How to End Terrorism: Stop Participating in it!

Ya know, instead of focusing on cherry picked historical facts in a vacuum ya might try incorporating the whole to include history and culture from the beginning of Islamic expansion to the present, including western and eastern involvement plus psychological and sociological factors of all peoples involved. Granted that would completely negate your postulation in the OP...........

Yeah, that's a good idea.

During the early 1920's Palestine became independent from Turkey;

the 14th Zionist Congress was looking for a location to set up a Jewish State - they were undecided between Argentina and Palestine. They decided on Palestine.

Zionists migrated en masse to Palestine determined to exterminate the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachen Begin and the Stern Gang were in charged of conducting the genocide.

In 1949 the US began subsidizing the holocaust. Truman was grateful because Ben Gurion donated 2 million dollars to his campaign which he needed to defeat Dewey. And the rest is history.

The Military Industrial Complex would say to thanks but no thanks.

The reason they are in Syria trying to remove Assad - a non-Jihadist - is because the MIC needs a Jihadist in power , accuse him of being a bogeyman and then steal our money, our youth and our Liberties fighting him. The "War on Terror" is perpetual.


It's not called the Long War for nothing. Redrawing the borders of a New Middle East originates in the mid-1980s when a rival superpower would have prevented the level of mass killing we are seeing today.

The US neo-cons simply resurrected an Israeli plan authored by Oded Yinon which called for breaking up Iraq and Syria into a series of sub-states modeled after Lebanon:

"The Western front, which on the surface appears more problematic, is in fact less complicated than the Eastern front, in which most of the events that make the headlines have been taking place recently.

"Lebanon's total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precendent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track.

"The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unqiue areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel's primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target.

"Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a Shi'ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state
, maybe even in our Golan, and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan.

"This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today.14"

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East by Oded Yinon translated and edited by Israel Shahak
Ya know, instead of focusing on cherry picked historical facts in a vacuum ya might try incorporating the whole to include history and culture from the beginning of Islamic expansion to the present, including western and eastern involvement plus psychological and sociological factors of all peoples involved. Granted that would completely negate your postulation in the OP...........
If you had to choose between Islam and the USA as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world TODAY, which would you choose?
I wonder why you said Islam and not Islamic radicals......... Uuummmmmm..........
Neither Islam nor radical Islamists are invading and occupying countries on the opposite side of the planet from their homelands. The US is. Which is the greater threat to world peace?
The US is currently invading and occupying countries? Sure thing there Sparky.........
Oh and I bet you're gonna claim Afghanistan..... The UN mandated/authorized action that is still multinational in scope......... Yeah, right.
The Islamic radicals aren't invading and attempting to occupy countries? Yeah, not here, yet....... Oh yeah, you'll claim that's their home..... Ummmmmm, generally not, it's their neighbors homes they're trying to conquer and permanently occupy, killing all who get in their way and they plan on doing it over and over. So yeah, when you look at the total Islamic radicals are still the greatest terrorist threat to the world. Life's a bitch, deal with it.
Ya know, instead of focusing on cherry picked historical facts in a vacuum ya might try incorporating the whole to include history and culture from the beginning of Islamic expansion to the present, including western and eastern involvement plus psychological and sociological factors of all peoples involved. Granted that would completely negate your postulation in the OP...........

Yeah, that's a good idea.

During the early 1920's Palestine became independent from Turkey;

the 14th Zionist Congress was looking for a location to set up a Jewish State - they were undecided between Argentina and Palestine. They decided on Palestine.

Zionists migrated en masse to Palestine determined to exterminate the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachen Begin and the Stern Gang were in charged of conducting the genocide.

In 1949 the US began subsidizing the holocaust. Truman was grateful because Ben Gurion donated 2 million dollars to his campaign which he needed to defeat Dewey. And the rest is history.

Still focusing in that vacuum........ Go figure........ :lmao:
It's not called the Long War for nothing. Redrawing the borders of a New Middle East originates in the mid-1980s when a rival superpower would have prevented the level of mass killing we are seeing today.

The US neo-cons simply resurrected an Israeli plan authored by Oded Yinon which called for breaking up Iraq and Syria into a series of sub-states modeled after Lebanon:

"The Western front, which on the surface appears more problematic, is in fact less complicated than the Eastern front, in which most of the events that make the headlines have been taking place recently.

"Lebanon's total dissolution into five provinces serves as a precendent for the entire Arab world including Egypt, Syria, Iraq and the Arabian peninsula and is already following that track.

"The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unqiue areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel's primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target.

"Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a Shi'ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state
, maybe even in our Golan, and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan.

"This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today.14"

The Zionist Plan for the Middle East by Oded Yinon translated and edited by Israel Shahak
Ya know, instead of focusing on cherry picked historical facts in a vacuum ya might try incorporating the whole to include history and culture from the beginning of Islamic expansion to the present, including western and eastern involvement plus psychological and sociological factors of all peoples involved. Granted that would completely negate your postulation in the OP...........
If you had to choose between Islam and the USA as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world TODAY, which would you choose?
I wonder why you said Islam and not Islamic radicals......... Uuummmmmm..........
Neither Islam nor radical Islamists are invading and occupying countries on the opposite side of the planet from their homelands. The US is. Which is the greater threat to world peace?
The US is currently invading and occupying countries? Sure thing there Sparky.........
Oh and I bet you're gonna claim Afghanistan..... The UN mandated/authorized action that is still multinational in scope......... Yeah, right.
The Islamic radicals aren't invading and attempting to occupy countries? Yeah, not here, yet....... Oh yeah, you'll claim that's their home..... Ummmmmm, generally not, it's their neighbors homes they're trying to conquer and permanently occupy, killing all who get in their way and they plan on doing it over and over. So yeah, when you look at the total Islamic radicals are still the greatest terrorist threat to the world. Life's a bitch, deal with it.
You're telling me you slept through the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, right? You know, the one that maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims? When IS comes knocking on your front door, remember who started the fight.
Ya know, instead of focusing on cherry picked historical facts in a vacuum ya might try incorporating the whole to include history and culture from the beginning of Islamic expansion to the present, including western and eastern involvement plus psychological and sociological factors of all peoples involved. Granted that would completely negate your postulation in the OP...........
If you had to choose between Islam and the USA as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world TODAY, which would you choose?
I wonder why you said Islam and not Islamic radicals......... Uuummmmmm..........
Neither Islam nor radical Islamists are invading and occupying countries on the opposite side of the planet from their homelands. The US is. Which is the greater threat to world peace?
The US is currently invading and occupying countries? Sure thing there Sparky.........
Oh and I bet you're gonna claim Afghanistan..... The UN mandated/authorized action that is still multinational in scope......... Yeah, right.
The Islamic radicals aren't invading and attempting to occupy countries? Yeah, not here, yet....... Oh yeah, you'll claim that's their home..... Ummmmmm, generally not, it's their neighbors homes they're trying to conquer and permanently occupy, killing all who get in their way and they plan on doing it over and over. So yeah, when you look at the total Islamic radicals are still the greatest terrorist threat to the world. Life's a bitch, deal with it.
You're telling me you slept through the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, right? You know, the one that maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims? When IS comes knocking on your front door, remember who started the fight.
I ssmell conflict of interest - our friend is a zionut - his mind is already made up.

So...stopping terrorism is as simple as stopping the practice of terrorism.

How would that impact the US economy?

The impact on the economy would be most beneficial for the people...since nothing is as costly and wasteful as war, on a nation's economy.

Problem is, the elites love war. It makes them rich and even more powerful. No doubt they are working feverishly, at this very moment, to gin up a nice big war.
They have already ginned up a nice Long War, and they've convinced many Americans to pass the bill along to their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Maybe we need a DEATH TAX on all war profits?

Agreed, but my fear is they intend to get us into another world war. A really big war with lots of destruction and death...because Americans are finally realizing it is all a game to the elites. The elites may believe a really big war is the only way to keep the people in line.
Ya know, instead of focusing on cherry picked historical facts in a vacuum ya might try incorporating the whole to include history and culture from the beginning of Islamic expansion to the present, including western and eastern involvement plus psychological and sociological factors of all peoples involved. Granted that would completely negate your postulation in the OP...........
If you had to choose between Islam and the USA as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world TODAY, which would you choose?
I wonder why you said Islam and not Islamic radicals......... Uuummmmmm..........
Neither Islam nor radical Islamists are invading and occupying countries on the opposite side of the planet from their homelands. The US is. Which is the greater threat to world peace?
The US is currently invading and occupying countries? Sure thing there Sparky.........
Oh and I bet you're gonna claim Afghanistan..... The UN mandated/authorized action that is still multinational in scope......... Yeah, right.
The Islamic radicals aren't invading and attempting to occupy countries? Yeah, not here, yet....... Oh yeah, you'll claim that's their home..... Ummmmmm, generally not, it's their neighbors homes they're trying to conquer and permanently occupy, killing all who get in their way and they plan on doing it over and over. So yeah, when you look at the total Islamic radicals are still the greatest terrorist threat to the world. Life's a bitch, deal with it.
You're telling me you slept through the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, right? You know, the one that maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims? When IS comes knocking on your front door, remember who started the fight.

