How to end violence against black people

I didn't say I didn't know how to implement the plans; I simply know when I'm wasting my time.
Thanks, I'll just add that to the pile of people who have suggestions that they find are impossible to explain.:rolleyes:
I explained it just fine - you wanted to illustrate my point for me.

Whatever you do, keep blaming everyone else. That's working great.

I didnt blame anyone. Maybe I should also work on stopping your perceptions of blacks blaming others even tho I never did.

Or BLM can fix you...somehow
How about blacks stop their culture of violence first, then we can talk.

No, fairness should not conditional

What you are proposing isn't fairness anyway. No, they stop their culture of violence and hate, and then we will be close enough to talk. As it stands now, there's no way we can have a conversation.

Do you think two people who commit the same crime and have the same background should face very different sentences? If not thats called fairness. If you say they should be treated differently for sharing all the same background except skin color that is unfair. Do you understand?
Get black men to stop murdering other black men and children.......that would lower our gun crime rate to better than Europe levels.....
Which black community are you addressing? Upper middle class, middle class, lower middle class or poor?
God i wish those kinds of black neighborhoods existed! :laugh:
They do.
I live in Seattle, so how about you let me know where the nearest one is and ill go check it out. That way ill never again think there ARENT good black neighborhoods. You can change my entire perception with the name of a single neighborhood.
All you had to do was ask:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Atlanta Black Star
You never said anything about millionaires. Yes, rich people can move anywhere they want, next to whoever they want. We arent talking about a handful of rich people though. You said "middle class neighborhoods". Where are they? Specifically, where are they in my area? Do they exist or are you just making up a bunch of horse shit?

Ill give you a second chance to show me these neighborhoods, but you and i already know you are going to fail the challenge.
Looks like you misunderstood my post. The point being that it's democrats doing the extorting. Black is just another subcategory.

I didn't think you could top your last comedic statement but you did. :lol: You really don't think Blacks are Americans do you? You don't think they are integral to the democratic hierarchy at all, even though Obama is the head of the party. Interesting. Silly but interesting!
Geez, you're stupid. When/if you ever get what I posted maybe you'll be able to respond.
People like you are the stupid ones. You are so engrossed in hegemonic tradition you don't even realize that millions of Blacks have surpassed you on the road to wealth and inclusion. The democratic party has been the vehicle for that during the past 50 years or so and Blacks ARE the democrats, now. Stop being stupid and face the truth. Blacks people aren't some outside entity of the two party system. They ARE the friggin' democrats just as much as Whites are.
No, democrat blacks are mainly pawns for the democrat party.
What's more, I live in a middle class, mostly-black county so no need to preach to me about wealthy blacks. What you need to do is every time you insist or agree that blacks are victims being kept down, remember that you acknowledged the financial success of blacks. I'm trying to help you avoid hypocrisy.
You've got a problem. For some reason you think Blacks can't be democrats. Are you nuts? The President of the United States is Black and he is head of the Democratic Party. But even after he leaves office Blacks will likely remain an integral part of the Party politicos just as they have been for decades.The civil rights initiatives of the past several decades have been instrumental in giving upwardly mobile Blacks the opportunity to reach their socio-economic goals. Still, much has yet to be done to bring lower class or poor Blacks into the mix.

In response to your spurious accusation that I insist that Blacks are victims that have been kept down, keep it in context. I have said repeatedly said in numerous threads that most Blacks are not impoverished. However, about a third are poor and many of those are working poor. It is that impoverished 3rd that has been targeted by the media and RW politicians as "examples" of typical Black life. In terms of Blacks being kept down, my source for that is White statisticians who report huge disparities in White/Black unemployment rates. I can point to the war on Affirmative Action. The same AA that probably helped the Blacks in your county to rise to middle class status.. Even you have exhibited a hegemonic attitude that shows your bigotry. You can't even accept the fact that Blacks ARE smart enough to decide their own destiny via the Democratic party. to you Blacks are sheep to be bandied about and manipulated by either the GOP or the Democrats. You will never see them as equals with high stakes in the democratic party. Newsflash: Blacks and Hispanics are going to dominate BOTH Parties in the near future.
JQ - You seem to have a firm grasp on language given your propensity to use "$5 words". However, based on a reading of about 10 previous posts (certainly not a scientific sampling) I feel as though you don't grasp the concern of most on the Right.

