How to drive an irrational leftist insane

Here's another.
States may participate in various ways in the enforcement of federal criminal law as well, for example by arresting individuals for federal offenses. But states lack power to enforce federal criminal law directly, such as by prosecuting federal offenders themselves in state or federal court.

State Enforcement of Federal Law

Wow, a law review article.
So you're saying States can arrest illegal aliens without a prearranged agreement? Last I heard States were being sued by the feds for doing that.

Read her ruling. She was trying to provide the former President with some procedural fairness.

You remain a hack.
Bullshit. She applied the law in a way that gave Trump special privileges that others wouldn’t get solely because he is a former president.

That’s fairness?
Bullshit. She applied the law in a way that gave Trump special privileges that others wouldn’t get solely because he is a former president.

That’s fairness?
Bullshit. She saw that the search warrant allowed the government to seize alleged “evidence” which absolutely did include a wide array of his personal property. And because of the allegations at that time of “classified” material, a special master was deemed necessary.

A perfectly fair decision. No wonder you bject to it. (By the way you total hack, the Presidential Records Act applies ONLY to Presidents and former Presidents. So her reasoning naturally took that into proper account.)

Go have yourself another good cry, you Imbecile.
Bullshit. She saw that the search warrant allowed the government to seize alleged “evidence” which absolutely did include a wide array of his personal property. And because of the allegations at that time of “classified” material, a special master was deemed necessary.

A perfectly fair decision. No wonder you bject to it. (By the way you total hack, the Presidential Records Act applies ONLY to Presidents and former Presidents. So her reasoning naturally took that into proper account.)

Go have yourself another good cry, you Imbecile.
Search warrants usually take personal property away. FFS, what the hell do think they’re for?

As for the PRA, it has nothing to do with her decision. Read it yourself.

Thanks for reminding me how stupid you are.
Search warrants usually take personal property away. FFS, what the hell do think they’re for?
Wrong, Jack off. The amount you actually grasp on the shit you bloviate about couldn’t fill a simple in a thimble.

I just today found out the right of word for mental midgets like you: you are an ultracrepidarian. 👍
As for the PRA, it has nothing to do with her decision. Read it yourself.

Moron. Try to grasp just the basics. You might like it someday. Who initially cried about the shit being retained by Trump? That’s RIGHT! It was the archivist from the National Archives. What claim did they make? That the documents were allegedly theirs! And the PRA isn’t a criminal statute. So, they alleged that some of the documents were classified! Thus the FBI and the DOJ “had” to phony up a search warrant application and now you know

Thanks for reminding me how stupid you are.
You’re retarded. You need reminders to blink.

The left will now cry and weep and moan and groan that this judge shouldn’t be permitted to keep the case.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Oh no. A judge who might just take the job of reviewing a motion to dismiss an indictment on various legal grounds … seriously. How unfair.
Idk. After the way Republicans conspired with the democrat Party during the 2020 Steal, she might give him the death penalty

No one should trust a Republican
Wrong! I made the point she has no business hearing this case! She's unqualified and a fuckin' Trump homer! She already proved she's incapable of impartiality.

So what do you do? Personally attack me because you can't defend her!
Defend her from what? You're a pathetic sniveling malignant parasite pissing and moaning like a pimply fat 17 year old girl that no one likes not getting a date ever in her life declaring she hates men and is now a dyke.

Cause it's "her choice" right?

Fucking bed wetter.

Hey scum sucker. You’re wrong.

She was not dressed down. That’s just the spin of Uber partisan liberal commentators which useful shitbags like you are fgjorantly parrot. Her ruling was reversed.

No big deal. And they did not say that “basically” any of her other rulings were bullshit. That’s just you lying again.

So, as usual, you have no clue what you’re talking about, ya diseased shitmuncher.

Gfy. 👍
Have it your way 'Fuckface of the Forest', all her decisions were reversed. And that is a total dressing down of this 'conflict of interest' bitch!

One more thing, fuck you for defending this ****!
The panel was clearly out of its depth in that....What Judge Cannon ordered is exactly what should have happened....

Here's what the 4th Circuit said of "taint teams", as the FBI were arguing to use....

"In a strongly worded opinion, the Fourth Circuit determined that the government’s use of a taint team was improper because it undermined the sanctity of the attorney-client relationship and inappropriately assigned judicial functions to an executive branch agency. While the court did not categorically ban the use of taint teams, it ruled that a magistrate judge or appointed special master, and not a taint team, must perform the privilege review of the seized materials."

Keep in mind that the American Bar, (NO friend of Trump) said this....And the 4th Circuit court....
What is a 'taint team'?

The left will now cry and weep and moan and groan that this judge shouldn’t be permitted to keep the case.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Oh no. A judge who might just take the job of reviewing a motion to dismiss an indictment on various legal grounds … seriously. How unfair.
Irrational. Leftist. Insane.

Double redundant.
Have it your way 'Fuckface of the Forest', all her decisions were reversed. And that is a total dressing down of this 'conflict of interest' bitch!

One more thing, fuck you for defending this ****!
Need a tissue?
Defend her from what? You're a pathetic sniveling malignant parasite pissing and moaning like a pimply fat 17 year old girl that no one likes not getting a date ever in her life declaring she hates men and is now a dyke.

Cause it's "her choice" right?

Fucking bed wetter.

View attachment 795073
Oh man, I want to come back at you and rip you a new asshole, but I have to shelve that notion in light of your awesome Comeback! Great post! I mean that. Kudo's! You went to the well on this one and found water. Bravo!
Have it your way 'Fuckface of the Forest', all her decisions were reversed.

Nope. Just that one, you lying twat.
And that is a total dressing down of this 'conflict of interest' bitch!
Wasn’t a dressing down at all. It was nothing more than a reversal. BFD.
One more thing, fuck you for defending this ****!
Here’s one more thing. Eat a field full of dog shit for denigrating the presumption of innocence you unAmerican scumbag piece of crap and for attacking a judge for your opposition to any judge trying to be fair.
Nope. Just that one, you lying twat.

Wasn’t a dressing down at all. It was nothing more than a reversal. BFD.

Here’s one more thing. Eat a field full of dog shit for denigrating the presumption of innocence you unAmerican scumbag piece of crap and for attacking a judge for your opposition to any judge trying to be fair.
Hey shithead, I don't have to assume a judge innocent from her rulings!
Hey shithead, I don't have to assume a judge innocent from her rulings!
Hey, cumguzzler;

You don’t have to be reasonable. You exercise that right mightily.

It is Trump who you deny any presumption of innocence for. It is the Judge whom you attack for simply trying to be fair.

You know, ya dingleberry muncher, it’s not just that you are blindly hyper partisan. You have a right to be a partisan. Your problem is your utter lack of objectivity, fairness and rationality.

Now, go fuck yourself.
Hey, cumguzzler;

You don’t have to be reasonable. You exercise that right mightily.

It is Trump who you deny any presumption of innocence for. It is the Judge whom you attack for simply trying to be fair.

You know, ya dingleberry muncher, it’s not just that you are blindly hyper partisan. You have a right to be a partisan. Your problem is your utter lack of objectivity, fairness and rationality.

Now, go fuck yourself.
I am the least partisan poster at this website! Jealous?

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