How The NRA Enables Massacres

you see they've made the killer a victim by blaming the NRA

So it's you idiots who blames others instead of the person who did it, is giving the go ahead to more of these types of mass killings.

good job but you got your lick at an organization that didn't have a thing to do with it

you people from the dailybeast and the op should be locked up with the killer

Um, this guy wouldn't have been able to do it if acquiring guns wasn't so easy.

That's the point.

Really? He passed a background check when he bought his gun. In fact, he passed a background check, not once, not twice, but three freakin times.

The anti-gun nuts crow about needing background checks. But they OBVIOUSLY don't work.

And he bought his guns in CA. That state is notorious for having strict gun laws.

Please tell us what new gun laws you think could help?
How Howey enables idiocy:

By quoting the Daily Beast. Move along folks.

How about addressing his point.

When you have the notion that a gun is a "right", and that everyone should be able to have one, even if they are mentally ill, you are going to get guys like this one, aren't you?

Even if they are mentally ill?? Excuse me? There have been laws against that for quite some time. In fact, a history of mental illness is one of the things that the background check was supposed to spot.

But it didn't. And so you blame the NRA??? lmao

I guess they believe it was the NRA's responsibility to get the guy laid.
Um, this guy wouldn't have been able to do it if acquiring guns wasn't so easy.

That's the point.

yeah yeah, fascist such as yourself would love to step on ALL our rights because of a few nut jobs
that how fascist like Obama and his comrades works...He'll be out using these deaths just like you all are before their bodies are even cold
sick freaks

The concept is, your right to swing your arm ends at my nose.

The fact is, you gun nutters can't contain your own. Every time we have one of these mass shootings, what we usually find out is that 1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was nuts and 2) They were able to get a gun, anyway.

How about doing it in the oppossite order? Find out if they are a nut or not before they can get a gun.

Frankly, jobs do this.

As long as those family members don't DO something, his name never gets put into the NICS. So the background check doesn't show any problems.

And how, pray tell, would you suggest we go about determining sanity prior to a sale?? Will you require every gun dealer to have a staff psychiatrist on duty?
yea, this last guy passed his mandatory background checks diane feinstein ensured us would work

His family knew the kid was in trouble and needed mental healthy assistance. They should have had the option of getting him into the hospital and keeping him isolated until he was better.

Do you ever think before you post? It's not apparent.

lol, as if you could recognize what you cannot do yourself.
yeah yeah, fascist such as yourself would love to step on ALL our rights because of a few nut jobs
that how fascist like Obama and his comrades works...He'll be out using these deaths just like you all are before their bodies are even cold
sick freaks

The concept is, your right to swing your arm ends at my nose.

The fact is, you gun nutters can't contain your own. Every time we have one of these mass shootings, what we usually find out is that 1) Everyone in that person's life knew he was nuts and 2) They were able to get a gun, anyway.

How about doing it in the oppossite order? Find out if they are a nut or not before they can get a gun.

Frankly, jobs do this.

As long as those family members don't DO something, his name never gets put into the NICS. So the background check doesn't show any problems.

And how, pray tell, would you suggest we go about determining sanity prior to a sale?? Will you require every gun dealer to have a staff psychiatrist on duty?

Even if the family does report the loon, the LEOs don't do anything about it.
How Howey enables idiocy:

By quoting the Daily Beast. Move along folks.

How about addressing his point.

When you have the notion that a gun is a "right", and that everyone should be able to have one, even if they are mentally ill, you are going to get guys like this one, aren't you?

The parents the police and the kid are to blame for the UCSB massacre. The gun just lays there unless someone pulls the trigger.
The question on the table is why is the NRA, and those of you who keep trying to deflect from the question, opposed to holding private sellers accountable?

No one holds anyone responsible. The system is not held responsible for failing. The parents are not held responsible. The gun dealers are not held responsible.

Why make an exception for private sellers?
How Howey enables idiocy:

By quoting the Daily Beast. Move along folks.

How about addressing his point.

When you have the notion that a gun is a "right", and that everyone should be able to have one, even if they are mentally ill, you are going to get guys like this one, aren't you?

A notion? Sorry, but we have more than a "notion". We have the Bill of Rights. Perhaps you have heard of it? It consists of the first 10 amendments to the US Constitution?

It is far more than a "notion" that owning a gun is a right.
If the guy couldn't have gotten a gun legally he could have gone down to the hood and gotten one illegally. Laws don't mean anything to criminals.
If the guy couldn't have gotten a gun legally he could have gone down to the hood and gotten one illegally. Laws don't mean anything to criminals.

The problem is that this shooting ruins the claims made by the anti-gun folks.

He bought legally. He went through 3 background checks. And he never fired enough bullets to have needed a high capacity magazine.
How Howey enables idiocy:

By quoting the Daily Beast. Move along folks.

How about addressing his point.

