How to prepare a gun.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015

9 Easy steps for the perfect roasted gun.

Works best with medium-large size handgun, 9mm or .45ACP advised. For smaller calibers, reduce time in oven to 35 min. For a large revolver such as a .44 Magnum or a DE .50 cal handcannon, bake at least an hour.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius
Put a pan on the fire, with a nice chunk of butter. Do not let it go brown.
Take the gun, and season generously with salt and pepper. Add dried herb as you see fit. You can add a few slices of lemon in the chamber for extra flavor.
Sear the gun very quickly on both sides, about 2 minutes each.
Take the gun out, and let it rest a bit. Then rub fresh herbs all over it. Rosemary and thyme work very well with gunmetal.
Take a baking tray, and pour in a layer of fine red wine. Lay the gun carefully in the tray, and cover with aluminum foil.
Bake the gun in the oven for about 45–50 minutes, or until golden brown.
Wrap the gun in the aluminum foil used to cover it, pour in some of the juices from the baking tray and let it sit for an hour. Keep the oven at around 100 degrees C.
When you are ready to serve, put it back in the oven for five minutes to reheat. Then carefully slice it, and serve with mashed potatoes and a nice salad.
Now that your family and friends are truly amazed at your gun preparing skills, take a second look at the phrasing of this question.

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