How to drive an irrational leftist insane

Face it, she was right…The FBI can’t be trusted to police themselves…That’s crystal clear today…
Sue wasn’t right. She was entirely wrong and in a way that should have embarrassed her quite badly.
Still having a tantrum that it was moved out of DC eh?
No. I have a problem with judges who demonstrate they’re willing to ignore the law to help Trump.

Everyone should unless you want to live in a “banana republic”.
Hey shit-bucket, it's not just my opinion. She was dressed down by a conservative Appeals Court. They basically said all her rulings were bullshit! So no, asshole, she is not qualified!
Hey scum sucker. You’re wrong.

She was not dressed down. That’s just the spin of Uber partisan liberal commentators which useful shitbags like you are fgjorantly parrot. Her ruling was reversed.

No big deal. And they did not say that “basically” any of her other rulings were bullshit. That’s just you lying again.

So, as usual, you have no clue what you’re talking about, ya diseased shitmuncher.

Gfy. 👍
No. I have a problem with judges who demonstrate they’re willing to ignore the law to help Trump.

Everyone should unless you want to live in a “banana republic”.
You want a prejudiced anti Trump judge who will not consider any element of Trump’s defense. You want someone like you. Your mind is made up and you have no need to consider facts.

The relentless effort to eliminate Trump is a perfect demonstration of a banana republic form of government.

There you go...
The panel was clearly out of its depth in that....What Judge Cannon ordered is exactly what should have happened....

Here's what the 4th Circuit said of "taint teams", as the FBI were arguing to use....

"In a strongly worded opinion, the Fourth Circuit determined that the government’s use of a taint team was improper because it undermined the sanctity of the attorney-client relationship and inappropriately assigned judicial functions to an executive branch agency. While the court did not categorically ban the use of taint teams, it ruled that a magistrate judge or appointed special master, and not a taint team, must perform the privilege review of the seized materials."

Keep in mind that the American Bar, (NO friend of Trump) said this....And the 4th Circuit court....
You want a prejudiced anti Trump judge who will not consider any element of Trump’s defense. You want someone like you. Your mind is made up and you have no need to consider facts.

The relentless effort to eliminate Trump is a perfect demonstration of a banana republic form of government.
I want someone that follows the law, which means I want them to give Trump exactly the same consideration they would anyone else.

Aileen definitely didn’t do that.
The panel was clearly out of its depth in that....What Judge Cannon ordered is exactly what should have happened....

Here's what the 4th Circuit said of "taint teams", as the FBI were arguing to use....

"In a strongly worded opinion, the Fourth Circuit determined that the government’s use of a taint team was improper because it undermined the sanctity of the attorney-client relationship and inappropriately assigned judicial functions to an executive branch agency. While the court did not categorically ban the use of taint teams, it ruled that a magistrate judge or appointed special master, and not a taint team, must perform the privilege review of the seized materials."

Keep in mind that the American Bar, (NO friend of Trump) said this....And the 4th Circuit court....
The American Bar is a friend of lawyers and attorney client privilege.

The case you reference was a search warrant of a law firm. A special master is more appropriate when coming into contact with large volumes of attorney client privilege is expected.

That doesn’t apply to Trump.

Good try, but you haven’t done all your homework.
Hey scum sucker. You’re wrong.

She was not dressed down. That’s just the spin of Uber partisan liberal commentators which useful shitbags like you are fgjorantly parrot. Her ruling was reversed.

No big deal. And they did not say that “basically” any of her other rulings were bullshit. That’s just you lying again.

So, as usual, you have no clue what you’re talking about, ya diseased shitmuncher.

Gfy. 👍
The appellate court essentially stated she was in the bag for Trump.

No. I have a problem with judges who demonstrate they’re willing to ignore the law to help Trump.

Oh, the law.....please do cite the law on Judges appointing a Special Master....I'd love to read the statute....So, you're saying that the Judge should be arrested? She broke the law?

Look, I remember this, Trump's team was asking for a Special Master, because after a "General Warrant" the FBI took everything in sight, and figured out they fucked up, and had to return much of what they took, including Attorney/Client privileged information...Oooops! Big No, No....So, the FBI was arguing that they would use what's called a "taint team" to go through the papers....Well, that's BS....A Special Master was warranted to do this task....And Trump won that argument in court....Now, you want to hang your hat on the 11th Circuit that overturned Judge Cannon, without any context as to their reasoning....Smacks of only agreeing with rulings that go YOUR way....

Here is what the 4th Circuit said about "taint teams"....

"In a strongly worded opinion, the Fourth Circuit determined that the government’s use of a taint team was improper because it undermined the sanctity of the attorney-client relationship and inappropriately assigned judicial functions to an executive branch agency. While the court did not categorically ban the use of taint teams, it ruled that a magistrate judge or appointed special master, and not a taint team, must perform the privilege review of the seized materials."

Everyone should unless you want to live in a “banana republic”.

Well, isn't that rich coming from you, who are precisely arguing for the decline into Banana Republic status, by supporting this circus, born of a weak ass President, that wants to use the system to take out his chief rival in the upcoming election...Spare me your bs...
A special master is more appropriate when coming into contact with large volumes of attorney client privilege is expected.

That doesn’t apply to Trump.
Who the hell are you to decide what is "enough" Attorney/Client privilege to meet the bar? That's ridiculous....

And doesn't apply to Trump why? Because you don't think he has rights?

As for the "homework" barb, apparently I have for you to give such a laughable answer....Just sayin.... :fu: :auiqs.jpg:
They said no such thing as to the claim that she was essentially in the bag. You lie.
Read the quote. It’s not mysterious.

Cannon was helping Trump because he was president. She was trying to make two different sets of laws.
Read the quote. It’s not mysterious.

Cannon was helping Trump because he was president. She was trying to make two different sets of laws.
Read her ruling. She was trying to provide the former President with some procedural fairness.

You remain a hack.

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