How to make Gun Grabbers Cry:

The unregulated sale of guns here will shortly take a larger toll of American lives than the automobile.
Show this to be true.
First, you have to define and then prove the existence of "unregulated sales"
You then have to show that these sales will lead to what you claim.
Since this is something you know you cannot do, you will do everything you can to avoid doing so.

Another Sandy, you gun nuts are going to see blowback that you cannot yet imagine.
Something you pray for each and every night.

Gun deaths to exceed car accident fatalities in 2015 ? RT USA

Car accidents have been the leading cause of non-medical deaths in the US for decades, but new data shows that the number of firearm fatalities will soon exceed traffic deaths for the first time.

While motor-vehicle deaths have been declining over the years, gun fatalities have steadily increased, according to data from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Motor-vehicle deaths reached a low point in 2010 and have decreased by 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, while shooting deaths have been gradually rising since the late 1990’s.

Based on the data, shooting deaths will likely rise to 33,000 in 2015 and surpass the number of traffic fatalities, which are predicted to be around 32,000 that year, Bloomberg News reports. The news comes at a time when Americans are engaging in a nationwide debate about gun control after 20-year-old Adam Lanza massacred 26 people with an assault rifle at an Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. If current trends continue, gun-related deaths will only continue to increase.

There it is in black and white. And the toll from guns is almost even with auto deaths right now.

Now dumb fuck, I have owned guns from the time I was 12 years old. And that is nearly 60 years ago. I still have the first high powered rifle I earned. And it and the ammunition are separated and well hidden. And every time I hear people like you talk about your guns, I wonder why in the hell you have them. I hunted and just once, had to threaton someone with one in order not be be hurt or killed. But I damned well know that all too many people should not have guns. Every week, you read about a child killed, or killing another child with a gun left loaded within easy reach of the young children.

And the shooter in the Mall in Portland, Oregon simply took an assault weopon that his friend stored carelessly. We need laws that make the people that put guns within easy reach of children and the crazies responsible for whatever happens from their careless handling of the guns.
Another Sandy, you gun nuts are going to see blowback that you cannot yet imagine.
Something you pray for each and every night.

That's why they don't' want to put armed guards in schools, then they wouldn't have any more massacres involving children to take advantage of.

OK. Armed guards, 24/7 in every school in the US. But that has to be paid for. So, given the source of the problem, let's figure out what that would cost, and arrange a tax on all the gun manufacturers, dealers, and gun show venues in the nation. Sounds fair to me.
The unregulated sale of guns here will shortly take a larger toll of American lives than the automobile.
Show this to be true.
First, you have to define and then prove the existence of "unregulated sales"
You then have to show that these sales will lead to what you claim.
Since this is something you know you cannot do, you will do everything you can to avoid doing so.

Another Sandy, you gun nuts are going to see blowback that you cannot yet imagine.
Something you pray for each and every night.

Gun deaths to exceed car accident fatalities in 2015 ? RT USA

Car accidents have been the leading cause of non-medical deaths in the US for decades, but new data shows that the number of firearm fatalities will soon exceed traffic deaths for the first time.

While motor-vehicle deaths have been declining over the years, gun fatalities have steadily increased, according to data from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. Motor-vehicle deaths reached a low point in 2010 and have decreased by 22 percent from 2005 to 2010, while shooting deaths have been gradually rising since the late 1990’s.

Based on the data, shooting deaths will likely rise to 33,000 in 2015 and surpass the number of traffic fatalities, which are predicted to be around 32,000 that year, Bloomberg News reports. The news comes at a time when Americans are engaging in a nationwide debate about gun control after 20-year-old Adam Lanza massacred 26 people with an assault rifle at an Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. If current trends continue, gun-related deaths will only continue to increase.

There it is in black and white. And the toll from guns is almost even with auto deaths right now.

Now dumb fuck, I have owned guns from the time I was 12 years old. And that is nearly 60 years ago. I still have the first high powered rifle I earned. And it and the ammunition are separated and well hidden. And every time I hear people like you talk about your guns, I wonder why in the hell you have them. I hunted and just once, had to threaton someone with one in order not be be hurt or killed. But I damned well know that all too many people should not have guns. Every week, you read about a child killed, or killing another child with a gun left loaded within easy reach of the young children.

And the shooter in the Mall in Portland, Oregon simply took an assault weopon that his friend stored carelessly. We need laws that make the people that put guns within easy reach of children and the crazies responsible for whatever happens from their careless handling of the guns.
Psst... brainless...

First, you have to define and then prove the existence of "unregulated sales"
You then have to show that these sales will lead to what you claim.

Get busy.
They are far more upset with the nerve of the court to rule that the 2nd protects an individual right not connected with service in the militia.

In the same decision .....

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons." Pp. 54–56

So, eat shit.
People on the far left live in a perpetual tragic state.........its a connect the dots thing........

Clearly, if tomorrow all guns were gone, suicides would cease and tragedies and crime would disappear!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

No, I don't think that suicides and crime would stop if we got rid of privately owned guns.

