how to explain gay rights to an idiot

I am legally married in California and still do not have a fraction of the rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal, civil marriage

You also don't have the heterosexual marriage level of commitment since you keep informing me you have no consideration for your partner's views and would dump her if she defied you. Maybe when you achieve the commitment, people will start seeing it as the same. Until then...

LOL...when have I ever informed you of that, hypocrite? My partner doesn't have to "defy" me...I don't lay down edicts or require absolutes. Our partnership doesn't require rule setting by one or the other of us. What an interesting relationship we see developing between you and your wife/master.


Since you're logical and you're not a hypocrite and you tell me my partner's views are irrelevant, that can only lead to one conclusion, you consider your partner's views irrelevant.

I realize it's only the complete and utter bull shit you post on message boards and I'm sure you don't act that way in real life, but you can't have it both ways. Post crap and stand behind it or don't post crap.
I really don't give a shit if you are "nice" or not, hypocrite, have at it. I sure don't mind being called a bitch by a fact, I consider it a badge of honor. :lol:

Once again SeaHag, there are two modes. Serious and Smack. Stop pretending to be serious and posting Smack -or- stop whining, bitch.
I am legally married in California and still do not have a fraction of the rights, benefits and privileges associated with legal, civil marriage

You also don't have the heterosexual marriage level of commitment since you keep informing me you have no consideration for your partner's views and would dump her if she defied you. Maybe when you achieve the commitment, people will start seeing it as the same. Until then...

I am very commited to my wife of neary 3 decades.

We have gay friends in relationships that are no less commited than ours.

We have heterosexual friends that have been know to cheat on each other.

So I think your comment is unwarranted.

My comment wasn't serious. This is a long running conversation with seawytch where she tells me if I'm against heterosexual marriage (which I am) then I must divorce my wife and live with her. I told her I was married, yet she thinks she cleverly deduced it. And I've told her my wife is a conservative christian and would be devastated and I asked her if she would ignore her partner's wishes like that. She ignores the question and repeats I must divorce my wife. Since she's a useless bitch who can't engage in an actual conversation I screw with her.
You also don't have the heterosexual marriage level of commitment since you keep informing me you have no consideration for your partner's views and would dump her if she defied you. Maybe when you achieve the commitment, people will start seeing it as the same. Until then...

LOL...when have I ever informed you of that, hypocrite? My partner doesn't have to "defy" me...I don't lay down edicts or require absolutes. Our partnership doesn't require rule setting by one or the other of us. What an interesting relationship we see developing between you and your wife/master.


Since you're logical and you're not a hypocrite and you tell me my partner's views are irrelevant, that can only lead to one conclusion, you consider your partner's views irrelevant.

My partner's views are very relevant. Ours is a deep, abiding and committed relationship built on open communication and compromise.

It is hypocritical to wish to deny consenting adult couples access to an institution that you yourself enjoy the benefits of. I understand that is uncomfortable for and you deflect it by attacking my commitment to my partner. That's your hangup not mine.

I realize it's only the complete and utter bull shit you post on message boards and I'm sure you don't act that way in real life, but you can't have it both ways. Post crap and stand behind it or don't post crap.

I don't have a problem telling someone, in person, that wants to keep me a 2nd class citizen because they support "traditional marriage", just what "traditional marriage" has been throughout history and if they want to call me a bitch as I result, I'm cool with that too. They resort to that because I'm right. :lol:

Now excuse me while I go start figuring out the tax mess that is caused by this current inequality we have regarding MY legal, civil marriage.

Dang, that $120 a month I'm losing because the Federal government doesn't recognize MY marriage is really gonna hurt. Guess the kids can forget Little League this year.
You also don't have the heterosexual marriage level of commitment since you keep informing me you have no consideration for your partner's views and would dump her if she defied you. Maybe when you achieve the commitment, people will start seeing it as the same. Until then...

I am very commited to my wife of neary 3 decades.

We have gay friends in relationships that are no less commited than ours.

We have heterosexual friends that have been know to cheat on each other.

So I think your comment is unwarranted.

My comment wasn't serious. This is a long running conversation with seawytch where she tells me if I'm against heterosexual marriage (which I am) then I must divorce my wife and live with her. I told her I was married, yet she thinks she cleverly deduced it. And I've told her my wife is a conservative christian and would be devastated and I asked her if she would ignore her partner's wishes like that. She ignores the question and repeats I must divorce my wife. Since she's a useless bitch who can't engage in an actual conversation I screw with her.

I never demanded you divorce your wife, Drama Queen...I just called you a hypocrite.

Which you are, Blanche, you are...
Since you're logical and you're not a hypocrite and you tell me my partner's views are irrelevant, that can only lead to one conclusion, you consider your partner's views irrelevant.

My partner's views are very relevant. Ours is a deep, abiding and committed relationship built on open communication and compromise
As I said, you don't live the crap you preach on message boards. You care about your partners feelings, when I do I'm a "hypocrite."

So I'm game. Suggest how my wife and I can compromise on this. If it were up to me, we would divorce and live together. My wife won't consider it. So tell me what the compromise is that you and your partner would find if you were in that situation.

