How The NRA Enables Massacres


oh the drama and everything is about you and what we need is to get away from people like you who demands everyone gives up their rights for you
Frankly you're nuts and the way you talk we are living in Somalia...
good grief

Staph, you are too stupid to realize you wingnuts gave up your freedom a long time ago when you let the Corporations buy your birthright on the promise they'd let you have guns and ban abortions and keep the queers from getting married.

Here's the thing, though.

The corportatists don't want to be shot any more than I do.
The NRA hasn't been HIJACKED by ANYONE, moron. They always HAVE and always WILL stand for ONE THING, and that's to PROTECT THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

What HAS changed is the deranged frothing at the mouth demand from the left to DISARM law abiding Americans by RADICALS that have HIJACKED the DEMOCRAT party.

Apparently you don't know crap about the organization. It used to support gun regulations. It used to WRITE firearm regulations. It used to encourage responsible use of firearms by responsible people and not use the second amendment as a shield to defend the misuse of firearms.

Apparently you like to talk SHIT. Go peddle this leftard garbage over at the DU or the Daily KOS.

My father was a lifetime member of the NRA and so am I, and I know better about it's purpose and what it does than to listen to your fucking stupid gas.

Well your knowledge of the organization you and your father belong to speak volumes about how bright some of its members are about the organization to which they belong.

The NRA once supported gun control -
Then it's too easy for people to get guns.

That's the point.

We need to get away from 'Why can't i have a gun" and to "Why should you have a gun" as the criteria for letting people have them.
In a free society, you do not need to justify the exercise of your rights to the satisfaction of the state.
Why do you have no interest in living in a free society?
Um, guy, if I have to worry every day that I or my kids or people I care about can be shot in the street because the NRA was HAPPY to sell guns to crazy people...
Good news -- you don't.
So, I ask again: Why do you have no interest in living in a free society?
Apparently you don't know crap about the organization. It used to support gun regulations. It used to WRITE firearm regulations. It used to encourage responsible use of firearms by responsible people and not use the second amendment as a shield to defend the misuse of firearms.

Apparently you like to talk SHIT. Go peddle this leftard garbage over at the DU or the Daily KOS.

My father was a lifetime member of the NRA and so am I, and I know better about it's purpose and what it does than to listen to your fucking stupid gas.

Well your knowledge of the organization you and your father belong to speak volumes about how bright some of its members are about the organization to which they belong.

The NRA once supported gun control -
The NRA continues to support gun control.
How about addressing his point.

When you have the notion that a gun is a "right", and that everyone should be able to have one, even if they are mentally ill, you are going to get guys like this one, aren't you?

People kill people always have always will.

The question is if someone is going to kill you do you want to be defenseless?

Guy, defensive gun uses are so rare they might as well be lottery tickets.

The FBI only recorded 200 cases of justifiable homicide with a gun in 2011, and most of those were battered spouses plugging their husbands.
A bald-faced lie right there. Defensive gun uses are more prevalent than actual gun killings.
People kill people always have always will.

The question is if someone is going to kill you do you want to be defenseless?

Guy, defensive gun uses are so rare they might as well be lottery tickets.

The FBI only recorded 200 cases of justifiable homicide with a gun in 2011, and most of those were battered spouses plugging their husbands.
A bald-faced lie right there.
Indeed - a willfull statement of irrelevance presented as something meaningful does qualify as a lie.

As the discharge of a firearm is not necessary for the use of a firearm in self-defense, the number of people killed in the act of self-defense with a firearm means nothing.
The phrase "common sense gun laws" is virtually an oxymoron.

It's common sense that if your going to have background checks that they should be done on all sales. Letting private sales not have them makes it easy for criminals.

It's common sense to limit the capacity of magazines. People like this shooter are the only ones using hi cap magazines. Defense is 2-3 shots as studies show. If this guy had a smaller magazine is his gun somebody might have had a chance to get away.

It's common sense to register all guns so we can trace where criminals are getting guns and stop that source.