I think they'd both be a lot harder to do, though. And the fact most industrialized countries that restrict private gun ownership have less crime is proof of that.

Ahhhh, but they don't really. Violent crime is rising all through Europe. Including gun crime. They are also of more homogenous populations then here. Though that too is changing and as more third worlders end up in Europe the crime rates are all going up.

There are many reasons why we are more violent and NONE of them have to do with guns.
Yeah ban all guns, it worked so well when alcohol was banned.

People love to drink. A lot of people love to kill others using guns as a preferred method too.

So you're probably right, and one reason we're not banning guns in this country.

Too many of those "if you try to take away my guns I will start shooting people" people around.
OK. Armed guards, 24/7 in every school in the US. But that has to be paid for. So, given the source of the problem, let's figure out what that would cost, and arrange a tax on all the gun manufacturers, dealers, and gun show venues in the nation. Sounds fair to me.

There are a lot of unemployed veterans who would happily take this job for $50,000 a year. Maybe we could cut the $300,000 superintendent and other patronage job salaries to put 2 or 3 armed guards in each school? Maybe we could eliminate the double union pensions? Just a start!

It's better to prioritize your finances than to haphazardly increase them!
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OK. Armed guards, 24/7 in every school in the US. But that has to be paid for. So, given the source of the problem, let's figure out what that would cost, and arrange a tax on all the gun manufacturers, dealers, and gun show venues in the nation. Sounds fair to me.

There are a lot of unemployed veterans who would happily take this job for $50,000 a year. Maybe we could cut the $300,000 superintendent and other patronage job salaries to put 2 or 3 armed guards in each school? Maybe we could eliminate the double union pensions? Just a start!

It's better to prioritize your finances than to haphazardly increase them!

Very few school systems pay their superintendents six figures, and the ones that do are major metropolises, which is almost like running a good sized corporation.

So frankly, if you gun nuts are really insistant on allowing crazy people and crimnals to buy guns, you should pay a huge tax on ammo and guns.

Ahhhh, but they don't really. Violent crime is rising all through Europe. Including gun crime. They are also of more homogenous populations then here. Though that too is changing and as more third worlders end up in Europe the crime rates are all going up.

There are many reasons why we are more violent and NONE of them have to do with guns.

That's true. There are a lot of good reasons why Europe doesn't have our violence.

They treat addiction like a medical problem instead of a criminal one.

They make sure they have welfare without shame and generally take care of their own.

But guess what, those are all liberal solutions. Just like limiting who can own a gun.

Again, I go back to my example. After Aurora and Sandy Hook, we can't keep guns out of the hands of crazies, but man, we WILL make darned sure that the theatres cover their asses with a PSA about what to do if someone starts shooting the place up.
So frankly, if you gun nuts are really insistent on allowing crazy people and criminals to buy guns, you should pay a huge tax on ammo and guns.
You really think that disallowing criminals and crazies from buying guns will stop them from obtaining them? How is disallowing drugs going?
It is illegal for criminals and "crazies" to buy guns, so any argument remotely related to the idea that we "allow" them to do so is fatally flawed.
Why would you think that legal gun owners would want criminals and the criminally insane to have guns? There are laws against that already. You cannot prevent crime with laws. Laws only allow the criminals to be prosecuted.
If laws prevented crime there would be no speeders, drunk drivers, robberies, rapes, beatings, or mass killings. Those things are already against the law. I repeat, laws only allow the prosecution of criminals. They don't prevent crime.
Why would you think that legal gun owners would want criminals and the criminally insane to have guns? There are laws against that already. You cannot prevent crime with laws. Laws only allow the criminals to be prosecuted.
If laws prevented crime there would be no speeders, drunk drivers, robberies, rapes, beatings, or mass killings. Those things are already against the law. I repeat, laws only allow the prosecution of criminals. They don't prevent crime.
The anti-gun loons refuse to understand that that you cannot enact a law that will prevent people from breaking the law.
This SHOULD make a gun grabber cry.

911 Dispatcher Tells Woman About To Be Sexually Assaulted There Are No Cops To Help Her Due To Budget Cuts « CBS Seattle

“Once again it’s unfortunate you guys don’t have any law enforcement out there,” the dispatcher said, according to Oregon Public Radio.

The woman responded: “Yeah, it doesn’t matter, if he gets in the house I’m done.”

Police say Bellah choked the woman and sexually assaulted her. He was arrested by Oregon State Police following the incident.

“There isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t have another victim,”
Yeah ban all guns, it worked so well when alcohol was banned.
Nobody said we should ban all guns. But since you bring up alcohol, bad example. We have very extensive alcohol control
Well, lesse..

-You dont need a license to buy it, consume it or store it.
-You don't need to register the alcohol you buy.
-You don't need to wait to buy it while the state makes sure you aren't breaking the law.
-You don't need permssion from the state before you carry it down the street

Not sure how you think your compairson makes any sort of meaningful point.

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