How The NRA Enables Massacres

It's clear from the BLM assault on the Bundy ranch that the only thing that protected them was an armed militia. Without that who knows what they would have done to them.

It doesn't matter how many spoiled, rich, white, Hollywood Director's kids go off on a shooting rampage, this administration has abused their authority and has become essentially lawless, and are encouraging lawlessness. Anti-gun advocates might be upset to know that Obama has sold more guns than any president before him.

We have to protect ourselves. If you want to become sheep, fine.
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It's clear from the BLM assault on the Bundy ranch that the only thing that protected them was an armed militia. Without that who knows what they would have done to them.

It doesn't matter how many spoiled, rich, white, Hollywood Director's kids go off on a shooting rampage, this administration has abused their authority and has become essentially lawless, and are encouraging lawlessness. Anti-gun advocates might be upset that Obama has sold more guns than any president before him. We have to protect ourselves. If you want to become sheep, fine.

Yep, M-4 and AR-15 sales are up again after that event and the reload presses are cranking.

Except, again, lack of guns to fight back IS the problem, period.

I don't know why you people think you can convince intelligent, logical people otherwise when the facts and history is right there for everyone to see, and it proves you wrong.

Perhaps it's your brain washing.

Tell you what, find me some intelligent, logical people and i'll talk to them.

Gun nuts who think that they can take on a government with tanks and bombers with hunting rifles... that's a different issue.
Except, again, lack of guns to fight back IS the problem, period.

I don't know why you people think you can convince intelligent, logical people otherwise when the facts and history is right there for everyone to see, and it proves you wrong.

Perhaps it's your brain washing.

Tell you what, find me some intelligent, logical people and i'll talk to them.

Gun nuts who think that they can take on a government with tanks and bombers with hunting rifles... that's a different issue.

They just did in Nevada and they won. Government backed off and gave the rancher his cattle back.
According to the FBI homicides were twice as frequent in 1993 than today.

1991 - 13,101 Deaths by handgun
1992 - 13,158 Deaths by handgun
1993 - 13,981 Deaths by handgun
2009 - 6,501 Deaths by handgun
2010 - 6,009 Deaths by handgun

There are twice as many suicides as homicides. Most shootings involve one victim. It is very rare when there is a mass shooting, and in every case, the shooter was a known nut-case that had been identified to have serious mental health issues before the shooting. Almost every mass shooting took place in a gun-free zone.

So it's pretty clear to me we aren't focusing in the right areas. Guns aren't the problem as much as identifying the assailant before he reaches the point he's willing to murder those around him. The problem seems to be the law getting in the way of protecting us from potential killers.
How Howey enables idiocy:

By quoting the Daily Beast. Move along folks.

How about addressing his point.

When you have the notion that a gun is a "right", and that everyone should be able to have one, even if they are mentally ill, you are going to get guys like this one, aren't you?

^ Big fan, I mean a HUGE Fan of history's biggest Mass Murderer, Jose Stalin. We'll never know to the nearest tens of million how many Stalin killed and Joe was like, "Meh, you have to break a few eggs to have a proper Progressive Society"
Except, again, lack of guns to fight back IS the problem, period.

I don't know why you people think you can convince intelligent, logical people otherwise when the facts and history is right there for everyone to see, and it proves you wrong.

Perhaps it's your brain washing.

Tell you what, find me some intelligent, logical people and i'll talk to them.

Gun nuts who think that they can take on a government with tanks and bombers with hunting rifles... that's a different issue.

I guess you're expecting Marshal Law to be imposed.

We need to protect ourselves from somebody kicking in our doors in the night.
The NRA hasn't been HIJACKED by ANYONE, moron. They always HAVE and always WILL stand for ONE THING, and that's to PROTECT THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

What HAS changed is the deranged frothing at the mouth demand from the left to DISARM law abiding Americans by RADICALS that have HIJACKED the DEMOCRAT party.

Apparently you don't know crap about the organization. It used to support gun regulations. It used to WRITE firearm regulations. It used to encourage responsible use of firearms by responsible people and not use the second amendment as a shield to defend the misuse of firearms.
Except, again, lack of guns to fight back IS the problem, period.

I don't know why you people think you can convince intelligent, logical people otherwise when the facts and history is right there for everyone to see, and it proves you wrong.

Perhaps it's your brain washing.

Tell you what, find me some intelligent, logical people and i'll talk to them.

Gun nuts who think that they can take on a government with tanks and bombers with hunting rifles... that's a different issue.

I guess you're expecting Marshal Law to be imposed.

We need to protect ourselves from somebody kicking in our doors in the night.

What dumb a$$ civil servant jack boots are up the that task?

