“How to Debate a Liberal,” a systematic guide to trouncing a lefty opponent.


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2015
How do you debate a liberal who is determined to paint you as a racist, sexist, homophobe who still believes the Earth is flat?

For the answer, we look to KTTH host Ben Shapiro, fabled agitator of leftists everywhere. Shapiro has figured out a winning formula to defeat flawed leftist rhetoric.

On Oct. 3, 2013, Shapiro gave a groundbreaking lecture at the University of California San Diego’s David Horowitz Freedom Center called “How to Debate a Liberal,” a systematic guide to trouncing a lefty opponent.

Want a free eBook of Shapiro’s “How to Debate a Liberal” lesson? Click here to sign up to be a member – it’s free! – at Shapiro’s Truth Revolt website.

Shapiro opened his lecture with a useful lesson from recent political history: that Republicans lost the 2012 presidential election not because of policy, but because Democrats were able to frame Mitt Romney as a “bad guy,” and Barack Obama as a “nice guy.”

It’s a common leftist “bully tactic,” Shapiro says, that you must outmaneuver in order to win the debate.

Here are Shapiro’s steps to winning an argument against a liberal.


Politics is war, Shapiro says, crediting his late friend Andrew Brietbart. So, if you’re going to get into a debate with a liberal, be ready to punch them hard – but also be willing to sustain a few punches yourself.

“You have to be willing to take the first punch,” Shapiro said.

Of course, that’s a rhetorical punch. You can land a hard one with the next step.


Discussing gun control with liberal CNN host Piers Morgan on live TV in January 2013, Shapiro scored a near knockout in the first few seconds of the debate by framing his opponent. He accused Morgan of standing on the graves of murdered children to further his anti-gun agenda.

The result? Shapiro appeared as the victor in the debate, and as a reasonable, levelheaded, and competent opponent. Turn your lefty opponent’s ludicrous tactics against them by framing them as the bad guy.


Just as important as step No. 2 is putting your opponent on the defensive by framing the debate in a way that they are unfamiliar with, Shapiro says.

If the debate is about global warming, do not debate on whether it is manmade. Rather, debate about what policies can solve it.

If you are debating gun rights, prepare yourself for the standard liberal argument, which is that we don’t need guns at all. Instead, ask them what we can do to curb gun violence, and violence as a whole.

“You have to frame the debate in ways they’re not familiar with,” Shapiro said. “Otherwise, it turns into a character argument. You’re a flat-Earther, you’re corrupt, you’re mean, you’re stupid – these are the lines of [liberal] attack.”


Every single leftist argument is full of inconsistencies. They claim they want marriage equality, but at the same time they want to force churches to endorse an irreligious practice; they want universal government-sponsored health care, but they do not support forcing people to become doctors, which would be necessarily to support such a massive program.

The positive thing is this irrational logic is easy to spot. Do not be afraid to point out these wacky contradictions.


Sure, liberals love to put conservatives on the defense by forcing them to answer questions, but do liberals have to answer?

Force them to answer questions. If they are pro-gay marriage, ask them which parent is less vital to a family: the mother or the father. Chances are, they’ll have to concede that a family is better with a mother and a father, not just one or the other. And, if they’re for the separation of church and state, ask them if they think government should be forced to perform same-sex marriages.


Liberals love George W. Bush. That is, they love to invoke his name to prove that Republicans and conservatives are incompetent. Ignore weak rhetorical tactics. Stay focused on the debate at hand, not left field references that leftists use to make you look weak.


It’s not your job to defend every conservative. Conservatives are human and often do any say things you might not always disagree with. Just because you voted for someone and largely agree with their views doesn’t mean you have to defend them.

If your liberal opponent wants to bring up something Reagan did or said 30 years ago, tell them to build a time machine. If you stand around defending every conservative ever, you’re going to waste a bunch of time and energy.


You are not an oracle, and you’re not Google. You don’t need to know everything.

If a liberal challenges you on a topic you’re unfamiliar with, politely decline to talk about it. You’re allowed.

