How To Stop Mass Shootings? Abolish Gun-Free Zones.

Third thread on this idiotic idea and that's just this morning.

First - there's no such thing as a "gun free zone" But I'll ask you what I asked in one of the other nutter threads -

So, uh, are you saying a woman survivor said she had time to leave where she was visiting with friends at the xmas party, unlock her locker, get her purse out of her locker, get her gun out of her purse, put her purse back, lock the locker, return to the party and take down the shooters?


How about we stop NRA's helping terrorists buy guns?


sigh. . .





In a few years you will have gun nuts walking around armed to the teeth and something like this will happen.
Sad but true is also you'll have one gun nut mow down another gun nut who was fighting back against the original assailants.
You heard it here first...
All courtesy of the 2nd Amendment.

As in mashed potatoes, there is also MASHED LOGIC.
In other words, create a police state, and severely limit freedom?
I don't feel like my freedom is being limited by security checks for weapons. Not even a little bit (let alone "severely")

Plus, just think. By these added security measures, then you'll have the ADDED "freedom" to keep on living. Wouldn't that be nice ?

We already accept other gun free zones, airports, courts, federal buildings. All this would do is if someone wanted to declare something a "gun free zone" they would have to put their money where their mouth is.

Bill Clinton started the movement for gun free zones - with his creation of a bill to make military bases gun free zones.
Hillary and Bill Clinton are inadvertently responsible for gun free zones and what they have created. A vote for Hillary Clinton
is a vote for the disarming of America. It would be the end of us. Ted Cruz created a bill to overturn Bill Clinton's gun free zone
bill and abolish it. He saw the danger it was putting our military men and women in. This was before Fort Hood Massacre.
The jihadists are awaiting the day that The Obama Administration / Clinton's will disarm America making the people of
America sitting ducks. Do not let it happen.
Abolishing gun free zones means that no one is entitled to take action against someone walking into your establishment carrying an arsenal of weapons,
at least until he starts shooting people.

FALSE! The mere act of abolishing a gun-free zone, does not carry with it an automatic privilege to carry an unrestricted quantity of guns. Of course there could be restrictions on long guns, and anyone carrying an arsenal of weapons in would soon be stopped.
In other words, create a police state, and severely limit freedom?
I don't feel like my freedom is being limited by security checks for weapons. Not even a little bit (let alone "severely")

Plus, just think. By these added security measures, then you'll have the ADDED "freedom" to keep on living. Wouldn't that be nice ?

We already accept other gun free zones, airports, courts, federal buildings. All this would do is if someone wanted to declare something a "gun free zone" they would have to put their money where their mouth is.
TSA Lets Loaded Guns Past Security, on to Planes
TSA Lets Loaded Guns Past Security, on to Planes
Courthouse Shooting
Courthouse Shooting
Washington Navy Yard shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Washington Navy Yard shooting
When you are so reliant on the Guvment to take care of you, you will end up like sheeple. Dead ones at that also. Why is it the homosexual president gets bullet proof glass and a well armed escort? Because HE is a chicken shit. If Americans are to give up their guns, then he should have HIS security give up theirs.

In a few years you will have gun nuts walking around armed to the teeth and something like this will happen.
Sad but true is also you'll have one gun nut mow down another gun nut who was fighting back against the original assailants.
You heard it here first...
All courtesy of the 2nd Amendment.

As in mashed potatoes, there is also MASHED LOGIC.

Other nations that have almost no gun violence don't have the 2nd Amendment.

So, when are you going back to combat in the middle east? You said you were "in combat" (at the age of 69) in October--flown out of a C17 and everything.:rofl:

When is your next deployment?
Third thread on this idiotic idea and that's just this morning.

First - there's no such thing as a "gun free zone" But I'll ask you what I asked in one of the other nutter threads -

So, uh, are you saying a woman survivor said she had time to leave where she was visiting with friends at the xmas party, unlock her locker, get her purse out of her locker, get her gun out of her purse, put her purse back, lock the locker, return to the party and take down the shooters?


How about we stop NRA's helping terrorists buy guns?

Do you suppose that if the so called government did their job, that those with the intent to kill others would be not able to get guns? Why would a fanatical muslim be able to purchase a gun legally , FBI background check given the seller the okay to do it? It isn't the sellers problem but the GOV
In a few years you will have gun nuts walking around armed to the teeth and something like this will happen.

