How To Defeat Homosexual Activists 101 A Real Education

Ya know, if you wanna talk with homosexuals, there are better conversations to be had if instead of bashing them, you try being nice instead.

Most self-described homophobes are also the most arroused by gay porn. They love gays and watching us play together. So it's confusing why if you're so fond of us you invite discussions with us but only by making us angry with you. Should try the other way sometime, it's lots more fun.

Sharing facts (which even you yourself evade contesting with so much as a shred of validity) which expose homosexual activists lies and deceptions they have used with also with false claims of discrimination to make fools out of society along with standing strong against homosexuals getting away with discriminating heterosexuals is bashing homosexuals how?

I am not fighting to make illegal if homosexual Johnny wants to be with homosexual Jimmy. I am fighting to criminalize homosexuals discriminating heterosexuals along with restoring marriage to what it is created for and in honor of.

Homosexual activists bashed yourselves by obsessively using lies and deceptions along with false claims of discrimination and now that you are exposed for it you attempt to label it as bashing while completely avoiding addressing the foundation of either issue as clearly presented within the very composition beginning this very thread.

Thank you very much for another fine example of homosexual activists avoiding contesting the foundation of either issue with so much as a shred of validity yet so very desperately scrambling to try and make anything else including their every lie and deception the issue as clearly revealed within the very composition beginning this very thread as well.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Out of curiousity Dave, are you a native English speaker? Your syntax and grammar is kinda off. More so than just being typos.
What is WRONG with you people? Dave has invited you all to google him and check out his prolific internet presence. Do so.

BTW. He's a handsome devil!!
and look now even more fine examples of not one of them contesting the foundation of either issue with so much as a shred of validity and as the composition beginning this very thread reveals, instead they desperately scramble to try and make anything else including their very lie and deception the issue because they are not able to contest the facts I share that already expose them for the liars and deceivers that they prove to be.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
You think we're gonna read all that? God is not real. It isn't even a good theory and you have no evidence your god is real. It is a hypothesis.

In case your brain really is way too small to realize something so very simple all by yourself, the foundation of either issue as clearly demonstrated within the very composition beginning this very thread has absolutely nothing to do with religion.

But thanks for sharing yet another fine example that homosexual activists are not able to contest the facts I share with so much as a shred of validity which reveal them for the liars and deceivers that they prove to be on the foundation of either issue as clearly presented within the composition beginning this very thread, but instead as the composition also reveals, because they are not capable to contest whet I share with so much as a shred of validity they compulsively and obsessively scramble to try and make anything else the issue.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Still nothing contesting the foundation of either issue as clearly presented within the very composition beginning this very thread.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, be strong!
How are transsexuals a manifestation of homosexual persecution of heterosexuals? Largest demographic consuming transsexual pornography are STRAIGHT men. :)

I have noticed that homosexual activists have been mixing in with heterosexual porn a load of transsexual porn / homosexuals pretending to be women to bait men to click on the link until the men get their become offended and leave!

Of course homosexual activists are going to try and use this disposition imposed upon heterosexual males looking through porn being victimized by homosexuals trying to push their lies and deceptions upon everyone everywhere including porn sites to support their lie that heterosexual males are interested in males having sex with one another!!!

You see, another fine example that homosexual activists have no respect for heterosexuality and use every lie and deception to try and dictate that being heterosexual means you are interested in sex with those born with the same sex genital that the heterosexual them self is born with.

Notice again another fine example that homosexual activists evade the foundation of the issue while desperately scrambling to try and make anything else including their lies and deceptions the issue!

Of course homosexual activists don't want to take homosexual porn out of the heterosexual porn section. because they enjoy treating heterosexuals like fools. They have no respect for what it means to be heterosexual. How do they bait heterosexual males to watch their gay porn? False advertising a deception in the wrong section then they try and use their deceptions as demographic.

wake up people, we can clean our societies from this insanity swiftly.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
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"How To Defeat Homosexual Activists 101 A Real Education"

That's an awful lot of needless typing only to say you have an unwarranted fear and hatred of gay Americans.
How to defeat English Grammar 101.........

Oh, our first example, here we have someone attempting to make their so called standards grammar the issue. A very light example but still another example that homosexual activists evade contesting the foundation of either issue and instead try and make anything else the issue because they are not able to contest the facts I share with so much as a shred of validity.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

My goodness, what an utterly compelling theory you have put forth here in regards to the correlation between literacy and homosexual activism. I would be more than happy to put you in touch with some research fellows at Stanford who would be quite fascinated by it.

