The spy balloon about Biden showed clearly the US will never respond to Russian nuclear attack against Ukraine

And if grandma had a beard?
See folk, Mr. I know Everything about Everything and you should listen to me, does not have an answer.

Neither Bush, Sr or Jr or Trump would have gone against Intelligence or Military expertise on the matter, but Biden ABSOLUTELY MUST, or he is a senile, moronic, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Conspiracy theories about Biden or his family are not going to solve the issue, and you are not dealing with the issue.

The term 'conspiracy theory' was invented by satanists to prevent investigative journalism
In any country outside of the US Biden would have already lost his job

The term 'conspiracy theory' was invented by satanists to prevent investigative journalism
In any country outside of the US Biden would have already lost his job

Go check your doctor about the drugs you are on. Psychedelic, no less, for sure.
The term 'conspiracy theory' was invented by satanists to prevent investigative journalism
In any country outside of the US Biden would have already lost his job


You're pitiful. Do you actually believe in satanists, Henny Penny?
Neither Bush, Sr or Jr or Trump would have gone against Intelligence or Military expertise on the matter

No one other potus through the history has destroyed the US defense within like Biden





No one other potus through the history has destroyed the US defense within like Biden





Homophobic, much? Like non of your ancestors or current or future relatives has ever been or will be?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk
Homophobic, much? Like non of your ancestors or current or future relatives has ever been or will be?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk

Question to you:

Which army trough the human history became more strong after accepting of LGBTQ among troops?
All of thew were defeated and disappeared including those ones of Rom, Greek, Byzantium etc.






Homophobic, much? Like non of your ancestors or current or future relatives has ever been or will be?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk

Question # 2

Almost six thousands years humanity rejected LGBTQ as degenerates
Why it must accept these obviously mentally ill people now?






one for sure this ivan has a huge gay - porn content collection , so typical for 🇷🇺🐖
And George W Bush or Trump would have done exactly what, according to your expertise on the matter?
Your question is theoretical, since the Chinese wouldn't have done this if Trump was still President. Unlike Biden, Trump is a master negotiator who understands the value of keeping our adversaries in doubt as to his response to their provocations. One thing he might consider would be to greatly increase our aerial spying activities over China. In common parlance, this could be described as hitting the ball back into their court.

What Democrats don't understand is that China has taken this action in order to provoke a predictable response from the US. They probably would like for Biden to try to shoot down their balloons. If successful, they would claim a violation of international airspace and a precedent for their taking similar action against Taiwan, as well as blame Biden for any environmental contamination this might cause. If unsuccessful, it would make the US look like even more of an incompetent paper tiger and further undermine our domestic confidence and international respect.
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Question to you:

Which army trough the human history became more strong after accepting of LGBTQ among troops?
All of thew were defeated and disappeared including those ones of Rom, Greek, Byzantium etc.






That is your religious extremist point of view. NOT the reality of history. Now you want to consider the demise of Empires because of Homosexuality? Shame on you. Shame on following extremism instead of facts.
Question # 2

Almost six thousands years humanity rejected LGBTQ as degenerates
Why it must accept these obviously mentally ill people now?

Have you read the Hebrew Scriptures in ancient Hebrew? Of course not.

So, to follow those who have decided what is written in it is beyond - what shall I call it? - Pompous of you?

It is actually Milions of years, not 5 to 6,000 years of life on earth and thousands of wild and other animals also showing homosexual acts amongst them.

Please, become informed and fewer humans will be spat on ,attacked, or murdered because a minority of people, religious extremists, decided to bash another minority because they are DIFFERENT and the first minority, cannot and won't try to learn, much less understand others.
Some have become wiser with age, not all. There is a lot of work to be done.

Try it:

Homosexual behaviour has been observed in 1,500 animal species.

"We're talking about everything from mammals to crabs and worms. The actual number is of course much higher. Among some animals homosexual behaviour is rare, some having sex with the same gender only a part of their life, while other animals, such as the dwarf chimpanzee, homosexuality is practiced throughout their lives."

Animals that live a completely homosexual life can also be found. This occurs especially among birds that will pair with one partner for life, which is the case with geese and ducks. Four to five percent of the couples are homosexual. Single females will lay eggs in a homosexual pair's nest. It has been observced that the homosexual couple are often better at raising the young than heterosexual couples.

Amazing, this thread has gone to "Look at the balloon and what to do about it" to "Let us bash homosexuals because Democrats and many Republicans are for treating them the same as other people"
IVAN🇷🇺 YOU CAN always try :lol:
View attachment 753690

US will never respond to Russian nuclear attack against Ukraine

Amazing ignorance by repeating what some in the Republican Party want you to believe.

As if Trump is a lot younger and would actually attack his friend, yes friend, Putin instead of staying out of it while Russia took all of Ukraine and then went for the rest of the USSR Empire he envisioned taking back under his power.

Your question is theoretical, since the Chinese wouldn't have done this if Trump was still President. Unlike Biden, Trump is a master negotiator who understands the value of keeping our adversaries in doubt as to his response to their provocations. One thing he might consider would be to greatly increase our aerial spying activities over China. In common parlance, this could be described as hitting the ball back into their court.

What Democrats don't understand is that China has taken this action in order to provoke a predictable response from the US. They probably would like for Biden to try to shoot down their balloons. If successful, they would claim a violation of international airspace and a precedent for their taking similar action against Taiwan, as well as blame Biden for any environmental contamination this might cause. If unsuccessful, it would make the US look like even more of an incompetent paper tiger and further undermine our domestic confidence and international respect.
You do not know anything, just speculating.

Makes a wonderful action movie, someday.
Your question is theoretical, since the Chinese wouldn't have done this if Trump was still President. Unlike Biden, Trump is a master negotiator who understands the value of keeping our adversaries in doubt as to his response to their provocations. One thing he might consider would be to greatly increase our aerial spying activities over China. In common parlance, this could be described as hitting the ball back into their court.

What Democrats don't understand is that China has taken this action in order to provoke a predictable response from the US. They probably would like for Biden to try to shoot down their balloons. If successful, they would claim a violation of international airspace and a precedent for their taking similar action against Taiwan, as well as blame Biden for any environmental contamination this might cause. If unsuccessful, it would make the US look like even more of an incompetent paper tiger and further undermine our domestic confidence and international respect.
According to Trump, he is a master negotiator, but his failures in negotiating with Russia and China while in office would seem to contradict that claim.
Yesterday was a good day for Russia and China
Biden proves the US hasn't Air Defense and isn't capable to down a spy balloon twenty miles up
Only idiots can believe the US will respond to Russian nukes targeting Khuew, Warsaw or Berlin
Biden, when you're gonna resign, Russia and China are laughing

"....I wear the black shirt.
Today my love is mourning.
Today I have a regret weighing my soul
And it's the fault of your witchcraft...."

Chinese balloon shot down over Atlantic Ocean by U.S.​

he U.S. on Saturday shot down a suspected Chinese surveillance balloon off the Carolina coast, per AP.

The big picture: The balloon, which the Pentagon accused China of using to collect information on U.S. military sites, has heightened tensions between the two nations.

Driving the news: President Biden had given his approval as the administration considered a plan to shoot the balloon down once it was above the Atlantic Ocean, where remnants could potentially be recovered, AP reports.

Since between the UK and France, Europe has about 550 nukes ready to launch and the US has another 400 nukes stationed in Europe only an idiot like you would doubt European Russia would be obliterated if Putin were stupid enough to nuke a NATO nation.

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