“If you don’t know something, don’t discuss the topic,” Shapiro said. “Say, ‘I haven’t researched it sufficiently.’ If they insist, tell them that they’re being unfair.

“Ego will kill you in these kinds of debates.”


Do you stand for diversity? Of course, why not?

Are you in favor of immigration reform? You betcha.

Conceding certain points to a liberal will accomplish several things. First, it puts them off guard. When they ask you if you support immigration reform, they’re expecting you to say “no,” which would allow them to accuse you of being a racist. The thing is the term “immigration reform” is essentially meaningless, which allows you to agree with it without conceding your position.

Second, it will make the liberal think you are more of a moderate, which has the effect of softening their rhetorical attack.


Above all, remember that leftists are not there to debate you; they are there to use you to prove that conservatism is a radical ideology that professes racist, sexist ideals. It isn’t true, of course, but you can’t win an argument with someone who hates you for your beliefs.

Instead, debate liberals on substance and policy, Shapiro says.

“The left has only one play,” Shapiro says. “The play is ‘you’re nasty.’”
How do you debate a liberal who is determined to paint you as a racist, sexist, homophobe who still believes the Earth is flat?

For the answer, we look to KTTH host Ben Shapiro, fabled agitator of leftists everywhere. Shapiro has figured out a winning formula to defeat flawed leftist rhetoric.

"Leftist" rhetoric?

Your title says "Liberal". Then it suddenly switches to "lefty". Then your OP waddles aimlessly back and forth between both.

Which way you wanna point this thing?
Debating a conservative is like debating the taliban or isis.

Your ideas on economics isn't used anywhere else in the world. Slashing and cutting isn't what makes a country strong....Get it?
Your hatred of education, science and infrastructure will just weaken our own country.

The only solid argument conservatives have is their support of the family unit...At one time conservatives wouldn't have crapped on knowledge and education as they do today but that is why old style conservatives were so much superior.
Your ideas on economics isn't used anywhere else in the world.

I always make this point. They are for economic solutions that exist no where in history. Of course their reason is not because their ideas are space case it's because no one has ever been so awesome as to do their fantasy solutions.
my debates with liberals always start with "well... so long".

your outline is alinsky lite, i love it.
Whelp ---. apparently the OP's method for debating.... whoever his target is ...... goes like this:

That would be the definitive way to defeat a liberal if liberals were anything like the caricature that right wingers have convinced themselves that liberals are. Unfortunately for you, you are arguing against an opponent that doesn't exist in real life.
How do you debate a liberal who is determined to paint you as a racist, sexist, homophobe who still believes the Earth is flat?

For the answer, we look to KTTH host Ben Shapiro, fabled agitator of leftists everywhere. Shapiro has figured out a winning formula to defeat flawed leftist rhetoric.

On Oct. 3, 2013, Shapiro gave a groundbreaking lecture at the University of California San Diego’s David Horowitz Freedom Center called “How to Debate a Liberal,” a systematic guide to trouncing a lefty opponent.

Want a free eBook of Shapiro’s “How to Debate a Liberal” lesson? Click here to sign up to be a member – it’s free! – at Shapiro’s Truth Revolt website.

Shapiro opened his lecture with a useful lesson from recent political history: that Republicans lost the 2012 presidential election not because of policy, but because Democrats were able to frame Mitt Romney as a “bad guy,” and Barack Obama as a “nice guy.”

It’s a common leftist “bully tactic,” Shapiro says, that you must outmaneuver in order to win the debate.

Here are Shapiro’s steps to winning an argument against a liberal.


Politics is war, Shapiro says, crediting his late friend Andrew Brietbart. So, if you’re going to get into a debate with a liberal, be ready to punch them hard – but also be willing to sustain a few punches yourself.

“You have to be willing to take the first punch,” Shapiro said.

Of course, that’s a rhetorical punch. You can land a hard one with the next step.


Discussing gun control with liberal CNN host Piers Morgan on live TV in January 2013, Shapiro scored a near knockout in the first few seconds of the debate by framing his opponent. He accused Morgan of standing on the graves of murdered children to further his anti-gun agenda.

