How to end violence against black people

Give them the damn bucket of chicken?

You can't GIVE me anything but space to do my thing.:lol: STFU who the hell do you think you are talking to, son. I have spent too much of my valuable time already on your dumb ass. Google middle class Black neighbor hoods and get back with me with your results.
...and that is the moment your "black middle class neighborhood" claim went down in flames. Isnt it amazing how i predicted that you wouldnt be able to prove it? The truth can always be defended easilly, but lies... not so much. Next time dont make shit up, otherwise youll find yourself in this same embarrassing position.
Oh, don't flatter yourself. There were Black middle class neighborhoods way back in the early 1920s and there are some today.. The list I posted was sufficient to point that out. You call the list I linked to "wealthy" and I concur,. Middle classed people can be wealthy. You just can't stand it that I produced not ONE but 10 Black middle class neighborhoods. Go cry in a corner with a fork in your back…you are done!

Compare those black middle class neighborhoods with all the low income ones and government housing. Did you forget about that.
You can't GIVE me anything but space to do my thing.:lol: STFU who the hell do you think you are talking to, son. I have spent too much of my valuable time already on your dumb ass. Google middle class Black neighbor hoods and get back with me with your results.
...and that is the moment your "black middle class neighborhood" claim went down in flames. Isnt it amazing how i predicted that you wouldnt be able to prove it? The truth can always be defended easilly, but lies... not so much. Next time dont make shit up, otherwise youll find yourself in this same embarrassing position.
Oh, don't flatter yourself. There were Black middle class neighborhoods way back in the early 1920s and there are some today.. The list I posted was sufficient to point that out. You call the list I linked to "wealthy" and I concur,. Middle classed people can be wealthy. You just can't stand it that I produced not ONE but 10 Black middle class neighborhoods. Go cry in a corner with a fork in your back…you are done!

Compare those black middle class neighborhoods with all the low income ones and government housing. Did you forget about that.
Have you forgotten the 2/3rd of Black families are not impoverished. Some are low income but the trillion dollars a year Blacks spend in White owned businesses tells me a lot of them are doing alright.
You can't GIVE me anything but space to do my thing.:lol: STFU who the hell do you think you are talking to, son. I have spent too much of my valuable time already on your dumb ass. Google middle class Black neighbor hoods and get back with me with your results.
...and that is the moment your "black middle class neighborhood" claim went down in flames. Isnt it amazing how i predicted that you wouldnt be able to prove it? The truth can always be defended easilly, but lies... not so much. Next time dont make shit up, otherwise youll find yourself in this same embarrassing position.
Oh, don't flatter yourself. There were Black middle class neighborhoods way back in the early 1920s and there are some today.. The list I posted was sufficient to point that out. You call the list I linked to "wealthy" and I concur,. Middle classed people can be wealthy. You just can't stand it that I produced not ONE but 10 Black middle class neighborhoods. Go cry in a corner with a fork in your back…you are done!

Compare those black middle class neighborhoods with all the low income ones and government housing. Did you forget about that.
Have you forgotten the 2/3rd of Black families are not impoverished. Some are low income but the trillion dollars a year Blacks spend in White owned businesses tells me a lot of them are doing alright.

Have you forgotten that 2x as many blacks are in poverty as whites?

Whose money are they spending. Is it theres are from a taxpayer funded check they receive?

If they have a problem spending it in white owned businesses, let them spend it in black owned businesses.
How about blacks stop their culture of violence first, then we can talk.

No, fairness should not conditional

What you are proposing isn't fairness anyway. No, they stop their culture of violence and hate, and then we will be close enough to talk. As it stands now, there's no way we can have a conversation.

Do you think two people who commit the same crime and have the same background should face very different sentences? If not thats called fairness. If you say they should be treated differently for sharing all the same background except skin color that is unfair. Do you understand?

If it's the same judge in the same state, then they shouldn't.

Well that happens. Thats the unfair part.

