How to make Gun Grabbers Cry:

Are you serious??? The NRA for one. And also a whole lot of their admirers. They don't put it that way of course, they'll say they don't think felons or the mentally insane should be able to buy guns. But then they also say there should be no background checks so when the felon or crazy person goes to buy a gun there are no questions asked

No, that can only be called a baldfaced LIE!

It's a baldfaced lie that the NRA is against background checks. Yeah ok:cuckoo:

The NRA was the driving force behind CREATING the background check system! Like joey, you need to STOP FUCKING LYING!
1) You haven't addressed Federalist 46 yet, although I wouldn't expect someone who labels WWII veterans drunks and thugs for restoring the Rule of Law in Athens, Tennessee in 1946.

2) So your solution is to punish someone for another person's crime? I guess we should ignore the Corruption of Blood Clause in Article III, Section 3 while we're it, I mean seriously, if you can do it once, what's to stop you from applying that idea elsewhere? Can we sue Obama since his rogue IRS agents harassed and intimidated Conservative and Tea Party groups (for the record, I believe Obama honestly had no idea it was happening).

That is what politics is all about, if you start crying like a bitch about it, then people are just going to laugh at you, politics is an ass whooping war, if your too much of a pussy, then you need to get out and/or wipe the tears from your pussy and shut up.
32,000 deaths a year from guns in the US. All too many of those deaths being children. The unregulated sale of guns here will shortly take a larger toll of American lives than the automobile.

Another Sandy, you gun nuts are going to see blowback that you cannot yet imagine. And that will happen because you idiots are arming the crazies.

Gun deaths will never come close to the numbers killed in traffic accidents. Preposterous. Keep calling gun owners "gun nuts", and see how far that advances your cause. :cuckoo:
Are you serious??? The NRA for one. And also a whole lot of their admirers. They don't put it that way of course, they'll say they don't think felons or the mentally insane should be able to buy guns. But then they also say there should be no background checks so when the felon or crazy person goes to buy a gun there are no questions asked

No, that can only be called a baldfaced LIE!
It's a baldfaced lie that the NRA is against background checks. Yeah ok:cuckoo:
Like most anti-gun loons, you don't the the slightest clue as to what you're talking about.
After the Brady Act was originally proposed in 1987, the National Rifle Association (NRA) mobilized to defeat the legislation, spending millions of dollars in the process. While the bill eventually did pass in both chambers of the United States Congress, the NRA was able to win an important concession: the final version of the legislation provided that, in 1998, the five-day waiting period for handgun sales would be replaced by an instant computerized background check that involved no waiting periods.
Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That is, the NICS check system we have today is in place -because of- the NRA.

People like you make it less likely that any further significant gun control bills will be passed - so, please, keep up the good work.
1) You haven't addressed Federalist 46 yet, although I wouldn't expect someone who labels WWII veterans drunks and thugs for restoring the Rule of Law in Athens, Tennessee in 1946.

2) So your solution is to punish someone for another person's crime? I guess we should ignore the Corruption of Blood Clause in Article III, Section 3 while we're it, I mean seriously, if you can do it once, what's to stop you from applying that idea elsewhere? Can we sue Obama since his rogue IRS agents harassed and intimidated Conservative and Tea Party groups (for the record, I believe Obama honestly had no idea it was happening).

That is what politics is all about, if you start crying like a bitch about it, then people are just going to laugh at you, politics is an ass whooping war, if your too much of a pussy, then you need to get out and/or wipe the tears from your pussy and shut up.

1) You still haven't addressed Federalist 46 yet.

2) You just openly admitted you'd repeal the Corruption of Blood Cause.

3) You're the type of person the Second Amendment is made to protect us from.

^^^........this is a pronounced thinking issue here!!! Has nothing to do with intelligence......but rather thought processing. Psychiatrists refer to it as an inability to think on the margin. Ironically, it is most evident in "crazy" people.

People like this really think that mass shootings would not happen if gun laws were more sweeping......"crazy person who was able to get a gun". These people really do think that government can solve ALL of societies problems.......that more gun laws are a zero sum game for all people in society. It really is fascinating that people can actually navigate the real world thinking this way.

Thankfully for the masses, this kind of thinking is fringe stuff. People who can think on the margin recognize that there are necessary tradeoffs in life and the benefits of the simple deterrent value of gun ownership. They also recognize that there are many,many, many different ways to conduct mass killings.......but the connect the dots challenged people in our society dont have the thinking processes to effectively weigh this in their minds. But they are fringe so they lose.........

Hey, guy, when was the last time you heard about a mass school shooting or a mass theatre shooting in Japan.

Oh, that's right. That shit don't happen in Japan. Because Japan has banned private gun ownership. Now, yeah, you did have that guy who released poison gas in the subway once, but that was 20 years ago and it took a whole cult to do it.

So, yeah, government CAN reduce these sorts of events from happening. Other government have tried it. Other government have done it.

Frankly, there is no value to you compensating for your small penis that involves letting crazy people own guns.

That "shit" don't happen in Japan because their culture is much more disciplined, their society requires they take personal responsibility and accept the consequences of their actions, and oh-so-many other differences. Even if they had access to firearms the way we do, they wouldn't do the kind of "shit" that so commonly occurs here. Taking away Americans' firearms would change nothing, it would be like putting a bandaid on a compound fracture. Our society is rife with social ills that foster and foment they type of mental cases that shoot up a schoolhouse full of children.
That "shit" don't happen in Japan because their culture is much more disciplined, their society requires they take personal responsibility and accept the consequences of their actions, and oh-so-many other differences. Even if they had access to firearms the way we do, they wouldn't do the kind of "shit" that so commonly occurs here. Taking away Americans' firearms would change nothing, it would be like putting a bandaid on a compound fracture. Our society is rife with social ills that foster and foment they type of mental cases that shoot up a schoolhouse full of children.