When you have the notion that a gun is a "right", and that everyone should be able to have one, even if they are mentally ill, you are going to get guys like this one, aren't you?

Who says the mentally ill should have access to guns?

We used to keep mentally ill in hospitals where they were supervised and not allowed to harm anyone.
Sounds more like you lie or you are a slow learner.:badgrin:

No, when your whole premise is, "I need to have me a gun so I can overthrow the government", that's just crazy talk.

Of course, the Right Wing only talks like this when they lose elections. So we are probably going to hear a lot more of this crazy talk from them.

Wrong! The Second was originally primarily for protection from a tyrannical government for sure, but built into that is the individual's right to bear/own arms. If individuals want to use them for self and home protection, so be it according to the most accurate interpretation of the Second.

NO, it wasn't.

It was about the states being able to maintain their own militias. It has never been interpretted to mean an individual right to gun ownership until fairly recently.

ANd even the "Militia" part of that is sort of meaningless since we went to a national army.
The question on the table is why is the NRA, and those of you who keep trying to deflect from the question, opposed to holding private sellers accountable?

Since there was no private sale involved in the murders being discussed, it seems to be a diversion of the topic.

If you want to hold someone accountable, why not go after Rodger's psychiatrist? He received a copy of Rodger's manifesto in which he talked about buying the gun and his plans to destroy those who had shunned him. And yet, he did nothing. He did not contact the authorities. If there is a single entity responsible (besides the guy who, you know, actually shot & stabbed people), it would be him.
How Howey enables idiocy:

By quoting the Daily Beast. Move along folks.

How about addressing his point.

When you have the notion that a gun is a "right", and that everyone should be able to have one, even if they are mentally ill, you are going to get guys like this one, aren't you?

Who says the mentally ill should have access to guns?

We used to keep mentally ill in hospitals where they were supervised and not allowed to harm anyone.

Um, yeah, usually without any regard for the civil liberties and not much effort made to actually treat them. Which is why those places were closed down.
No, when your whole premise is, "I need to have me a gun so I can overthrow the government", that's just crazy talk.

Of course, the Right Wing only talks like this when they lose elections. So we are probably going to hear a lot more of this crazy talk from them.

Wrong! The Second was originally primarily for protection from a tyrannical government for sure, but built into that is the individual's right to bear/own arms. If individuals want to use them for self and home protection, so be it according to the most accurate interpretation of the Second.

NO, it wasn't.

It was about the states being able to maintain their own militias. It has never been interpretted to mean an individual right to gun ownership until fairly recently.

ANd even the "Militia" part of that is sort of meaningless since we went to a national army.

Wrong! The Bill of Rights is not about protecting federal or state government rights. It is about the rights of the people. And one of the rights they sought to protect was the people's right to resist a tyrannical gov't. Read Jefferson's writings and you will understand.

Or are you saying that the rights of free speech, to assemble peaceably, or to be free from unreasonable search & seizure are reserved for the states?
How about addressing his point.

When you have the notion that a gun is a "right", and that everyone should be able to have one, even if they are mentally ill, you are going to get guys like this one, aren't you?

Who says the mentally ill should have access to guns?

We used to keep mentally ill in hospitals where they were supervised and not allowed to harm anyone.

Um, yeah, usually without any regard for the civil liberties and not much effort made to actually treat them. Which is why those places were closed down.

So it is ok to have lunatics wandering around loose? And when one of them kills people, you want to blame the TOOL they used and remove that type of tool from 65million law abiding citizens or place restrictions on them?
Who says the mentally ill should have access to guns?

We used to keep mentally ill in hospitals where they were supervised and not allowed to harm anyone.

Um, yeah, usually without any regard for the civil liberties and not much effort made to actually treat them. Which is why those places were closed down.

So it is ok to have lunatics wandering around loose? And when one of them kills people, you want to blame the TOOL they used and remove that type of tool from 65million law abiding citizens or place restrictions on them?

Exactly right!
How about addressing his point.

When you have the notion that a gun is a "right", and that everyone should be able to have one, even if they are mentally ill, you are going to get guys like this one, aren't you?

Who says the mentally ill should have access to guns?

We used to keep mentally ill in hospitals where they were supervised and not allowed to harm anyone.

Um, yeah, usually without any regard for the civil liberties and not much effort made to actually treat them. Which is why those places were closed down.

You mean the civil liberties outlined by those slave-owning old white guys?

How Howey enables idiocy:

By quoting the Daily Beast. Move along folks.

What's the answer?

Well, the family warned the police WEEKS before the killings....maybe if they had done their job 6 innocents would still be alive. And, don't forget, three were stabbed to death. Last time I checked gun control laws don't work on knives. Hell, they don't work on criminals either.....

It's hard for cops to detain people BEFORE they commit a crime.

Cops can't just waltz in and jail people because somebody calls and says they're creepy. If they could, 9/10 of the statist posters on this site would be in jail.

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