How to protect children from perverted doctors?

He openly boasted in the same way, for example, that he violates any traffic rules, and the traffic police never stop him, because he is the only gynecologist in the area, and their wives and children depend on him. In fact, it is. He can pour arsenic into the vagina, and no one will prove his guilt.
they get away with almost all their mistakes and crimes, they never document in a way that could serve as evidence against them, the pathologist is always associated with the same doctors, and pathologists from other areas usually refuse to perform an autopsy even for money. With the current order, it's almost impossible to catch them in the act.
They have a thousand tricks to cover their tracks, in theory this can be done by a good lawyer with good connections, but they usually do not offend such people. And an ordinary person can’t do anything, he doesn’t even know how to catch them on scams.

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