How The NRA Enables Massacres

Why does the NRA oppose the same regulations be applied to gun sellers, either licensed or not? What prevents Joe the Dumber from buying a hand gun legally and selling it for a profit to another without a background check, and why would the NRA oppose such a law?
Because it's none of your goddamn business. If I sell one of mine at a profit or a car at a profit, I shouldn't need Uncle Sugar's permission. Now if I sell cars or guns for income then I need to be licensed and jump through the hoops.

You're are really dumb, or maybe you've never sold a car - maybe both. Cars are licensed, maybe guns ought to be too.

As a private party seller you must report the sale to the DMV, maybe the comparison you've made is a good model for real gun control.

yea lets use cars. no restrictions on how many you can own. no restrictions on who can own. no backgroung checks required for sale, no limitation on size, power, capacity, performance enhancments. it only need to be registered if you use it on a public road. there goes every liberal gun control law passed so far
The question on the table is why is the NRA, and those of you who keep trying to deflect from the question, opposed to holding private sellers accountable?

before we'll talk about any additional laws being put on the books, lets get the current restictive ones off. if you feel strongly enough these background checks will keep guns out of the hands of people who would use them for bad intent you should be comfortable that approved people should not be restricted in what they own. lets see your side pony up to their beliefs
The question on the table is why is the NRA, and those of you who keep trying to deflect from the question, opposed to holding private sellers accountable?

Because these mass murdering mentally ill kids did not get the guns from private sellers at gun shows.
The question on the table is why is the NRA, and those of you who keep trying to deflect from the question, opposed to holding private sellers accountable?

Palsgraf v. Long Island R.R. Co., Ct. of App. of N.Y., 248 N.Y. 339, 162 N.E. 99 (N.Y. 1928).
The question on the table is why is the NRA, and those of you who keep trying to deflect from the question, opposed to holding private sellers accountable?

Because these mass murdering mentally ill kids did not get the guns from private sellers at gun shows.

yea, this last guy passed his mandatory background checks diane feinstein ensured us would work
The question on the table is why is the NRA, and those of you who keep trying to deflect from the question, opposed to holding private sellers accountable?

Because these mass murdering mentally ill kids did not get the guns from private sellers at gun shows.

yea, this last guy passed his mandatory background checks diane feinstein ensured us would work

His family knew the kid was in trouble and needed mental healthy assistance. They should have had the option of getting him into the hospital and keeping him isolated until he was better.
Because these mass murdering mentally ill kids did not get the guns from private sellers at gun shows.

yea, this last guy passed his mandatory background checks diane feinstein ensured us would work

His family knew the kid was in trouble and needed mental healthy assistance. They should have had the option of getting him into the hospital and keeping him isolated until he was better.

Do you ever think before you post? It's not apparent.

Sure, lets blame the NRA for something it's not responsible for to divert attention from the real problem.

Gatling Gun has been around since the Civil War. Tommy Gun since 1918. Rifling became common place in the 19th century making guns more accurate. High powered accurate guns have been around for at least 150 years with few mass shootings. Explain to me now how all these recent shootings are the gun/NRA's fault? Lets put the blame where it belongs, directly on the shoulders of our society. What is happening today that is causing violent outbursts?

I'd also like to point out that even if you ban guns, these mass killings will continue. You can look up how to make a bomb online. You can stab and axe people to death like Elliot Rodger did to three two of his roommates and one visitor, or the 8 victims in Villisca Iowa in 1912. You can poison people like the cyanide laced Tylenol capsules in the 80's or countless bludgeoning death since the begining of time.
The NRA saves lives and prevents massacres IMHO! I look forward to my NRA magazine each month.

Maybe you'd be happy with a subscription to Playboy.

Murder Porn isn't really very healthy.

Have you read some NRA magazines, or are you just a typical lefty dumbass?:eusa_whistle:

Yeah, actually, I have.

The thing is, i actually recognize how crazy the people who write them sound.
yea, this last guy passed his mandatory background checks diane feinstein ensured us would work

His family knew the kid was in trouble and needed mental healthy assistance. They should have had the option of getting him into the hospital and keeping him isolated until he was better.

Do you ever think before you post? It's not apparent.

ah, so you didn't have an intelligent thought to post so you fell back on an ad hominem. You shouldn't have bothered, it didn't add to the discussion.
His family knew the kid was in trouble and needed mental healthy assistance. They should have had the option of getting him into the hospital and keeping him isolated until he was better.

Do you ever think before you post? It's not apparent.

ah, so you didn't have an intelligent thought to post so you fell back on an ad hominem. You shouldn't have bothered, it didn't add to the discussion.

TRU TO THINK!!! THE LAST GUY KILLED ALL his roommates with a knife then used a gun to kill three girls!!! so had you rather be stabbed 10 times with a knife or shot with a bullet???? DUH!!!!!
Do you ever think before you post? It's not apparent.

ah, so you didn't have an intelligent thought to post so you fell back on an ad hominem. You shouldn't have bothered, it didn't add to the discussion.

TRU TO THINK!!! THE LAST GUY KILLED ALL his roommates with a knife then used a gun to kill three girls!!! so had you rather be stabbed 10 times with a knife or shot with a bullet???? DUH!!!!!

I'd rather his family have had the option to get him into a mental health facility, where he could get help and I could avoid either fate.
Have you read some NRA magazines, or are you just a typical lefty dumbass?:eusa_whistle:

Yeah, actually, I have.

The thing is, i actually recognize how crazy the people who write them sound.

Sounds more like you lie or you are a slow learner.:badgrin:

No, when your whole premise is, "I need to have me a gun so I can overthrow the government", that's just crazy talk.

Of course, the Right Wing only talks like this when they lose elections. So we are probably going to hear a lot more of this crazy talk from them.
Yeah, actually, I have.

The thing is, i actually recognize how crazy the people who write them sound.

Sounds more like you lie or you are a slow learner.:badgrin:

No, when your whole premise is, "I need to have me a gun so I can overthrow the government", that's just crazy talk.

Of course, the Right Wing only talks like this when they lose elections. So we are probably going to hear a lot more of this crazy talk from them.

Wrong! The Second was originally primarily for protection from a tyrannical government for sure, but built into that is the individual's right to bear/own arms. If individuals want to use them for self and home protection, so be it according to the most accurate interpretation of the Second.
How Howey enables idiocy:

By quoting the Daily Beast. Move along folks.

How about addressing his point.

When you have the notion that a gun is a "right", and that everyone should be able to have one, even if they are mentally ill, you are going to get guys like this one, aren't you?

Even if they are mentally ill?? Excuse me? There have been laws against that for quite some time. In fact, a history of mental illness is one of the things that the background check was supposed to spot.

But it didn't. And so you blame the NRA??? lmao

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