How The NRA Enables Massacres


Fortunately that isn't the criteria outlined in the 2nd Amendment. In a free country, you don't need to justify your actions to the government if you aren't infringing on someone else's rights.

Sorry, Second Amendment is about Militias, not gun ownership.

So I'd have no problem with you having a gun if you are part of that "Well-Regulated Milita" they were talking about.

The Supreme Court has already ruled otherwise, numbnuts.

Fortunately that isn't the criteria outlined in the 2nd Amendment. In a free country, you don't need to justify your actions to the government if you aren't infringing on someone else's rights.

Sorry, Second Amendment is about Militias, not gun ownership.

So I'd have no problem with you having a gun if you are part of that "Well-Regulated Milita" they were talking about.

The Supreme Court has already ruled otherwise, numbnuts.

and when that fucknut Scalia takes a well-deserve dirt nap, they'll rule the other way.
The left like the dailybeast should be ashamed of themselves for using these peoples DEATHS to dump on millions of members in the NRA who didn't nothing wrong...

but they will use anyone and anything for their cause..dead or alive...that's how sick they are

The millions of members of the NRA are culpable in that they let the leadership continue to oppose even the most common sense gun laws.

The phrase "common sense gun laws" is virtually an oxymoron.

It's common sense that if your going to have background checks that they should be done on all sales. Letting private sales not have them makes it easy for criminals.

It's common sense to limit the capacity of magazines. People like this shooter are the only ones using hi cap magazines. Defense is 2-3 shots as studies show. If this guy had a smaller magazine is his gun somebody might have had a chance to get away.

It's common sense to register all guns so we can trace where criminals are getting guns and stop that source.

None of these things would take guns away for non-criminals, but they will save some lives.
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The millions of members of the NRA are culpable in that they let the leadership continue to oppose even the most common sense gun laws.

The phrase "common sense gun laws" is virtually an oxymoron.

It's common sense that if your going to have background checks that they should be done on all sales. Letting private sales not have them makes it easy for criminals.

It's common sense to limit the capacity of magazines. People like this shooter are the only ones using hi cap magazines. Defense is 2-3 shots as studies show. If this guy had a smaller magazine is his gun somebody might have had a chance to get away.

It's common sense to register all guns so we can trace where criminals are getting guns and stop that source.

None of these things would take guns away for non-criminals, but they will save some lives.

All very bad ideas.

BG checks = registration = confiscation

List blow

The millions of members of the NRA are culpable in that they let the leadership continue to oppose even the most common sense gun laws.

The phrase "common sense gun laws" is virtually an oxymoron.

It's common sense that if your going to have background checks that they should be done on all sales. Letting private sales not have them makes it easy for criminals.

It's common sense to limit the capacity of magazines. People like this shooter are the only ones using hi cap magazines. Defense is 2-3 shots as studies show. If this guy had a smaller magazine is his gun somebody might have had a chance to get away.

It's common sense to register all guns so we can trace where criminals are getting guns and stop that source.

None of these things would take guns away for non-criminals, but they will save some lives.

so what are you're common sense ideas to stop gangs and criminals from getting guns off the black market?
I guess you think your "common sense" on non criminals will put a kibosh on all that huh?
what a deal, punish the innocent without being found guilty of anything...just so common sense alright
you gun control freaks don't have common sense
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This is the part I find incredible:

The clearest example, of course, is the NRA's labeling a bill sponsored by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) to allow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to once again use its considerable expertise to research gun violence prevention, “unethical.” Yes, they actually said that.

Because anyone who does statistically significant research on a public health problem from the angle of helping people and not profiting from misery, and again and again finds obvious truths such as owning guns makes you more likely to get shot, is not someone the NRA and its allies will countenance without smearing. I debated one of these types from the Second Amendment Foundation on NPR recently regarding the CDC. It is amazing how tongue-tied they get when you present them with irrefutable information
How the NRA Enables Massacres - The Daily Beast

These folks have been able to block the government from getting accurate numbers on gun violence.
Maybe they should start enforcing current laws.


NRA Director, Ted Cruz Slam Obama on Gun Prosecutions

Gun rights advocates railed against the Obama administration and a failed bipartisan measure that would have expanded background checks on private gun sales Friday during the National Rifle Association national convention in Houston.

