How The NRA Enables Massacres


When your rant starts out with "Oh, please. The NRA wants psychos to buy guns", you are most certainly NOT laying out facts.

The fact is that the NRA has tried continually to get the medical community to enter the names of the mentally unstable into the NICS. But the medical community refuses. So not only is your initial claim bullshit, the NRA is trying to do something about crazies buying guns.

Um, no, they haven't.

And they blocked gun reform after Sandy Hook, which makes them culpable for every gun incident that happens afterwards.

Um, yes they have.

And what gun reform did they block that would have changed anything? I know they worked against some knee-jerk emotional reaction legislation (btw, the NRA can't actually block anything).

Tell us what gun reform they blocked that would have made a difference?
Oh, please. The NRA wants psychos to buy guns.

The NRA wants them to have guns so everyone else is scared and wants guns, too.

The NRA works the phone banks after one of these mass shootings, threatening Congressmen to make sure they don't support even the most common sense gun control.

What we need is for the Justice Department to indict the NRA under the RICO statues.

Absolute bullshit. Your hatred is fine. But try to stick with actual facts. Or is that too much to ask?

The facts are what I laid out.

The NRA has been a tool of the gun industry for some time, with the goal to sell as many guns as possible without any responsibility.

Maybe if we held people responsible instead of just writing it off as "Well, another mass shooting by a crazy person, that's the cost of 'Freedom', then."

Sorry, I don't feel free if I have to worry that the theater or mall or my workplace is going to become a free-fire zone because the gun industry looks at guys like Loughner and Lanza and Rodgers and Holmes as prime customers.

I prefer to operate through facts than emotion. Can you provide some evidence that you are posting facts?
Absolute bullshit. Your hatred is fine. But try to stick with actual facts. Or is that too much to ask?

The facts are what I laid out.

The NRA has been a tool of the gun industry for some time, with the goal to sell as many guns as possible without any responsibility.

Maybe if we held people responsible instead of just writing it off as "Well, another mass shooting by a crazy person, that's the cost of 'Freedom', then."

Sorry, I don't feel free if I have to worry that the theater or mall or my workplace is going to become a free-fire zone because the gun industry looks at guys like Loughner and Lanza and Rodgers and Holmes as prime customers.

I prefer to operate through facts than emotion. Can you provide some evidence that you are posting facts?

Joetroll doesn't understand that a FACT is something that is always true and that NOTHING he posted is true...therefore, he believes he's posting facts. He is to be pitied. :cuckoo:

When your rant starts out with "Oh, please. The NRA wants psychos to buy guns", you are most certainly NOT laying out facts.

The fact is that the NRA has tried continually to get the medical community to enter the names of the mentally unstable into the NICS. But the medical community refuses. So not only is your initial claim bullshit, the NRA is trying to do something about crazies buying guns.

Um, no, they haven't.

And they blocked gun reform after Sandy Hook, which makes them culpable for every gun incident that happens afterwards.

"apples and oranges!" That makes you wrong, or more likely a liar!

JoeBitch has a long history of being a liar.

Um, yes they have.

And what gun reform did they block that would have changed anything? I know they worked against some knee-jerk emotional reaction legislation (btw, the NRA can't actually block anything).

Tell us what gun reform they blocked that would have made a difference?

Waiting periods.
Mandetory background checks.
Gun Registries

Certainly these laws didn't prevent Elliott Rodger from getting his guns. California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. Rodger had a waiting period of ten days. He had a background check and everything was duly registered.

Um, yes they have.

And what gun reform did they block that would have changed anything? I know they worked against some knee-jerk emotional reaction legislation (btw, the NRA can't actually block anything).

Tell us what gun reform they blocked that would have made a difference?

Waiting periods.
Mandetory background checks.
Gun Registries

For you I'd advise flair, concentration camps, and extermination. No tolerance for traitors like you punk ass bitch.
The issue isn't guns, it's mental health. You can get rid of guns but these lunatic's will still find a way to kill. Elliot Rodgers family reported him weeks ago but the police couldn't do anything about it because he didn't break any laws. We need to look at what's causing us to become increasingly violent and how can it be dealth with and still protect a persons rights.

Certainly these laws didn't prevent Elliott Rodger from getting his guns. California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. Rodger had a waiting period of ten days. He had a background check and everything was duly registered.

Then the checks are inadequate.

It's kind of like saying that when someone breaks into your house and steals your TV and your precious gun, you don't say, "Well, I had a lock. That was good enough."

Nope. The next tiime you get a better lock.
The issue isn't guns, it's mental health. You can get rid of guns but these lunatic's will still find a way to kill. Elliot Rodgers family reported him weeks ago but the police couldn't do anything about it because he didn't break any laws. We need to look at what's causing us to become increasingly violent and how can it be dealth with and still protect a persons rights.

Um, violent crime is actually down, mostly because as a society, we are growing older.

NO, the real problem is that you have a gun industry that is happy to sell to anyone in order to keep people afraid.

Um, yes they have.

And what gun reform did they block that would have changed anything? I know they worked against some knee-jerk emotional reaction legislation (btw, the NRA can't actually block anything).

Tell us what gun reform they blocked that would have made a difference?

Waiting periods.
Mandetory background checks.
Gun Registries

None of that would have changed what happened.

