How to end violence against black people

MLK didn't burn down buildings in his protest. BLM protesters do and you excuse is the that those doing it really aren't BLM protesters. Can you bend yourself any more into a pretzel trying to cover for a bunch of BLM savages?

Obviously, the FBI hasn't made the connection between BLM and violence or they would have arrested the leaders long ago. I think the scenario I have posited, i.e., outside agitators is the reason why. There is no bending there, it is just an astute observation that you obviously missed. And the savages during the MLK marches were the conservatives who attacked him and his peaceful protestors…and that included the local law enforcement savages and their snarling dogs.
well shit, they had hillary guilty of her emails and said it was ok for her to walk around free. so what surprise is that. shit, the director admitted so.
MLK didn't burn down buildings in his protest. BLM protesters do and you excuse is the that those doing it really aren't BLM protesters. Can you bend yourself any more into a pretzel trying to cover for a bunch of BLM savages?

Obviously, the FBI hasn't made the connection between BLM and violence or they would have arrested the leaders long ago. I think the scenario I have posited, i.e., outside agitators is the reason why. There is no bending there, it is just an astute observation that you obviously missed. And the savages during the MLK marches were the conservatives who attacked him and his peaceful protestors…and that included the local law enforcement savages and their snarling dogs.
well shit, they had hillary guilty of her emails and said it was ok for her to walk around free. so what surprise is that. shit, the director admitted so.

In a city close to where I live, there was a protest last Saturday night. The organizer was part of the BLM group. He had an outstanding warrant out on him and didn't have a permit. The police chief knew of the warrant and lack of permit but said he was going to allow it to occur because denying the group could likely cause more disturbance than letting it happen anyway.
I didn't think you could top your last comedic statement but you did. :lol: You really don't think Blacks are Americans do you? You don't think they are integral to the democratic hierarchy at all, even though Obama is the head of the party. Interesting. Silly but interesting!
Geez, you're stupid. When/if you ever get what I posted maybe you'll be able to respond.
People like you are the stupid ones. You are so engrossed in hegemonic tradition you don't even realize that millions of Blacks have surpassed you on the road to wealth and inclusion. The democratic party has been the vehicle for that during the past 50 years or so and Blacks ARE the democrats, now. Stop being stupid and face the truth. Blacks people aren't some outside entity of the two party system. They ARE the friggin' democrats just as much as Whites are.
No, democrat blacks are mainly pawns for the democrat party.
What's more, I live in a middle class, mostly-black county so no need to preach to me about wealthy blacks. What you need to do is every time you insist or agree that blacks are victims being kept down, remember that you acknowledged the financial success of blacks. I'm trying to help you avoid hypocrisy.
You've got a problem. For some reason you think Blacks can't be democrats. Are you nuts? The President of the United States is Black and he is head of the Democratic Party. But even after he leaves office Blacks will likely remain an integral part of the Party politicos just as they have been for decades.The civil rights initiatives of the past several decades have been instrumental in giving upwardly mobile Blacks the opportunity to reach their socio-economic goals. Still, much has yet to be done to bring lower class or poor Blacks into the mix.

In response to your spurious accusation that I insist that Blacks are victims that have been kept down, keep it in context. I have said repeatedly said in numerous threads that most Blacks are not impoverished. However, about a third are poor and many of those are working poor. It is that impoverished 3rd that has been targeted by the media and RW politicians as "examples" of typical Black life. In terms of Blacks being kept down, my source for that is White statisticians who report huge disparities in White/Black unemployment rates. I can point to the war on Affirmative Action. The same AA that probably helped the Blacks in your county to rise to middle class status.. Even you have exhibited a hegemonic attitude that shows your bigotry. You can't even accept the fact that Blacks ARE smart enough to decide their own destiny via the Democratic party. to you Blacks are sheep to be bandied about and manipulated by either the GOP or the Democrats. You will never see them as equals with high stakes in the democratic party. Newsflash: Blacks and Hispanics are going to dominate BOTH Parties in the near future.
JQ - You seem to have a firm grasp on language given your propensity to use "$5 words". However, based on a reading of about 10 previous posts (certainly not a scientific sampling) I feel as though you don't grasp the concern of most on the Right.