I will be good, my friend, and I will be strong. Don't you think the word "love" goes a bit too far, though?

It was only one night.
What is WRONG with you people? Dave has invited you all to google him and check out his prolific internet presence. Do so.

BTW. He's a handsome devil!!

and his website "Leather Daddies" was quite well crafted, too.

The buy two, get one free sale on nipple clamps looked like a real bargain.
again more examples of homosexual activists evading contesting the foundation of either issue with so much as a shred of validity as clearly presented within the composition beginning this very thread, but instead as the compositions forewarns, they desperately scramble to try and make anything else including their every lie and deception the issue.

You see how easy this is, it's literally as effortless and un challenging as shooting fish in a barrel


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
I'm impressed! You should start a blog or something. More people need to read your stuff.

I have been doing this for over a decade and during that time homosexual activists have had me banned off of hundreds of web sites..


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
WTF? Don't they have any sense for entertainment values?

WOW! How the fuck did I miss this one? I was away for a while.

Joined Nov 2014. His threads are absolutely priceless. His posts?
WOW! How the fuck did I miss this one? I was away for a while.

Joined Nov 2014. His threads are absolutely priceless. His posts?

I Pioneer the information I share from what exists behind veils of lies and deceptions.

It is priceless, and I share it for free for the well being and sanity of the future of the life on this planet and it is most certainly my pleasure.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Here David: Here's a good resource for you
Dr. Francis MacNutt "Homosexuality: Can it be healed?"
You might want to promote public education and awareness of natural and voluntary therapy that has
helped people heal from homosexual and other unwanted attractions and addictions:
Interview - Francis Judith MacNutt - Mastering Life

David: Someone has suggested that homosexuals need to have their confused orientation healed before they are allowed into the priesthood. What do you think about that?

Francis: Unfortunately, I don't think there is that much known among the clergy as a whole about healing the homosexual. That is why we are trying to bring healing back into the church. Even with physical healing, it's not fully understood in the population of priests that it can take place.

David: You've had a lot of success in your ministry with healing the homosexual. What do you do? How do you pray for a homosexual?

Francis: We've had some and Judith's had more actually. She had 20 clients when she was seeing patients in Clearwater who were either homosexual or lesbian in orientation, and they were all healed. Now, it took time. I think that really needs to be said. It is mostly over a period of time and in some depth.

David: Tell a story or two of people that you minister to, Judith, in this area to illustrate how you try to help the homosexual.

Judith: The first thing that has to be said is that they must want to be healed. By and large there are a lot of homosexuals and lesbians that are very happy with their lifestyle. They have found someone that they really care about, and they want to remain in that lifestyle. So, the first thing in coming for healing is saying, Lord Jesus, help me. As in any area of our lives whether it's weakness, sin, or whatever, we have to ask for the help of Jesus.

David: And how would you actually pray for them?

Judith: The actual prayer itself is not that much different than it would be for anybody else who is wounded in any area of their life. So many of us struggle with broken sexuality because of the way we were raised, the way we were taught, the ways our parents modeled or didn't model healthy sexuality, because so much of our sexuality is tied up in our identity, and identity issues need to be healed in most people. Very few of us really know the true-self that God created. Most of us function out of a false-self, so getting back to the true-self and the real true sexual identity is pretty much the same process for any issue that we would work with in inner healing. It involves going back to the childhood, and finding out was the person wanted. So many people say I didn't want a boy, I wanted a girl, or I didn't want a girl, I wanted a boy, and so there was a rejection of their very sexual identity from the time they were born.

I was reading somewhere yesterday where it was so important to a certain couple that they have a boy, and they had eight girls, and they kept trying and trying and trying, and finally they had to adopt a boy. Well, what message did that give to the eight daughters? You have no value and you were just a mistake. So there are all kinds of identity issues in childhood; there is rejection, there is wounding, there is sexual abuse, perhaps incest, perhaps someone outside the family. But so many of the people that I worked with had real broken identities - they just didn't know who they were in God or why they were here or where they were going. It would usually take about six months of psychotherapy, inner healing and generational healing for the person to come to a fullness of their identity.

David: It is quite common that male homosexuals haven't had a positive or strong father figure to call them into masculinity. How do you pray for that situation?

Judith: I found it took a multifaceted approach. We would do the inner healing work with God as father and Jesus as brother coming into the masculine identity that God had already created within them. In a deep father wound we would do the prayers of God the Father becoming their father, which He is, and then healing the brokenness that relates to the earthly father - the deep longing for Abba, with the daddy figure holding and loving them, accepting rather than rejecting them, having conditional love for them. We would have them sit with God the Father and let Him hold them during the inner healing prayer. I would have them listen to the voice of God - “What is He saying to you? Is He rejecting you?” And they would always with great tears of joy say, "No. He's telling me He loves me, but wants more for me," and God would speak all these beautiful words of love to them, and they would start having healing dreams and healing images and visions. Once the Spirit started working in them, that would start this whole healing process.