The result? Shapiro appeared as the victor in the debate, and as a reasonable, levelheaded, and competent opponent. Turn your lefty opponent’s ludicrous tactics against them by framing them as the bad guy.


Just as important as step No. 2 is putting your opponent on the defensive by framing the debate in a way that they are unfamiliar with, Shapiro says.

If the debate is about global warming, do not debate on whether it is manmade. Rather, debate about what policies can solve it.

If you are debating gun rights, prepare yourself for the standard liberal argument, which is that we don’t need guns at all. Instead, ask them what we can do to curb gun violence, and violence as a whole.

“You have to frame the debate in ways they’re not familiar with,” Shapiro said. “Otherwise, it turns into a character argument. You’re a flat-Earther, you’re corrupt, you’re mean, you’re stupid – these are the lines of [liberal] attack.”


Every single leftist argument is full of inconsistencies. They claim they want marriage equality, but at the same time they want to force churches to endorse an irreligious practice; they want universal government-sponsored health care, but they do not support forcing people to become doctors, which would be necessarily to support such a massive program.

The positive thing is this irrational logic is easy to spot. Do not be afraid to point out these wacky contradictions.


Sure, liberals love to put conservatives on the defense by forcing them to answer questions, but do liberals have to answer?

Force them to answer questions. If they are pro-gay marriage, ask them which parent is less vital to a family: the mother or the father. Chances are, they’ll have to concede that a family is better with a mother and a father, not just one or the other. And, if they’re for the separation of church and state, ask them if they think government should be forced to perform same-sex marriages.


Liberals love George W. Bush. That is, they love to invoke his name to prove that Republicans and conservatives are incompetent. Ignore weak rhetorical tactics. Stay focused on the debate at hand, not left field references that leftists use to make you look weak.


It’s not your job to defend every conservative. Conservatives are human and often do any say things you might not always disagree with. Just because you voted for someone and largely agree with their views doesn’t mean you have to defend them.

If your liberal opponent wants to bring up something Reagan did or said 30 years ago, tell them to build a time machine. If you stand around defending every conservative ever, you’re going to waste a bunch of time and energy.


You are not an oracle, and you’re not Google. You don’t need to know everything.

If a liberal challenges you on a topic you’re unfamiliar with, politely decline to talk about it. You’re allowed.

“If you don’t know something, don’t discuss the topic,” Shapiro said. “Say, ‘I haven’t researched it sufficiently.’ If they insist, tell them that they’re being unfair.

“Ego will kill you in these kinds of debates.”


Do you stand for diversity? Of course, why not?

Are you in favor of immigration reform? You betcha.

Conceding certain points to a liberal will accomplish several things. First, it puts them off guard. When they ask you if you support immigration reform, they’re expecting you to say “no,” which would allow them to accuse you of being a racist. The thing is the term “immigration reform” is essentially meaningless, which allows you to agree with it without conceding your position.

Second, it will make the liberal think you are more of a moderate, which has the effect of softening their rhetorical attack.


Above all, remember that leftists are not there to debate you; they are there to use you to prove that conservatism is a radical ideology that professes racist, sexist ideals. It isn’t true, of course, but you can’t win an argument with someone who hates you for your beliefs.

Instead, debate liberals on substance and policy, Shapiro says.

“The left has only one play,” Shapiro says. “The play is ‘you’re nasty.’”

What would you like to debate me on, one on one? That the Earth is 6000 years old?

I'll take the 'no' position. Make your first argument.
Your ideas on economics isn't used anywhere else in the world.

I always make this point. They are for economic solutions that exist no where in history. Of course their reason is not because their ideas are space case it's because no one has ever been so awesome as to do their fantasy solutions.

Our economic ideas were thoroughly tested in this country prior to 1916. After that, your theories were tried. The result was the Great Depression and WW II.
That would be the definitive way to defeat a liberal if liberals were anything like the caricature that right wingers have convinced themselves that liberals are. Unfortunately for you, you are arguing against an opponent that doesn't exist in real life.
Your example doesn't support your claim.
Your ideas on economics isn't used anywhere else in the world.

