How to make Gun Grabbers Cry:

need a gun to protect you from the government or the scary negro or the scary negro running the government.

Last I checked, it was the Democratic Party was was disarming the scary Negros.

I think EVERY person should be armed, ESPECIALLY blacks in America, since their the ones always being oppressed, having their votes stolen, etc.

Wow, more revisionist history. That never gets old.

Fact is, the two reason you gun nuts give for owning a gun (other than compensating for your tiny penises) are that 1) YOu need it to protect yourself from criminals. and 2) You need it for that day you need to overthrow the government.

Both of these reasons are so absurd that you shouldn't be let outside the house without supervision.

Fact is, guns being used defensively by civilians are RARE. 300 Million guns in this country, and there were only 201 homicides with guns that were ruled "Justifable". Most of those were domestic battery cases.

As for overthrowing the government, the government will have bigger guns, better guns, and people who are better at using them.

Oh jeez, Joe. If some batshit crazy criminal comes after you and your life, you'd wish you had a gun. Liberals think so little of their own welfare that they are willing to inflict that way of thought on law abiding citizens. Self defense? Yeah, pee your pants, that will surely save your life. Oh while you're at it, shoot that 12 gauge in the air a couple times, waste perfectly good ammo, that will definitely scare the assailant away.

And who says we want to "overthrow" anything? I'd much rather overthrow it though the process that was formulated by our founding fathers! Voting! Now, take those stereotypes of yours and shove them back up your backside where they came from.

The reason self defense claims are rare, is because millions of people have guns in their homes, so it's probably why they are rare to begin with! Use your head. And while you're at it, grow a pair, and quit flaunting your e-peen all over these boards, it's frankly quite sad that you have to smatter us with your personal insecurities on a routine basis.

Hot damn, you sound like those gangsta kids I used to go to high school with. "MY DICK IS BIGGER THAN YOURS, GOTTA BANG DEM' HOES!" Joe, just shut the fuck up. Please... just shut the fuck up.
32,000 deaths a year from guns in the US. All too many of those deaths being children. The unregulated sale of guns here will shortly take a larger toll of American lives than the automobile.

Another Sandy, you gun nuts are going to see blowback that you cannot yet imagine. And that will happen because you idiots are arming the crazies.

Can you provide some kind of link showing 32,000 deaths by guns? My research is showing much different.

Less than 11,000 actual gun homicides were reported by the CDC last year. People just like to make numbers up. Hyperbole. Liberals and facts don't mix.
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Tell that to the Rumanians. They overthrew their government and started the revolt with single shot pistols. Your lack of history is duly noted. Do try and educate yourself.

The ROMANIANS overthrew their government because the Soviets stopped propping it up, and because most of the military joined in.

By the morning of 22 December, the rebellion had already spread to all major cities across the country. The suspicious death of Vasile Milea, the defense minister (later confirmed as a suicide), was announced by the media. Immediately thereafter, Ceaușescu presided over the CPEx (Political Executive Committee) meeting and assumed the leadership of the army.

Believing that Milea had been murdered, the rank-and-file soldiers went over virtually en masse to the revolution, while the commanders wrote off Ceaușescu as a lost cause. Ceaușescu made a last desperate attempt to address the crowd gathered in front of the Central Committee building, but the people in the square began throwing stones and other projectiles at him, forcing him to take refuge in the building once more. One group of protesters forced open the doors of the building, by now left unprotected.
Guy, you can whine all day, but the fact is, you've been sold a pack of lies by the gun industry.

No, you've been told a pack of lies by your socialist minders. And you attempt to perpetuate the propaganda but you do it so badly, you're so poorly read that you can't even make an argument without being made to look the fool.

Like I said, guy, I used to be more right wing than you are.

Then my Romney-loving boss showed me the true meaning of Christmas.

The Gun-Nuts, like the anti-abortion crowd, are rubes.

The gun industry keeps you nice and scared of the scary minorities and their guns, but then they make it virtually impossible to keep criminals from getting guns.

If it were a "privilage" they would have been gone long ago. You see idiot, when guns are outlawed only the rich and powerful have them. That is the ultimate goal of disarming the populace of the US and why the 2nd Ammendment was written. We are citizens of this country, you and your fellow travellers wish to enslave the people of this country.