Uuuummm, you said "TODAY".......... Besides, the radical Islamists did not expect Afghanistan, they wanted us to invade a country like Iraq so they could use it for propaganda recruiting purposes, Bush walked right into it. They also mistakenly believed they could unite the Arab world against us, didn't work, did it.........
Oh and your "maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims" speaks volumes....... Your clueless bias is noted, no arguing with demagogue. Have a nice day. :thup:
If you had to choose between Islam and the USA as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world TODAY, which would you choose?
I wonder why you said Islam and not Islamic radicals......... Uuummmmmm..........
Neither Islam nor radical Islamists are invading and occupying countries on the opposite side of the planet from their homelands. The US is. Which is the greater threat to world peace?
The US is currently invading and occupying countries? Sure thing there Sparky.........
Oh and I bet you're gonna claim Afghanistan..... The UN mandated/authorized action that is still multinational in scope......... Yeah, right.
The Islamic radicals aren't invading and attempting to occupy countries? Yeah, not here, yet....... Oh yeah, you'll claim that's their home..... Ummmmmm, generally not, it's their neighbors homes they're trying to conquer and permanently occupy, killing all who get in their way and they plan on doing it over and over. So yeah, when you look at the total Islamic radicals are still the greatest terrorist threat to the world. Life's a bitch, deal with it.
You're telling me you slept through the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, right? You know, the one that maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims? When IS comes knocking on your front door, remember who started the fight.
I ssmell conflict of interest - our friend is a zionut - his mind is already made up.

Whatever helps you sleep at night Sparky.
Ya know, instead of focusing on cherry picked historical facts in a vacuum ya might try incorporating the whole to include history and culture from the beginning of Islamic expansion to the present, including western and eastern involvement plus psychological and sociological factors of all peoples involved. Granted that would completely negate your postulation in the OP...........

Yeah, that's a good idea.

During the early 1920's Palestine became independent from Turkey;

the 14th Zionist Congress was looking for a location to set up a Jewish State - they were undecided between Argentina and Palestine. They decided on Palestine.

Zionists migrated en masse to Palestine determined to exterminate the Palestinians by any means necessary. Menachen Begin and the Stern Gang were in charged of conducting the genocide.

In 1949 the US began subsidizing the holocaust. Truman was grateful because Ben Gurion donated 2 million dollars to his campaign which he needed to defeat Dewey. And the rest is history.

And things haven't exactly improved for the US in the Middle East since Truman grabbed that $2 million:
"WHATEVER your politics, you’re not likely to feel great about America right now. After all, there’s Ferguson (the whole world was watching!), an increasingly unpopular president, a Congress whose approval ratings make the president look like a rock star, rising poverty, weakening wages, and a growing inequality gap just to start what could be a long list.

"Abroad, from Libya and Ukraine to Iraq and the South China Sea, nothing has been coming up roses for the US Polls reflect a general American gloom, with71% of the public claiming the country is 'on the wrong track.'

"We have the look of a superpower down on our luck..."

"In the nick of time, riding to the rescue comes something new under the sun: the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), recently renamed Islamic State (IS).

"It’s a group so extreme that even al-Qaeda rejected it, so brutal that it’s brought back crucifixion, beheading, waterboarding, and amputation, so fanatical that it’s ready to persecute any religious group within range of its weapons, so grimly beyond morality that it’s made the beheading of an innocent American a global propaganda phenomenon. If you’ve got a label that’s really, really bad likegenocide or ethnic cleansing, you can probably apply it to ISIS’s actions.

"It has also proven so effective that its relatively modest band of warrior jihadis has routed the Syrian and Iraqi armies, as well as the Kurdish pesh merga militia, taking control of a territory larger than Great Britain in the heart of the Middle East.

"Today, it rules over at least four million people, controls its own functioning oil fields and refineries (and so their revenues as well as infusions of money from looted banks, kidnapping ransoms, and Gulf state patrons). Despite opposition, it still seems to be expanding and claims it has established a caliphate."

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S...?

How 13 years of America s shameful record in the Middle East created ISIS - Stop the War Coalition
So...stopping terrorism is as simple as stopping the practice of terrorism.

How would that impact the US economy?

The impact on the economy would be most beneficial for the people...since nothing is as costly and wasteful as war, on a nation's economy.