In the words of Martin Luther King we are not judging based on the color of their skin but the content of their character. All of the participants, regardless of color, in a subculture that promotes crime, thuggery and a complete lack of personal responsibility are squarely in the cross-hairs. Unfortunately it seems to be the subculture that is widely accepted by the black community in America. Music videos, award shows, national movements, spokespeople and even the President of the United States verify that the subculture emanates from primarily black people. I keep hearing of equality and acceptance. Because the traditional American culture and this absurd subculture are NOT equal, there will never be acceptance.

Racism exists all around us. Many blacks hate whites, many whites hate blacks, many (fill in your ethnicity) etc... That is an unfortunate part of human nature. No law will eradicate that tendency. However, pointing out what makes us different does not bring us closer together. That's why tragedy always brings fellowship. It reminds us that we are all vulnerable, that we are all the same.
Thanks for your response. However, I don't think you speak for "most" on the right. There is plenty of evidence showing that "conservatives" are not judging the vast majority of Blacks on the content of their characters. And the "subculture" you mention does not define the majority of Blacks. Are you classifying the 2/3rd of the black population that is not impoverished to be part of some nebulous subculture? You haven't even considered age or social status as a factor in your assessment.No, you just lump all Blacks together and call them a subculture. On Sunday morning all the numerous churches are filled to capacity but you don't see that do you?
You don't see the couples who may have several kids out of wedlock but are still supporting their children by holding down jobs. Is that the "subculture" you are talking about? No, you would rather take the weakest links and focus on those elements in the Black communities.
MLK didn't burn down buildings in his protest. BLM protesters do and you excuse is the that those doing it really aren't BLM protesters. Can you bend yourself any more into a pretzel trying to cover for a bunch of BLM savages?

Obviously, the FBI hasn't made the connection between BLM and violence or they would have arrested the leaders long ago. I think the scenario I have posited, i.e., outside agitators is the reason why. There is no bending there, it is just an astute observation that you obviously missed. And the savages during the MLK marches were the conservatives who attacked him and his peaceful protestors…and that included the local law enforcement savages and their snarling dogs.
well shit, they had hillary guilty of her emails and said it was ok for her to walk around free. so what surprise is that. shit, the director admitted so.

In a city close to where I live, there was a protest last Saturday night. The organizer was part of the BLM group. He had an outstanding warrant out on him and didn't have a permit. The police chief knew of the warrant and lack of permit but said he was going to allow it to occur because denying the group could likely cause more disturbance than letting it happen anyway.
BLAH BLAHBLAH so on and so forth. No one is interested in your anecdotal BS.
A few hundred murders a year out of a population of 2 million isn't something I would be too excited about. The media has an incentive to make a profit by blowing it out of proportion.
So that's an acceptable amount of bloodshed for you? The problem is there are many cities with millions of residents who aren't gunned down in the streets. But what's sad is that Republicans care more about these deaths than the assholes who get elected there.
Lets just say the raw numbers are still manageable. They haven't reached critical mass. and since you brought up the notion that republicans are concerned, what the fuck are they doing about homicides?

Minorities live in majority democrat districts.....
Not in the South. If they did all those southern states wouldn't be red. Gerrymandering, of course , is the trick for neutralizing Black voting power in the south.

The only blue congressional district in my state was created with a black majority. It was done to appease a bunch of whiners who thought the only reason they couldn't get one of their own elected was due to racism. It's their only thought anytime they lose. It can't be the candidates they put up weren't worth a shit.
Why would you rule out racism/ Did you investigate to see if the complaint might have some validity?
MLK didn't burn down buildings in his protest. BLM protesters do and you excuse is the that those doing it really aren't BLM protesters. Can you bend yourself any more into a pretzel trying to cover for a bunch of BLM savages?

Obviously, the FBI hasn't made the connection between BLM and violence or they would have arrested the leaders long ago. I think the scenario I have posited, i.e., outside agitators is the reason why. There is no bending there, it is just an astute observation that you obviously missed. And the savages during the MLK marches were the conservatives who attacked him and his peaceful protestors…and that included the local law enforcement savages and their snarling dogs.
well shit, they had hillary guilty of her emails and said it was ok for her to walk around free. so what surprise is that. shit, the director admitted so.