[READ: Ahead of NRA Meeting, Questions Over Who Really Represents Gun Owners]

Several speakers, including NRA Executive Director Chris Cox and Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, pounded President Barack Obama for capitalizing on the shooting tragedy in Newtown, Conn., to further a gun control agenda.

"When a deranged criminal murders innocent children, they blame us," said Cox, adding that the NRA works to promote gun safety and restricting access to guns to the mentally ill and criminals.

NRA Director, Ted Cruz Slam Obama on Gun Prosecutions - US News
The left like the dailybeast should be ashamed of themselves for using these peoples DEATHS to dump on millions of members in the NRA who didn't nothing wrong...

but they will use anyone and anything for their cause..dead or alive...that's how sick they are

The millions of members of the NRA are culpable in that they let the leadership continue to oppose even the most common sense gun laws.

common sense gun laws
how many more frikken LAWS do you fascist need on the 1000's we already have?
So Planned Parenthood and anyone who is a member of the Democrat party is culpable in the 55million abortions
look to you bleeding hearts that allows these killers to roam free amongst us because they can't be locked up because of their "civil rights"
so you're all just as culpable so don'T' give us because of them we (responsible gun owner's) needs more LAWS

Okay, first, please keep the fetus porn argument in the abortion threads, okay?

Second, most of the 'thousands of laws" are things like 'Don't shoot a gun in public"... yah think.

How about a very sensible law that if you are going to get a gun license, you need to undergo a thorough background check to make sure you aren't a criminal or a crazy person?
We dohave an accurate count of how many killed by, abortion violence

55MILLION since roe vs wade

yet none of you worried about, "gun violence" give a crap about those numbers

all you gun control freaks are phony
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This is the part I find incredible:

The clearest example, of course, is the NRA's labeling a bill sponsored by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) to allow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to once again use its considerable expertise to research gun violence prevention, “unethical.” Yes, they actually said that.

Because anyone who does statistically significant research on a public health problem from the angle of helping people and not profiting from misery, and again and again finds obvious truths such as owning guns makes you more likely to get shot, is not someone the NRA and its allies will countenance without smearing. I debated one of these types from the Second Amendment Foundation on NPR recently regarding the CDC. It is amazing how tongue-tied they get when you present them with irrefutable information
How the NRA Enables Massacres - The Daily Beast

These folks have been able to block the government from getting accurate numbers on gun violence.

Gun ownership is not a disease

N.R.A. Stymies Firearms Research, Scientists Say
Published: January 25, 2011

In the wake of the shootings in Tucson, the familiar questions inevitably resurfaced: Are communities where more people carry guns safer or less safe? Does the availability of high-capacity magazines increase deaths? Do more rigorous background checks make a difference?

Alarmed, the N.R.A. and its allies on Capitol Hill fought back. The injury center was guilty of “putting out papers that were really political opinion masquerading as medical science,” said Mr. Cox, who also worked on this issue for the N.R.A. more than a decade ago.
It's common sense that if your going to have background checks that they should be done on all sales. Letting private sales not have them makes it easy for criminals.
But these mass shootings are done with legally owned guns. Not much common sense there.
It's common sense to limit the capacity of magazines. People like this shooter are the only ones using hi cap magazines. Defense is 2-3 shots as studies show. If this guy had a smaller magazine is his gun somebody might have had a chance to get away.
Cops often empty their magazines, I'm not sure what high capacity means though, you didn't say. It's also very easy to change magazines, a few seconds with any practice. Not much common sense there.
It's common sense to register all guns so we can trace where criminals are getting guns and stop that source.
They steal them or buy them from the black market, not legal sources. Not much common sense there.
None of these things would take guns away for non-criminals, but they will save some lives.
Actually the worst most notorious school shooting in US history in Blacksburg Va. happened because the radical left cared more about the feelings of lunatics than the welfare of society. The shooter should have been arrested by local police for stalking co-ed females on campus but local police didn't want to burden the student with a criminal record. Teachers and faculty were afraid of him but he was ordered to undergo psychiatric counseling instead of facing a criminal charge. The glitch in the Va. instant name check is that the radical left thought that the privacy of court ordered psychiatric patients trumped society's needs so the instant name check for the purchase of firearms came up negative.