None of these things would take guns away for non-criminals, but they will save some lives.

so what are you're common sense ideas to stop gangs and criminals from getting guns off the black market?
I guess you think your "common sense" on non criminals will put a kibosh on all that huh?
what a deal, punish the innocent without being found guilty of anything...just so common sense alright
you gun control freaks don't have common sense

Registration and universal background checks will make it harder for criminals. Nobody is being punished.
It's common sense that if your going to have background checks that they should be done on all sales. Letting private sales not have them makes it easy for criminals.
But these mass shootings are done with legally owned guns. Not much common sense there.
It's common sense to limit the capacity of magazines. People like this shooter are the only ones using hi cap magazines. Defense is 2-3 shots as studies show. If this guy had a smaller magazine is his gun somebody might have had a chance to get away.
Cops often empty their magazines, I'm not sure what high capacity means though, you didn't say. It's also very easy to change magazines, a few seconds with any practice. Not much common sense there.
It's common sense to register all guns so we can trace where criminals are getting guns and stop that source.
They steal them or buy them from the black market, not legal sources. Not much common sense there.
None of these things would take guns away for non-criminals, but they will save some lives.

They aren't always legally owned:
Wisconsin Mass Shooter Exploited Background Check Loophole That NRA Says Isn't A Problem | Blog | Media Matters for America

Police aren't civilians defending themselves. Defense and capturing criminals are two different things.

Mass shooters have been stopped when they reload like the Giffords shooting.

If they buy the gun illegally they have a chance to be caught before they shoot anyone.
If the NRA was to disappear tomorow who would you morons blame the next mass shooting on? Would you finally hold the person who pulled the trigger responsible or would you create a new strawman to satisfy your it's always someone elses fault mindset?
In a free society, you do not need to justify the exercise of your rights to the satisfaction of the state.
Why do you have no interest in living in a free society?
Um, guy, if I have to worry every day that I or my kids or people I care about can be shot in the street because the NRA was HAPPY to sell guns to crazy people...
Good news -- you don't.
So, I ask again: Why do you have no interest in living in a free society?

Guy, somebody randomly shot a bullet out into the parking lot of my condo complex from not 50 feet where I am sitting.

Two weeks later he shot himself.

Yes, I really do have to worry that we have too many guns in the hands of people who shouldn't have them, and they DO present a threat to my life and limb.

That's not freedom, you dipshit.

That's "A big unethical company is selling you a product they know is bad for you, with no concern for ethics."
If the NRA was to disappear tomorow who would you morons blame the next mass shooting on? Would you finally hold the person who pulled the trigger responsible or would you create a new strawman to satisfy your it's always someone elses fault mindset?

If the NRA was gone, and the Gun Industry was properly regulated in their business practices, guys like this shooter wouldn't be able to buy guns to start with.
People kill people always have always will.

The question is if someone is going to kill you do you want to be defenseless?

Guy, defensive gun uses are so rare they might as well be lottery tickets.

The FBI only recorded 200 cases of justifiable homicide with a gun in 2011, and most of those were battered spouses plugging their husbands.
A bald-faced lie right there. Defensive gun uses are more prevalent than actual gun killings.

Well, no, guy. It's a quantifiable measure.

So let's review what we can actually quantify.

19,500 gun suicides.
11,101 gun murders
801 gun accidental deaths
201 incidents where a gun was fired by a civilian in an act of self defense.

So there you have it. out of some 32,000 gun deaths, only 1 out of 160 were cases where someone used deadly force to defend himself.

Now, what we can't quantify is how many times someone pulled a gun and scared off someone. Because we don't know how many were 'That guy was going to really do me harm" vs. "That guy ran away because I'm the crazy fucker with the gun, even though he probably didn't mean any harm."

Nor can we quantify the "If you leave me, I'll shoot you and the kids" domestic abuser who makes a threat but doesn't actually carry it out.

Nope. We can't quantify how much chaos guns cause when they aren't fired.

But we can quantify how much it does when they are.

32,000 gun deaths. 78,000 gun injuries. Few real incidents of self-defense.
Guy, defensive gun uses are so rare they might as well be lottery tickets.

The FBI only recorded 200 cases of justifiable homicide with a gun in 2011, and most of those were battered spouses plugging their husbands.
A bald-faced lie right there. Defensive gun uses are more prevalent than actual gun killings.

Well, no, guy. It's a quantifiable measure.

So let's review what we can actually quantify.

19,500 gun suicides.
11,101 gun murders
801 gun accidental deaths
201 incidents where a gun was fired by a civilian in an act of self defense.

So there you have it. out of some 32,000 gun deaths, only 1 out of 160 were cases where someone used deadly force to defend himself.

Now, what we can't quantify is how many times someone pulled a gun and scared off someone. Because we don't know how many were 'That guy was going to really do me harm" vs. "That guy ran away because I'm the crazy fucker with the gun, even though he probably didn't mean any harm."