In a city close to where I live, there was a protest last Saturday night. The organizer was part of the BLM group. He had an outstanding warrant out on him and didn't have a permit. The police chief knew of the warrant and lack of permit but said he was going to allow it to occur because denying the group could likely cause more disturbance than letting it happen anyway.
BLAH BLAHBLAH so on and so forth. No one is interested in your anecdotal BS.

Not an anecdote. An example of where you excuse is faulty. Run along, boy.
So that's an acceptable amount of bloodshed for you? The problem is there are many cities with millions of residents who aren't gunned down in the streets. But what's sad is that Republicans care more about these deaths than the assholes who get elected there.
Lets just say the raw numbers are still manageable. They haven't reached critical mass. and since you brought up the notion that republicans are concerned, what the fuck are they doing about homicides?

Minorities live in majority democrat districts.....
Not in the South. If they did all those southern states wouldn't be red. Gerrymandering, of course , is the trick for neutralizing Black voting power in the south.

The only blue congressional district in my state was created with a black majority. It was done to appease a bunch of whiners who thought the only reason they couldn't get one of their own elected was due to racism. It's their only thought anytime they lose. It can't be the candidates they put up weren't worth a shit.
Why would you rule out racism/ Did you investigate to see if the complaint might have some validity?

Actually, I did. That's why I can say what I did. Any more questions, BOY?
MLK didn't burn down buildings in his protest. BLM protesters do and you excuse is the that those doing it really aren't BLM protesters. Can you bend yourself any more into a pretzel trying to cover for a bunch of BLM savages?

Obviously, the FBI hasn't made the connection between BLM and violence or they would have arrested the leaders long ago. I think the scenario I have posited, i.e., outside agitators is the reason why. There is no bending there, it is just an astute observation that you obviously missed. And the savages during the MLK marches were the conservatives who attacked him and his peaceful protestors…and that included the local law enforcement savages and their snarling dogs.
well shit, they had hillary guilty of her emails and said it was ok for her to walk around free. so what surprise is that. shit, the director admitted so.

In a city close to where I live, there was a protest last Saturday night. The organizer was part of the BLM group. He had an outstanding warrant out on him and didn't have a permit. The police chief knew of the warrant and lack of permit but said he was going to allow it to occur because denying the group could likely cause more disturbance than letting it happen anyway.
BLAH BLAHBLAH so on and so forth. No one is interested in your anecdotal BS.

Not an anecdote. An example of where you excuse is faulty. Run along, boy.
YAWwnNN, I only deal with the facts..just the facts and occasionally the FAX>
Lets just say the raw numbers are still manageable. They haven't reached critical mass. and since you brought up the notion that republicans are concerned, what the fuck are they doing about homicides?

Minorities live in majority democrat districts.....
Not in the South. If they did all those southern states wouldn't be red. Gerrymandering, of course , is the trick for neutralizing Black voting power in the south.

The only blue congressional district in my state was created with a black majority. It was done to appease a bunch of whiners who thought the only reason they couldn't get one of their own elected was due to racism. It's their only thought anytime they lose. It can't be the candidates they put up weren't worth a shit.
Why would you rule out racism/ Did you investigate to see if the complaint might have some validity?

Actually, I did. That's why I can say what I did. Any more questions, BOY?
No, GIRL, the defense rests..
Obviously, the FBI hasn't made the connection between BLM and violence or they would have arrested the leaders long ago. I think the scenario I have posited, i.e., outside agitators is the reason why. There is no bending there, it is just an astute observation that you obviously missed. And the savages during the MLK marches were the conservatives who attacked him and his peaceful protestors…and that included the local law enforcement savages and their snarling dogs.
well shit, they had hillary guilty of her emails and said it was ok for her to walk around free. so what surprise is that. shit, the director admitted so.

In a city close to where I live, there was a protest last Saturday night. The organizer was part of the BLM group. He had an outstanding warrant out on him and didn't have a permit. The police chief knew of the warrant and lack of permit but said he was going to allow it to occur because denying the group could likely cause more disturbance than letting it happen anyway.
BLAH BLAHBLAH so on and so forth. No one is interested in your anecdotal BS.

