How the Rittenhouse Shootings Unfolded

Otis Mayfield

Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2021

NY Times video on Kyle Rittenhouse shootings. It's really well done.

It's like 25 minutes and they interview people from all sides.

Was it a justified shooting?

Who do you blame?

If everyone left there guns at home, would people have been better off?

NY Times video on Kyle Rittenhouse shootings. It's really well done.

It's like 25 minutes and they interview people from all sides.

Was it a justified shooting?

Who do you blame?

If everyone left there guns at home, would people have been better off?

If the media covered the riots fairly and the police were allowed to do their job, vigilantes would not be needed. I blame the media and our politicians.
It's obvious that the history of past actions didn't influence the actions of those involved on that day. I have resolution to know that violence is not the answer.
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NY Times video on Kyle Rittenhouse shootings. It's really well done.

It's like 25 minutes and they interview people from all sides.

Was it a justified shooting?

Who do you blame?

If everyone left there guns at home, would people have been better off?

For an actual look at the trial, Legalinsurrection is going to cover the trial.

If there is a real jury he is going to walk on all charges…..

To be more specific, this prosecution faces a considerable dilemma—any objective and emotion-free view of the facts and law, in this case, can only result in the conclusion, to a reasonable degree of legal certainty, that it will not be possible for the state to disprove Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense of self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt.

For similar reasons, there is little basis, at least on the legal merits, to believe that the state can prove any of the recklessness charges against Kyle beyond a reasonable doubt.

With respect to the gun charge, who knows what that statutory gun law stew actually means, apparently, so the charge should rightly be dismissed for vagueness—but at worst it’s a misdemeanor.

If the media covered the riots fairly and the police were allowed to do their job, vigilantes would not be needed. I blame the media and our politicians.
Half right. Blame the politicians and the people that (for some reason) expect something from government it was never intended to give.
For an actual look at the trial, Legalinsurrection is going to cover the trial.

If there is a real jury he is going to walk on all charges…..

To be more specific, this prosecution faces a considerable dilemma—any objective and emotion-free view of the facts and law, in this case, can only result in the conclusion, to a reasonable degree of legal certainty, that it will not be possible for the state to disprove Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense of self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt.

For similar reasons, there is little basis, at least on the legal merits, to believe that the state can prove any of the recklessness charges against Kyle beyond a reasonable doubt.

With respect to the gun charge, who knows what that statutory gun law stew actually means, apparently, so the charge should rightly be dismissed for vagueness—but at worst it’s a misdemeanor.

You have no idea if he will be innocent or guilty nor can you evaluate the jury based upon your ignorance of the jury members.

NY Times video on Kyle Rittenhouse shootings. It's really well done.

It's like 25 minutes and they interview people from all sides.

Was it a justified shooting?

Who do you blame?

If everyone left there guns at home, would people have been better off?

Yes, and yes.

NY Times video on Kyle Rittenhouse shootings. It's really well done.

It's like 25 minutes and they interview people from all sides.

Was it a justified shooting?

Who do you blame?

If everyone left there guns at home, would people have been better off?

NYT? I don't think so. Try an unbiased source, if there is one.
The police drove the demonstrators away from the courthouse. The chief of police said he was happy with the way things were going.

But they drove the demonstrators right to the militia types.

There was a confrontation. There's always a few nutts on each side who don't have good social skills. Kyle would later shoot one nutt, who by coincidence had just gotten out of a real life mental hospital.

The police say this was totally an accident.

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