BTW, if a guy is a hypocrite for doing what his wife makes him do, then every married man is such a hypocrite the word has no meaning at all.
[ame=]lost brady bunch lesbian episode - YouTube[/ame]
Since you're logical and you're not a hypocrite and you tell me my partner's views are irrelevant, that can only lead to one conclusion, you consider your partner's views irrelevant.

My partner's views are very relevant. Ours is a deep, abiding and committed relationship built on open communication and compromise
As I said, you don't live the crap you preach on message boards. You care about your partners feelings, when I do I'm a "hypocrite."

So I'm game. Suggest how my wife and I can compromise on this. If it were up to me, we would divorce and live together. My wife won't consider it. So tell me what the compromise is that you and your partner would find if you were in that situation.

BTW, if a guy is a hypocrite for doing what his wife makes him do, then every married man is such a hypocrite the word has no meaning at all.

Religious marriage does not require a marriage license. You can be married in a church, in front of all your friends and family, without getting all those "gubmit bennies" you claim to despise so much and wish to deny others (while taking advantage of them).

You might be an "unwilling hypocrite", but still a hypocrite.
My partner's views are very relevant. Ours is a deep, abiding and committed relationship built on open communication and compromise
As I said, you don't live the crap you preach on message boards. You care about your partners feelings, when I do I'm a "hypocrite."

So I'm game. Suggest how my wife and I can compromise on this. If it were up to me, we would divorce and live together. My wife won't consider it. So tell me what the compromise is that you and your partner would find if you were in that situation.

BTW, if a guy is a hypocrite for doing what his wife makes him do, then every married man is such a hypocrite the word has no meaning at all.

Religious marriage does not require a marriage license. You can be married in a church, in front of all your friends and family, without getting all those "gubmit bennies" you claim to despise so much and wish to deny others (while taking advantage of them).

You might be an "unwilling hypocrite", but still a hypocrite.

I see your point. I don't live your political views, sounds like hypocrisy to me.

But I do concede I was wrong when I said you don't live the crap you spew on message boards. I asked you for a compromise for me to propose to my wife and you gave me a plan that's all in my favor. Apparently you considering your partner's views consists of a rationalization that you'd given her something when you hadn't. But just to double check I did mention your plan to my wife. I got no real response. She knows my views, she also knows I'm not going to make her do it.

You also make me wonder about your relationship when you mention "compromise" as your method of resolution. Compromise means that you aren't big enough to give your partner her way and at the same time you don't get what you want. Then again if your marriage "compromise" where I completely get my way is how you compromise you aren't good at that either. Issue resolution with good relationships involves compromise as a last step, not a first step. Best is finding a win for both, meaning you both get what you prioritize. A great book is "Getting To Yes." I'd read it. It's about business, but the principle applies to life in general where the goal is to be both winners.

The second step is who cares more. In my case, my wife cares about being married in the church (we were) and legally more then I want to not have a piece of paper from the government. Her feelings are more important to me then my political views, so I give her her way. I don't need to find a "compromise" with her to feel I won something. I get other things.

So I live my values, I don't live yours. Which makes me a "hypocrite." Sure it does.
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So, your wife MADE you get legally married. Does she also MAKE you file joint taxes or take the break on your auto insurance? How about health insurance? Does she MAKE you put her on your plan?

What government bennies, that you hate SO much, do you take advantage of?
So, your wife MADE you get legally married. Does she also MAKE you file joint taxes or take the break on your auto insurance? How about health insurance? Does she MAKE you put her on your plan?


........... It's called a boycott.

:badgrin: Just a little levity.

So, your wife MADE you get legally married. Does she also MAKE you file joint taxes or take the break on your auto insurance? How about health insurance? Does she MAKE you put her on your plan?

What government bennies, that you hate SO much, do you take advantage of?

All marriage is to you is money?
So, your wife MADE you get legally married. Does she also MAKE you file joint taxes or take the break on your auto insurance? How about health insurance? Does she MAKE you put her on your plan?

What government bennies, that you hate SO much, do you take advantage of?

All marriage is to you is money?

Way to deflect...again. I'll take that as a yes.
So, your wife MADE you get legally married. Does she also MAKE you file joint taxes or take the break on your auto insurance? How about health insurance? Does she MAKE you put her on your plan?

What government bennies, that you hate SO much, do you take advantage of?

All marriage is to you is money?

Way to deflect...again. I'll take that as a yes.

You haven't asked me a question that if I answered I couldn't put a "no duh" at the end.

So do you support Polygamy? Can I go to government and demand a marriage license for just my self, no partner? I anticipate your endlessly same pedestrian question, do I do everything I can to avoid taxes (yes, no duh...), and another non-answer because my question isn't self serving to liberalism.

And before you say it. You advocate endless taxes and yet pay zero that you can avoid and actually complain about having to pay the taxes you advocate. I advocate low taxes and consider tax cheats to be Patriots. I don't cheat, but not beause I oppose cheating but because I am taking Baretta's advice. So, you advocate high taxes and avoid paying them, I advocate low taxes and avoiding paying the high ones we have. Which makes me a "hypocrite," right SeaWytch?
Why would homosexuals adam and stevie invent the fiction that "marriage" applied to them ???

surely they deserve similiar governmental benefits through civil unions, but their relationship should not be confused with marriage.............................

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