Not an anecdote. An example of where you excuse is faulty. Run along, boy.
YAWwnNN, I only deal with the facts..just the facts and occasionally the FAX>

I stated facts that refuted your statement. You refuse to acknowledge them. That could be because you're an idiot or just another sub human negro like the one that led the protest.
Minorities live in majority democrat districts.....
Not in the South. If they did all those southern states wouldn't be red. Gerrymandering, of course , is the trick for neutralizing Black voting power in the south.

The only blue congressional district in my state was created with a black majority. It was done to appease a bunch of whiners who thought the only reason they couldn't get one of their own elected was due to racism. It's their only thought anytime they lose. It can't be the candidates they put up weren't worth a shit.
Why would you rule out racism/ Did you investigate to see if the complaint might have some validity?

Actually, I did. That's why I can say what I did. Any more questions, BOY?
No, GIRL, the defense rests..

When the defense you used only considered racism, you have no case, n*gger.
You can't GIVE me anything but space to do my thing.:lol: STFU who the hell do you think you are talking to, son. I have spent too much of my valuable time already on your dumb ass. Google middle class Black neighbor hoods and get back with me with your results.
...and that is the moment your "black middle class neighborhood" claim went down in flames. Isnt it amazing how i predicted that you wouldnt be able to prove it? The truth can always be defended easilly, but lies... not so much. Next time dont make shit up, otherwise youll find yourself in this same embarrassing position.
You can't GIVE me anything but space to do my thing.:lol: STFU who the hell do you think you are talking to, son. I have spent too much of my valuable time already on your dumb ass. Google middle class Black neighbor hoods and get back with me with your results.
...and that is the moment your "black middle class neighborhood" claim went down in flames. Isnt it amazing how i predicted that you wouldnt be able to prove it? The truth can always be defended easilly, but lies... not so much. Next time dont make shit up, otherwise youll find yourself in this same embarrassing position.
Oh, don't flatter yourself. There were Black middle class neighborhoods way back in the early 1920s and there are some today.. The list I posted was sufficient to point that out. You call the list I linked to "wealthy" and I concur,. Middle classed people can be wealthy. You just can't stand it that I produced not ONE but 10 Black middle class neighborhoods. Go cry in a corner with a fork in your back…you are done!
You can't GIVE me anything but space to do my thing.:lol: STFU who the hell do you think you are talking to, son. I have spent too much of my valuable time already on your dumb ass. Google middle class Black neighbor hoods and get back with me with your results.
...and that is the moment your "black middle class neighborhood" claim went down in flames. Isnt it amazing how i predicted that you wouldnt be able to prove it? The truth can always be defended easilly, but lies... not so much. Next time dont make shit up, otherwise youll find yourself in this same embarrassing position.
Oh, don't flatter yourself. There were Black middle class neighborhoods way back in the early 1920s and there are some today.. The list I posted was sufficient to point that out. You call the list I linked to "wealthy" and I concur,. Middle classed people can be wealthy. You just can't stand it that I produced not ONE but 10 Black middle class neighborhoods. Go cry in a corner with a fork in your back…you are done!
Those werent middle class neighborhoods. They were million dollar homes, and for the record, i see no statistics at all of how many black people even live in those wealthy neighborhoods. You made a claim about middle class neighborhoods and you failed to back it up. End of story.

There are tens of thousands of middle class white neighborhoods in the US. You cant even produce ONE middle class black neighborhood? Like i originally said "i wish neighborhoods like that existed". They dont though. Your failed black culture ensures that success in black communities is more rare than unicorns.
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You can't GIVE me anything but space to do my thing.:lol: STFU who the hell do you think you are talking to, son. I have spent too much of my valuable time already on your dumb ass. Google middle class Black neighbor hoods and get back with me with your results.
...and that is the moment your "black middle class neighborhood" claim went down in flames. Isnt it amazing how i predicted that you wouldnt be able to prove it? The truth can always be defended easilly, but lies... not so much. Next time dont make shit up, otherwise youll find yourself in this same embarrassing position.
Oh, don't flatter yourself. There were Black middle class neighborhoods way back in the early 1920s and there are some today.. The list I posted was sufficient to point that out. You call the list I linked to "wealthy" and I concur,. Middle classed people can be wealthy. You just can't stand it that I produced not ONE but 10 Black middle class neighborhoods. Go cry in a corner with a fork in your back…you are done!
Those werent middle class neighborhoods. They were million dollar homes, and for the record, i see no statistics at all of how many black people even live in those wealthy neighborhoods. You made a claim about middle class neighborhoods and you failed to back it up. End of story.