Nor can we quantify the "If you leave me, I'll shoot you and the kids" domestic abuser who makes a threat but doesn't actually carry it out.

Nope. We can't quantify how much chaos guns cause when they aren't fired.

But we can quantify how much it does when they are.

32,000 gun deaths. 78,000 gun injuries. Few real incidents of self-defense.

Suicides don't count and you are still dodging the question.

Are crimes prevented with a firearm without that firearm ever being discharged?

If yes (and the answer is yes) are there any stats for that?
A bald-faced lie right there. Defensive gun uses are more prevalent than actual gun killings.

Well, no, guy. It's a quantifiable measure.

So let's review what we can actually quantify.

19,500 gun suicides.
11,101 gun murders
801 gun accidental deaths
201 incidents where a gun was fired by a civilian in an act of self defense.

So there you have it. out of some 32,000 gun deaths, only 1 out of 160 were cases where someone used deadly force to defend himself.

Now, what we can't quantify is how many times someone pulled a gun and scared off someone. Because we don't know how many were 'That guy was going to really do me harm" vs. "That guy ran away because I'm the crazy fucker with the gun, even though he probably didn't mean any harm."

Nor can we quantify the "If you leave me, I'll shoot you and the kids" domestic abuser who makes a threat but doesn't actually carry it out.

Nope. We can't quantify how much chaos guns cause when they aren't fired.

But we can quantify how much it does when they are.

32,000 gun deaths. 78,000 gun injuries. Few real incidents of self-defense.

Suicides don't count and you are still dodging the question.

Are crimes prevented with a firearm without that firearm ever being discharged?

If yes (and the answer is yes) are there any stats for that?

Maybe they are... but frankly, I'm dubious.

Here's the thing. Countries that don't let everyone own a gun, also have very low murder rates. They have low rates of other crimes as well.

Which tells me that you can have a pretty low crime rate without letting crazy people buy guns.
Well, no, guy. It's a quantifiable measure.

So let's review what we can actually quantify.

19,500 gun suicides.
11,101 gun murders
801 gun accidental deaths
201 incidents where a gun was fired by a civilian in an act of self defense.

So there you have it. out of some 32,000 gun deaths, only 1 out of 160 were cases where someone used deadly force to defend himself.

Now, what we can't quantify is how many times someone pulled a gun and scared off someone. Because we don't know how many were 'That guy was going to really do me harm" vs. "That guy ran away because I'm the crazy fucker with the gun, even though he probably didn't mean any harm."

Nor can we quantify the "If you leave me, I'll shoot you and the kids" domestic abuser who makes a threat but doesn't actually carry it out.

Nope. We can't quantify how much chaos guns cause when they aren't fired.

But we can quantify how much it does when they are.

32,000 gun deaths. 78,000 gun injuries. Few real incidents of self-defense.

Suicides don't count and you are still dodging the question.

Are crimes prevented with a firearm without that firearm ever being discharged?

If yes (and the answer is yes) are there any stats for that?

Maybe they are... but frankly, I'm dubious.

Here's the thing. Countries that don't let everyone own a gun, also have very low murder rates. They have low rates of other crimes as well.

Which tells me that you can have a pretty low crime rate without letting crazy people buy guns.

A total fabrication ^^^. Lie of the first order. All these gun grabber assholes post up crap and never backed with facts......only the shit they type in!! And this bozo is the biggest fraud on the message board.:D is the straight dope......right from Harvard University from April of last year. This paper was published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy ( 4/13 ). The paper can be read below ( link) but here was the conclusion of their long study >>

Many people believe that owning guns only increases the amount of crime. However, a recent study published in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded that there is a negative correlation between gun ownership and violent crime in countries internationally. In other words, the more guns the less crime. The study showed that nations with strict gun control laws have substantially higher murder rates than those who do not. In fact, the 9 European nations with the lowest gun ownership rate have a combined murder rate that is three times that of the nine European nations with the highest gun ownership rate.

Here is the paper in its entirety >>>

Hey JoeB......Spambot pwns you for the billionth time!!!:badgrin::badgrin:

People......these gun grabber assholes spend their lives lying their asses off. They are RULED by their emotions.......get hysterical about everything in life and live in a makey-up fantasy world!!!

More guns = less crimes.

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The only thing Obama wants is to ban guns through background checks=registration=confiscation.


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