CA has a 10 day waiting period on handguns. Every gun purchased from a gun dealer goes thru a background check. CA registers every handgun purchased.

Want to try again?
The issue isn't guns, it's mental health.

R.eally't be a Christian and JoeBlow being perfect examples. They are both all talk pussies who shoot their mouths off online but would piss themselves if push ever came to shove. Just the kind of impotent losers who build up a lifetime of frustration and shame until they snap. On their own this 'snap' wouldn't amount to anything beyond their own feebleness, but with a gun they could pretend for a moment they had dicks.

Those with no respect for the Constitution would point to psychos like them as justification for depriving normal Americans of their rights instead of focusing on the mental health issues of the deranged few in the first place. Where are all the leftists calling for a ban on cars and knives?

If all the energy expended trying to undermine the Constitution were directed toward better identification and treatment of the mentally ill we'd be better off.

Certainly these laws didn't prevent Elliott Rodger from getting his guns. California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. Rodger had a waiting period of ten days. He had a background check and everything was duly registered.

Then the checks are inadequate.

It's kind of like saying that when someone breaks into your house and steals your TV and your precious gun, you don't say, "Well, I had a lock. That was good enough."

Nope. The next tiime you get a better lock.

No, the checks are adequate. You are wanting to hold the guns responsible for the failure of the mental health system.

Oh, and if you expect our society to ever be 100% safe, you are delusional.
The issue isn't guns, it's mental health.

R.eally't be a Christian and JoeBlow being perfect examples. They are both all talk pussies who shoot their mouths off online but would piss themselves if push ever came to shove. Just the kind of impotent losers who build up a lifetime of frustration and shame until they snap. On their own this 'snap' wouldn't amount to anything beyond their own feebleness, but with a gun they could pretend for a moment they had dicks.

Those with no respect for the Constitution would point to psychos like them as justification for depriving normal Americans of their rights instead of focusing on the mental health issues of the deranged few in the first place. Where are all the leftists calling for a ban on cars and knives?

If all the energy expended trying to undermine the Constitution were directed toward better identification and treatment of the mentally ill we'd be better off.

Dumb bitch, as I've stated multiple times you are more than welcome to find out. My door is always open.

Um, yes they have.

And what gun reform did they block that would have changed anything? I know they worked against some knee-jerk emotional reaction legislation (btw, the NRA can't actually block anything).

Tell us what gun reform they blocked that would have made a difference?

Waiting periods.
Mandetory background checks.
Gun Registries

None of that would have changed what happened.

CA has a 10 day waiting period on handguns. Every gun purchased from a gun dealer goes thru a background check. CA registers every handgun purchased.

Want to try again?

Then the background check was inadequate.

Hey, remember when Bradley Manning passed all of our secrets along to WikiLeaks? Did someone say, "Hey, I guess he passed a background check!"

Hell, no. They did a top to bottom review of how data was handled and who had access to it.

Obviously, we don't have a "National Espionage Association" fighting for "Freedom".

Certainly these laws didn't prevent Elliott Rodger from getting his guns. California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country. Rodger had a waiting period of ten days. He had a background check and everything was duly registered.

Then the checks are inadequate.

It's kind of like saying that when someone breaks into your house and steals your TV and your precious gun, you don't say, "Well, I had a lock. That was good enough."

Nope. The next tiime you get a better lock.

No, the checks are adequate. You are wanting to hold the guns responsible for the failure of the mental health system.

Oh, and if you expect our society to ever be 100% safe, you are delusional.

I don't expect 100% safe.

I'd be happy with "as safe as Japan", where they only have 11 gun murders a year. Because no one is allowed to own a gun.

I'd be happy with "as safe as Germany", where only one out of five citizens owns a gun, but it is strictly regulated who has a gun, how much ammo and and what style of gun they can own.

I'm not too keen on 'The crazy person has a right to a gun because he passed an inadequate background check from a gun-seller who ignored the fact the guy was acting batshit crazy in the store." level of safe.
Perhaps instead of blaming the gun you people should start blaming a failed society. Just a thought. Generally speaking we didn't have kids murdering other kids with Tommy Guns back in the 20's. We didn't have kids worshiping thug hip hop music and so on.
Then the checks are inadequate.

It's kind of like saying that when someone breaks into your house and steals your TV and your precious gun, you don't say, "Well, I had a lock. That was good enough."

Nope. The next tiime you get a better lock.

No, the checks are adequate. You are wanting to hold the guns responsible for the failure of the mental health system.

Oh, and if you expect our society to ever be 100% safe, you are delusional.

I don't expect 100% safe.

I'd be happy with "as safe as Japan", where they only have 11 gun murders a year. Because no one is allowed to own a gun.

I'd be happy with "as safe as Germany", where only one out of five citizens owns a gun, but it is strictly regulated who has a gun, how much ammo and and what style of gun they can own.

I'm not too keen on 'The crazy person has a right to a gun because he passed an inadequate background check from a gun-seller who ignored the fact the guy was acting batshit crazy in the store." level of safe.

I guess when facts fail you fall back to making shit up.

Please tell us how the guy was acting "...batshit crazy in the store"?? Of course you can't, but feel free to make something else up.

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