How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy

In other got nothing,smh.
Shitforbrains thinks history is irrelivent, but fictional movies are.
Talkingshitabsentcommonsense believes the holocaust is relevant to militaries in international waters engaging in provocative behavior...must be a conservative.
Speaking of clueless shitforbrains.

There's this thing that intelligent people utilize, it's known as "relevance."
Try to mimic us instead of making yourself look even more pathetic, as if that's possible.

In other words, you got nothing.

In other words...only a dumb shit like you would take the actions of the American and Russian militaries engaged in peacetime provocations in international waters and attempt to compare them to the Jews, Germans and Holocaust.

As I said before...try to mimic us...
Ok, let's clarify.

Who here thinks our forces should have fired on the Russian aircraft, despite the fact that there was no actual threat (just a flyby)???
Nobody said they should be fired on, it's a straw man.

Ok, then what? What should have been done to fight this grave danger of a single russian aircraft buzzing one of our ships?? What should Obama have done?
Ok, let's clarify.

Who here thinks our forces should have fired on the Russian aircraft, despite the fact that there was no actual threat (just a flyby)???
Nobody said they should be fired on, it's a straw man.

Ok, then what? What should have been done to fight this grave danger of a single russian aircraft buzzing one of our ships?? What should Obama have done?
Post #1, learn to read.
Amazing how ignorant you are about one aircraft can do, too.
Ok, let's clarify.

Who here thinks our forces should have fired on the Russian aircraft, despite the fact that there was no actual threat (just a flyby)???
Nobody said they should be fired on, it's a straw man.

Ok, then what? What should have been done to fight this grave danger of a single russian aircraft buzzing one of our ships?? What should Obama have done?
Yep, you live in a bubble world where fictional movies is reality.
Shitforbrains thinks history is irrelivent, but fictional movies are.
Talkingshitabsentcommonsense believes the holocaust is relevant to militaries in international waters engaging in provocative behavior...must be a conservative.
Speaking of clueless shitforbrains.

There's this thing that intelligent people utilize, it's known as "relevance."
Try to mimic us instead of making yourself look even more pathetic, as if that's possible.

In other words, you got nothing.

In other words...only a dumb shit like you would take the actions of the American and Russian militaries engaged in peacetime provocations in international waters and attempt to compare them to the Jews, Germans and Holocaust.

As I said before...try to mimic us...

Hilarious. No wonder you're mocked on this message board.
Ok, let's clarify.

Who here thinks our forces should have fired on the Russian aircraft, despite the fact that there was no actual threat (just a flyby)???
Nobody said they should be fired on, it's a straw man.

Ok, then what? What should have been done to fight this grave danger of a single russian aircraft buzzing one of our ships?? What should Obama have done?
Post #1, learn to read.
Amazing how ignorant you are about one aircraft can do, too.

I know quite well what one aircraft can do. But did the pilot do anything but flyby? Was the radar lock on? Were there missiles on the plane?

Should we start a war because of one pilot buzzing a ship? We managed to avoid that for the entire Cold War by basically ignoring such nonsense.

But tell us, what would you have done if you were president?
obama should apologize for the ship being there, then he should at least offer to kiss Putin's ass on world wide television.
Ok, let's clarify.

Who here thinks our forces should have fired on the Russian aircraft, despite the fact that there was no actual threat (just a flyby)???
Nobody said they should be fired on, it's a straw man.

Ok, then what? What should have been done to fight this grave danger of a single russian aircraft buzzing one of our ships?? What should Obama have done?
Yep, you live in a bubble world where fictional movies is reality.
I see that you are still quite at home in the stupid
Let's revisit that term that obviously confuses and causes you headaches, shall we; it was called "relevance."

Now my example included the American military and the Russian military engaging in provocative military actions with one another at sea until things went too far and resulted in the use of real weapons.

In the real world situation we had:
1: American Military.
2: Russian Military.
3: At Sea
4: Engaging in provocative maneuvers.

Your relevant example:
The Germans.
The Jews.
The Holocaust.

Like I said, start trying to mimic those smarter than yourself...
This is why the Navy didn't shoot down Russian jets

Russian pilots rattled nerves aboard the destroyer Donald Cook, buzzing within yards of the ship in the Baltic Sea. Provocative, sure. But they weren't a credible threat.