Tell you what, find me some intelligent, logical people and i'll talk to them.

Gun nuts who think that they can take on a government with tanks and bombers with hunting rifles... that's a different issue.

I guess you're expecting Marshal Law to be imposed.

We need to protect ourselves from somebody kicking in our doors in the night.

What dumb a$$ civil servant jack boots are up the that task?


There are plenty.

They're already in place.

The problem is, we're still packing heat.
The NRA hasn't been HIJACKED by ANYONE, moron. They always HAVE and always WILL stand for ONE THING, and that's to PROTECT THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

What HAS changed is the deranged frothing at the mouth demand from the left to DISARM law abiding Americans by RADICALS that have HIJACKED the DEMOCRAT party.

Apparently you don't know crap about the organization. It used to support gun regulations. It used to WRITE firearm regulations. It used to encourage responsible use of firearms by responsible people and not use the second amendment as a shield to defend the misuse of firearms.

It still does.
It's the lefties who are fighting gun laws, to get guns out of the mentally ill's hands.
The NRA hasn't been HIJACKED by ANYONE, moron. They always HAVE and always WILL stand for ONE THING, and that's to PROTECT THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

What HAS changed is the deranged frothing at the mouth demand from the left to DISARM law abiding Americans by RADICALS that have HIJACKED the DEMOCRAT party.

Apparently you don't know crap about the organization. It used to support gun regulations. It used to WRITE firearm regulations. It used to encourage responsible use of firearms by responsible people and not use the second amendment as a shield to defend the misuse of firearms.

It still does.
It's the lefties who are fighting gun laws, to get guns out of the mentally ill's hands.

What they consider to be mentally ill is a bit subjective.
The NRA hasn't been HIJACKED by ANYONE, moron. They always HAVE and always WILL stand for ONE THING, and that's to PROTECT THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

What HAS changed is the deranged frothing at the mouth demand from the left to DISARM law abiding Americans by RADICALS that have HIJACKED the DEMOCRAT party.

Apparently you don't know crap about the organization. It used to support gun regulations. It used to WRITE firearm regulations. It used to encourage responsible use of firearms by responsible people and not use the second amendment as a shield to defend the misuse of firearms.

Apparently you like to talk SHIT. Go peddle this leftard garbage over at the DU or the Daily KOS.

My father was a lifetime member of the NRA and so am I, and I know better about it's purpose and what it does than to listen to your fucking stupid gas.
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For many years, the NRA has a proponent of legislation that would allow mental health professionals the ability to prevent dangerous people from purchasing firearms. The medical profession won't allow the legislation.

I was also at the NRA Convention at Indianapolis, and I enjoyed it immensely.
The NRA hasn't been HIJACKED by ANYONE, moron. They always HAVE and always WILL stand for ONE THING, and that's to PROTECT THE SECOND AMENDMENT.

What HAS changed is the deranged frothing at the mouth demand from the left to DISARM law abiding Americans by RADICALS that have HIJACKED the DEMOCRAT party.

Apparently you don't know crap about the organization. It used to support gun regulations. It used to WRITE firearm regulations. It used to encourage responsible use of firearms by responsible people and not use the second amendment as a shield to defend the misuse of firearms.

That's why a competing organization that didn't suck dick in Washington was created.
Let' see, the psycho (the shooter, not Howie) killed 3 by using a knife which are readily available nearly everywhere and available to anyone. He then killed 4 by using a gun, which are much harder to obtain and much more expensive.
In this particular case then, it seems the knife should be the bigger concern, due to the ease of obtaining.

I think the police not doing more when they were warned is the main concern in this case...
Let' see, the psycho (the shooter, not Howie) killed 3 by using a knife which are readily available nearly everywhere and available to anyone. He then killed 4 by using a gun, which are much harder to obtain and much more expensive.
In this particular case then, it seems the knife should be the bigger concern, due to the ease of obtaining.

I think the police not doing more when they were warned is the main concern in this case...

But the police are not legally obligated to do anything. Not even coming to your aid.

Except, again, lack of guns to fight back IS the problem, period.

I don't know why you people think you can convince intelligent, logical people otherwise when the facts and history is right there for everyone to see, and it proves you wrong.

Perhaps it's your brain washing.

Tell you what, find me some intelligent, logical people and i'll talk to them.

Gun nuts who think that they can take on a government with tanks and bombers with hunting rifles... that's a different issue.

To carry on an intelligent conversation with intelligent people you must likewise be intelligent, that is a characteristic you have yet to demonstrate. The Romanian revolution was begun with single shot .22 caliber pistols.

Your lack of historical knowledge is overshadowed only by your lack of intellect and honesty.

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