How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy

This incident occurred in the Gulf of Finland. Here is a map:


Why is a US Naval destroyer sailing so dangerously close to the major Russian city of St. Petersburg?

Why are US taxpayers paying to protect wealthy European nations?
This incident occurred in the Gulf of Finland. Here is a map:


Why is a US Naval destroyer sailing so dangerously close to the major Russian city of St. Petersburg?

Why are US taxpayers paying to protect wealthy European nations?

BINGO !!!! :clap: :clap:
Simply issue the order to lock all weapon systems onto incoming aircraft. All kinds of warnings will go off in the Russian aircraft letting him know one push of a button and R2-D2 will go to work. It's then the pilots choice to determine if WE are bluffing or not.

Yet another example of the reckless, irresponsible right, and why a republican has no business being president.

That Russian aircraft flew within 30 feet of an American vessel. The slightest miscalculation at such proximity could have cost hundreds of American lives. The cowardly response to this by the left is why no Democrat has any business being President.
Obama was watching the basketball game at the White House theatre, he couldn't be bothered.

And why should un armed planes "bother" the CIC of the most powerful military the planet has ever seen?
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

OK. And what exactly would you have Obama do? Please be specific. I am honestly curious how you think any president including Obama should react to unsafe flybys.
This incident occurred in the Gulf of Finland. Here is a map:


Why is a US Naval destroyer sailing so dangerously close to the major Russian city of St. Petersburg?

Why are US taxpayers paying to protect wealthy European nations?

Because they're NATO nations, and we signed the treaty.

What's "dangerous" about it, exactly?
This thread illustrates why it's so important to keep bedwetting Republicans out of positions of authority. They're hysterical and emotion-based creatures, which is why they chose conservatism, and that makes it simple for foreign leaders to manipulate them into acting against the USA. Like the conservatives on this thread, any conservative president would be Putin's patsy, dancing on his puppet strings.

I would like to think of an Eisenhower or a Barry Goldwater reaction to flybys such as these, one elected president the other blasted by the media when they suggested he would nuke the Russians.

There is nothing Obama can do one way or the other without getting raked over the coals. The safe course of action is to do nothing and let the State dept handle it.
This incident occurred in the Gulf of Finland. Here is a map:


Why is a US Naval destroyer sailing so dangerously close to the major Russian city of St. Petersburg?

Why are US taxpayers paying to protect wealthy European nations?

Because they're NATO nations, and we signed the treaty.

What's "dangerous" about it, exactly?

What strikes me as amusing is that Obama signed off on this and other upcoming deployments very close to Russia knowing that the Ruskies would have a hissy fit about the distances involved and in spite of these bold armed intrusions he is NOW a pussy.

You can rest assured that this warship is NOT un armed unlike the planes doing the flybys. Yet some of the dimwits here at USMB see the Russians as "flexing their muscles" and Obama is the weak one.

We have some astonishingly stupid contributors to this thread.
This incident occurred in the Gulf of Finland. Here is a map:


Why is a US Naval destroyer sailing so dangerously close to the major Russian city of St. Petersburg?

Why are US taxpayers paying to protect wealthy European nations?
They're keeping as far away from Iran as possible...they got too close recently and it didn't go well.
Obama was watching the basketball game at the White House theatre, he couldn't be bothered.

And why should un armed planes "bother" the CIC of the most powerful military the planet has ever seen?
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

What do you expect Obama should do? Shot down any Russian plane to goes by because of untrained Russian pilot.That's absurd don't you think?
White House launch a formal complaint to Putin which is the professional way.
Nobody suggested shooting down the Russian plane, morons, however there should be consequences for such an unprovoked hostile act towards the US.

A consequence stronger than a "formal complaint" which in itself is considered act of weakness equivalent to a hissy fit.

Okay Einstein......... Let me repeat the question. What action do you think Obama should take?
This incident occurred in the Gulf of Finland. Here is a map:


Why is a US Naval destroyer sailing so dangerously close to the major Russian city of St. Petersburg?

Why are US taxpayers paying to protect wealthy European nations?

Because we can. If the Ruskies want us to leave they are free to sink our warships. I say "In your face Putin!" Make us leave!
Obama was watching the basketball game at the White House theatre, he couldn't be bothered.

