How The NRA Enables Massacres

The left like the dailybeast should be ashamed of themselves for using these peoples DEATHS to dump on millions of members in the NRA who didn't nothing wrong...

but they will use anyone and anything for their cause..dead or alive...that's how sick they are
you see they've made the killer a victim by blaming the NRA

So it's you idiots who blames others instead of the person who did it, is giving the go ahead to more of these types of mass killings.

good job but you got your lick at an organization that didn't have a thing to do with it

you people from the dailybeast and the op should be locked up with the killer

Um, this guy wouldn't have been able to do it if acquiring guns wasn't so easy.

That's the point.

Huh ? The guy killed 3 with a knife.
If he couldn't have obtained a gun, he could have easily continued his rampage with the knife.

All's he had to do was drive to the same places, walk into a crowd and start swinging away.

Or he could have driven his BMW into a crowd, and probably taken more out than he did with a gun.
How did this guy pass a background check?
Simple: He had not met any of the conditions that disqualified him for a purchase of a firearm.
That is, it was not iillegal for him to own a gun.
Let' see, the psycho (the shooter, not Howie) killed 3 by using a knife which are readily available nearly everywhere and available to anyone. He then killed 4 by using a gun, which are much harder to obtain and much more expensive.
In this particular case then, it seems the knife should be the bigger concern, due to the ease of obtaining.

I think the police not doing more when they were warned is the main concern in this case...

But the police are not legally obligated to do anything. Not even coming to your aid.


Well I'm no law expert. But this is a case where there are warning signs and then people are killed. The theater shooter threatened his psychologist and then went on to kill all those people. Both of them to me sounded like they wanted somebody to stop them. Why give all these warning signs if you just want to kill people? I'd prefer to stop these people before they kill rather than argue about weapons after people are dead.
Actually the worst most notorious school shooting in US history in Blacksburg Va. happened because the radical left cared more about the feelings of lunatics than the welfare of society. The shooter should have been arrested by local police for stalking co-ed females on campus but local police didn't want to burden the student with a criminal record. Teachers and faculty were afraid of him but he was ordered to undergo psychiatric counseling instead of facing a criminal charge. The glitch in the Va. instant name check is that the radical left thought that the privacy of court ordered psychiatric patients trumped society's needs so the instant name check for the purchase of firearms came up negative.
you see they've made the killer a victim by blaming the NRA

So it's you idiots who blames others instead of the person who did it, is giving the go ahead to more of these types of mass killings.

good job but you got your lick at an organization that didn't have a thing to do with it

you people from the dailybeast and the op should be locked up with the killer

Um, this guy wouldn't have been able to do it if acquiring guns wasn't so easy.

That's the point.

Huh ? The guy killed 3 with a knife.
If he couldn't have obtained a gun, he could have easily continued his rampage with the knife.

All's he had to do was drive to the same places, walk into a crowd and start swinging away.

Or he could have driven his BMW into a crowd, and probably taken more out than he did with a gun.

But the point is, he didn't do that. He used a gun.

And the three he killed with a knife were people he lived in the same home with.
Actually the worst most notorious school shooting in US history in Blacksburg Va. happened because the radical left cared more about the feelings of lunatics than the welfare of society. The shooter should have been arrested by local police for stalking co-ed females on campus but local police didn't want to burden the student with a criminal record. Teachers and faculty were afraid of him but he was ordered to undergo psychiatric counseling instead of facing a criminal charge. The glitch in the Va. instant name check is that the radical left thought that the privacy of court ordered psychiatric patients trumped society's needs so the instant name check for the purchase of firearms came up negative.

No, the glitch is that Gun Sellers in VA don't even pretend to do background checks.

which is why so many guns purchased in VA end up in crimes in NYC.
How did this guy pass a background check?
Simple: He had not met any of the conditions that disqualified him for a purchase of a firearm.
That is, it was not iillegal for him to own a gun.

Then it's too easy for people to get guns.

That's the point.