In the words of Martin Luther King we are not judging based on the color of their skin but the content of their character. All of the participants, regardless of color, in a subculture that promotes crime, thuggery and a complete lack of personal responsibility are squarely in the cross-hairs. Unfortunately it seems to be the subculture that is widely accepted by the black community in America. Music videos, award shows, national movements, spokespeople and even the President of the United States verify that the subculture emanates from primarily black people. I keep hearing of equality and acceptance. Because the traditional American culture and this absurd subculture are NOT equal, there will never be acceptance.

Racism exists all around us. Many blacks hate whites, many whites hate blacks, many (fill in your ethnicity) etc... That is an unfortunate part of human nature. No law will eradicate that tendency. However, pointing out what makes us different does not bring us closer together. That's why tragedy always brings fellowship. It reminds us that we are all vulnerable, that we are all the same.
How about blacks stop their culture of violence first, then we can talk.

No, fairness should not conditional

What you are proposing isn't fairness anyway. No, they stop their culture of violence and hate, and then we will be close enough to talk. As it stands now, there's no way we can have a conversation.

Do you think two people who commit the same crime and have the same background should face very different sentences? If not thats called fairness. If you say they should be treated differently for sharing all the same background except skin color that is unfair. Do you understand?

If it's the same judge in the same state, then they shouldn't. You can pick any two cases of the same crime with totally different outcomes even though the perps have everything the same except skin color, and always find a disparity. You could do that for gender, you could do that for sexual orientation, you could do it for anything. Try thinking for yourself sometime.
How about blacks stop their culture of violence first, then we can talk.

No, fairness should not conditional

What you are proposing isn't fairness anyway. No, they stop their culture of violence and hate, and then we will be close enough to talk. As it stands now, there's no way we can have a conversation.

Do you think two people who commit the same crime and have the same background should face very different sentences? If not thats called fairness. If you say they should be treated differently for sharing all the same background except skin color that is unfair. Do you understand?

If it's the same judge in the same state, then they shouldn't.

Well that happens. Thats the unfair part.
Looks like you misunderstood my post. The point being that it's democrats doing the extorting. Black is just another subcategory.

I didn't think you could top your last comedic statement but you did. :lol: You really don't think Blacks are Americans do you? You don't think they are integral to the democratic hierarchy at all, even though Obama is the head of the party. Interesting. Silly but interesting!
Geez, you're stupid. When/if you ever get what I posted maybe you'll be able to respond.
People like you are the stupid ones. You are so engrossed in hegemonic tradition you don't even realize that millions of Blacks have surpassed you on the road to wealth and inclusion. The democratic party has been the vehicle for that during the past 50 years or so and Blacks ARE the democrats, now. Stop being stupid and face the truth. Blacks people aren't some outside entity of the two party system. They ARE the friggin' democrats just as much as Whites are.
No, democrat blacks are mainly pawns for the democrat party.
What's more, I live in a middle class, mostly-black county so no need to preach to me about wealthy blacks. What you need to do is every time you insist or agree that blacks are victims being kept down, remember that you acknowledged the financial success of blacks. I'm trying to help you avoid hypocrisy.
You've got a problem. For some reason you think Blacks can't be democrats. Are you nuts? The President of the United States is Black and he is head of the Democratic Party. But even after he leaves office Blacks will likely remain an integral part of the Party politicos just as they have been for decades.The civil rights initiatives of the past several decades have been instrumental in giving upwardly mobile Blacks the opportunity to reach their socio-economic goals. Still, much has yet to be done to bring lower class or poor Blacks into the mix.

In response to your spurious accusation that I insist that Blacks are victims that have been kept down, keep it in context. I have said repeatedly said in numerous threads that most Blacks are not impoverished. However, about a third are poor and many of those are working poor. It is that impoverished 3rd that has been targeted by the media and RW politicians as "examples" of typical Black life. In terms of Blacks being kept down, my source for that is White statisticians who report huge disparities in White/Black unemployment rates. I can point to the war on Affirmative Action. The same AA that probably helped the Blacks in your county to rise to middle class status.. Even you have exhibited a hegemonic attitude that shows your bigotry. You can't even accept the fact that Blacks ARE smart enough to decide their own destiny via the Democratic party. to you Blacks are sheep to be bandied about and manipulated by either the GOP or the Democrats. You will never see them as equals with high stakes in the democratic party. Newsflash: Blacks and Hispanics are going to dominate BOTH Parties in the near future.
Boy, you sure beat the stuffing out of that strawman.
How about blacks stop their culture of violence first, then we can talk.

