How to audit a machined house race without cyber ninjas

Again, there is no record of who voted for who.

Nor has the slightest evidence of fraud in VA 7 been shown. Why then would we do an audit?

Vega just lost.

Paid dem shill knowingly involved in election fraud and now propaganda as to why we can never audit a clear case of machine fraud over 300k vote total...
Once again, the machines do not match a person to a specific vote.

They do not know whose ballot it is when it is ran through the machine.
Then how do they know which precinct to use? How do they know you didn't take your mail in ballot to a different precinct and drop it off?
Paid dem shill knowingly involved in election fraud and now propaganda as to why we can never audit a clear case of machine fraud over 300k vote total...

Again, what election fraud?

Remember, you haven't shown us the slightest evidence of it VA7. You just say it must be so......apparently because your candidate lost.

Show me. Don't tell me.
Again, what election fraud?

Remember, you haven't shown us the slightest evidence of it VA7. You just say it must be so......apparently because your candidate lost.

Show me. Don't tell me.

Chicken and egg

No fraud i say, and no you cannot check that claim...

Audits expose fraud

You oppose audits because

You know there was fraud
You were part of the fraud
You like the fraud
Paid dem shill knowingly involved in election fraud and now propaganda as to why we can never audit a clear case of machine fraud over 300k vote total...
Auditing machines is not possible.

You can test them, but you can't audit them.

What you need is for the machine to generate a chain of custody. THAT you can audit. But there is no way to reconstruct what a machine may have done to a ballot.

What you need is:

. Machine received ballot at time A in batch B from person C.
. Machine used sorting/counting algorithm 1092-3 based on envelope bar code.
. Machine released ballot at time T to person Y.
Chicken and egg

No fraud i say, and no you cannot check that claim...

Audits expose fraud

You oppose audits because

You know there was fraud
You were part of the fraud
You like the fraud
You have no evidence of fraud. Why then would we do an audit? Also, you're not demanding an audit. You're demanding a re-vote, where we hunt down all 300,000 people who voted (in reality, more like 270k) and have them vote again.

Um, no.

You not liking the outcome of an election isn't evidence of any fraud. Nor does it justify invalidating the election and having 270K people vote a second time.

Vega just lost.
Again, what election fraud?

Remember, you haven't shown us the slightest evidence of it VA7. You just say it must be so......apparently because your candidate lost.

Show me. Don't tell me.
You're the kind of person we don't allow anywhere near a security operation.
Auditing machines is not possible.

You can test them, but you can't audit them.

What you need is for the machine to generate a chain of custody. THAT you can audit. But there is no way to reconstruct what a machine may have done to a ballot.

What you need is:

. Machine received ballot at time A in batch B from person C.
. Machine used sorting/counting algorithm 1092-3 based on envelope bar code.
. Machine released ballot at time T to person Y.

300k votes were cast.

We know who voted.

It can be done. It just takes motivation and people and money.

To say

We must have machines
We must trust machines
We can never audit machines

Is unacceptable
You have no evidence of fraud. Why then would we do an audit? Also, you're not demanding an audit. You're demanding a re-vote, where we hunt down all 300,000 people who voted (in reality, more like 270k) and have them vote again.

Um, no.

You not liking the outcome of an election isn't evidence of any fraud. Nor does it justify invalidating the election and having 300,000 people vote a second time.

Vega just lost.

You are so certain there was no fraud

Then you should say go ahead and audit.

The ONLY MOTIVE to oppose an audit is to conceal fraud.
You are so certain there was no fraud

Then you should say go ahead and audit.

The ONLY MOTIVE to oppose an audit is to conceal fraud.

Show us the evidence of fraud. You can't, as you have none.

Yet you insist we invalidate the election, hunt down 300,000 people and make them vote again.

Nope. VA7 voting once is enough to determine a winner. And it wasn't Vega.
Show us the evidence of fraud. You can't, as you have none.

Yet you insist we invalidate the election, hunt down 300,000 people and make them vote again.

Nope. VA7 voting once is enough to determine a winner. And it wasn't Vega.

Do you get paid to post this bullshit?

Different strategy.

TV and radio ads.

Everyone who voted for Vega

We need your help to make sure your voted counted.

We cannot trust the machines.

We need a simple affidavit.

You voted and you voted for Vega.

Get to 135k and BUSTED
Do you get paid to post this bullshit?

And by 'bullshit', you mean not invalidating an entire election and making 300,000 people vote again because you don't like the outcome?

Remember, you have zero evidence of fraud. Why then would we invalidate an election?

Different strategy.

TV and radio ads.

Everyone who voted for Vega

We need your help to make sure your voted counted.

We cannot trust the machines.

We need a simple affidavit.

You voted and you voted for Vega.

Get to 135k and BUSTED

Or, you let go of your butthurt about your candidate losing. And accept the election results....for which you have zero evidence of any fraud.

We're not invalidating an election because your gal lost.

Great grammar Gator...

I do know SKYLAR is not on the ballot

University of FLUNK

So, you have not ever voted and think that you name is on the ballot.

That tells us all we need to know about you.
And by 'bullshit', you mean not invalidating an entire election and making 300,000 people vote again because you don't like the outcome?

Remember, you have zero evidence of fraud. Why then would we invalidate an election?

Same shit from zionist judges on 2020.

Judge can we present evidence of fraud

Judge - no

Judge then releases statement

They have no evidnce

Nevermind i never allowed it to be presented...

You have FEAR on this issue.

Anyone with an IQ over 5 senses it...
Dumbshit, 50 people see your vote before it gets tallied.

You ain't got no privacy.

You trust an election worker more than you trust a licensed and bonded auditor ?

Another person that has never voted.

I take my ballot after I fill it out and put it in a machine that reads it. Nobody sees it before then, nobody knows who it was given to prior to me filling it out.
Same shit from zionist judges on 2020.

Judge can we present evidence of fraud

Judge - no

Judge then releases statement

They have no evidnce

Nevermind i never allowed it to be presented...

You have FEAR on this issue.

Anyone with an IQ over 5 senses it...

What fraud? Remember, you have zero evidence of any fraud in VA7.

Your imagination isn't a legal standard. Nor will it compel any judge to anything.

We're not invalidating an entire election and doing it over because you're butthurt.
300k votes were cast.

We know who voted.

It can be done. It just takes motivation and people and money.

To say

We must have machines
We must trust machines
We can never audit machines

Is unacceptable
You're totally completely missing the point.

=> The machine can not tell you what it did. However it can log what it is DOING.

The machine generates the audit trail, otherwise you have no log and no record.

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