There are tens of thousands of middle class white neighborhoods in the US. You cant even produce ONE middle class black neighborhood? Like i originally said "i wish neighborhoods like that existed". They dont though. Your failed black culture ensures that success in black communities is more rare than unicorns.

I produced 10 and you want to deny what is right in front of your stupid face. If you want to research how many Blacks live in those homes do it. I did what you asked and still you aren't satisfied. And since you think Blacks are not capable of having middle class neighborhoods, here is a bit of vivid history for your stupid ass. Jealous White people, like you, destroyed Rosewood fla. and Greenwood OK back in the 1920s. Two communities so successful they had airplanes, banks and infrastructure that was the envy of the rednecks living near them. Look it up!
You can't GIVE me anything but space to do my thing.:lol: STFU who the hell do you think you are talking to, son. I have spent too much of my valuable time already on your dumb ass. Google middle class Black neighbor hoods and get back with me with your results.
...and that is the moment your "black middle class neighborhood" claim went down in flames. Isnt it amazing how i predicted that you wouldnt be able to prove it? The truth can always be defended easilly, but lies... not so much. Next time dont make shit up, otherwise youll find yourself in this same embarrassing position.
Oh, don't flatter yourself. There were Black middle class neighborhoods way back in the early 1920s and there are some today.. The list I posted was sufficient to point that out. You call the list I linked to "wealthy" and I concur,. Middle classed people can be wealthy. You just can't stand it that I produced not ONE but 10 Black middle class neighborhoods. Go cry in a corner with a fork in your back…you are done!
Those werent middle class neighborhoods. They were million dollar homes, and for the record, i see no statistics at all of how many black people even live in those wealthy neighborhoods. You made a claim about middle class neighborhoods and you failed to back it up. End of story.

There are tens of thousands of middle class white neighborhoods in the US. You cant even produce ONE middle class black neighborhood? Like i originally said "i wish neighborhoods like that existed". They dont though. Your failed black culture ensures that success in black communities is more rare than unicorns.

I produced 10 and you want to deny what is right in front of your stupid face. If you want to research how many Blacks live in those homes do it. I did what you asked and still you aren't satisfied. And since you think Blacks are not capable of having middle class neighborhoods, here is a bit of vivid history for your stupid ass. Jealous White people, like you, destroyed Rosewood fla. and Greenwood OK back in the 1920s. Two communities so successful they had airplanes, banks and infrastructure that was the envy of the rednecks living near them. Look it up!
I see an awful lot of talk and no proof, for someone who said he could prove that there are middle class black neighborhoods. If such proof existed, you would have already posted it. Clearly there are no neighborhoods like you described in your originial post, which said NOTHING about million dollar homes, so i dont know why you keep pointing to an article that shows a million dollar homes. Yes, we know a handful basketball and rap stars can buy luxurious houses, but regular black people seem incapable of producing middle class neighborhoods.
You can't GIVE me anything but space to do my thing.:lol: STFU who the hell do you think you are talking to, son. I have spent too much of my valuable time already on your dumb ass. Google middle class Black neighbor hoods and get back with me with your results.
...and that is the moment your "black middle class neighborhood" claim went down in flames. Isnt it amazing how i predicted that you wouldnt be able to prove it? The truth can always be defended easilly, but lies... not so much. Next time dont make shit up, otherwise youll find yourself in this same embarrassing position.
Oh, don't flatter yourself. There were Black middle class neighborhoods way back in the early 1920s and there are some today.. The list I posted was sufficient to point that out. You call the list I linked to "wealthy" and I concur,. Middle classed people can be wealthy. You just can't stand it that I produced not ONE but 10 Black middle class neighborhoods. Go cry in a corner with a fork in your back…you are done!
Those werent middle class neighborhoods. They were million dollar homes, and for the record, i see no statistics at all of how many black people even live in those wealthy neighborhoods. You made a claim about middle class neighborhoods and you failed to back it up. End of story.

