How to Catch Lone Wolves BEFORE They Attack


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
We might be doing something like this already, but we obviously need to step up the level of effort judging by some of the latest FAILs.

First of all, we need to explain the general strategy is to use a drag net approach to look for suspicious moving targets, then use 'targeters' to go after these specific people who are suspected of possible doing something illegal and injurious to American citizens.

The pattern of lone wolf attacks seems to fall under two different categories;

a) cultivated attacks where an immigrant comes in with the purpose of recruiting a terrorist partner and then they plan, prep and execute their act of terrorism. I include these "Pair of Lone Wolf" attacks because they have many of the hallmarks, to my knowledge, as do the more conventional Lone Wolf attacks.

b) Then there is the unstable person who is already alienated from the USA culturally and for whom a triggering event causes them to want to "go out in a blaze of glory" and then some terrorist groups provides them with the means and/or methods of doing so. These types usually make some public declaration of intent and explanation, and then seek the "how to" on the internet, often joining a terrorist group to get that knowledge.

Counter measures would be roughly the following:

1. The broadest level of effort would be to use computer skimming "spider" programs to constantly crawl around the internet searching for keywords and then saving the screen capture and URLs for human review. This would not be targeted against any particular group and would search EVERYTHING in the known public internet, but focusing primarily social media.

2. There would be a list of all known antisocial groups that would be monitored closely. The groups would be Salafi Muslims, private 'Militias', all former intel people, former special forces, all academics and members of anti-American groups. These would be HUMAN SCANS of their *public* social media looking for calls to violence, declarations of intent to cause violence, and admissions of providing material support to violent groups.

If anyone posts content that triggers closer scrutiny in either 1) or 2) then the next level of scrutiny is performed and that is to get a court warrant to delve more deeply into the persons private communications, private social media, trace all their email traffic, monitor their movement and tap their phones.

If the suspect makes any plans to commit violence, then the person furthers the intel to appropriate level of law enforcement who can then handle it in their own professional way depending on the threat and the local community.

Then, if everything works out, swoop in on the terrorist once their is enough evidence to make the case in court, not necessarily waiting till they "build the bomb".

Most of these cases could have been caught in this fashion.

Lone wolf (terrorism) - Wikipedia

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