No, the glitch is that Gun Sellers in VA don't even pretend to do background checks.
How did this guy pass a background check?
Simple: He had not met any of the conditions that disqualified him for a purchase of a firearm.
That is, it was not iillegal for him to own a gun.

Then it's too easy for people to get guns.

That's the point.

We need to get away from 'Why can't i have a gun" and to "Why should you have a gun" as the criteria for letting people have them.
In a free society, you do not need to justify the exercise of your rights to the satisfaction of the state.
Why do you have no interest in living in a free society?
This is the part I find incredible:

The clearest example, of course, is the NRA's labeling a bill sponsored by Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Senator Ed Markey (D-MA) to allow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to once again use its considerable expertise to research gun violence prevention, “unethical.” Yes, they actually said that.

Because anyone who does statistically significant research on a public health problem from the angle of helping people and not profiting from misery, and again and again finds obvious truths such as owning guns makes you more likely to get shot, is not someone the NRA and its allies will countenance without smearing. I debated one of these types from the Second Amendment Foundation on NPR recently regarding the CDC. It is amazing how tongue-tied they get when you present them with irrefutable information
How the NRA Enables Massacres - The Daily Beast

These folks have been able to block the government from getting accurate numbers on gun violence.
We know how to stop these incidents, or at least greatly reduce them.*We've seen other countries do it, such as Australia, which was averaging one of these massacres a year until their infamous Port Arthur Massacre in 1996. After which they completely overhauled their gun laws. Since then, a country with the same frontier history as the United States has not experienced one mass shooting. Not one. Their homicides and suicides have also precipitously dropped.

Australia did not have a 2nd Amendment in their Constitution that would have to be amended to ban owning a firearm. Let me know when you get the votes in Congress to do that.
How did this guy pass a background check?
Simple: He had not met any of the conditions that disqualified him for a purchase of a firearm.
That is, it was not iillegal for him to own a gun.

Then it's too easy for people to get guns.

That's the point.

We need to get away from 'Why can't i have a gun" and to "Why should you have a gun" as the criteria for letting people have them.
In a free society, you do not need to justify the exercise of your rights to the satisfaction of the state.
Why do you have no interest in living in a free society?

Um, guy, if I have to worry every day that I or my kids or people I care about can be shot in the street because the NRA was HAPPY to sell guns to crazy people, then I'm not living in a "Free" society.

Most western democracies have more freedom than we do, and they don't feel a need to give guns to people who hear voices in their heads or stockpile weapons like the Zombie Apocolypse is coming.

Frankly, by your logic, Somalia is the "Freest" country in the world.

But I doubt you'd want to live there.
Um, this guy wouldn't have been able to do it if acquiring guns wasn't so easy.

That's the point.

Huh ? The guy killed 3 with a knife.
If he couldn't have obtained a gun, he could have easily continued his rampage with the knife.

All's he had to do was drive to the same places, walk into a crowd and start swinging away.

Or he could have driven his BMW into a crowd, and probably taken more out than he did with a gun.

But the point is, he didn't do that. He used a gun.

And the three he killed with a knife were people he lived in the same home with.
So that means what, that they're less dead?
Then it's too easy for people to get guns.

That's the point.

We need to get away from 'Why can't i have a gun" and to "Why should you have a gun" as the criteria for letting people have them.
In a free society, you do not need to justify the exercise of your rights to the satisfaction of the state.
Why do you have no interest in living in a free society?

Um, guy, if I have to worry every day that I or my kids or people I care about can be shot in the street because the NRA was HAPPY to sell guns to crazy people, then I'm not living in a "Free" society.

Most western democracies have more freedom than we do, and they don't feel a need to give guns to people who hear voices in their heads or stockpile weapons like the Zombie Apocolypse is coming.

Frankly, by your logic, Somalia is the "Freest" country in the world.

But I doubt you'd want to live there.

oh the drama and everything is about you and what we need is to get away from people like you who demands everyone gives up their rights for you
Frankly you're nuts and the way you talk we are living in Somalia...
good grief
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