How To Convince The NRA That Assault Weapons, Not The Media, Are Responsible For Gun


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
How To Convince The NRA That Assault Weapons, Not The Media, Are Responsible For Gun Massacres

Stephen King — best selling author of the very kind of violent books that gun advocates say contribute to gun violence — has penned Guns, a 25-page essay dismissing their criticism, while calling for universal background checks for gun purchases, and a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

A self-described “blue-state American” who also owns guns, King is no stranger to how individuals can and do turn to art as inspiration for violence. During the 1990s, no fewer than four shooters read Rage — an early work King wrote in high school years and published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman years later — entered their high schools with guns, held students and teachers hostage, and in some cases killed them. The book chronicles how Charlie Decker, a troubled high school student with a “domineering father,” brought a gun to school, killed his algebra teacher, and held his class hostage — only to see his classmates experience a “psychological inversion” and come to his defense.

After copies of Rage were discovered in the possession of multiple high school shooters, King voluntarily pulled the book from publication. He did so not because the thin tome inspired would-be killers to commit unspeakable carnage; rather it acted “as a possible accelerant” for boys who spent time in psych wards pondering suicide or endured the kind of bullying that results in severe medical paranoia. These boys found a “soul brother” in Decker. He gave them “blueprints to express their hate and rage” and for that, King decided, he “had to go.” “You don’t leave a can of gasoline where a boy with firebug tendencies can lay hands on it,” the author writes in Guns.

How To Convince The NRA That Assault Weapons, Not The Media, Are Responsible For Gun Massacres | ThinkProgress
they are the gun Lobby

they know full well what they are doing .

their members dont agree with them
How can you convince someone who knows something isn't true, that it really is true?

Can't be done. Gun owners know that the fault isn't with guns, or law abiding gun owners.
A high degree of the sense of personal responsibility and a good example of how freedom can work.
they are the gun Lobby

they know full well what they are doing .

their members dont agree with them

Judging from the number of people who joined the NRA last month alone, the organization doesn't have to be concerned with the number of members who disagree with them.
How To Convince The NRA That Assault Weapons, Not The Media, Are Responsible For Gun Massacres

Stephen King — best selling author of the very kind of violent books that gun advocates say contribute to gun violence — has penned Guns, a 25-page essay dismissing their criticism, while calling for universal background checks for gun purchases, and a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.

A self-described “blue-state American” who also owns guns, King is no stranger to how individuals can and do turn to art as inspiration for violence. During the 1990s, no fewer than four shooters read Rage — an early work King wrote in high school years and published under the pseudonym Richard Bachman years later — entered their high schools with guns, held students and teachers hostage, and in some cases killed them. The book chronicles how Charlie Decker, a troubled high school student with a “domineering father,” brought a gun to school, killed his algebra teacher, and held his class hostage — only to see his classmates experience a “psychological inversion” and come to his defense.

After copies of Rage were discovered in the possession of multiple high school shooters, King voluntarily pulled the book from publication. He did so not because the thin tome inspired would-be killers to commit unspeakable carnage; rather it acted “as a possible accelerant” for boys who spent time in psych wards pondering suicide or endured the kind of bullying that results in severe medical paranoia. These boys found a “soul brother” in Decker. He gave them “blueprints to express their hate and rage” and for that, King decided, he “had to go.” “You don’t leave a can of gasoline where a boy with firebug tendencies can lay hands on it,” the author writes in Guns.

How To Convince The NRA That Assault Weapons, Not The Media, Are Responsible For Gun Massacres | ThinkProgress

Neither are responsible you idiot.
Gun violence occurs in this country every single day, most prominently in black and Hispanic ghettos in cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, Washington D.C., St Louis, Detroit, etc. Few of you gun grabbers have ever been vocal about this, but suddenly a bunch of middle class white people in Connecticut get killed and we have a national crisis. Interesting.....

The fact of the matter is less than 3% of gun deaths occur at the hands of so-called assault weapons. The vast majority are with hand guns and of all gun related deaths, roughly 60% are self inflicted suicides.

Banning "assault weapons" isn't going to do dick to stop anything. All it's going to do is make a bunch of so-called "liberals" feel like they've accomplished something good while poor brown people continue to die on a daily basis.

If you really want to address the problem of gun violence in this country then you'll stop trying to treat the symptom, which is gun violence, and instead focus on treating the disease, which is cultural and economic degradation, primarily in our urban areas.
they are the gun Lobby

they know full well what they are doing .

their members dont agree with them

Bull shit. We may not agree with EVERYTHING, but we agree with most.

The NRA has seen it's membership increase by 100K since the Sandy Hook shootings.

I'm a member of the NRA and the GOA and I have given extra donations. It's time to do it again.
they are the gun Lobby

they know full well what they are doing .

their members dont agree with them

Bull shit. We may not agree with EVERYTHING, but we agree with most.

The NRA has seen it's membership increase by 100K since the Sandy Hook shootings.

I'm a member of the NRA and the GOA and I have given extra donations. It's time to do it again.

NRA membership is still growing at the rate of 8,000 a day.
Good question. The first thing you do is prosecute those who were responsible for shipping 3,000 assault weapons to Mexico which killed an estimated 400 Mexican civilians and a US Border Patrol officer. Otherwise the argument is just political posturing.
There are almost four million privately owned AR15s in the United States...4,000,000,000.

Two have been used my mentally ill mass murderers...2.

That's why you will never convince the NRA...nor the American people.

Facts...they're such stubborn things.
The last four mass shootings have all been mentally ill.

Loughner, Cho, Holmes, and Lanza...and how many others.

I would humbly submit that it is neither guns nor the media, but mental illness that is to blame.
The last four mass shootings have all been mentally ill.

Loughner, Cho, Holmes, and Lanza...and how many others.

I would humbly submit that it is neither guns nor the media, but mental illness that is to blame.

Recently, USA Today ran an article about the very sad state of affairs the treatment of the mentally ill is in this country. THE problem is the system for treating the mentally ill and not guns, or the movies, or the video games.

The Democrat Party appeases their base and furthers their agenda to disarm Americans by pushing laws that every thinking person knows doesn't work. The mentally ill get ignored, the shootings continue, and the DNC gets another shot at trampling our rights.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

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