How to End It — If We Must


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
How to End It — If We Must

How to End It — If We Must
The answer to the problem — if it even is one.

Will Rogers, long ago, had the most economical analysis and dismissal of the issue that currently worries wonks, swamp creatures, and those who take the mainstream media seriously. The insightful Will said, “It’s a good thing we don’t get all the government we pay for.” Ain’t that the God’s honest truth? I’ll wait here for the “amen.” Tuesday will make a month since the federal government was “shut down.” There’s much alarm and fretting in Washington and in Democrat-majority precincts. But the planets are still aligned. Cabernet still goes well with grilled steak. Spring training will still begin next month. Discomfort is minimal, though I hate to see those Coast Guard petty officers going without their paychecks. That the TSA has had to lay off a couple of hundred proctologists at airport inspection stations across the land doesn’t trouble me at all. In fact, I count this as a plus. It makes the friendly skies friendlier.... And we’ve not much discussed the benefits accruing to the fact no one is going to “work” at the Federal Department of Education. This colossal waste of time, tax money, effort, and office space has been around since 1979, has 4,000 employees, costs us $70 billion a year, and in its pointless 40 years of existence has never helped a single child learn how to read. It has, however, issued a series of crackpot rules and directives that have made government education even worse than it otherwise would have been (and this isn’t easy). That these overpaid ear-mites are currently riding it out at home, where they’re even more idle than they are when they’re at “work,” is hardly an inconvenience to the republic. More like a boon.... But if one is convinced, as so many Americanos seem to be, that it’s important to return to what passes for normal in the federal Leviathan, I think I have a way to make the Democrats come up with the money for the wall. Just tell them today (with fingers crossed, of course) that we’ll build a bike path on one side of the wall and run high-speed rail down the other. The money will be on the table tomorrow.

It's really too much when any Federal politician argues that the reason something should be done is that Fed. employees are suffering. The benefits Federal employees receive for working less and even lesser hours is truly disgusting. Even more blatant is the fact they're proud of it.
Why the Secret Service and Coast Guard are in this category should really be changed.
No one in the DC swamp sheds a tear when some person paying their fed taxes, loses their job in the private work force.
Reduction in Force (RIF) sounds like the silver lining. Apparently the Obama administration converted the status of a lot of bureaucratic jobs to civil servants so they couldn't be fired. But that doesn't mean they can't be furloughed permanently. Wouldn't that be a grand consolation?
Once again an excellent essay by Thornberry.
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Trump does not get to end this shit with a victory. Every wrecked life will be laid at his feet.
The power structure needs to keep the masses occupied with screeching divisiveness, theater, spectacle and illusion so that the societal wealth extraction, concentration and redistribution may continue unabated. There is no shortage of money, we just choose to spend it on endless wars of aggression, empire and occupying and controlling global markets and access to the resources of others.
Trump does not get to end this shit with a victory. Every wrecked life will be laid at his feet.

The ethnically rich do not care about wrecked lives.
The aristocracy always goes too far because they live lives insulated from the cost of their actions. When the tar and feather party shows up it is too late.The angry mobs are about 40 years late but these millennials are a different breed than these boomers who seem to like being ass-raped by the system.
Trump does not get to end this shit with a victory. Every wrecked life will be laid at his feet.

The ethnically rich do not care about wrecked lives.
The aristocracy always goes too far because they live lives insulated from the cost of their actions. When the tar and feather party shows up it is too late.The angry mobs are about 40 years late but these millennials are a different breed than these boomers who seem to like being ass-raped by the system.
These boomers are children. They were the richest generation in history. As kids they were of security and foundation like no other generation up to then. Even if their kids had more but with a much more fractured childhood. The millenials are infants, but much more violent. They will ass rape the aging boomers of all of their social security and medical if they can. Since the millennials are lovers of socialism and rejected Obamacare by not purchasing the medical packages we can see where this is going to go. I should feel bad for the younger people if we do not change. But they will be tested as the German people were at some point. Will they do the same thing? The German people were strung out for decades from WW1 to the end of WW2 though. Took the blame for all of the wrongs of the world. Only an alternate history has them being set up as the patsies to push the globalist agendas of world government. The Russians and the Germans suffered the most in reality while they promoted suffering and deaths to others with their vicious governments in the 20th century. We are on the same path in a different way. Our good living standards are being used against us. We are taxed at a high rate. Many of these millennials sucked on that tit. Become the nazis and you will never live it down. Come on. Show us what you got. Create tens of millions of jobs and stop being clowns if you are true.
Trump does not get to end this shit with a victory. Every wrecked life will be laid at his feet.