There are tens of thousands of middle class white neighborhoods in the US. You cant even produce ONE middle class black neighborhood? Like i originally said "i wish neighborhoods like that existed". They dont though. Your failed black culture ensures that success in black communities is more rare than unicorns.

I produced 10 and you want to deny what is right in front of your stupid face. If you want to research how many Blacks live in those homes do it. I did what you asked and still you aren't satisfied. And since you think Blacks are not capable of having middle class neighborhoods, here is a bit of vivid history for your stupid ass. Jealous White people, like you, destroyed Rosewood fla. and Greenwood OK back in the 1920s. Two communities so successful they had airplanes, banks and infrastructure that was the envy of the rednecks living near them. Look it up!
I see an awful lot of talk and no proof, for someone who said he could prove that there are middle class black neighborhoods. If such proof existed, you would have already posted it. Clearly there are no neighborhoods like you described in your originial post, which said NOTHING about million dollar homes, so i dont know why you keep pointing to an article that shows a million dollar homes. Yes, we know a handful basketball and rap stars can buy luxurious houses, but regular black people seem incapable of producing middle class neighborhoods.
I have made my point and have shown 10 Black middle class communities. There are other less affluent Black communities that are still middle class. You can go on denying that, but who cares? You are just another anonymous RW idiot who can't get past his own prejudices. Almost every major city has a Black middle class community but there are no walls separating them from poorer Blacks.
Others are more defined by manicured lawns and Cadillacs parked in front of Brick houses. That Black guy you see mowing the lawn isn't the hired help, he is the owner!
...and that is the moment your "black middle class neighborhood" claim went down in flames. Isnt it amazing how i predicted that you wouldnt be able to prove it? The truth can always be defended easilly, but lies... not so much. Next time dont make shit up, otherwise youll find yourself in this same embarrassing position.
Oh, don't flatter yourself. There were Black middle class neighborhoods way back in the early 1920s and there are some today.. The list I posted was sufficient to point that out. You call the list I linked to "wealthy" and I concur,. Middle classed people can be wealthy. You just can't stand it that I produced not ONE but 10 Black middle class neighborhoods. Go cry in a corner with a fork in your back…you are done!
Those werent middle class neighborhoods. They were million dollar homes, and for the record, i see no statistics at all of how many black people even live in those wealthy neighborhoods. You made a claim about middle class neighborhoods and you failed to back it up. End of story.

There are tens of thousands of middle class white neighborhoods in the US. You cant even produce ONE middle class black neighborhood? Like i originally said "i wish neighborhoods like that existed". They dont though. Your failed black culture ensures that success in black communities is more rare than unicorns.

I produced 10 and you want to deny what is right in front of your stupid face. If you want to research how many Blacks live in those homes do it. I did what you asked and still you aren't satisfied. And since you think Blacks are not capable of having middle class neighborhoods, here is a bit of vivid history for your stupid ass. Jealous White people, like you, destroyed Rosewood fla. and Greenwood OK back in the 1920s. Two communities so successful they had airplanes, banks and infrastructure that was the envy of the rednecks living near them. Look it up!
I see an awful lot of talk and no proof, for someone who said he could prove that there are middle class black neighborhoods. If such proof existed, you would have already posted it. Clearly there are no neighborhoods like you described in your originial post, which said NOTHING about million dollar homes, so i dont know why you keep pointing to an article that shows a million dollar homes. Yes, we know a handful basketball and rap stars can buy luxurious houses, but regular black people seem incapable of producing middle class neighborhoods.
I have made my point and have shown 10 Black middle class communities. There are other less affluent Black communities that are still middle class. You can go on denying that, but who cares? You are just another anonymous RW idiot who can't get past his own prejudices. Almost every major city has a Black middle class community but there are no walls separating them from poorer Blacks.
Others are more defined by manicured lawns and Cadillacs parked in front of Brick houses. That Black guy you see mowing the lawn isn't the hired help, he is the owner!
You have not shown even ONE middle class community. Name ONE! You cant.
Oh, don't flatter yourself. There were Black middle class neighborhoods way back in the early 1920s and there are some today.. The list I posted was sufficient to point that out. You call the list I linked to "wealthy" and I concur,. Middle classed people can be wealthy. You just can't stand it that I produced not ONE but 10 Black middle class neighborhoods. Go cry in a corner with a fork in your back…you are done!
Those werent middle class neighborhoods. They were million dollar homes, and for the record, i see no statistics at all of how many black people even live in those wealthy neighborhoods. You made a claim about middle class neighborhoods and you failed to back it up. End of story.

