How the Trump era is changing the federal bureaucracy

Will the Trump Haters and Never Trumpers give the president credit for this accomplishment?

  • Sure they will - when Hades freezes over.

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Diamond Member
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Jul 22, 2016
New York
/----/ So Libs refuse to give Trump credit for draining the swamp and improving the economy. They claim he has done little or nothing to fix things as promised during the campaign. Well the Washington Post explains how he's doing it.
Now for your reading pleasure:
How the Trump era is changing the federal bureaucracy

Nearly a year into his takeover of Washington, President Trump has made a significant down payment on his campaign pledge to shrink the federal bureaucracy, a shift long sought by conservatives that could eventually bring the workforce down to levels not seen in decades.

By the end of September, all Cabinet departments except Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs and Interior had fewer permanent staff than when Trump took office in January — with most shedding many hundreds of employees, according to an analysis of federal personnel data by The Washington Post.

The diminishing federal footprint comes after Trump promised in last year’s campaign to “cut so much your head will spin,” and it reverses a boost in hiring under President Barack Obama. The falloff has been driven by an exodus of civil servants, a diminished corps of political appointees and an effective hiring freeze.

Even though Congress did not pass a new budget in his first year, the drastic spending cuts Trump laid out in the spring — which would slash more than 30 percent of funding at some agencies — also has triggered a spending slowdown, according to officials at multiple departments.
/----/ So Libs refuse to give Trump credit for draining the swamp and improving the economy.

Because nothing he has done has done that. The economy is continuing on the same trajectory it's been on since 2009.

Nearly a year into his takeover of Washington, President Trump has made a significant down payment on his campaign pledge to shrink the federal bureaucracy, a shift long sought by conservatives that could eventually bring the workforce down to levels not seen in decades.

Except that isn't a good thing. That just means less services that we need are going to get done. Less IRS Agents? Except more people to get away with tax fraud. Less EPA regulators? Expect more pollution? Less USDA and FDA inspectors? Expect more cases of food poisoning. How anyone other than a sociopath considers this a good thing, is beyond me.

I promise you, once we have a Katrina level failure from a government agency, this isn't going to blow up in Trump's face.
/----/ So Libs refuse to give Trump credit for draining the swamp and improving the economy.

Because nothing he has done has done that. The economy is continuing on the same trajectory it's been on since 2009.

Nearly a year into his takeover of Washington, President Trump has made a significant down payment on his campaign pledge to shrink the federal bureaucracy, a shift long sought by conservatives that could eventually bring the workforce down to levels not seen in decades.

Except that isn't a good thing. That just means less services that we need are going to get done. Less IRS Agents? Except more people to get away with tax fraud. Less EPA regulators? Expect more pollution? Less USDA and FDA inspectors? Expect more cases of food poisoning. How anyone other than a sociopath considers this a good thing, is beyond me.

I promise you, once we have a Katrina level failure from a government agency, this isn't going to blow up in Trump's face.
/----/ I feel your pain.
/----/ So Libs refuse to give Trump credit for draining the swamp and improving the economy. They claim he has done little or nothing to fix things as promised during the campaign. Well the Washington Post explains how he's doing it.
Now for your reading pleasure:
How the Trump era is changing the federal bureaucracy

Nearly a year into his takeover of Washington, President Trump has made a significant down payment on his campaign pledge to shrink the federal bureaucracy, a shift long sought by conservatives that could eventually bring the workforce down to levels not seen in decades.

By the end of September, all Cabinet departments except Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs and Interior had fewer permanent staff than when Trump took office in January — with most shedding many hundreds of employees, according to an analysis of federal personnel data by The Washington Post.

The diminishing federal footprint comes after Trump promised in last year’s campaign to “cut so much your head will spin,” and it reverses a boost in hiring under President Barack Obama. The falloff has been driven by an exodus of civil servants, a diminished corps of political appointees and an effective hiring freeze.

Even though Congress did not pass a new budget in his first year, the drastic spending cuts Trump laid out in the spring — which would slash more than 30 percent of funding at some agencies — also has triggered a spending slowdown, according to officials at multiple departments.
The number of federal employees has been shrinking for years however the number of contractors has gone up in proportion. Net result: government is more responsive but more expensive
/----/ I feel your pain.

Meh, it's not my pain.

It's the pain people in Puerto Rico are feeling because Trump is so fucking incompetent.
/----/ OK Tinkerbell, what why did Obozo let PR get into such bad shape? Because they couldn't vote for him?
In Puerto Rico, a sinkhole of rebuilding struggles
A U.S. territory, Puerto Rico was already in trouble when Maria hit on Sept. 20 as the strongest storm to strike the island in nine decades. Its economy had been in recession for a decade, pushing the island into bankruptcy to restructure about $120 billion in bond and pension debt.

The task of rebuilding is made that much harder by the challenges and expense of bringing supplies and equipment to an island, which will depend heavily on U.S. aid and likely struggle to finance its expected share of the rebuilding.

The storm cut all power and cell service, felled trees, destroyed 230,000 homes and damaged another 400,000.

One of the casualties was this stretch of Highway 2, the vital 143-mile artery between San Juan and Ponce. Running west from San Juan before looping south, the road transports thousands of people a day between the San Juan suburbs and the island’s bustling capital.

