How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy

"How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy"

A fully extended middle finger will suffice

I almost never agree with you, but this time I do. I stand on the opposite political spectrum than you, I am a conservative.

Show the finger and move on.....if that makes you feel better.

But to shoot down the jet???? and start a thermonuclear war ???

No way Jose.

No way!


Totally agree, but the response has to be such that the Russians don't escalate now to even more dangerous and hostile actions. What next, they'll do a flyby over Washington DC? There has to be line of some kind, which unfortunately with the guy we have in office, there isn't.

I agree Roudy!

Although, truth be told, the destroyer so very close to St Petersburg, was almost the equivalent of the Russians flying over Washington DC.

A tooth for a tooth I guess....American provocation answered with Russian provocation! :dunno:
"How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy"

A fully extended middle finger will suffice

I almost never agree with you, but this time I do. I stand on the opposite political spectrum than you, I am a conservative.

Show the finger and move on.....if that makes you feel better.

But to shoot down the jet???? and start a thermonuclear war ???

No way Jose.

No way!


Totally agree, but the response has to be such that the Russians don't escalate now to even more dangerous and hostile actions. What next, they'll do a flyby over Washington DC? There has to be line of some kind, which unfortunately with the guy we have in office, there isn't.

I agree Roudy!

Although, truth be told, the destroyer so very close to St Petersburg, was almost the equivalent of the Russians flying over Washington DC.

A tooth for a tooth I guess....American provocation answered with Russian provocation! :dunno:

Common Skye be honest once in awhile. There are numerous Russian provocation all over the place. Like regularly invading Iceland airspace.
Your example of being too close to St. Petersburg is way way off compared that to 200 and 100 miles off the California and Connecticut coast where Russian bombers and submarine was spotted.
The destroyer was 70 miles off Poland close to Denmark. Look at St. Petersburg in the map. From St. Petersburg to Warsaw Poland is 1,559 miles. Is that too close to St. Petersburg?

Why is Russia sending bombers close to U.S. airspace? -

Distance from Smolensk, Russia (border with Belarus) to Szcsecin, Poland is approximately 1,430 miles. That is closest it can get from Russia to beach of Poland.
"How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy"

A fully extended middle finger will suffice

I almost never agree with you, but this time I do. I stand on the opposite political spectrum than you, I am a conservative.

Show the finger and move on.....if that makes you feel better.

But to shoot down the jet???? and start a thermonuclear war ???

No way Jose.

No way!


Totally agree, but the response has to be such that the Russians don't escalate now to even more dangerous and hostile actions. What next, they'll do a flyby over Washington DC? There has to be line of some kind, which unfortunately with the guy we have in office, there isn't.

I agree Roudy!

Although, truth be told, the destroyer so very close to St Petersburg, was almost the equivalent of the Russians flying over Washington DC.

A tooth for a tooth I guess....American provocation answered with Russian provocation! :dunno:

Common Skye be honest once in awhile. There are numerous Russian provocation all over the place. Like regularly invading Iceland airspace.
Your example of being too close to St. Petersburg is way way off compared that to 200 and 100 miles off the California and Connecticut coast where Russian bombers and submarine was spotted.
The destroyer was 70 miles off Poland close to Denmark. Look at St. Petersburg in the map. From St. Petersburg to Warsaw Poland is 1,559 miles. Is that too close to St. Petersburg?

Why is Russia sending bombers close to U.S. airspace? -

All started when the Russians concluded that we have a do nothing dufus as president and therefore invaded Crimea, and since US and the West did nothing about that, now they are continuing with the out of control bad behavior. All the red lines drawn by this president are drawn with invisible ink. Nobody takes him seriously any longer.
"How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy"

A fully extended middle finger will suffice

I almost never agree with you, but this time I do. I stand on the opposite political spectrum than you, I am a conservative.

Show the finger and move on.....if that makes you feel better.

But to shoot down the jet???? and start a thermonuclear war ???

No way Jose.

No way!


Totally agree, but the response has to be such that the Russians don't escalate now to even more dangerous and hostile actions. What next, they'll do a flyby over Washington DC? There has to be line of some kind, which unfortunately with the guy we have in office, there isn't.

I agree Roudy!

Although, truth be told, the destroyer so very close to St Petersburg, was almost the equivalent of the Russians flying over Washington DC.

A tooth for a tooth I guess....American provocation answered with Russian provocation! :dunno:

Common Skye be honest once in awhile. There are numerous Russian provocation all over the place. Like regularly invading Iceland airspace.
Your example of being too close to St. Petersburg is way way off compared that to 200 and 100 miles off the California and Connecticut coast where Russian bombers and submarine was spotted.
The destroyer was 70 miles off Poland close to Denmark. Look at St. Petersburg in the map. From St. Petersburg to Warsaw Poland is 1,559 miles. Is that too close to St. Petersburg?

