The spy balloon about Biden showed clearly the US will never respond to Russian nuclear attack against Ukraine

You might try learning something about a subject before debating it, and here's a place where you might start looking.
So the extent of your analysis doesn't go beyond the first page of a Google search? You apparently know nothing about the INF Treaty, Russian violations (e.g., SSC-8/9M729 missiles) or the fact that it was preventing the US from taking countermeasures against the growing Chinese threat?

Would you like to explain how the mutual withdrawal from this treaty made the US less secure or the world more dangerous? Or is that above your intellectual pay grade?
So the extent of your analysis doesn't go beyond the first page of a Google search? You apparently know nothing about the INF Treaty, Russian violations (e.g., SSC-8/9M729 missiles) or the fact that it was preventing the US from taking countermeasures against the growing Chinese threat?

Would you like to explain how the mutual withdrawal from this treaty made the US less secure or the world more dangerous? Or is that above your intellectual pay grade?
So the extent of your analysis doesn't go beyond the first page of a Google search? You apparently know nothing about the INF Treaty, Russian violations (e.g., SSC-8/9M729 missiles) or the fact that it was preventing the US from taking countermeasures against the growing Chinese threat?

Would you like to explain how the mutual withdrawal from this treaty made the US less secure or the world more dangerous? Or is that above your intellectual pay grade?
The point of the nuclear arms treaties is to maintain a balance of forces so neither side will believe it has an advantage in a nuclear confrontation, but by increasing the range of its intermediate missiles, Russia would have an early advantage in such a confrontation, so Trump contacted Putin to urge him to end these violations of the treaty, but Putin ignored Trump's complaints, so in order to maintain a balance of nuclear weapons again, Trump was forced to withdraw from the treaty and increase the range of NATO's intermediate nuclear weapons; any time there is a nuclear arms race, it increases the danger of a confrontation and reverses the decades old policies of reducing nuclear weapons. This was the beginning of a very aggressive nuclear policy by Putin which includes the development and deployment of hypersonic missiles that are impossible to track, giving Russia a clear advantage in the event of a nuclear war.

Trump understood the gravity of this move by Putin and tried hard to get him to reconsider, but Putin ignored his complaints and Trump was forced to take measures to increase the range of NATO intermediate missiles.

The point of this story is that when Trump claims Putin has such great respect for him that Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if Trump had been in the WH and that Putin would end the war if Trump asked him to are not supported by the facts of Trump's relationship with Putin when he was president.

The point of this story is that when Trump claims Putin has such great respect for him that Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if Trump had been in the WH and that Putin would end the war if Trump asked him to are not supported by the facts of Trump's relationship with Putin when he was president.
You posted this but were unable to produce a single example:
According to Trump, he is a master negotiator, but his failures in negotiating with Russia and China while in office would seem to contradict that claim.
Now you are criticizing his braggadocio. Are you unable to distinguish form from substance?
You posted this but were unable to produce a single example:

Now you are criticizing his braggadocio. Are you unable to distinguish form from substance?
I don't understand why you remain so confused. Trump claims that Putin would never have dared to invade Ukraine if he, Trump, were president, but Putin ignored Trump's efforts to dissuade him from violating the intermediate nuclear treaty in their only major confrontation as president, so there is no reason to believe that Trump would have been able to persuade Putin not to invade Ukraine.

Similarly, Trump claims he could stop the war with one call to Putin, but since his best efforts to persuade Putin not to violate the intermediate nuclear treaty failed, there is no reason to believe Trump could influence Putin's position on the war.

Calm down and try to think this through; it's really not that difficult: Trump is campaigning on the basis of ridiculous claims.
I don't understand why you remain so confused. Trump claims that Putin would never have dared to invade Ukraine if he, Trump, were president, but Putin ignored Trump's efforts to dissuade him from violating the intermediate nuclear treaty in their only major confrontation as president, so there is no reason to believe that Trump would have been able to persuade Putin not to invade Ukraine.

Similarly, Trump claims he could stop the war with one call to Putin, but since his best efforts to persuade Putin not to violate the intermediate nuclear treaty failed, there is no reason to believe Trump could influence Putin's position on the war.

Calm down and try to think this through; it's really not that difficult: Trump is campaigning on the basis of ridiculous claims.
OK you win. The Earth is flat and you are a genius.

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