No, fairness should not conditional

What you are proposing isn't fairness anyway. No, they stop their culture of violence and hate, and then we will be close enough to talk. As it stands now, there's no way we can have a conversation.

Do you think two people who commit the same crime and have the same background should face very different sentences? If not thats called fairness. If you say they should be treated differently for sharing all the same background except skin color that is unfair. Do you understand?

If it's the same judge in the same state, then they shouldn't.

Well that happens. Thats the unfair part.

Likely it happens to people of the same color as well. Is it unfair? Maybe, but hey, do the crime, do the time.
I didn't think you could top your last comedic statement but you did. :lol: You really don't think Blacks are Americans do you? You don't think they are integral to the democratic hierarchy at all, even though Obama is the head of the party. Interesting. Silly but interesting!
Geez, you're stupid. When/if you ever get what I posted maybe you'll be able to respond.
People like you are the stupid ones. You are so engrossed in hegemonic tradition you don't even realize that millions of Blacks have surpassed you on the road to wealth and inclusion. The democratic party has been the vehicle for that during the past 50 years or so and Blacks ARE the democrats, now. Stop being stupid and face the truth. Blacks people aren't some outside entity of the two party system. They ARE the friggin' democrats just as much as Whites are.
No, democrat blacks are mainly pawns for the democrat party.
What's more, I live in a middle class, mostly-black county so no need to preach to me about wealthy blacks. What you need to do is every time you insist or agree that blacks are victims being kept down, remember that you acknowledged the financial success of blacks. I'm trying to help you avoid hypocrisy.
You've got a problem. For some reason you think Blacks can't be democrats. Are you nuts? The President of the United States is Black and he is head of the Democratic Party. But even after he leaves office Blacks will likely remain an integral part of the Party politicos just as they have been for decades.The civil rights initiatives of the past several decades have been instrumental in giving upwardly mobile Blacks the opportunity to reach their socio-economic goals. Still, much has yet to be done to bring lower class or poor Blacks into the mix.

In response to your spurious accusation that I insist that Blacks are victims that have been kept down, keep it in context. I have said repeatedly said in numerous threads that most Blacks are not impoverished. However, about a third are poor and many of those are working poor. It is that impoverished 3rd that has been targeted by the media and RW politicians as "examples" of typical Black life. In terms of Blacks being kept down, my source for that is White statisticians who report huge disparities in White/Black unemployment rates. I can point to the war on Affirmative Action. The same AA that probably helped the Blacks in your county to rise to middle class status.. Even you have exhibited a hegemonic attitude that shows your bigotry. You can't even accept the fact that Blacks ARE smart enough to decide their own destiny via the Democratic party. to you Blacks are sheep to be bandied about and manipulated by either the GOP or the Democrats. You will never see them as equals with high stakes in the democratic party. Newsflash: Blacks and Hispanics are going to dominate BOTH Parties in the near future.
Boy, you sure beat the stuffing out of that strawman.

Lefties LOVE to beat on straw men.
MLK didn't burn down buildings in his protest. BLM protesters do and you excuse is the that those doing it really aren't BLM protesters. Can you bend yourself any more into a pretzel trying to cover for a bunch of BLM savages?

Obviously, the FBI hasn't made the connection between BLM and violence or they would have arrested the leaders long ago. I think the scenario I have posited, i.e., outside agitators is the reason why. There is no bending there, it is just an astute observation that you obviously missed. And the savages during the MLK marches were the conservatives who attacked him and his peaceful protestors…and that included the local law enforcement savages and their snarling dogs.
People like you are the stupid ones. You are so engrossed in hegemonic tradition you don't even realize that millions of Blacks have surpassed you on the road to wealth and inclusion. The democratic party has been the vehicle for that during the past 50 years or so and Blacks ARE the democrats, now. Stop being stupid and face the truth. Blacks people aren't some outside entity of the two party system. They ARE the friggin' democrats just as much as Whites are.
Well they certainly are in Chicago. Say, what was the murder rate in that city?
A few hundred murders a year out of a population of 2 million isn't something I would be too excited about. The media has an incentive to make a profit by blowing it out of proportion.
So that's an acceptable amount of bloodshed for you? The problem is there are many cities with millions of residents who aren't gunned down in the streets. But what's sad is that Republicans care more about these deaths than the assholes who get elected there.
Lets just say the raw numbers are still manageable. They haven't reached critical mass. and since you brought up the notion that republicans are concerned, what the fuck are they doing about homicides?