Why is Russia sending bombers close to U.S. airspace? -

All started when the Russians concluded that we have a do nothing dufus as president and therefore invaded Crimea, and since US and the West did nothing about that, now they are continuing with the out of control bad behavior. All the red lines drawn by this president are drawn with invisible ink. Nobody takes him seriously any longer.

No comrade......Putin thug is just trying to show his pekinese teeth.
BTW. Turkey just kick Putin ass by shooting down 2 obsolete planes. Isn't it Obama applied crippling sanctions against Russia? Darn that red line.....
Obama was watching the basketball game at the White House theatre, he couldn't be bothered.

And why should un armed planes "bother" the CIC of the most powerful military the planet has ever seen?
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

OK. And what exactly would you have Obama do? Please be specific. I am honestly curious how you think any president including Obama should react to unsafe flybys.
If he were a he-man repug president, he would have nuked Moscow already.
"How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy"

A fully extended middle finger will suffice

I almost never agree with you, but this time I do. I stand on the opposite political spectrum than you, I am a conservative.

Show the finger and move on.....if that makes you feel better.

But to shoot down the jet???? and start a thermonuclear war ???

No way Jose.

No way!


Totally agree, but the response has to be such that the Russians don't escalate now to even more dangerous and hostile actions. What next, they'll do a flyby over Washington DC? There has to be line of some kind, which unfortunately with the guy we have in office, there isn't.
President Obama has extended a line with the Russians

Rather than engage militarily which is what Putin wants, he has built a coalition to engage them economically. Russia is struggling and they only have their own policies to blame
Obama was watching the basketball game at the White House theatre, he couldn't be bothered.

And why should un armed planes "bother" the CIC of the most powerful military the planet has ever seen?
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

OK. And what exactly would you have Obama do? Please be specific. I am honestly curious how you think any president including Obama should react to unsafe flybys.
If he were a he-man repug president, he would have nuked Moscow already.

Ya.. there is THAT. There is nothing I would rather do than take part in the total destruction of human kind. How better to show we are really on the side of mother nature than to extinguish ourselves and leave the planet to the rats and cockroaches.
Expect Obama to paint one of His famous "red lines" around our naval vessels.

One of his famous WATERCOLOR red lines.......
"How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy"

A fully extended middle finger will suffice

I almost never agree with you, but this time I do. I stand on the opposite political spectrum than you, I am a conservative.

Show the finger and move on.....if that makes you feel better.

But to shoot down the jet???? and start a thermonuclear war ???

No way Jose.

No way!


Totally agree, but the response has to be such that the Russians don't escalate now to even more dangerous and hostile actions. What next, they'll do a flyby over Washington DC? There has to be line of some kind, which unfortunately with the guy we have in office, there isn't.
President Obama has extended a line with the Russians

Rather than engage militarily which is what Putin wants, he has built a coalition to engage them economically. Russia is struggling and they only have their own policies to blame

True. Unlike Raygun who single handedly beat the commies like red headed stepchildren and spent them into the dirt... silly Obama is causing the lowering of gasoline prices for Americans by somehow tricking the Saudis into glutting the world's crude oil availability. Reagan didn't get us so much as a commie decoder ring for his efforts. The benefit of screwing the Ruskies out of oil and gas profits is DUH! lower prices for us. Dang! Did any of you get your Star Wars stuff? I didn't.
Distance from Smolensk, Russia (border with Belarus) to Szcsecin, Poland is approximately 1,430 miles. That is closest it can get from Russia to beach of Poland.

You see that little area between Poland and Lithuania on your map, right on the Baltic?

That's Kaliningrad - A territory of Russia, and home of it's Baltic fleet - and the destroyer that was buzzed was 75 miles from that base.
Distance from Smolensk, Russia (border with Belarus) to Szcsecin, Poland is approximately 1,430 miles. That is closest it can get from Russia to beach of Poland.

You see that little area between Poland and Lithuania on your map, right on the Baltic?

That's Kaliningrad - A territory of Russia, and home of it's Baltic fleet - and the destroyer that was buzzed was 75 miles from that base.

That would be something like the Russians sending it's navy into Cape Cod for war games. :lol:

Obama was watching the basketball game at the White House theatre, he couldn't be bothered.

And why should un armed planes "bother" the CIC of the most powerful military the planet has ever seen?
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

OK. And what exactly would you have Obama do? Please be specific. I am honestly curious how you think any president including Obama should react to unsafe flybys.
If he were a he-man repug president, he would have nuked Moscow already.
Ya right. If he were a respected president, the Russians wouldn't be doing any of this shit in the first place.
Bottom line is Poland and Lithuania aren't Russian territory, but the Russians are acting like it is, for some reason. Maybe it shows what their long term intentions are.
Obama was watching the basketball game at the White House theatre, he couldn't be bothered.

And why should un armed planes "bother" the CIC of the most powerful military the planet has ever seen?
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

OK. And what exactly would you have Obama do? Please be specific. I am honestly curious how you think any president including Obama should react to unsafe flybys.
If he were a he-man repug president, he would have nuked Moscow already.
Ya right. If he were a respected president, the Russians wouldn't be doing any of this shit in the first place.