We need to get away from 'Why can't i have a gun" and to "Why should you have a gun" as the criteria for letting people have them.
The left like the dailybeast should be ashamed of themselves for using these peoples DEATHS to dump on millions of members in the NRA who didn't nothing wrong...

but they will use anyone and anything for their cause..dead or alive...that's how sick they are

The millions of members of the NRA are culpable in that they let the leadership continue to oppose even the most common sense gun laws.
The left like the dailybeast should be ashamed of themselves for using these peoples DEATHS to dump on millions of members in the NRA who didn't nothing wrong...

but they will use anyone and anything for their cause..dead or alive...that's how sick they are

The millions of members of the NRA are culpable in that they let the leadership continue to oppose even the most common sense gun laws.

The phrase "common sense gun laws" is virtually an oxymoron.
The left like the dailybeast should be ashamed of themselves for using these peoples DEATHS to dump on millions of members in the NRA who didn't nothing wrong...

but they will use anyone and anything for their cause..dead or alive...that's how sick they are

The millions of members of the NRA are culpable in that they let the leadership continue to oppose even the most common sense gun laws.

common sense gun laws
how many more frikken LAWS do you fascist need on the 1000's we already have?
So Planned Parenthood and anyone who is a member of the Democrat party is culpable in the 55million abortions
look to you bleeding hearts that allows these killers to roam free amongst us because they can't be locked up because of their "civil rights"
so you're all just as culpable so don'T' give us because of them we (responsible gun owner's) needs more LAWS
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How did this guy pass a background check?
Simple: He had not met any of the conditions that disqualified him for a purchase of a firearm.
That is, it was not iillegal for him to own a gun.

Then it's too easy for people to get guns.

That's the point.

We need to get away from 'Why can't i have a gun" and to "Why should you have a gun" as the criteria for letting people have them.

Fortunately that isn't the criteria outlined in the 2nd Amendment. In a free country, you don't need to justify your actions to the government if you aren't infringing on someone else's rights.
The left like the dailybeast should be ashamed of themselves for using these peoples DEATHS to dump on millions of members in the NRA who didn't nothing wrong...

but they will use anyone and anything for their cause..dead or alive...that's how sick they are

The millions of members of the NRA are culpable in that they let the leadership continue to oppose even the most common sense gun laws.

The phrase "common sense gun laws" is virtually an oxymoron.

Uh not really.

It's what the rest of the world already does.

America is kind of the outlier in letting every crazy person who wants a gun buy one.

Fortunately that isn't the criteria outlined in the 2nd Amendment. In a free country, you don't need to justify your actions to the government if you aren't infringing on someone else's rights.

Sorry, Second Amendment is about Militias, not gun ownership.

So I'd have no problem with you having a gun if you are part of that "Well-Regulated Milita" they were talking about.
well who didn't see this coming...Democrats are like vultures just waiting in a tree for blood to be spilled so they can swoop in to take away more of OUR RIGHTS...


Senator keen to revive gun-control legislation after California killings

Senator Richard Blumenthal said on Sunday he wants to revive gun-control legislation that was rejected by Congress in the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting, saying it could have helped prevent this weekend's deadly California shooting spree.

Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut, told CBS the legislation, which failed last year, could be revised to emphasise the mental condition of potential gun buyers.

"Obviously, not every kind of gun violence is going to be prevented by laws out of Washington," he said. "But at least we can make a start and I am going to urge that we bring back those bills, maybe reconfigure them, centre on mental health, which is a point where we can agree that we need more resources to make the country healthier and to make sure that these kinds of horrific, insane, mad occurrences are stopped.

ALL of it here
Senator keen to revive gun-control legislation after California killings | World news |
Common sense gun laws eh? Perhaps there should be common sense regulations on gay men to control std infections?
The millions of members of the NRA are culpable in that they let the leadership continue to oppose even the most common sense gun laws.

The phrase "common sense gun laws" is virtually an oxymoron.

Uh not really.

It's what the rest of the world already does.

America is kind of the outlier in letting every crazy person who wants a gun buy one.

Mmmmmm, yes, really. The rest of the world is populated by fascist people's republics.
Common sense gun laws eh? Perhaps there should be common sense regulations on gay men to control std infections?

True, and common sense controls on marriage to restrict it to the purpose for which it was intended: to facilitate the propagation of the species.

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