Now you are just making shit up.
You can't GIVE me anything but space to do my thing.:lol: STFU who the hell do you think you are talking to, son. I have spent too much of my valuable time already on your dumb ass. Google middle class Black neighbor hoods and get back with me with your results.
...and that is the moment your "black middle class neighborhood" claim went down in flames. Isnt it amazing how i predicted that you wouldnt be able to prove it? The truth can always be defended easilly, but lies... not so much. Next time dont make shit up, otherwise youll find yourself in this same embarrassing position.
Oh, don't flatter yourself. There were Black middle class neighborhoods way back in the early 1920s and there are some today.. The list I posted was sufficient to point that out. You call the list I linked to "wealthy" and I concur,. Middle classed people can be wealthy. You just can't stand it that I produced not ONE but 10 Black middle class neighborhoods. Go cry in a corner with a fork in your back…you are done!

Compare those black middle class neighborhoods with all the low income ones and government housing. Did you forget about that.
Have you forgotten the 2/3rd of Black families are not impoverished. Some are low income but the trillion dollars a year Blacks spend in White owned businesses tells me a lot of them are doing alright.

Have you forgotten that 2x as many blacks are in poverty as whites?

Whose money are they spending. Is it theres are from a taxpayer funded check they receive?

If they have a problem spending it in white owned businesses, let them spend it in black owned businesses.
Nope, the face of poverty in America is a White one and here is the proof:


As you can readily see Whites make up the largest number of poor people.
There are 1.63 times as many poor Whites as there are poor Blacks. See what happens when you go with your "gut" feelings?
You end up looking like a schmuck!

7.8 million Blacks are impoverished and 19 million Whites are impoverished so you misread your source or someone led you down the wrong path. Perhaps you meant to say that blacks are 2X as likely to be poor than the average American due to proportionality; but, there are far more poor Whites in raw numbers.

And not all of the poor are on welfare. There are millions of working poor Whites and Blacks. But for those who use welfare benefits, the money they spend is government money generated through taxes and other means. And that spending helps keep the economy buoyant.
...and that is the moment your "black middle class neighborhood" claim went down in flames. Isnt it amazing how i predicted that you wouldnt be able to prove it? The truth can always be defended easilly, but lies... not so much. Next time dont make shit up, otherwise youll find yourself in this same embarrassing position.
Oh, don't flatter yourself. There were Black middle class neighborhoods way back in the early 1920s and there are some today.. The list I posted was sufficient to point that out. You call the list I linked to "wealthy" and I concur,. Middle classed people can be wealthy. You just can't stand it that I produced not ONE but 10 Black middle class neighborhoods. Go cry in a corner with a fork in your back…you are done!

Compare those black middle class neighborhoods with all the low income ones and government housing. Did you forget about that.
Have you forgotten the 2/3rd of Black families are not impoverished. Some are low income but the trillion dollars a year Blacks spend in White owned businesses tells me a lot of them are doing alright.

Have you forgotten that 2x as many blacks are in poverty as whites?

Whose money are they spending. Is it theres are from a taxpayer funded check they receive?

If they have a problem spending it in white owned businesses, let them spend it in black owned businesses.
Nope, the face of poverty in America is a White one and here is the proof:


As you can readily see Whites make up the largest number of poor people.
There are 1.63 times as many poor Whites as there are poor Blacks. See what happens when you go with your "gut" feelings?
You end up looking like a schmuck!

7.8 million Blacks are impoverished and 19 million Whites are impoverished so you misread your source or someone led you down the wrong path. Perhaps you meant to say that blacks are 2X as likely to be poor than the average American due to proportionality; but, there are far more poor Whites in raw numbers.

And not all of the poor are on welfare. There are millions of working poor Whites and Blacks. But for those who use welfare benefits, the money they spend is government money generated through taxes and other means. And that spending helps keep the economy buoyant.
PERCENTAGES... you fucking dumb ass. A MUCH smaller percentage of whites are poor, compared to blacks. Black people require a lot more tax dollars to support (per capita), than white people. They put less money into the pot, and take more out (per capita). They perform very poorly, which means the rest of us have to pick up the fucking bill.
Oh, don't flatter yourself. There were Black middle class neighborhoods way back in the early 1920s and there are some today.. The list I posted was sufficient to point that out. You call the list I linked to "wealthy" and I concur,. Middle classed people can be wealthy. You just can't stand haters like you it that I produced not ONE but 10 Black middle class neighborhoods. Go cry in a corner with a fork in your back…you are done!