And why should un armed planes "bother" the CIC of the most powerful military the planet has ever seen?
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

What do you expect Obama should do? Shot down any Russian plane to goes by because of untrained Russian pilot.That's absurd don't you think?
White House launch a formal complaint to Putin which is the professional way.
Nobody suggested shooting down the Russian plane, morons, however there should be consequences for such an unprovoked hostile act towards the US.

A consequence stronger than a "formal complaint" which in itself is considered act of weakness equivalent to a hissy fit.

Okay Einstein......... Let me repeat the question. What action do you think Obama should take?

Obama has already taken action. Who do you people think authorized these deployments? guys think it's okay for Russians to continue this behavior, mocking our president and our country, and we should just ignore it, at the most file protests. Not understanding that all of this is a symptom of our adversaries realizing that there is a wea paper tiger inept moron at the helm, and they can basically get away with doing whatever they want. We need someone to clean house. guys think it's okay for Russians to continue this behavior, mocking our president and our country, and we should just ignore it, at the most file protests. Not understanding that all of this is a symptom of our adversaries realizing that there is a wea paper tiger inept moron at the helm, and they can basically get away with doing whatever they want. We need someone to clean house.
You're concerned that Obama's being mocked?!!!
Obama was watching the basketball game at the White House theatre, he couldn't be bothered.

And why should un armed planes "bother" the CIC of the most powerful military the planet has ever seen?
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

What do you expect Obama should do? Shot down any Russian plane to goes by because of untrained Russian pilot.That's absurd don't you think?
White House launch a formal complaint to Putin which is the professional way.
Nobody suggested shooting down the Russian plane, morons, however there should be consequences for such an unprovoked hostile act towards the US.

A consequence stronger than a "formal complaint" which in itself is considered act of weakness equivalent to a hissy fit.

Okay Einstein......... Let me repeat the question. What action do you think Obama should take?

We have already taken action. OR do you believe that our ship's captains would be there without permission by the POTUS. The only party freaking out right now is Putin. Obama made his decision to deploy a long time ago. guys think it's okay for Russians to continue this behavior, mocking our president and our country, and we should just ignore it, at the most file protests. Not understanding that all of this is a symptom of our adversaries realizing that there is a wea paper tiger inept moron at the helm, and they can basically get away with doing whatever they want. We need someone to clean house.

Hypocrisy is thy name. You mock our president at every possible opportunity. In the mean time he has deployed armed warships within 70 miles of Russia. Who do you think feels more threatened? Obama or Putin?
And why should un armed planes "bother" the CIC of the most powerful military the planet has ever seen?
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

What do you expect Obama should do? Shot down any Russian plane to goes by because of untrained Russian pilot.That's absurd don't you think?
White House launch a formal complaint to Putin which is the professional way.
Nobody suggested shooting down the Russian plane, morons, however there should be consequences for such an unprovoked hostile act towards the US.

A consequence stronger than a "formal complaint" which in itself is considered act of weakness equivalent to a hissy fit.

Okay Einstein......... Let me repeat the question. What action do you think Obama should take?

We have already taken action. OR do you believe that our ship's captains would be there without permission by the POTUS. The only party freaking out right now is Putin. Obama made his decision to deploy a long time ago.

Sorry Huggy..... wrong guy. I deleted my post.
And why should un armed planes "bother" the CIC of the most powerful military the planet has ever seen?
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

What do you expect Obama should do? Shot down any Russian plane to goes by because of untrained Russian pilot.That's absurd don't you think?
White House launch a formal complaint to Putin which is the professional way.
Nobody suggested shooting down the Russian plane, morons, however there should be consequences for such an unprovoked hostile act towards the US.

A consequence stronger than a "formal complaint" which in itself is considered act of weakness equivalent to a hissy fit.

Okay Einstein......... Let me repeat the question. What action do you think Obama should take?

Obama has already taken action. Who do you people think authorized these deployments?

Wrong guy Huggy......... I want Roudy to answer that question.
Isn't it odd that a BULLSHIT country like Turkey can shoot down a Russian Jet that they say was threatening their airspace, and NOTHING HAPPENED from the great Putin, but he can sure SCARE THE SHIT out of the Obomanation! Shoot the Russian out of the sky for THREATENING us, and see what Putin will do.... If he backed off from a 2 bit dictator from Turkey, would he be afraid of the President of the only SuperPower?????......Excuse me while I :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

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