Problem is, the elites love war. It makes them rich and even more powerful. No doubt they are working feverishly, at this very moment, to gin up a nice big war.
They have already ginned up a nice Long War, and they've convinced many Americans to pass the bill along to their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

Maybe we need a DEATH TAX on all war profits?

Agreed, but my fear is they intend to get us into another world war. A really big war with lots of destruction and death...because Americans are finally realizing it is all a game to the elites. The elites may believe a really big war is the only way to keep the people in line.
There's never been a shortage of elites who were/are worried about over-population; too many poor people makes them nervous. A really big war (someplace like Ukraine?) would certainly solve that problem in Europe, if not elsewhere, FWIW, I worry more about the US dollar losing its status as the world's reserve currency, thereby making it impossible for elites to wage war on the opposite side of the planet. Maybe that's what Fast and Furious and the Evil Mexican Drug Cartels are all about?
If you had to choose between Islam and the USA as the greatest purveyor of violence in the world TODAY, which would you choose?
I wonder why you said Islam and not Islamic radicals......... Uuummmmmm..........
Neither Islam nor radical Islamists are invading and occupying countries on the opposite side of the planet from their homelands. The US is. Which is the greater threat to world peace?
The US is currently invading and occupying countries? Sure thing there Sparky.........
Oh and I bet you're gonna claim Afghanistan..... The UN mandated/authorized action that is still multinational in scope......... Yeah, right.
The Islamic radicals aren't invading and attempting to occupy countries? Yeah, not here, yet....... Oh yeah, you'll claim that's their home..... Ummmmmm, generally not, it's their neighbors homes they're trying to conquer and permanently occupy, killing all who get in their way and they plan on doing it over and over. So yeah, when you look at the total Islamic radicals are still the greatest terrorist threat to the world. Life's a bitch, deal with it.
You're telling me you slept through the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, right? You know, the one that maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims? When IS comes knocking on your front door, remember who started the fight.
I ssmell conflict of interest - our friend is a zionut - his mind is already made up.

Zionism is the gift that keeps on giving in the Middle East; until someone is willing to admit some Jews are the problem in Palestine, they aren't capable of judging the morality of Empire, British, Islamic, or American.
I wonder why you said Islam and not Islamic radicals......... Uuummmmmm..........
Neither Islam nor radical Islamists are invading and occupying countries on the opposite side of the planet from their homelands. The US is. Which is the greater threat to world peace?
The US is currently invading and occupying countries? Sure thing there Sparky.........
Oh and I bet you're gonna claim Afghanistan..... The UN mandated/authorized action that is still multinational in scope......... Yeah, right.
The Islamic radicals aren't invading and attempting to occupy countries? Yeah, not here, yet....... Oh yeah, you'll claim that's their home..... Ummmmmm, generally not, it's their neighbors homes they're trying to conquer and permanently occupy, killing all who get in their way and they plan on doing it over and over. So yeah, when you look at the total Islamic radicals are still the greatest terrorist threat to the world. Life's a bitch, deal with it.
You're telling me you slept through the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, right? You know, the one that maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims? When IS comes knocking on your front door, remember who started the fight.
I ssmell conflict of interest - our friend is a zionut - his mind is already made up.

Zionism is the gift that keeps on giving in the Middle East; until someone is willing to admit some Jews are the problem in Palestine, they aren't capable of judging the morality of Empire, British, Islamic, or American.
Yeah, coins always have only one side.......... Your anti-psychotics are wearing off........ :lmao:
...I wonder why you said Islam and not Islamic radicals......... Uuummmmmm..........
Freudian Slip... given the savage, medieval, repressive nature of The Beast.
"Dramatic increases in infant mortality, cancer and leukaemia in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, which was bombarded by US Marines in 2004, exceed those reported by survivors of the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, according to a new study.

"Iraqi doctors in Fallujah have complained since 2005 of being overwhelmed by the number of babies with serious birth defects, ranging from a girl born with two heads to paralysis of the lower limbs.

"They said they were also seeing far more cancers than they did before the battle for Fallujah between US troops and insurgents.

"Their claims have been supported by a survey showing a four-fold increase in all cancers and a 12-fold increase in childhood cancer in under-14s. Infant mortality..."