Minorities live in majority democrat districts.....
Not in the South. If they did all those southern states wouldn't be red. Gerrymandering, of course , is the trick for neutralizing Black voting power in the south.
So you are OK with blacks committing acts of violence on other blacks.

Fairness shouldnt be conditional
I think it's perfectly fair that blacks continue to vote for Democrats and reap the violence, poverty, and despair that only Democrats bring.

Republicans have all the answers but never show up. Darn
Republicans aren't elected where black people live. You fuckers OWN this problem.

I know, so why dont republicans put forth their winning ideas?
it goes back to the saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it...........drink
MLK didn't burn down buildings in his protest. BLM protesters do and you excuse is the that those doing it really aren't BLM protesters. Can you bend yourself any more into a pretzel trying to cover for a bunch of BLM savages?

Obviously, the FBI hasn't made the connection between BLM and violence or they would have arrested the leaders long ago. I think the scenario I have posited, i.e., outside agitators is the reason why. There is no bending there, it is just an astute observation that you obviously missed. And the savages during the MLK marches were the conservatives who attacked him and his peaceful protestors…and that included the local law enforcement savages and their snarling dogs.

It's an excuse you make to cover for a bunch of savage blacks acting in their normal nature.
Well they certainly are in Chicago. Say, what was the murder rate in that city?
A few hundred murders a year out of a population of 2 million isn't something I would be too excited about. The media has an incentive to make a profit by blowing it out of proportion.
So that's an acceptable amount of bloodshed for you? The problem is there are many cities with millions of residents who aren't gunned down in the streets. But what's sad is that Republicans care more about these deaths than the assholes who get elected there.
Lets just say the raw numbers are still manageable. They haven't reached critical mass. and since you brought up the notion that republicans are concerned, what the fuck are they doing about homicides?

Minorities live in majority democrat districts.....
Not in the South. If they did all those southern states wouldn't be red. Gerrymandering, of course , is the trick for neutralizing Black voting power in the south.

The only blue congressional district in my state was created with a black majority. It was done to appease a bunch of whiners who thought the only reason they couldn't get one of their own elected was due to racism. It's their only thought anytime they lose. It can't be the candidates they put up weren't worth a shit.
Which black community are you addressing? Upper middle class, middle class, lower middle class or poor?
God i wish those kinds of black neighborhoods existed! :laugh:
They do.
I live in Seattle, so how about you let me know where the nearest one is and ill go check it out. That way ill never again think there ARENT good black neighborhoods. You can change my entire perception with the name of a single neighborhood.
All you had to do was ask:

10 of the Richest Black Communities in America - Atlanta Black Star
You never said anything about millionaires. Yes, rich people can move anywhere they want, next to whoever they want. We arent talking about a handful of rich people though. You said "middle class neighborhoods". Where are they? Specifically, where are they in my area? Do they exist or are you just making up a bunch of horse shit?

Ill give you a second chance to show me these neighborhoods, but you and i already know you are going to fail the challenge.
You can't GIVE me anything but space to do my thing.:lol: STFU who the hell do you think you are talking to, son. I have spent too much of my valuable time already on your dumb ass. Google middle class Black neighbor hoods and get back with me with your results.
MLK didn't burn down buildings in his protest. BLM protesters do and you excuse is the that those doing it really aren't BLM protesters. Can you bend yourself any more into a pretzel trying to cover for a bunch of BLM savages?

Obviously, the FBI hasn't made the connection between BLM and violence or they would have arrested the leaders long ago. I think the scenario I have posited, i.e., outside agitators is the reason why. There is no bending there, it is just an astute observation that you obviously missed. And the savages during the MLK marches were the conservatives who attacked him and his peaceful protestors…and that included the local law enforcement savages and their snarling dogs.

It's an excuse you make to cover for a bunch of savage blacks acting in their normal nature.
You RW "CORNYservatives sure like to throw around invectives like "savages" or "thugs" to describe Black people. But were you so quick to do so when White "savages" bombed a church killing three little girls? How did you describe the actions of the White hater who gunned down 9 African American parishioners in their own church after appearing to befriend them? You still have a chance to do it now…lets hear it…come on You can do it…

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