I always make this point. They are for economic solutions that exist no where in history. Of course their reason is not because their ideas are space case it's because no one has ever been so awesome as to do their fantasy solutions.

Our economic ideas were thoroughly tested in this country prior to 1916. After that, your theories were tried. The result was the Great Depression and WW II.

World War 2 you say? Well that means it was one before that goof ball. Stop being stupid. Was your economic theories the creator of the first world war? Or let me guess, that's different and you made a stupid connection.

What conservative policies were those?
Simply tell the truth and leftards will run away like a Hollywood vampire that has been exposed to sunlight. They are the biggest collection of "empty-headed" knows nothing morons on the planet. The global elites couldn't have prayed for a better collection of unwilling dupes in order to do their bidding. They are the epitome of the term "group think" and totally incapable to think for themselves. They have to be told "what" and "how" to think and by all that is holy, you better stick to the script and stay in "lockstep".

When I stopped being a Bush neocon, I really tried to look at the left side of the equation but all I found was that they didn't hate the things Bush did because of ideology...it was simply because of the "R" by his name. They supported the same shit the Barrypuppet did that they had blasted Bush over. Leftards are all about tribalism and nothing else......ability for free thinking is not a trait that they want in their little tribe of morons.
How do you debate a liberal who is determined to paint you as a racist, sexist, homophobe who still believes the Earth is flat?

For the answer, we look to KTTH host Ben Shapiro, fabled agitator of leftists everywhere. Shapiro has figured out a winning formula to defeat flawed leftist rhetoric.

On Oct. 3, 2013, Shapiro gave a groundbreaking lecture at the University of California San Diego’s David Horowitz Freedom Center called “How to Debate a Liberal,” a systematic guide to trouncing a lefty opponent.

Want a free eBook of Shapiro’s “How to Debate a Liberal” lesson? Click here to sign up to be a member – it’s free! – at Shapiro’s Truth Revolt website.

Shapiro opened his lecture with a useful lesson from recent political history: that Republicans lost the 2012 presidential election not because of policy, but because Democrats were able to frame Mitt Romney as a “bad guy,” and Barack Obama as a “nice guy.”

It’s a common leftist “bully tactic,” Shapiro says, that you must outmaneuver in order to win the debate.

Here are Shapiro’s steps to winning an argument against a liberal.


Politics is war, Shapiro says, crediting his late friend Andrew Brietbart. So, if you’re going to get into a debate with a liberal, be ready to punch them hard – but also be willing to sustain a few punches yourself.

“You have to be willing to take the first punch,” Shapiro said.

Of course, that’s a rhetorical punch. You can land a hard one with the next step.


Discussing gun control with liberal CNN host Piers Morgan on live TV in January 2013, Shapiro scored a near knockout in the first few seconds of the debate by framing his opponent. He accused Morgan of standing on the graves of murdered children to further his anti-gun agenda.

The result? Shapiro appeared as the victor in the debate, and as a reasonable, levelheaded, and competent opponent. Turn your lefty opponent’s ludicrous tactics against them by framing them as the bad guy.


Just as important as step No. 2 is putting your opponent on the defensive by framing the debate in a way that they are unfamiliar with, Shapiro says.

If the debate is about global warming, do not debate on whether it is manmade. Rather, debate about what policies can solve it.

If you are debating gun rights, prepare yourself for the standard liberal argument, which is that we don’t need guns at all. Instead, ask them what we can do to curb gun violence, and violence as a whole.

“You have to frame the debate in ways they’re not familiar with,” Shapiro said. “Otherwise, it turns into a character argument. You’re a flat-Earther, you’re corrupt, you’re mean, you’re stupid – these are the lines of [liberal] attack.”


Every single leftist argument is full of inconsistencies. They claim they want marriage equality, but at the same time they want to force churches to endorse an irreligious practice; they want universal government-sponsored health care, but they do not support forcing people to become doctors, which would be necessarily to support such a massive program.

The positive thing is this irrational logic is easy to spot. Do not be afraid to point out these wacky contradictions.