Toxic legacy of US assault on Fallujah worse than Hiroshima - Middle East - World - The Independent
Neither Islam nor radical Islamists are invading and occupying countries on the opposite side of the planet from their homelands. The US is. Which is the greater threat to world peace?
The US is currently invading and occupying countries? Sure thing there Sparky.........
Oh and I bet you're gonna claim Afghanistan..... The UN mandated/authorized action that is still multinational in scope......... Yeah, right.
The Islamic radicals aren't invading and attempting to occupy countries? Yeah, not here, yet....... Oh yeah, you'll claim that's their home..... Ummmmmm, generally not, it's their neighbors homes they're trying to conquer and permanently occupy, killing all who get in their way and they plan on doing it over and over. So yeah, when you look at the total Islamic radicals are still the greatest terrorist threat to the world. Life's a bitch, deal with it.
You're telling me you slept through the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, right? You know, the one that maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims? When IS comes knocking on your front door, remember who started the fight.
I ssmell conflict of interest - our friend is a zionut - his mind is already made up.

Zionism is the gift that keeps on giving in the Middle East; until someone is willing to admit some Jews are the problem in Palestine, they aren't capable of judging the morality of Empire, British, Islamic, or American.
Yeah, coins always have only one side.......... Your anti-psychotics are wearing off........ :lmao:
Which side are you on?:muahaha:
The US is currently invading and occupying countries? Sure thing there Sparky.........
Oh and I bet you're gonna claim Afghanistan..... The UN mandated/authorized action that is still multinational in scope......... Yeah, right.
The Islamic radicals aren't invading and attempting to occupy countries? Yeah, not here, yet....... Oh yeah, you'll claim that's their home..... Ummmmmm, generally not, it's their neighbors homes they're trying to conquer and permanently occupy, killing all who get in their way and they plan on doing it over and over. So yeah, when you look at the total Islamic radicals are still the greatest terrorist threat to the world. Life's a bitch, deal with it.
You're telling me you slept through the US invasion and occupation of Iraq, right? You know, the one that maimed, murdered, displaced, and incarcerated millions of innocent Muslims? When IS comes knocking on your front door, remember who started the fight.
I ssmell conflict of interest - our friend is a zionut - his mind is already made up.

Zionism is the gift that keeps on giving in the Middle East; until someone is willing to admit some Jews are the problem in Palestine, they aren't capable of judging the morality of Empire, British, Islamic, or American.
Yeah, coins always have only one side.......... Your anti-psychotics are wearing off........ :lmao:
Which side are you on?:muahaha:
Well, islamic extremists don't necessarily have a problem with our freedoms. What they do have a problem with is where our freedoms are blindly sweeping us towards.

They call us 'infidels" because our culture is rapidly heading towards all that is forbidden in just about every major world religion and its deepest bylaws.

We worship money, and we let this marry. Now where in the world would they get the idea that Americans need to be stopped?



Every now and then, try to look at yourself through your "enemy's" eyes. You might, maybe, begin to see where his objections to your behavior is coming from. They see our country as spinning out of control. And we have the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. Wouldn't you be scared/proactively aggressive if ^^ that was sitting at the control panel that could literally end the world?

They aren't alone. Even some of our closest allies see us as "losing it" as a culture.

The West = unreflective/unchecked unresticted insanity. The East = unreflective/unchecked restrictive insanity. OF COURSE these two high-speed rail trains are destined to crash head-on...especially as they each pick up speed. And wow haven't we seen some really rapid changes in our culture in the last decade.

Just saying. Food for thought..
Last edited:
Well, islamic extremists don't necessarily have a problem with our freedoms. What they do have a problem with is where our freedoms are blindly sweeping us towards.

They call us 'infidels" because our culture is rapidly heading towards all that is forbidden in just about every major world religion and its deepest bylaws.

We worship money, and we let this marry. Now where in the world would they get the idea that Americans need to be stopped?



Every now and then, try to look at yourself through your "enemy's" eyes. You might, maybe, begin to see where his objections to your behavior is coming from. They see our country as spinning out of control. And we have the largest nuclear arsenal in the world. Wouldn't you be scared/proactively aggressive if ^^ that was sitting at the control panel that could literally end the world?

They aren't alone. Even some of our closest allies see us as "losing it" as a culture.

The West = unreflective/unchecked unresticted insanity. The East = unreflective/unchecked restrictive insanity. OF COURSE these two high-speed rail trains are destined to crash head-on...especially as they each pick up speed. And wow haven't we seen some really rapid changes in our culture in the last decade.

Just saying. Food for thought..
Wesley Clark may serve as a useful example for why Muslims' reject US actions in the Middle East:
"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran.'" [145]

"Personal life[edit]
Clark filed for divorce from his wife Gertrude in 2012. Soon after, he began dating entrepreneur Shauna Mei, who is 38 years his junior."

I suspect Muslims are more concerned with Clark's politics than with his lifestyle?

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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