Hurricane Maria’s rains flooded the pipes under Highway 2 until one burst. Water gushed out of the old pipe deep below the roadway, scouring out a hole into which the ground eventually collapsed.

Officials could not ignore the sinkhole, which squeezed eastbound traffic into a single westbound lane and detoured westbound traffic. Tempers began to fray as residents endured a one-mile drive for nearly an hour.
/----/ OK Tinkerbell, what why did Obozo let PR get into such bad shape? Because they couldn't vote for him?

Trump is the guy who is in Charge NOW. What is he doing NOW, four months after the hurricane and the lights are still out.

You know, Trump has to own his own presidency at some point before we impeach him.
/——/ He’s personally flying a chopper with supplies to remote areas just like Obozo did and Hildabeast would have if only she could have fit her fat azz in one. He also borrowed President Bush’s Magic Hurricane Wand to clear the roads. You imbecile
He’s personally flying a chopper with supplies to remote areas just like Obozo did and Hildabeast would have if only she could have fit her fat azz in one. He also borrowed President Bush’s Magic Hurricane Wand to clear the roads. You imbecile


"Oh, my God, I almost touched a brown person!"
/----/ Why are you so obtuse?

Why are you drinking the Trump Koolaid?
/----/ If countering your misinformed posts attacking Trump is 'Drinking the Trump Kool Aid" then yes I am. Now kindly explain your racist remarks against the link I sent you. BTW, in the 30 years of being in the public spotlight there has been no charges of racism against Trump until he had the audacity to run against a democRAT. Explain that.
DOW 25,000!

+250K JOBS...



APPLE to repatriate $200 BILLION foreign cash?

If countering your misinformed posts attacking Trump is 'Drinking the Trump Kool Aid" then yes I am. Now kindly explain your racist remarks against the link I sent you.

I kind of don't have to. His silly "Throwing people towels" after a disaster of that magnitude, along with his other racist remarks, really doesn't make up for the fact that he did staged event with some black folks once.

DOW 25,000!

+250K JOBS...



APPLE to repatriate $200 BILLION foreign cash?


Yes, Obama left Trump a pretty good economy, but he will fuck it up.

Only a matter of time.
If countering your misinformed posts attacking Trump is 'Drinking the Trump Kool Aid" then yes I am. Now kindly explain your racist remarks against the link I sent you.

I kind of don't have to. His silly "Throwing people towels" after a disaster of that magnitude, along with his other racist remarks, really doesn't make up for the fact that he did staged event with some black folks once.

DOW 25,000!

+250K JOBS...



APPLE to repatriate $200 BILLION foreign cash?


Yes, Obama left Trump a pretty good economy, but he will fuck it up.

Only a matter of time.
/----/ So you're afraid to look at the link. It has more than one meeting but I think you already know that but your blind hatred for the man keeps you from admitting the racist charge is 100% bogus.
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So you're afraid to look at the link. It has more than one meeting but I think you already know that but your blind hatred for the man keeps you from admitting the racist charge is 100% bogus.

No, it's not worth my time. I'm sure you can find a link that'll argue that Water isn't wet, given enough time, but it's not worth mine.

Trump is a racist. He was a racist when he claimed the first black president wasn't legitimate. He was a racist when the NIXON Administration sued him for racial discrimination. He was a racist when he called Nazis and Klansmen in VA "Fine people'.

Trump is a racist, and your side wouldn't have him any other way.
So you're afraid to look at the link. It has more than one meeting but I think you already know that but your blind hatred for the man keeps you from admitting the racist charge is 100% bogus.

No, it's not worth my time. I'm sure you can find a link that'll argue that Water isn't wet, given enough time, but it's not worth mine.

Trump is a racist. He was a racist when he claimed the first black president wasn't legitimate. He was a racist when the NIXON Administration sued him for racial discrimination. He was a racist when he called Nazis and Klansmen in VA "Fine people'.

Trump is a racist, and your side wouldn't have him any other way.
/-----/ Post one example of his racism you tool. You won't of course because you can't. Just your mindless baseless charges. BWHAHAHAHAHA
Post one example of his racism you tool. You won't of course because you can't. Just your mindless baseless charges. BWHAHAHAHAHA

Mexicans are rapists.
Obama was born in Kenya.

That's two.
/----/ There are no Mexican rapists? Are you calling Amnesty Internatinal racists?
80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S. | HuffPost
According to a stunning Fusion investigation, 80 percent of women and girls crossing into the U.S. by way of Mexico are raped during their journey. That’s up from a previous estimate of 60 percent, according to an Amnesty International report.

So MEDRINE NYAMBURA racists? They point out famous people born in Kenya.
14 famous people you did not know were born in Kenya - HapaKenya

Lib Thought Process.jpg
/----/ Why are you so obtuse?

Why are you drinking the Trump Koolaid?
/----/ If countering your misinformed posts attacking Trump is 'Drinking the Trump Kool Aid" then yes I am. Now kindly explain your racist remarks against the link I sent you. BTW, in the 30 years of being in the public spotlight there has been no charges of racism against Trump until he had the audacity to run against a democRAT. Explain that.
DOW 25,000!

+250K JOBS...



APPLE to repatriate $200 BILLION foreign cash?


Joe as he always does here everyday,got OWNED. a miracle occured though,this is the first time he has EVER said ANYTHING truthful when he mentioned Obama being born in kenya.:up:

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