There are tens of thousands of middle class white neighborhoods in the US. You cant even produce ONE middle class black neighborhood? Like i originally said "i wish neighborhoods like that existed". They dont though. Your failed black culture ensures that success in black communities is more rare than unicorns.

I produced 10 and you want to deny what is right in front of your stupid face. If you want to research how many Blacks live in those homes do it. I did what you asked and still you aren't satisfied. And since you think Blacks are not capable of having middle class neighborhoods, here is a bit of vivid history for your stupid ass. Jealous White people, like you, destroyed Rosewood fla. and Greenwood OK back in the 1920s. Two communities so successful they had airplanes, banks and infrastructure that was the envy of the rednecks living near them. Look it up!
I see an awful lot of talk and no proof, for someone who said he could prove that there are middle class black neighborhoods. If such proof existed, you would have already posted it. Clearly there are no neighborhoods like you described in your originial post, which said NOTHING about million dollar homes, so i dont know why you keep pointing to an article that shows a million dollar homes. Yes, we know a handful basketball and rap stars can buy luxurious houses, but regular black people seem incapable of producing middle class neighborhoods.
I have made my point and have shown 10 Black middle class communities. There are other less affluent Black communities that are still middle class. You can go on denying that, but who cares? You are just another anonymous RW idiot who can't get past his own prejudices. Almost every major city has a Black middle class community but there are no walls separating them from poorer Blacks.
Others are more defined by manicured lawns and Cadillacs parked in front of Brick houses. That Black guy you see mowing the lawn isn't the hired help, he is the owner!
You have not shown even ONE middle class community. Name ONE! You cant.
I did. And your deflection won't change that! BTW communities don't generally have names.
Those werent middle class neighborhoods. They were million dollar homes, and for the record, i see no statistics at all of how many black people even live in those wealthy neighborhoods. You made a claim about middle class neighborhoods and you failed to back it up. End of story.

There are tens of thousands of middle class white neighborhoods in the US. You cant even produce ONE middle class black neighborhood? Like i originally said "i wish neighborhoods like that existed". They dont though. Your failed black culture ensures that success in black communities is more rare than unicorns.

I produced 10 and you want to deny what is right in front of your stupid face. If you want to research how many Blacks live in those homes do it. I did what you asked and still you aren't satisfied. And since you think Blacks are not capable of having middle class neighborhoods, here is a bit of vivid history for your stupid ass. Jealous White people, like you, destroyed Rosewood fla. and Greenwood OK back in the 1920s. Two communities so successful they had airplanes, banks and infrastructure that was the envy of the rednecks living near them. Look it up!
I see an awful lot of talk and no proof, for someone who said he could prove that there are middle class black neighborhoods. If such proof existed, you would have already posted it. Clearly there are no neighborhoods like you described in your originial post, which said NOTHING about million dollar homes, so i dont know why you keep pointing to an article that shows a million dollar homes. Yes, we know a handful basketball and rap stars can buy luxurious houses, but regular black people seem incapable of producing middle class neighborhoods.
I have made my point and have shown 10 Black middle class communities. There are other less affluent Black communities that are still middle class. You can go on denying that, but who cares? You are just another anonymous RW idiot who can't get past his own prejudices. Almost every major city has a Black middle class community but there are no walls separating them from poorer Blacks.
Others are more defined by manicured lawns and Cadillacs parked in front of Brick houses. That Black guy you see mowing the lawn isn't the hired help, he is the owner!
You have not shown even ONE middle class community. Name ONE! You cant.
I did. And your deflection won't change that! BTW communities don't generally have names.
Still waiting on ONE name. Quit deflecting and just provide it, or admit you were wrong.

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