Compare those black middle class neighborhoods with all the low income ones and government housing. Did you forget about that.
Have you forgotten the 2/3rd of Black families are not impoverished. Some are low income but the trillion dollars a year Blacks spend in White owned businesses tells me a lot of them are doing alright.

Have you forgotten that 2x as many blacks are in poverty as whites?

Whose money are they spending. Is it theres are from a taxpayer funded check they receive?

If they have a problem spending it in white owned businesses, let them spend it in black owned businesses.
Nope, the face of poverty in America is a White one and here is the proof:


As you can readily see Whites make up the largest number of poor people.
There are 1.63 times as many poor Whites as there are poor Blacks. See what happens when you go with your "gut" feelings?
You end up looking like a schmuck!

7.8 million Blacks are impoverished and 19 million Whites are impoverished so you misread your source or someone led you down the wrong path. Perhaps you meant to say that blacks are 2X as likely to be poor than the average American due to proportionality; but, there are far more poor Whites in raw numbers.

And not all of the poor are on welfare. There are millions of working poor Whites and Blacks. But for those who use welfare benefits, the money they spend is government money generated through taxes and other means. And that spending helps keep the economy buoyant.
PERCENTAGES... you fucking dumb ass. A MUCH smaller percentage of whites are poor, compared to blacks. Black people require a lot more tax dollars to support (per capita), than white people. They put less money into the pot, and take more out (per capita). They perform very poorly, which means the rest of us have to pick up the fucking bill.

You need to learn how to say what you mean, you fucking dumb asshole. When you say there are 2X as many poor Blacks as there are poor Whites you are not talking percentages you are being stupid. I even addressed your ignorance by mentioning proportionality in my last post and you just stumbled right over it!. See the RED TEXT, FOOL?

You seem to imply that Blacks are not Americans or something; like they are just a bunch of leeches sponging off of Whites. Without any thought of how much blood Blacks have shed for freedom in all of our wars, your hate seeps through. You ignore the fact that more than 2/3rds, the vast majority, of Blacks, are NOT poor and are paying taxes just like YOU do. If you feel 7.8 million poor blacks are a drain on "your" tax dollars how can you possibly ignore the larger expense generated by 19 million poor Whites? As long as recalcitrant haters like you dominate the populace no Black person is safe because you don't see any of them as truly being Americans or even as human.
How about blacks stop their culture of violence first, then we can talk.
Well the crime rate is dropping precipitously… ummmm.

Overall crime rate, yes, but that isn't what I'm talking about.
Well what the hell are you waiting for? SPIT IT OUT. Wtf ARE you talking about?

Jesus! It isn't that hard. I'm talking about their own culture of violence, the culture that leads to a disproportionate rate of violence including abd especially black on black crime.

I said basically that in my first post in this thread. It should not be that difficult.
How about blacks stop their culture of violence first, then we can talk.
Well the crime rate is dropping precipitously… ummmm.

Overall crime rate, yes, but that isn't what I'm talking about.
Well what the hell are you waiting for? SPIT IT OUT. Wtf ARE you talking about?

Jesus! It isn't that hard. I'm talking about their own culture of violence, the culture that leads to a disproportionate rate of violence including abd especially black on black crime.

I said basically that in my first post in this thread. It should not be that difficult.

I see. Your perception of a "culture of violence" is the problem. I do not agree. Most Blacks are conjoined in a culture of peace. Do the math, its not that hard. And stop ignoring violence in the White community and around the world..Please don't start another world war.
Your major wars kill millions in a few years, far outstripping Black violence anywhere on the globe. I don't know if you want to get into 'proportionality" there but, speaking of a culture of violence, your ilk stands atop the pedestal of violence!. From your precarious perch you look down at a small number of Black criminals and put extra weight on their behavior to demonize the entire Black American population. Meanwhile the entire world can see that the foundation o which you stand gloating in some inculcated "holier than thou" mental vicissitude consists of human bones.

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