I also asked for help within the Christian community wherever I've been, especially in private practice, I would ask for men from the community to come and take them under wing and take them out to dinner or take them fishing, take them biking, do whatever, have them in their home and embrace them as part of a Christian loving family. So it's not just prayer. This is where the church needs to respond. It's men and women stepping forward, parenting, what we would call re-parenting in psychology, and bringing them along. And the ones that were able to go through that experience were all healed.

David: When whatever has gone wrong is finally healed -- whether it's the masculine or the feminine identity or whether it's the trauma from child abuse -- what then happens to the homosexual identity versus the heterosexual identity?

Judith: The homosexual identity cannot coexist with a God-given identity so it just starts to go away. Now the struggle that some would have that were very active sexually, in pornography or in being very promiscuous, those images took longer to go away. It's just like anybody addicted to pornography - the images sometimes remain. That's where discipline and prayer had to come in for the individual to reject those images and to bring in the cross and the blood of Jesus to cover them, and then to put positive images in their place.

David: And in some, I would imagine, the true-self, the true heterosexual identity began to flower.

Judith: Oh, yes. The beautiful image starts to emerge within them of the way God created them to be, and they would come to such life in their identity and such joy in being the one that God created them to be. Many of them would say to me, “I always felt like I was living a lie when I was in this lifestyle. I was always full of shame. I was always full of a sense that it really wasn't me. It felt like someone else.” It was kind of like an alter-identity or an alter-ego, because when God starts in a therapeutic process, basically what He is doing is dismantling the ego that has developed, and replacing it with what is originally there, which is still there, but it's under this alter-ego/alter-identity.

Francis: The sad thing is that conservative Christians often don't offer homosexuals anything except condemnation. It takes six months of weekly individual counseling and an intense changing and building up of the individual. Shouting about it doesn't help very much. It just makes things worse.
Here David: Here's a good resource for you
Dr. Francis MacNutt "Homosexuality: Can it be healed?"
You might want to promote public education and awareness of natural and voluntary therapy that has
helped people heal from homosexual and other unwanted attractions and addictions:
Interview - Francis Judith MacNutt - Mastering Life

David: Someone has suggested that homosexuals need to have their confused orientation healed before they are allowed into the priesthood. What do you think about that?

Francis: Unfortunately, I don't think there is that much known among the clergy as a whole about healing the homosexual. That is why we are trying to bring healing back into the church. Even with physical healing, it's not fully understood in the population of priests that it can take place.

David: You've had a lot of success in your ministry with healing the homosexual. What do you do? How do you pray for a homosexual?

Francis: We've had some and Judith's had more actually. She had 20 clients when she was seeing patients in Clearwater who were either homosexual or lesbian in orientation, and they were all healed. Now, it took time. I think that really needs to be said. It is mostly over a period of time and in some depth.

David: Tell a story or two of people that you minister to, Judith, in this area to illustrate how you try to help the homosexual.

Judith: The first thing that has to be said is that they must want to be healed. By and large there are a lot of homosexuals and lesbians that are very happy with their lifestyle. They have found someone that they really care about, and they want to remain in that lifestyle. So, the first thing in coming for healing is saying, Lord Jesus, help me. As in any area of our lives whether it's weakness, sin, or whatever, we have to ask for the help of Jesus.

David: And how would you actually pray for them?

Judith: The actual prayer itself is not that much different than it would be for anybody else who is wounded in any area of their life. So many of us struggle with broken sexuality because of the way we were raised, the way we were taught, the ways our parents modeled or didn't model healthy sexuality, because so much of our sexuality is tied up in our identity, and identity issues need to be healed in most people. Very few of us really know the true-self that God created. Most of us function out of a false-self, so getting back to the true-self and the real true sexual identity is pretty much the same process for any issue that we would work with in inner healing. It involves going back to the childhood, and finding out was the person wanted. So many people say I didn't want a boy, I wanted a girl, or I didn't want a girl, I wanted a boy, and so there was a rejection of their very sexual identity from the time they were born.