Ya... I don't suppoze that our warship just a few miles from an important Russian base has anything to do with it. No.. Probably not. :lol:

I wonder why Obama is s worried about Russkie cred anyway. He is only gonna be in the WH for a few months for crime N entlies.
"How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy"

A fully extended middle finger will suffice

I almost never agree with you, but this time I do. I stand on the opposite political spectrum than you, I am a conservative.

Show the finger and move on.....if that makes you feel better.

But to shoot down the jet???? and start a thermonuclear war ???

No way Jose.

No way!


Totally agree, but the response has to be such that the Russians don't escalate now to even more dangerous and hostile actions. What next, they'll do a flyby over Washington DC? There has to be line of some kind, which unfortunately with the guy we have in office, there isn't.
President Obama has extended a line with the Russians

Rather than engage militarily which is what Putin wants, he has built a coalition to engage them economically. Russia is struggling and they only have their own policies to blame

True. Unlike Raygun who single handedly beat the commies like red headed stepchildren and spent them into the dirt... silly Obama is causing the lowering of gasoline prices for Americans by somehow tricking the Saudis into glutting the world's crude oil availability. Reagan didn't get us so much as a commie decoder ring for his efforts. The benefit of screwing the Ruskies out of oil and gas profits is DUH! lower prices for us. Dang! Did any of you get your Star Wars stuff? I didn't.
It seems like you prefer Obama's "reset" button with the Russians, i.e., Russians invading Crimea and threatening to invade Ukraine, buzzing and threatening US military, etc.
And why should un armed planes "bother" the CIC of the most powerful military the planet has ever seen?
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

OK. And what exactly would you have Obama do? Please be specific. I am honestly curious how you think any president including Obama should react to unsafe flybys.
If he were a he-man repug president, he would have nuked Moscow already.
Ya right. If he were a respected president, the Russians wouldn't be doing any of this shit in the first place.

Ya... I don't suppoze that our warship just a few miles from an important Russian base has anything to do with it. No.. Probably not. :lol:

I wonder why Obama is s worried about Russkie cred anyway. He is only gonna be in the WH for a few months for crime N entlies.
75 miles isn't a few miles, and Lithuania and Poland aren't Russian territory.
Because we have an inept, incompetent, paper tiger as president.

OK. And what exactly would you have Obama do? Please be specific. I am honestly curious how you think any president including Obama should react to unsafe flybys.
If he were a he-man repug president, he would have nuked Moscow already.
Ya right. If he were a respected president, the Russians wouldn't be doing any of this shit in the first place.

Ya... I don't suppoze that our warship just a few miles from an important Russian base has anything to do with it. No.. Probably not. :lol:

I wonder why Obama is s worried about Russkie cred anyway. He is only gonna be in the WH for a few months for crime N entlies.
75 miles isn't a few miles, and Lithuania and Poland aren't Russian territory.

You are right. I am just goofing on this thread. I feel so bad. I've met a lot of Eastern Europeans in the last decade and nary a one is worth spit. They are ALL money grubbing clowns. Many have gone back where they came from because they couldn't play by OUR rules so they went home where they are used to fucking each other in the ass. I really don't give a shit what happens over there. If the Ruskies attack one of our ships I say bring it the fuck on. Lets settle it once and for all. Fuck Putin. Fuck ALL of Russia and it's former territory of the USSR. I'm game. Somebody start pushing buttons for christs sakes... enough of this jabbering about it!
"How to Respond to Aggressive Russian Actions Against US Navy"

A fully extended middle finger will suffice

I almost never agree with you, but this time I do. I stand on the opposite political spectrum than you, I am a conservative.

Show the finger and move on.....if that makes you feel better.

But to shoot down the jet???? and start a thermonuclear war ???

No way Jose.

No way!


Totally agree, but the response has to be such that the Russians don't escalate now to even more dangerous and hostile actions. What next, they'll do a flyby over Washington DC? There has to be line of some kind, which unfortunately with the guy we have in office, there isn't.
President Obama has extended a line with the Russians

Rather than engage militarily which is what Putin wants, he has built a coalition to engage them economically. Russia is struggling and they only have their own policies to blame

True. Unlike Raygun who single handedly beat the commies like red headed stepchildren and spent them into the dirt... silly Obama is causing the lowering of gasoline prices for Americans by somehow tricking the Saudis into glutting the world's crude oil availability. Reagan didn't get us so much as a commie decoder ring for his efforts. The benefit of screwing the Ruskies out of oil and gas profits is DUH! lower prices for us. Dang! Did any of you get your Star Wars stuff? I didn't.
It seems like you prefer Obama's "reset" button with the Russians, i.e., Russians invading Crimea and threatening to invade Ukraine, buzzing and threatening US military, etc.

"threatening US military"

Oh ya... and our warship just got lost and THAT'S why we are there. Fuck Crimea.. Fuck the Ukraine and all of those piss ant a-holes. They are all butt fucking back stabbers. You can lament about them all you want. I will not.

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