YOu don't think Japan has as many crazy people as we do? This is the country that gave us Kamikazes and Tentacle Porn, after all. Fact is, they are exposed to all the factors that make people nuts as we are. More so, because they are more crowded in.

What they don't have is Crazy Nancy buying a shitload of guns and keeping them around her crazier son... because that would be crazy.

Except in NRA land. In NRA land, Nancy is protecting our freedoms from the Negro in the White House.
The Gun Grabbers are sobbing over this thread --- as intended!

The only thing that makes me cry is that thousand of children die every year because the NRA has rubes like you thinking you need a gun to protect you from the government or the scary negro or the scary negro running the government.

You bring up "scary negro" a lot. Do negroids frighten you that much, that you dwell on them all the time?
The Gun Grabbers are sobbing over this thread --- as intended!

The only thing that makes me cry is that thousand of children die every year because the NRA has rubes like you thinking you need a gun to protect you from the government or the scary negro or the scary negro running the government.

You bring up "scary negro" a lot. Do negroids frighten you that much, that you dwell on them all the time?

No, man, I'm just pointing out how you guys completely lost your shit when one got into the White House.

Hopefully, your insanity will end sometime in 2017.
The only thing that makes me cry is that thousand of children die every year because the NRA has rubes like you thinking you need a gun to protect you from the government or the scary negro or the scary negro running the government.

You bring up "scary negro" a lot. Do negroids frighten you that much, that you dwell on them all the time?

No, man, I'm just pointing out how you guys completely lost your shit when one got into the White House.

Hopefully, your insanity will end sometime in 2017.

it's only a coinky dink that he's black. The traits that are nauseating have nothing to do with his race. It serves at a good strawman for liberals tho.
The Gun Grabbers are sobbing over this thread --- as intended!
need a gun to protect you from the government or the scary negro or the scary negro running the government.

Last I checked, it was the Democratic Party was was disarming the scary Negros.

I think EVERY person should be armed, ESPECIALLY blacks in America, since their the ones always being oppressed, having their votes stolen, etc.
Last I checked, no one was disarming anyone - except wingnuts trying to disarm minorities at the ballot box and female reproductive rights..
The Gun Grabbers are sobbing over this thread --- as intended!
need a gun to protect you from the government or the scary negro or the scary negro running the government.

Last I checked, it was the Democratic Party was was disarming the scary Negros.

I think EVERY person should be armed, ESPECIALLY blacks in America, since their the ones always being oppressed, having their votes stolen, etc.

Wow, more revisionist history. That never gets old.

Fact is, the two reason you gun nuts give for owning a gun (other than compensating for your tiny penises) are that 1) YOu need it to protect yourself from criminals. and 2) You need it for that day you need to overthrow the government.

Both of these reasons are so absurd that you shouldn't be let outside the house without supervision.

Fact is, guns being used defensively by civilians are RARE. 300 Million guns in this country, and there were only 201 homicides with guns that were ruled "Justifable". Most of those were domestic battery cases.

As for overthrowing the government, the government will have bigger guns, better guns, and people who are better at using them.
need a gun to protect you from the government or the scary negro or the scary negro running the government.

Last I checked, it was the Democratic Party was was disarming the scary Negros.

I think EVERY person should be armed, ESPECIALLY blacks in America, since their the ones always being oppressed, having their votes stolen, etc.

Wow, more revisionist history. That never gets old.

No, you're lying.

Fact is, the two reason you gun nuts give for owning a gun (other than compensating for your tiny penises) are that 1) YOu need it to protect yourself from criminals. and 2) You need it for that day you need to overthrow the government.

No, now you are projecting AND lying.

Both of these reasons are so absurd that you shouldn't be let outside the house without supervision.

More projection.

Fact is, guns being used defensively by civilians are RARE. 300 Million guns in this country, and there were only 201 homicides with guns that were ruled "Justifable". Most of those were domestic battery cases.

And LYING again, despite having been proven wrong again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again!
Last I checked, it was the Democratic Party was was disarming the scary Negros.

I think EVERY person should be armed, ESPECIALLY blacks in America, since their the ones always being oppressed, having their votes stolen, etc.

Wow, more revisionist history. That never gets old.

No, you're lying.

No, now you are projecting AND lying.

Both of these reasons are so absurd that you shouldn't be let outside the house without supervision.

More projection.

Fact is, guns being used defensively by civilians are RARE. 300 Million guns in this country, and there were only 201 homicides with guns that were ruled "Justifable". Most of those were domestic battery cases.

And LYING again, despite having been proven wrong again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again!

yup you got that right

Dogs Corners Home Invasion Suspect Then Homeowner Holds Him at Gunpoint

Escambia County, AL – A homeowner was glad to have his trusted dog in his home this morning when a man kicked in his front door and entered the residence.

Police say the suspect was walking down the road around 2am, then chose this particular home, and kicked in the front door. The suspect immediately met resistance from the homeowner’s dog, who cornered him.

This allowed the homeowner to grab his shotgun, which he used to hold the suspect at gunpoint until police could arrive and make an arrest. The suspect is being held on a burglary charge.

The suspect is reported as being 20-year old Glenn Phillips of East Brewton, AL according to

The suspect was reported as being unarmed and neither the homeowner nor the dog were injured.

Resident Holds Home Invasion Suspect At Bay With Shotgun :

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