Sad but true is also you'll have one gun nut mow down another gun nut who was fighting back against the original assailants.

You heard it here first...

All courtesy of the 2nd Amendment.
You are such an idiot. How do I know you are one? Because when I lived in Tuscon Az, I was able to openly carry everyday other than in banks and the post office. Not once during the 3 years I was there, was any instance of gun fire from anyone else who lived in that city. Why? Because no one wanted to take a risk on who was faster to the draw. But since you liberal watch Liberalwood(Hollywood) and believe everything that comes out of that degenerate city, you blame the gun, not the liberal behind it killing others. I now live in Virginia, carry concealed a .45 cal auto pistol, I do not go out of my way to find trouble, but if some stupid liberal(redundant statement) wants to get in my face and try to ruin my day, I will be glad to give them the 50 cent solution.

View attachment 56137

You wrote:

Because when I lived in Tuscon Az, I was able to openly carry everyday other than in banks and the post office. Not once during the 3 years I was there, was any instance of gun fire from anyone else who lived in that city. Why? Because no one wanted to take a risk on who was faster to the draw.

First, if you lived there, you would know how to spell it. Be that as it may, I lived in Tucson for almost 30 years. One of the shootings maimed a US congresswoman and killed others, including a 9yo girl.

There were several armed assholes there, including one who hid in the Walgreen's while unarmed people brought down the shooter.

You wrote:

you blame the gun, not the liberal behind it killing others. I now live in Virginia, carry concealed a .45 cal auto pistol, I do not go out of my way to find trouble, but if some stupid liberal(redundant statement) wants to get in my face and try to ruin my day, I will be glad to give them the 50 cent solution.

No. I don't blame the gun. I blame the loose cannons like you. You remind me of the sicko mass shooter who used to post here before he went postal and murdered people. You're just itching for the chance, the excuse to shoot people. You don't talk about stopping killers. You talk only about wanting to be a killer yourself. You really are tomorrow's mass shooter. Sadly, you fools don't just kill each other. You usually kill innocent people.

BTW, if you are carrying a loaded gun, you are indeed 'going out of your way to find trouble'.

Bill Clinton started the movement for gun free zones - with his creation of a bill to make military bases gun free zones. Hillary and Bill Clinton are inadvertently responsible for gun free zones and what they have created. A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote for the disarming of America. It would be the end of us. Ted Cruz created a bill to overturn Bill Clinton's gun free zone bill and abolish it. He saw the danger it was putting our military men and women in. This was before Fort Hood Massacre.
The jihadists are awaiting the day that The Obama Administration / Clinton's will disarm America making the people of America sitting ducks. Do not let it happen.

Great post!!
People watch too many hollywood movies.

Yeah, you take an average person who works at Humana or the Water Department and give them a gun and they will turn into Chuck Norris and mow down the bad guys who are often ready to die anyway.
Who is watching too many Hollywood movies again? I'd say it's you!! What an imagination you have! ha! ha!
this world is full of despicable sons of bitches.

nobody has the answer.
People watch too many hollywood movies.

Yeah, you take an average person who works at Humana or the Water Department and give them a gun and they will turn into Chuck Norris and mow down the bad guys who are often ready to die anyway.
Who is watching too many Hollywood movies again? I'd say it's you!! What an imagination you have! ha! ha!

The OP.
Gosh, if that's what you want, why would you choose to live in in the US? You'd be so much happier in N. Korea.
Or if you choose to have no security, you could be living in an ISIS cage, in Syria. :biggrin:
Luddly will be living in North Korea right here if we are every disarmed as a nation.

You will never read me saying we should "disarm as a nation". If you say that, you are lying. (Jeremiah - that is my biggest disappointment in you. That you lie so freely.)

There are more than 300 million guns in this country. How has that stopped mass shootings? More than 30% of the mass shootings of the world occur in the free US. How does that make us more free?

The latest excuse is our abysmal mental health system but if that were the cause, other countries would have similar mass killings, but with with other weapons.

RWNJs knowingly work to arm terrorists, illegals, criminals and crazies. Why don't we start there?
You're a liberal supporting liberals, Candy. Keep worrying............
Worked so far.
Do you know what happens to those who support communists once the tanks roll in and they take over a nation?
They line those who helped them - up against a brick wall - and the last thing they see is a firing squad.
Hold that thought, Doll.

Oh brother...tanks...blah blah communists...blah blah...firing squads....blah blah.

Your slip is showing drama queen.

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