The ethnically rich do not care about wrecked lives.
The aristocracy always goes too far because they live lives insulated from the cost of their actions. When the tar and feather party shows up it is too late.The angry mobs are about 40 years late but these millennials are a different breed than these boomers who seem to like being ass-raped by the system.
These boomers are children. They were the richest generation in history. As kids they were of security and foundation like no other generation up to then. Even if their kids had more but with a much more fractured childhood. The millenials are infants, but much more violent. They will ass rape the aging boomers of all of their social security and medical if they can. Since the millennials are lovers of socialism and rejected Obamacare by not purchasing the medical packages we can see where this is going to go. I should feel bad for the younger people if we do not change. But they will be tested as the German people were at some point. Will they do the same thing? The German people were strung out for decades from WW1 to the end of WW2 though. Took the blame for all of the wrongs of the world. Only an alternate history has them being set up as the patsies to push the globalist agendas of world government. The Russians and the Germans suffered the most in reality while they promoted suffering and deaths to others with their vicious governments in the 20th century. We are on the same path in a different way. Our good living standards are being used against us. We are taxed at a high rate. Many of these millennials sucked on that tit. Become the nazis and you will never live it down. Come on. Show us what you got. Create tens of millions of jobs and stop being clowns if you are true.
The kinds of nightmare scenarios you envision require a frightened, easily led populace. Even millennials do not know how to effectively lead millennials but trying to scare them is just about useless.
Trump does not get to end this shit with a victory. Every wrecked life will be laid at his feet.

More likely the intransigence of Democrats and their leaders are likely to have the guilt trip applied to them by the average citizen. It's happening as I write.
According to the polls I've scanned DJT still maintains a favorable approval rating above both the "Democrat PMS" leaders in both houses of Congress.
Trump does not get to end this shit with a victory. Every wrecked life will be laid at his feet.

More likely the intransigence of Democrats and their leaders are likely to have the guilt trip applied to them by the average citizen. It's happening as I write.
According to the polls I've scanned DJT still maintains a favorable approval rating above both the "Democrat PMS" leaders in both houses of Congress.
The important poll numbers are among independents who comprise the swing vote, they are not in love with Trump like you are, he has insured that the GOP will take the bench in 2020.
Perception is big problem for the Federal workers. There are a sizable number of people who believe the following:

- Only people that are somehow connected get Federal jobs

- Federal jobs pay more

- Federal jobs are more secure (despite current shut down)

- It is nearly impossible to be fired if you have a Federal job.

- Retirements are better.

- Sick time is better

- Vacation time is better.

- Pay raises are almost guaranteed.

I don't believe it. But, I hear these descriptions enough to know many people believe it and are envious and sour about the perks of being a Federal worker.
Trump does not get to end this shit with a victory. Every wrecked life will be laid at his feet.
The Democrats do not get to end this with a victory and we have already laid the wrecked lives of the Angel families at their feet. The truth is, they'll just step over them like they do the bodies of our veterans.
ethnically rich

Ethnically rich?
Old money, never heard that one before but it's easy enough to figure out.

Old money is no respecter of ethnicity, some of the oldest fortunes in this world are decidedly non-Waspish.
The elite moneyed class is the same everywhere, they keep the wealth in the family, they marry each other and feel themselves superior in every way including their "breeding".
Federal jobs are more secure (despite current shut down)

No one has lost their jobs to the shutdown, their salaries have been deferred.
ethnically rich

Ethnically rich?
Old money, never heard that one before but it's easy enough to figure out.

Old money is no respecter of ethnicity, some of the oldest fortunes in this world are decidedly non-Waspish.
The elite moneyed class is the same everywhere, they keep the wealth in the family, they marry each other and feel themselves superior in every way including their "breeding".

Families who bring employment and prosperity to the world deserve to feel a little superior to those who don't.

Trump does not get to end this shit with a victory. Every wrecked life will be laid at his feet.
The Democrats do not get to end this with a victory and we have already laid the wrecked lives of the Angel families at their feet. The truth is, they'll just step over them like they do the bodies of our veterans.
Give it a fucking break, Trump started this shit, he said he would own it, you should let him.
Trump does not get to end this shit with a victory. Every wrecked life will be laid at his feet.
The Democrats do not get to end this with a victory and we have already laid the wrecked lives of the Angel families at their feet. The truth is, they'll just step over them like they do the bodies of our veterans.
Give it a fucking break, Trump started this shit, he said he would own it, you should let him.
Give it a fucking break. Pelosi and Schumer both agreed to building barriers prior to Trump's election and now they are harming people, allowing citizens to be murdered, and keeping a government shut down that can easily be reopened for just 0.0125% of our budget.

All while they are stepping blindly over those who provided them the freedom they enjoy.

Have a nice night.
Federal jobs are more secure (despite current shut down)

No one has lost their jobs to the shutdown, their salaries have been deferred.
ethnically rich

Ethnically rich?
Old money, never heard that one before but it's easy enough to figure out.

Old money is no respecter of ethnicity, some of the oldest fortunes in this world are decidedly non-Waspish.
The elite moneyed class is the same everywhere, they keep the wealth in the family, they marry each other and feel themselves superior in every way including their "breeding".

Families who bring employment and prosperity to the world deserve to feel a little superior to those who don't.

Aristocrats who have purchased for themselves political power are either accountable to the people or you live in a dictatorship.

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