are you insane?

He didn't say that, you fucking lying ass hole.

Cant you win an argument without making up what your opponent says?

Obviously not.

lol, Wry Catcher negged me for calling him on his lie, lololol.

The lefties have such a thin skin, little bitches.
If he didn't, why did he write, ""Well, the original intent was that the People be as well armed as the regulars, so O.I. would allow everything the military have be available to the People."

BTW, you're the fucking asshole as well one dumb piece of shit.

Do you sleep with your gun, stroke it as you dream of killing someone and being the hero? I bet you do, and away from your keyboard you're a punk ass sissy.

actually he did write that. and in his arguments he gave examples and situations of how the armed citizens would stand up against the regular army.

But I guess facts, not fitting into you personal agenda, go largely ignored

LOL, good luck with standing up against the regular army.

Yeah, like no American could fight a regular army like the Taliban did or the Vietcong.....

You are such a fucking retard.
Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger should have had every weapon available to the military? Are you insane?

"Well, the original intent was that the People be as well armed as the regulars, so O.I. would allow everything the military have be available to the People."

He didn't say that, you fucking lying ass hole.

Cant you win an argument without making up what your opponent says?

Obviously not.

If he didn't, why did he write, ""Well, the original intent was that the People be as well armed as the regulars, so O.I. would allow everything the military have be available to the People."

Having the weapons available to the people does not mean that they should be available to each and every individual regardless of their mental state or criminal record, you stupid ****.

BTW, you're the fucking asshole as well one dumb piece of shit.

Do you sleep with your gun, stroke it as you dream of killing someone and being the hero? I bet you do, and away from your keyboard you're a punk ass sissy.

Hey how about I pm you my real name and address and you can come and find out for your own damned self, huh bitch?

You are such an idiot, even if you have had any training you are probably too stupid to do anything right, lol.
We know how to stop these incidents, or at least greatly reduce them.*We've seen other countries do it, such as Australia, which was averaging one of these massacres a year until their infamous Port Arthur Massacre in 1996. After which they completely overhauled their gun laws. Since then, a country with the same frontier history as the United States has not experienced one mass shooting. Not one. Their homicides and suicides have also precipitously dropped.

mmmmm not really
Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger should have had every weapon available to the military? Are you insane?

He didn't say that, you fucking lying ass hole.

Cant you win an argument without making up what your opponent says?

Obviously not.

lol, Wry Catcher negged me for calling him on his lie, lololol.

The lefties have such a thin skin, little bitches.

I negged you because you're a cowardly punk.
lol, Wry Catcher negged me for calling him on his lie, lololol.

The lefties have such a thin skin, little bitches.

I negged you because you're a cowardly punk.

lol, well that surely took a lot of courage, you stupid twat.

Better than a cowardly threat. I've been threatened by punks like you before, mostly while they were cuffed and cameras were on us in the sally port; of course you seek safety hiding behind a keyboard, thus, a punk is a punk.

No rub that gun in your lap and calm down, it might keep you out of a cage.

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