I was reading somewhere yesterday where it was so important to a certain couple that they have a boy, and they had eight girls, and they kept trying and trying and trying, and finally they had to adopt a boy. Well, what message did that give to the eight daughters? You have no value and you were just a mistake. So there are all kinds of identity issues in childhood; there is rejection, there is wounding, there is sexual abuse, perhaps incest, perhaps someone outside the family. But so many of the people that I worked with had real broken identities - they just didn't know who they were in God or why they were here or where they were going. It would usually take about six months of psychotherapy, inner healing and generational healing for the person to come to a fullness of their identity.

David: It is quite common that male homosexuals haven't had a positive or strong father figure to call them into masculinity. How do you pray for that situation?

Judith: I found it took a multifaceted approach. We would do the inner healing work with God as father and Jesus as brother coming into the masculine identity that God had already created within them. In a deep father wound we would do the prayers of God the Father becoming their father, which He is, and then healing the brokenness that relates to the earthly father - the deep longing for Abba, with the daddy figure holding and loving them, accepting rather than rejecting them, having conditional love for them. We would have them sit with God the Father and let Him hold them during the inner healing prayer. I would have them listen to the voice of God - “What is He saying to you? Is He rejecting you?” And they would always with great tears of joy say, "No. He's telling me He loves me, but wants more for me," and God would speak all these beautiful words of love to them, and they would start having healing dreams and healing images and visions. Once the Spirit started working in them, that would start this whole healing process.

I also asked for help within the Christian community wherever I've been, especially in private practice, I would ask for men from the community to come and take them under wing and take them out to dinner or take them fishing, take them biking, do whatever, have them in their home and embrace them as part of a Christian loving family. So it's not just prayer. This is where the church needs to respond. It's men and women stepping forward, parenting, what we would call re-parenting in psychology, and bringing them along. And the ones that were able to go through that experience were all healed.

David: When whatever has gone wrong is finally healed -- whether it's the masculine or the feminine identity or whether it's the trauma from child abuse -- what then happens to the homosexual identity versus the heterosexual identity?

Judith: The homosexual identity cannot coexist with a God-given identity so it just starts to go away. Now the struggle that some would have that were very active sexually, in pornography or in being very promiscuous, those images took longer to go away. It's just like anybody addicted to pornography - the images sometimes remain. That's where discipline and prayer had to come in for the individual to reject those images and to bring in the cross and the blood of Jesus to cover them, and then to put positive images in their place.

David: And in some, I would imagine, the true-self, the true heterosexual identity began to flower.

Judith: Oh, yes. The beautiful image starts to emerge within them of the way God created them to be, and they would come to such life in their identity and such joy in being the one that God created them to be. Many of them would say to me, “I always felt like I was living a lie when I was in this lifestyle. I was always full of shame. I was always full of a sense that it really wasn't me. It felt like someone else.” It was kind of like an alter-identity or an alter-ego, because when God starts in a therapeutic process, basically what He is doing is dismantling the ego that has developed, and replacing it with what is originally there, which is still there, but it's under this alter-ego/alter-identity.

Francis: The sad thing is that conservative Christians often don't offer homosexuals anything except condemnation. It takes six months of weekly individual counseling and an intense changing and building up of the individual. Shouting about it doesn't help very much. It just makes things worse.

Out of all of that and you evade contesting the foundation of either issue with so much as a shred of validity and yet like every other homosexual activist, here you are desperately scrambling to try and make your delusions the issue. Thus another fine example of the insane mentality of the homosexual activist as so very easily predicted in the very composition you are responding too.

FYI, If homosexuals appear the sex of the genital they are born with and have sex with other homosexuals I don't care and I'm not trying to criminalize that nor has that got anything to do with the foundation of either issue as clearly demonstrated within the very composition beginning this very thread and nor does religion have anything to do with the foundation of either issue as clearly demonstrated within the very composition beginning this very thread..

The ignorant rhetoric I see on a daily basis from homosexual activists is absurd that they have gotten away with it for so very long. Glad to see homosexual activist insanity diseasing the globe draw near to an end and it most certainly is my pleasure to be here for the well being and sanity of the future of the life on this planet.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. be good, be strong!

Keep an eye out in the USA, I just hit 50 states with around 7 - 8000 State officials of 50 States with this composition along with that, they also already received the information of my current world project. I also made sure that all Canadian Federals, Provincial / Territorial officials got it as the USA edition as well informed them That the USA already has it.

This is another project that I have been doing (until I completed USA yesterday and Canada today) as I have been updating and contacting several officials from countries and inter parliamentary Unions etc. of the world. Once I have completed updating my contact list and contacted Elected, Appointed and Designated Officials all countries etc. with my current project (On going since long before I wrote this) this is the next thing they will all receive.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
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