Sure, liberals love to put conservatives on the defense by forcing them to answer questions, but do liberals have to answer?

Force them to answer questions. If they are pro-gay marriage, ask them which parent is less vital to a family: the mother or the father. Chances are, they’ll have to concede that a family is better with a mother and a father, not just one or the other. And, if they’re for the separation of church and state, ask them if they think government should be forced to perform same-sex marriages.


Liberals love George W. Bush. That is, they love to invoke his name to prove that Republicans and conservatives are incompetent. Ignore weak rhetorical tactics. Stay focused on the debate at hand, not left field references that leftists use to make you look weak.


It’s not your job to defend every conservative. Conservatives are human and often do any say things you might not always disagree with. Just because you voted for someone and largely agree with their views doesn’t mean you have to defend them.

If your liberal opponent wants to bring up something Reagan did or said 30 years ago, tell them to build a time machine. If you stand around defending every conservative ever, you’re going to waste a bunch of time and energy.


You are not an oracle, and you’re not Google. You don’t need to know everything.

If a liberal challenges you on a topic you’re unfamiliar with, politely decline to talk about it. You’re allowed.

“If you don’t know something, don’t discuss the topic,” Shapiro said. “Say, ‘I haven’t researched it sufficiently.’ If they insist, tell them that they’re being unfair.

“Ego will kill you in these kinds of debates.”


Do you stand for diversity? Of course, why not?

Are you in favor of immigration reform? You betcha.

Conceding certain points to a liberal will accomplish several things. First, it puts them off guard. When they ask you if you support immigration reform, they’re expecting you to say “no,” which would allow them to accuse you of being a racist. The thing is the term “immigration reform” is essentially meaningless, which allows you to agree with it without conceding your position.

Second, it will make the liberal think you are more of a moderate, which has the effect of softening their rhetorical attack.


Above all, remember that leftists are not there to debate you; they are there to use you to prove that conservatism is a radical ideology that professes racist, sexist ideals. It isn’t true, of course, but you can’t win an argument with someone who hates you for your beliefs.

Instead, debate liberals on substance and policy, Shapiro says.

“The left has only one play,” Shapiro says. “The play is ‘you’re nasty.’”

What would you like to debate me on, one on one? That the Earth is 6000 years old?

I'll take the 'no' position. Make your first argument.
That would be a pointless debate. There is evidence that supports both views, but none of it is conclusive. So, it's all a matter of what you believe. Choose carefully, The wrong choice could land you into an eternity of suffering. You are, literally, betting your life on it. There may not be a God, but if there is, I'm covered. How about you?
Your ideas on economics isn't used anywhere else in the world.

I always make this point. They are for economic solutions that exist no where in history. Of course their reason is not because their ideas are space case it's because no one has ever been so awesome as to do their fantasy solutions.

Our economic ideas were thoroughly tested in this country prior to 1916. After that, your theories were tried. The result was the Great Depression and WW II.

World War 2 you say? Well that means it was one before that goof ball. Stop being stupid. Was your economic theories the creator of the first world war? Or let me guess, that's different and you made a stupid connection.

What conservative policies were those?

Funny, Both America under FDR and Hitler were so democrats that invested in their countries to be the most powerful countries on gods earth...Bripat is fucking stupid.
Debating righties is easy . Call Them out on their lies . They then resort to name calling .
Your ideas on economics isn't used anywhere else in the world.

I always make this point. They are for economic solutions that exist no where in history. Of course their reason is not because their ideas are space case it's because no one has ever been so awesome as to do their fantasy solutions.

Our economic ideas were thoroughly tested in this country prior to 1916. After that, your theories were tried. The result was the Great Depression and WW II.

World War 2 you say? Well that means it was one before that goof ball. Stop being stupid. Was your economic theories the creator of the first world war? Or let me guess, that's different and you made a stupid connection.

What conservative policies were those?

Funny, Both America under FDR and Hitler were so democrats that invested in their countries to be the most powerful countries on gods earth...Bripat is fucking stupid.

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