So concludes a retired Navy commanding officer, who reviewed photos and videos from the run-ins on Monday and Tuesday, when unarmed Sukhoi Su-24 fighters flew within 1,000 feet of the ship

If you have visual identification of the jet, can see it isn't carrying weapons, and don't detect any electronic emissions suggesting there was a missile lock on the ship, there's nothing to be done.

And ultimately, the the rules of engagement put the CO in charge of how to respond.

"You don’t get to kill people just because they’re being annoying," said Hoffman, who commanded frigate DeWert and cruiser Hue City. Cruisers are the fleet's foremost air defense platform and are tasked with guarding flattops from incoming threats.

This is why the Navy didn't shoot down Russian jets
Yeah, I'd probably do that. No reason not to really, if it happens again.

Another option is to simply fuck with them in a different way.

We've got some lovely submarines that can sneak right up Ivan's asshole, or I'm sure we can come up with some other means of jerking them around to tweak their noses and show them they can get fucked, while not looking to spark a live fire incident.
The US already does that. We often shadow their subs with aircraft, including helicopters. It is our version of buzzing. Russia does it more for domestic propaganda and political reasons. The US does not show a need to publicize it when we screw with them. A heck of a lot of Americans would frown on such action, in Russia, they cheer.

Yep, I know this cat and mouse game goes on all the time. To me, this wasn't a big deal, really, due to that fact.

Is it enough to get all pissed and spark a potential incident, no. I would, however, make sure it didn't go completely unanswered even it was just an American crew mooning their Russian counterparts on a cruise by, and that they knew damn well the reason why.

Here's your reset button, Ivan! lol
We puy American troops on their border at Kaliningrad just a few weeks ago. Just like with the USS Cook in the Black Sea, we get close enough to their major ports and airbases, well within the range of being suspected spy ships, and after awhile they try to chase us away.

and after awhile they try to chase us away

and that's when ya moon em.

Sorry, I'm just goofballing today. Lol.
Friend of mine was so crew chief on a blackhawk flying along the 38th parallel and he mooned the N. KOREAN border guards. They almost pulled his security clearance for that. Our opponents probably get medals.
Obama was watching the basketball game at the White House theatre, he couldn't be bothered.

And why should un armed planes "bother" the CIC of the most powerful military the planet has ever seen?
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

What do you expect Obama should do? Shot down any Russian plane to goes by because of untrained Russian pilot.That's absurd don't you think?
White House launch a formal complaint to Putin which is the professional way.
This thread illustrates why it's so important to keep bedwetting Republicans out of positions of authority. They're hysterical and emotion-based creatures, which is why they chose conservatism, and that makes it simple for foreign leaders to manipulate them into acting against the USA. Like the conservatives on this thread, any conservative president would be Putin's patsy, dancing on his puppet strings.
obama should apologize for the ship being there, then he should at least offer to kiss Putin's ass on world wide television.

Coming from Russian supporter? Yeah right........... Why should Obama apologize to Putin thug? Did Putin apologize to Obama when Russian war planes and war ship are 90 miles from Florida? Did Putin apologize when he fly over Iceland territory?
USS Donald Cook was 70 miles off the coast of Poland considered as international water........ Is Poland part of Russian territory? Heck No.
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Obama was watching the basketball game at the White House theatre, he couldn't be bothered.

And why should un armed planes "bother" the CIC of the most powerful military the planet has ever seen?
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

What do you expect Obama should do? Shot down any Russian plane to goes by because of untrained Russian pilot.That's absurd don't you think?
White House launch a formal complaint to Putin which is the professional way.
Nobody suggested shooting down the Russian plane, morons, however there should be consequences for such an unprovoked hostile act towards the US.

A consequence stronger than a "formal complaint" which in itself is considered act of weakness equivalent to a hissy fit.
Basically what happened during the Carter years because of his ineptitude and failure to comprehend the mentality of our adversaries, is happening all over again with Obama, except this time it's much worse.
Simply issue the order to lock all weapon systems onto incoming aircraft. All kinds of warnings will go off in the Russian aircraft letting him know one push of a button and R2-D2 will go to work. It's then the pilots choice to determine if WE are bluffing or not.

Yet another example of the reckless, irresponsible right, and why a republican has no business being president.

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