That's the difference, we want to maintain our freedoms and we like the fact that others are free too.

You on the other hand detest freedom. To you the free are a pox on the world and they must be stamped out. To do that you have to disarm us. Good luck with that, you'll need it.

Guy, the Constitution was written by rich guys to maintain rich guy privilages. The Second Amendment was written so that the rich guys in the South could have their "Well-regulated Militias" in case this whole union with the NOrth thing didn't work out.

But there's no good reason for YOU to have a gun. You aren't part of a militia, and frankly, the way you go around talking about wanting to kill people who disagree with you is the best argument for gun control there is.

Owning a gun doesn't make you free. It just gives you a false sense of security while you are being screwed by the rich, who are happy to keep you nice and scared by making sure the people you fear get guns, too.
Guy, you can whine all day, but the fact is, you've been sold a pack of lies by the gun industry.

You can cry your crocodile tears all day...fact is, you've been sold a pack of lies by your libtard masters, who are so pissed that they do not yet own the gun industry.

Only a matter of time. People are getting sick of watching their kids get wheeled out of schools in body bags.
............. OK ...................
In this video is a temporary police force going into a town to lay down the new LAW or NEW WORLD ORDER rules upon the sheeple
........... Now if the sheeple in this town were armed, the temporary police force would not been able to do their jobs, it would have turned into a serious blood bath instead of simple application of new rules.
This is why we must take guns away, so things can run smoothly such as in this video.
New Rules accepted Smoothly

Anyone who thinks this cannot happen here is a delusional fool.

Well here in the United States ......... if you were to send a temporary police force into a town like in the video to lay down the law, they would get annihilated by the sheeple, this is why all guns MUST be confiscated, not just the tough looking high capacity ones, but ALL guns including flint-lock muskets .......... so that the authorities can do their jobs.
............. OK ...................
In this video is a temporary police force going into a town to lay down the new LAW or NEW WORLD ORDER rules upon the sheeple
........... Now if the sheeple in this town were armed, the temporary police force would not been able to do their jobs, it would have turned into a serious blood bath instead of simple application of new rules.
This is why we must take guns away, so things can run smoothly such as in this video.
New Rules accepted Smoothly

Anyone who thinks this cannot happen here is a delusional fool.

Well here in the United States ......... if you were to send a temporary police force into a town like in the video to lay down the law, they would get annihilated by the sheeple, this is why all guns MUST be confiscated, not just the tough looking high capacity ones, but ALL guns including flint-lock muskets .......... so that the authorities can do their jobs.

Don't think such a thing can happen in this country? Tell that to the people of Watertown.

[ame=]Police perform house-to-house raids in Watertown MA ripping innocent families from their homes - YouTube[/ame]
Keep in mind guys, that Joeb131 gave his unwavering support of Hitler's Gun Control Policy in Nazi Germany.

Hitler loosened gun control in Germany.

Why do you guys keep repeating this lie. Were you one of these kids who screamed "HItler was a vegetarian" when they tried to get you to eat brocolli?

Not for the ones he tried to exterminate.
Keep in mind guys, that Joeb131 gave his unwavering support of Hitler's Gun Control Policy in Nazi Germany.

Hitler loosened gun control in Germany.

Why do you guys keep repeating this lie. Were you one of these kids who screamed "HItler was a vegetarian" when they tried to get you to eat brocolli?

Not for the ones he tried to exterminate.

That's true. Of course, frankly, if you are exterminating people, not having a gun is the least of your problems.

Or did you think the Jews and Gypsies would have really made a go of it fighting tanks with pistols?
Not for the ones he tried to exterminate.

That's true.

So stop repeating the lie.

I think you had to take the context out, didn't you.

Fact was- In Germany, for Germans, it was made easier to get a gun and it was considered Manly and German to own a gun. In short, being a right wing regime, they promoted gun ownership.

Yeah, people they conquered and tried to kill, they took their guns- but usually after they killed them or sent them to concentration camps.

Oh, and here's the gag. private gun ownership didn't stop the Nazis, not once. More Frenchmen (and everyone else) collaborated with their Nazi occuppiers than resisted them. They had to be liberted from the outside.

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